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  • in reply to: How to ReOrder Page Sidebar Submenu Items #130676


    There is often an inherent problem with WordPress core that I noticed where sometimes thing need to be moved around a bit before initially saving them. I like to almost shuffle my menus a few times,,, sort of to warm it up. Same goes for the widgets and sidebars, good idea to move them a bit around, somehow it works (or maybe I am just projecting lol).

    Enjoy the theme!



    in reply to: Newbie looking for a little help… pt2 #127913


    I tried 3 installs on 3 different servers and was unable to reproduce this. If you want I can login and set it up so that it would work, but all I will do is reinstall wordpress, the theme, reset the database, and delete all the non essential plugins. At that point you need to test everything taken out as you put it back until something will cause this event. My email is usjahm (at) gmail (dot) com and please reference this post if you decide to accept my offer .



    in reply to: Styling several elements, login and my account #132228


    1) Do you mean like on this page? without the bullet points?

    2) The easiest thing to do would be to modify the css of existing buttons and replace them with your css so that you can use the same shortcode. There are many button sizes, The css that styles the buttons is located in /css/shortcodes.css on lines 2459 and in many other places. There are a number of plugins both free and premium that allow easy creation of shortcodes.

    3) Which text on which page do you want to change?

    4) This post has examples and link to other examples.

    5) Please try this plugin for login.



    in reply to: Logo size bigger is overlapping the slider #131993


    I think the padding and line height are way too big.

    We would need to see the url to the site and actually look at the code in order to provide you with css to fix this, an image alone is not helpful. You can put the link to your site inside in order to hide it.



    in reply to: Enfold tablles #130433


    Hmmm… Well it was a clever use of misdirection since I focused on the phrase without noticing the first sentence even. Heh. Nice job ;)

    I looked, and nothing really jumps out except what i mentioned about number of columns in smartphone needs to be cut down to 3-4 since otherwise it will overflow. You need to play around with the numbers in the css I gave you since its just a matter of adjusting the width in the mobile device media query.

    If you are referring to something taking place in only a small range , you must remember that most mobile devices come in certain sizes. Can you provide a snapshot and point an arrow to what you are referring to please.



    in reply to: Landing page menu #131580


    Your page has multiple javascript errors that need to be fixed. You are using some Moonray Smartform plugin, and all the errors seems to be coming from it:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'formConditions' of undefined jquery.moonray.smartform.js:54

    Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'moonraySmartForm' genjs-v2.php?html=false&uid=p2c10469f14:72

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'formConditions' of undefined jquery.moonray.smartform.js:54

    Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'moonraySmartForm' genjs-v2.php?html=false&uid=p2c10469f14:72

    This css will take care of that issue for you. Please add it to /css/custom.css OR to Quick CSS.

    .header_color .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {
    color: #000 !important;

    I dont see the bar below the menu moving anymore, it is always visible now.



    in reply to: Enfold tablles #130430


    I was reading your page , and you have some information on there which is not correct. Counting cards is not illegal.

    Let me explain. Blackjack is legally defined as a game of chance just as are slot machines. If a law made counting cards illegal that would mean that skill is involved that can influence the outcome, which is in fact true, but that would then make blackjack closer to tournament poker, where a number of judges in various regulated and unregulated markets around the world already ruled that blackjack is a game with a significant skill component. Though I don’t know laws in your country, it is not illegal to count cards in any casino in the United States.

    However since a casino is private property, if they suspect you of counting, they will ask you to leave and ban you as is their right since it is their private property for any reason not covered by civil rights legislation (age, gender, etc..)

    In fact in Atlantic City , the NJ Supreme Court ruled that casinos are not allowed to ban players for counting cards since by state law, blackjack is a game of chance with zero skill component. They still ban the players who count though officially they give some other reason for the ban.

    In either scenario, counting cards is perfectly legal.

    I looked at your menu in Google Chrome in various screen sizes and I don’t see any problems. Please elaborate and illustrate what they are.



    in reply to: Questions about Post Slider #131635


    Please add the css below to the very bottom of your /css/custom.css file OR to Quick CSS located in Enfold > (Theme Options) > Layout styling at the page bottom.

    1) Title of Post slider (current setting below. if font size becomes too big , adjust line height)

    .avia-content-slider .slide-entry-title {
    font-size: 14px;
    line-height: 1.4em;

    2) Overlays on hover for images (all set for you)

    .avia-content-slider .image-overlay  {
    display:none !important;
    .avia-content-slider .image-overlay:hover {
    display:none !important;
    .avia-content-slider .avia-font-entypo-fontello {
    display: none;

    3) Arrows (all set)

    .avia-content-slider .avia-slideshow-arrows {
    display: none !important;

    4) Annoying vertical movement (all set but you may need to adjust the height based on your page specifics…)

    .avia-content-slider .slide-entry {
    height: 310px;



    in reply to: Change Enfold slider text backgroung #131384


    I changed your code a bit. Please try it again.

    Is there a link we can see? You can use to hide the url from the rest of the world.



    in reply to: Landing page menu #131578


    The functionality you are describing is currently (for the moment) not one included in the theme and would be a time intensive modifications that IMO would be outside the scope of the support team.

    Show none of them as active – you wrote , and by that do you mean show no portfolio thumbs? You can use css to block the images on initial load by positioning the thumbnails off screen or hidden if I understood you second question correctly.




    The code below needs to be placed at the very end of functions.php to remove that code from the bottom of the posts

    function mytheme_init() {

    function mytheme_comments_form_defaults($default) {
    return $default;

    Please open up config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio.php line 380 which looks like

    $first_item_name = apply_filters('avf_portfolio_sort_first_label', __('All','avia_framework' ), $params);

    The All used in portfolio is right there in my code and it should be translating . Please update to the latest version of the theme which is 2-3 versions newer than what you are using.


    To find all your threads just click on the word Member under your name on this thread under your avatar.



    in reply to: Advanced slider 2 distorts when played. #131554


    Thanks, sorry for the delay. Your site looks great by the way, nice and clean and the slider complements the design.

    Enjoy the theme!



    in reply to: Several questions re: Enfold and links (WP newbie) #131344


    To create a menu, what process do you follow. What you need to do is go to Appearance > Menus. Then click the little tab gear icon to create and name a new menu. Then you hit save on the menu. Then you attach the menu on the top left portion of the screen as the first menu and you click save below it. Only at that point do you begin to attach the individual pages to the menu and when you are finished you click the save box on the right top side of the page.

    So. If you create 3 new menus calling each One, Two and Three. And click save for each menu in the top right side and then click refresh button, all the menus will disappear? How much memory are you using please make sure you are at least at 128M. Please make sure that you do not have Jetpack Plugin activated. Let us know the results.



    in reply to: CSS help #131138


    Please turn off any cache plugin you are using during development. You may also need to adjust your local server options as I’ve run across many people that the local setup doesn’t work but everything runs fine on a live server.



    in reply to: Latest News Widget and other Widgets Text Color #130700



    Here some answers , since CSS was a fraction of the questions.. but some questions first.

    Is your w3tc working? I see its on but I am not sure what its doing. Just don’t use the minification from w3tc, instead use ”better wordpress minify” plugin in conjunction with w3tc or preferable super cache.

    Only activate cache plugins when you completely finished with development. Otherwise you will not see your edits untill the cache expires (some are set for millions of seconds).

    You must update your theme, since you are using a buggy old version , at least 4-5 versions behind the current version. Log into , download the latest version, unzip it (twice) and install via FTP overwritting all your theme files (dont forget to backup). I think this may be the root problem you are having that is non-css related.



    in reply to: Side Bar Colour Changes #131480


    This is the css for sidebar widget headers

    #top .sidebar h3.widgettitle{


    but it can also be

    #top .widget h3.widgettitle{

    Can you please provide a url regarding the other areas so that we can give you css specific to your situation. You can mask the url to your site with to keep it private.



    in reply to: Form field select border color #131478


    Please add this to Quick CSS or to /css/Custom.css

    #top .alternate_color input[type='text'], #top .alternate_color input[type='input'], #top .alternate_color input[type='password'], #top .alternate_color input[type='email'], #top .alternate_color input[type='number'], #top .alternate_color input[type='url'], #top .alternate_color input[type='tel'], #top .alternate_color input[type='search'], #top .alternate_color textarea, #top .alternate_color select {
    border-color: orange;



    in reply to: Auto Responder – Modify HTML and default text #131454


    The file is /framework/php/class-form-generator.php

    And you should look for lines 636-639… 637 is the line where the content of the message gets sets.



    in reply to: Social media icons in header next to nav links #131436


    Indeed that links to a post by Peter who explains the concept in depth.



    in reply to: Header's height and mega menu border #130317


    Too funny. But the URL you left on the previous post was removed so now … Can we get it back? Please use to mask the domain name.



    in reply to: Removing of image-slideshow navigation icons #130900


    Err.. Sorry I managed to misspell both display and visibility (corrected spelling now). Sorry about that, one for the record books. Please try Peter’s correctly spelled code above.



    in reply to: enlarged logo in internet explorer #129911


    Show a url please.



    in reply to: Latest News Widget and other Widgets Text Color #130698


    I decided that the best thing to do is to show you how to edit CSS yourself. I made a short video and I promise you that if you watch it carefully and follow along, that you will be able to solve vast majority of these issues yourself without needing to know how to write a single line of code. So far all the people I showed similar videos who showed an equivalent interest level in the topic were able to edit themselves within 30 minutes.



    in reply to: Latest News Widget and other Widgets Text Color #130696


    Sorry for the delay. Alright. Quick CSS lesson. Don’t use single classes because they sometimes work but most of the time they are not specific enough. WHen you write the whole selector made of classes you should think of it like giving driving directions. If you say 12 Apple Street , that wont help a guest who is on the expressway. so you need to give some reference points. If its a div with a class myclass1, you can try div.myclass1{ } (or h2.myclass1{ } if it was h2 tag with that class) if there is a link inside that same div, you would use div.myclass1 a { }

    I can’t give you the exact code because you are not including the url to your site. Since there are so many various updates, plugin combinations boxes/full layout, background image combinations, it will not be possible. So please provide a url and I will be able to answer your questions. You can hide the url to your site by wrapping in so that it will not be seen.



    in reply to: Icons not showing in FF and IE #130976


    There is a good video produced by Devin outlining the best way to update via FTP for which you will need to get the login and password from your host.



    in reply to: Newbie looking for a little help… pt2 #127910


    Something is weird with you setup. It crashed my chrome dev tools every single time and chrome tab as well. Never seen that before. You have a few display:none related to menu in your Quick CSS. Can you take them out please.

    What specific device are you customizing for right now? Because dragging the screen on a desktop only tells you what doesn’t work for people who drag screens on desktops. But if there is no mobile device that has that screen size, then you are optimizing the size for only window draggers.



    in reply to: Contact Form Malfunction #127750


    Please add this to the very end of your Quick CSS or /css/custom.css. Please make sure its at the end.

    .ajaxresponse {
    .ajaxresponse .avia-form-success {
    margin:0 auto;
    .entry-content h3 {
    margin:0 auto;
    right: -60px;



    in reply to: Logo stretched on Sub pages #131036


    Please provide a url to the page in question since we need to look at live code to be able to answer this question, as well as see which version of the theme you are using since there are differences, as well as the type of header, etc… You can use to hide the destination url from google bots.


    In March of 2013, IE7 finally went below 1% usage in East Uganda, Patagonia and among the indigenous people of the Amazon river basin ( )

    If you put all the people who use IE7 into a small stadium and called in the fire marshal, he would say there is no problem and many empty seats left.

    At this stage IE7 is no longer supported by anyone and even major retail websites now charge an additional tax on purchases from customers using IE7 ( ) …

    You have to remember that IE7 users are used to seeing the web as a broken mess of pages, non working forms, sliders that never slide and basically a pile of images, text and fonts clumped around the page in between blinking warnings and errors. If you show them a working page, it will only confuse and scare them.

    What I mean to say is, please don’t support IE7 and let that buggy diseased piece of software die quietly since you are better off customizing for the new North Korean browser – the long awaited Kim Jong 3000 – to be released once the wiring is upgraded for telegraph modems…



    in reply to: Icons not showing in FF and IE #130974


    Yes I see it. Chrome works, Firefox shows the character codes for the font and IE just shows nothing.

    Please upgrade there is a new version out.



    in reply to: Latest News Widget and other Widgets Text Color #130692


    Would you please include a url with each of the issues you are having. This way we can look at your live code and provide a custom response specific to your case.



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