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  • in reply to: Testing Contact Form – It doesn't seem to work #1211568

    Thank you very much for your response. We were finally able to resolve it on our own. You may close this thread. Best,
    Charissa (for Nikos)

    Thank you very much! I have passed this information on to the team.

    Charissa (for Nikos)

    This topic can be closed because we finally got the help we needed to resolve it from WPEngine support.

    Hi, yes, that is the homepage. He wanted the “Product” menu item to direct to the homepage. I was able to fix the issue with WP Engine support on Friday since I had not heard back from you.

    We finally figured all this out with help from WP Engine support since we could never get an answer from theme support on this.

    So, again, also posted in this thread, but never answered:
    I’ll paste the back end settings in the private form below.

    So, the main problem is, when the form is filled out, the addresses listed on the back end that are supposed to receive the message never do.

    But I do receive a confirmation at the email I used when filling out the form on the front end, and when I reply to that email, it goes to the two email addresses listed on the back end separated by commas.

    Why are we not getting the messages sent from the form on the site though? We took the site live tonight, and I thought maybe this issue would work once the site was live and no longer staged at the WP Engine address, but it still doesn’t work. Can you help? we need to get this up and running asap in order to share the site.

    So, I happened to ask WP engine support about this glitch tonight, and they fixed it. But we still aren’t getting emails from the contact form. Can you help with that?

    FYI, we couldn’t wait and are taking the site live tonight. however, we are waiting for boss and client to point the A record, once that’s done you’ll be able to login again with the info I provided you in the private comments above. I’ll leave the new URL in the private comments here.

    Good Afternoon, it has been over a week since I first asked this question, and we still have received no help and no response, all the while, are simpler, easier-to-resolve questions. We have all been answered within a day of posting them. We are taking the site live tonight. Will you please help?

    Good Afternoon,

    The issue resolved itself when I updated the page. But it was a very strange glitch to have before that. And it wasn’t the copyright footer. It was the footer above that, with the disclaimer, that was showing differently on the About Us page than everywhere else.

    We still have received NO answer to our biggest issues on this other thread, however:

    Can you *please* help? We are taking the site live tonight!

    Thank you for your response. No, we are not running any plugins.

    All we have is the theme and the demo content. Everything is being updated under “Enfold Child.”

    I was sent some updates to make to that page, and after I made the updates, the page was appearing as normal again.

    What we are also still having a lot of trouble with are these two issues:

    When my boss visits the site, sometimes the header image doesn’t appear for him on the home page, so I created a new home page from scratch, since we’d been using the demo content homepage from which to build our original homepage. But as mentioned in that other ticket, even though we have WP Settings/Reading/Homepage set to “new home page” when you go to our URL or click on the logo anywhere in the site, it still takes you to the OLD homepage despite that!!
    Since we have WP Engine, I am able to purge the cache after making changes each time (as well as back up the site after that), so we are clearly experiencing some sort of glitchy issues related to the demo content, but I don’t know how to resolve it. Anytime I’ve ever experienced anything like this, all I have to do is purge the cache, but nothing is resolving this. I have been asking about it for a week, and still no answer. I keep linking back to that thread in hopes of getting help with this soon.

    Thank you kindly.

    Here is the second unanswered question from this thread:
    2. In WordPress/Settings/Reading, the homepage is currently set to “New Home Page,” however, whenever you click on the logo for the website or go to the main URL (pasted in private content area), and then I click edit page, I go in the back end and it’s still taking me to the old home page – name posted in private content area.

    Pasted from when I originally asked this on April 23:
    While you’re in there, could you also check on another serious glitch that occurred?

    I used the demo home page from which to create our home page initially, because unlike WPBakery which I’m accustomed to working with, I could not find how to get to the HTML tab to copy all the code from the page to post into a new page for me to customize. Because of this, I was getting a code error on the main home page the entire time I was building the site. So, yesterday, I created a new home page for the site from scratch to match the one I had built on the glitchy page. I named the new one new home page and then changed the name of the original glitchy one to old home page. Then despite purging the cache with WP Engine after each change, things just got glitchier. In WordPress/Settings/Reading I changed the main home page to “new home page” (i’ll paste the actual links in the private box below), however, despite it showing that it’s set to the new home page in settings, when I click on the logo or go to our main URL, it still takes me to the OLD homepage! I did finally figure out how to click on the 3 dots at the top right to get all the HTML to copy, so I was able to correct the glitch on the old homepage after that by pasting in all the code from the new homepage I created. I contacted WP Engine support about this yesterday, though we both agreed this falls upon theme support–I just needed help from someone who could respond right away. And they said it’s clearly a theme/cache issue. I’ve never experienced a cache glitch like this that purging the cache didn’t resolve. We want to change the name of New Home page to simply “home.” but because there was an existing page called home on the demo content originally, when I tried to change this, it somehow put all the content from that original demo page on the page after I did and I lost ALL my work on the new home page!! So, I had to restore from a previous backup on WP Engine. I always use theme demo content when building new WordPress sites, and I’ve never had anything like this happen. We need to get this site published ASAP due to the content being pretty essential right now. Please be very careful when you log in, because I am afraid of losing all my current content. I did back the site up, but that backup also includes all the current glitches.
    Thank you.
    Charissa for nikos (theme was purchased with his envato account and it won’t let me change username on here to my name).

    Please read the original questions above. We have two outstanding issues.

    1. When the contact form is filled out, we get a confirmation at the form filler’s email address, but we do NOT get any emails at the email addresses listed for the company to receive them. Please see the private data field for how we have the contact form filled out.

    Thank you so much! I was able to fix the phone issue with your help however, we still have the other outstanding issues with the Contact form operation and the homepage glitch. Please see my next two replies below along with all the original information I originally asked last week. thank you for your help. We hope to get this site up and running asap.

    Charissa (for Nikos)

    in reply to: Testing Contact Form – It doesn't seem to work #1206971

    Good Afternoon,

    I still have not received a response on this and we are hoping to take the site live as soon as this and our other issue is ironed out:

    Thank you. Please respond.

    in reply to: How do I center the copyright in the footer? #1206970

    Good Afternoon, I just checked and you are the one who replied to the thread asking for login info in the private data area. Can you please help? We need to take this site live as soon as we can get these issues sorted out:

    Good Evening, Just checking to see if there’s any update on this? I’ve been sent additional changes to the site, and they now want the /product page to be the home page (I will take care of that), but I still am having the glitch mentioned above with the page set in the WP settings as the homepage, not being the actual homepage. It continues to default to the demo content home page.
    Thank you for your help. we hope to take this site live over the weekend, but we still need your feedback on these issues with the contact form and the home page.

    in reply to: How do I center the copyright in the footer? #1206605

    Thank you very much! That worked! It looks great now!

    Hopefully we can get some help on our issue with the contact form and the new caching issue with the homepage I brought up. I provided theme admin login info in the private form on that thread.

    Charissa for nikos (it won’t let me change the name in the profile settings here and the theme was purchased with my boss’s envato account)

    Hi, Yes, please see the private contact box below. It would help to have an email address from you, so I could create an admin login, but I’ll just use another work email address.

    While you’re in there, could you also check on another serious glitch that occurred?

    I used the demo home page from which to create our home page initially, because unlike WPBakery which I’m accustomed to working with, I could not find how to get to the HTML tab to copy all the code from the page to post into a new page for me to customize. Because of this, I was getting a code error on the main home page the entire time I was building the site. So, yesterday, I created a new home page for the site from scratch to match the one I had built on the glitchy page. I named the new one new home page and then changed the name of the original glitchy one to old home page. Then despite purging the cache with WP Engine after each change, things just got glitchier. In WordPress/Settings/Reading I changed the main home page to “new home page” (i’ll paste the actual links in the private box below), however, despite it showing that it’s set to the new home page in settings, when I click on the logo or go to our main URL, it still takes me to the OLD homepage! I did finally figure out how to click on the 3 dots at the top right to get all the HTML to copy, so I was able to correct the glitch on the old homepage after that by pasting in all the code from the new homepage I created. I contacted WP Engine support about this yesterday, though we both agreed this falls upon theme support–I just needed help from someone who could respond right away. And they said it’s clearly a theme/cache issue. I’ve never experienced a cache glitch like this that purging the cache didn’t resolve. We want to change the name of New Home page to simply “home.” but because there was an existing page called home on the demo content originally, when I tried to change this, it somehow put all the content from that original demo page on the page after I did and I lost ALL my work on the new home page!! So, I had to restore from a previous backup on WP Engine. I always use theme demo content when building new WordPress sites, and I’ve never had anything like this happen. We need to get this site published ASAP due to the content being pretty essential right now. Please be very careful when you log in, because I am afraid of losing all my current content. I did back the site up, but that backup also includes all the current glitches.
    Thank you.
    Charissa for nikos (theme was purchased with his envato account and it won’t let me change username on here to my name).

    in reply to: Testing Contact Form – It doesn't seem to work #1206289

    Good Morning, It is able to send emails.

    Here is an additional question I posted two days ago and haven’t received an answer to.

    Good Afternoon,
    Hoping for prompt feedback as we’re looking to take this site live within the next day or two.

    1. Is there a way to make the Phone Number form field optional, without an asterisk next to it? I didn’t see this option on the back end. If you can help, I will need pretty detailed instructions if there is code I need to add. I am not familiar with this theme at all (I’m used to themes that use WPBakery).

    2. When we test the Contact Form, I am not getting a message to my email at all. I am getting a response to my test email address with a copy of my message and that it was received, and I receive the reply if I respond to this test message, but I’m not actually receiving anything to the input email addresses (separated by commas) from the message section of the form with the message that anyone fills out on the site. Is there a way I can send you a screenshot? There’s no place to upload one.

    I’ll try to copy/paste the text since there’s no place for me to leave a screenshot, but I’ll put it in the private content below since it has our email addresses.

    I would greatly appreciate a response with detailed instructions, where applicable. Again, I’m not familiar with this theme, so I really will need step by step help to make any updates, particularly if coding is involved. I’m very familiar with WPBakery and how to change things there.

    thank you.

    Charissa for Nikos (didn’t see how to change username. he purchased the theme so it defaults to his name, but I will be the one using the forum for support)

    Good morning, can you please provide feedback on this today. It is urgent that we take the site live within the next day.

    in reply to: Unable to Register #1201052

    Thank you.

    I tried submitting my first question, but it took forever after I hit submit and then didn’t go through and I got an error message.

    So, here is my first question:

    How do I remove \”Enfold WordPress Theme by Kriesi\” from the copyright?
    I found another thread that said, “You can also just add [nolink] to the end of your copyright line under Theme Options -> Footer,” so I tried this and now it says, “© Copyright 2020 – (company name), All Rights Reserved [no link] – Enfold WordPress Theme by Kriesi” That advice was dated 2013, so obviously this is OLD advice that no longer works as a solution.

    Can you please give me a 2020 solution for this issue?

    Thank you.

    (sorry, the user profile defaulted to my boss’s envato account, and I was able to update it to my name)

    in reply to: Unable to Register #1201048

    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for your help! I was able to log in. So, it looks like everything is tied to my boss’s envato account and I am unable to update my name and display name in this support forum.

    But at least I’m logged in and can ask questions now.

    Thank you for your help.

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