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  • Hi,

    Sorry, is there a url we can look at?



    in reply to: Colour & Font Size Changes #117564


    Use either to send screenshots that you don’t need to alter. If you need to add something to screenshot, use for chrome. You can always add images and get a link on

    In the video when I always paste the css in Dev Tools at the end of existing css, all under the ‘Sources” tab, what I am doing is making sure that the css actually works since by pasting there, I am adding my changed css at the end of the cascade. When you change things under the “”Elements”” tab, you are virtually changing the css but in the position it is normally located in the cascade.

    And no matter how well the Dev Tools have been written, there are situations where bad css and whatnot change things later in the cascade. Thus I don’t rely on my original changes in the ‘Elements”” tab and like to double check them before I paste and save the block of css into my site (or paste it here as an answer to a support request). Its a process of sculpting and tweaking the css to force it to obey.

    *Ok lets end this support request since I think with the video and code, this train of thought is complete and will perhaps help others. That other thing you ask about, please open a new ticket since that should have its own discussion, you can add ”nick” as a tag.



    in reply to: how to edit right sidebar ? #118393


    Your image points to a sidebar which can be set in Appearance > Widgets. On the right side are a number of sidebars and you would drag a widget on that page onto the sidebar you want.



    in reply to: how to replace the block divider line with image? #118136

    No problem. Enjoy the theme!




    Please open up /config-templatebuilder/config.php and go to line 45. The directions are right above that line number explaining as to what needs to be done. Lets hope that this will do the trick.



    in reply to: Colour & Font Size Changes #117561


    Here is dat video link (in Brooklyn accent)

    Video for Vimeo.. once I trim 8 minutes off it.


    in reply to: Colour & Font Size Changes #117558


    Put up a menu on your website. Please don’t talk in abstractions and generalities or i will make up my own colors, sizes, etc. I get a vague notion of #6. The rest I think I get. I made video of me doing it. Good stuff for youttube.. Website crashed in middle of video though. I didn’t do responsive since i dont think it will make any difference regarding colors, that flying underscore though probably needs 1 media query.

    /*triangle killer*/
    #top .current-menu-item>a>.avia-menu-fx>.avia-arrow-wrap,#top .current_page_item>a>.avia-menu-fx>.avia-arrow-wrap {
    display: none;
    /*menu top font color off*/
    #top .header_color .main_menu ul:first-child>li>a {
    font-size: 1.1em;
    /*menu top font color hover*/
    #top .header_color .main_menu ul:first-child>li>a:hover {
    font-size: 1.1em;
    /*sub menu font color */
    #top .main_menu .menu ul li>a {
    font-size: 1.1em;
    /*sub menu font color hover*/
    #top .main_menu .menu ul li>a:hover {
    color: blue !important;
    /*sub menu background off*/
    #top .header_color .main_menu .menu ul li a:hover {
    background-color: rgb(12,9,122);
    /*sub menu background hover*/
    #top .header_color .main_menu .menu ul li a:hover {
    background-color: rgb(68,9,9);
    /*underlines now float above menu*/
    #top .avia-menu-fx {
    top: 25px;

    Video is uploading, gonna be here in 5 mins.



    in reply to: how to replace the block divider line with image? #118134


    1) Upload the image of the horizontal line using Media and get the url of the image / see->

    2) Add the CSS below to Quick CSS located in Enfold > Styling at the bottom of the page. Remove the from the css below and in its place add the url of where you uploaded the image from step 1 above

    #top #big-hrline {
    background: url( no-repeat bottom;
    margin: 0 0 30px;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 0 0 20px;
    width: 100%;

    3) Open /config-templatebulder/avia-shortcodes/hr.php and find line 117 which looks like this

    function shortcode_handler($atts, $content = "", $shortcodename = "", $meta = "")

    Delete line 117 and everything below until the end of the file and in its place paste the code

    function shortcode_handler($atts, $content = "", $shortcodename = "", $meta = "")
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('class' => 'default', 'height' => '50', 'position'=>'center', 'shadow'=>'no-shadow'), $atts));
    $hrtype = 0;
    $output = "";
    $height = trim($height, 'px% ');
    $style = $class == 'invisible' ? "style='height:{$height}px'" : "";
    $class .= $class == 'short' ? " hr-{$position}" : "";
    $class .= $class == 'full' ? $hrtype=1 : "";

    if ($hrtype==1){
    $output = "<div id='big-hrline'></div>";
    $output .= "<div {$style} class='hr hr-{$class} ".$meta['el_class']."'><span class='hr-inner'><span class='hr-inner-style'></span></span></div>";

    return $output;


    I tested it and it works.

    To use it just select the horizontal ruler full width separator



    in reply to: Enfold Feature Requests #114607

    To add Advanced Layout Editor To Posts or Custom Post Types please watch video here (easy instructions) –

    To be able to switch between the advanced layout editor and the standard editor without having content set with the advanced editor show up as blank in the standard editor see code here ->


    Advanced Editor is available for Posts and for any Custom Post Types you create, as well as the sidebar with the headers, sidebar options and footers as is present on the New Pages.

    Here is a video as to how to do it. It is easy to do.



    in reply to: Divide portfolio with taxonomies (compatible?) #117863


    1) You can get the advanced layout editor to work with Posts or with any Custom Post Types.. I made a video about how to do it

    2) I didn’t look at your video but I think you are trying to fly before you learned how to crawl. You are new to wordpress and are trying to do some complex things.

    3) You need to get the following plugins:

    WP-Types .. this will allow you to create the custom post types and taxonomies and the various fields. (free)

    WP-Types – The second half of the types plugin that lets you create the queries without needing to know php or wordpress.

    The one problem is that you can’t just duplicate portfolios so that you will have a different slug so you cant have a sortable portfolio with a slug and . But besides the sortable portfolio , all else can be easily done. So if you don’t mind that all your products have the same slug (equivalent of portfolio-item) if you think hard maybe can come up with one called ”asset” maybe then you be ok. I talked to Kriesi about this before, having multiple dynamic custom post types, but there seems to be some limitation in the WordPress Framework itself preventing it.



    in reply to: Blog option #117395


    Wow. Building a custom cache plugin is some serious stuff. Out of my league. :(

    To wrap the post title in an <h1 tag, please open up /includes/helper-post-format.php and on line 54 and 58, please change the <h2 and </h2 respectively, to <h1 and </h1



    in reply to: LayerSlider Text Align Problem #117153


    I don’t think you should worry a lot about IE8 users, since they expect most websites to look a little strange, and i think that is why they enjoy using that browser , for its unique interpretation of the world. From what I can see nothing is broken, just the colors look more richer and thicker. Some playing around with the CSS for a day will bring it much more inline with the version seen by users of modern browsers.



    in reply to: how to replace the block divider line with image? #118132


    I am sorry, do you mean like this


    because it’s really hard to tell if I need new eyes or new glasses, but probably both :)

    Can you show a page that has the actual html/css code so that we can provide you with a fix that’s sure to work.



    in reply to: Colour & Font Size Changes #117556


    You are the first person to ever ask me that question (whether to start a new thread), most just ask 3 pages of unrelated questions over 5 months. Thanks for asking! Nah you can continue here since its relevant to the overall theme of our exchange.

    I felt that in your case best thing to do was to get you hooked on the google tool since then you can customize your own look. read somewhere carefully about position:absolute and position:relative and how they relate to each other when one div is relative inside an absolute div and vice versa and how that affects margin and padding. Also try to move your logo for example to the bottom right corner of screen without messing anything else up using right:20px .left, down, top, and the position: tag… Goodstuff.

    It’s not difficult to edit it. Now sitting down in front of an empty screen and writing it from nothing is difficult.

    So ask away.



    in reply to: Mailchimp – No "successfully subscribed" message #116890


    I am sorry , I don’t understand. You said you are not using mailchimp but you took their code? Ok.

    What I can tell you is that there are errors coming from your code , and one of the places in fact is that block you posted above from the function mce_success_cb(resp) where you are using the $ shortcut within that function without a .ready( handler ) , which is breaking your code and preventing your form from submitting. There are a number of other errors as well.

    You have a popup lightbox with a form on it, the submit button doesn’t work (due to the errors on the page). I don’t know where you got this block of code you pasted into the page. Where did you read instructions to do that, at least show me a page so I can figure out what’s going on here. So lets start from what you are trying to do, and where you read about the plan of action you are currently following.

    *I edited the code you pasted above, try sticking it back in and see if it works.



    in reply to: How to Display Controls in Easy Slyder #117331


    Please look at this image of your website at the 3 arrows



    in reply to: Blog option #117392


    To use a cache plugin during development is counterproductive and a frustrating experience since none of the changes ever show up until the cache expires. Please turn off Supercache.



    in reply to: Changes to blog grid template #116576


    What you are showing on the site can be changed in file /includes/loop-index.php , with the blog image on line 101 the way you have the blog setup, remember there are multiple settings. However all are controlled on this page. But yours is line 101 for the image.

    I suggest you get NotePad++ and download the theme folder somewhere on your desktop home computer, then use notepad++ to search through all files in the entire folder for classes you see when you view source around the parts you want to edit and then you will see how the structure is and which pages it is located on.




    There are links there. I saw them in the source.

    However on this page now , i see the issue.

    (non working answer removed. see below)



    in reply to: Mailchimp – No "successfully subscribed" message #116888


    Well there is a whole conclave of errors on your page

    Some of the errors make me suspect that the jquerry code you added to the page is not correct.

    There should be something that looks like the code below surrounding the block of code..

    jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {


    I see something like that in this sample mailchimp code ..

    Have you double checked with Mail Chimp on their support forum as to whether you are installing their plugin correctly?



    in reply to: Mega Menu dropdown alignment issue #118016


    If I understood you correctly, please add the code below to Quick CSS located in Enfold > Layout .. text area on the bottom of the page OR add it to the bottom of /css/custom.css

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1140px){
    #top .avia_mega_div.avia_mega3.nine.units {
    right: -662px !important;



    in reply to: ENFOLD LATEST PORTFOLIO WIDGET #117186


    After you installed the update, are you still being asked to update the theme? Version 1.4 may have been called 1.31 again by themeforest. Checking on this…



    in reply to: Shrinking Logo #117691


    Please provide a URL to the location where this event is taking place. Since there are so many ways to customize this theme, there is no sure way for us to know that we are dealing with the same built. Also a number of updates have already been released for the theme, and we can not be sure what version you are using.

    Your best bet is to mask the link using . Please also take a screen capture of the page and point out what you need done using tools available on or other free image hosts.

    **A screenshot by itself though will still not help since we need to look at the source code in order to provide a meaningful solution.




    Please try adding this class to any **linked images** where this is taking place. Make sure to add it to the <a and not to <img tag (see below). If there is already a class in your image just add it next to the class already there. Though I can’t see the issue myself.


    or if class already there add noLightbox behind it, so your link would look like this.

    <a class="noLightbox someOtherClass" href="">

    You can see what I see in this screencast. Not much.




    You can install the plugin, which will allow you to modify the default expected image sizes for various locations throughout the theme, as well as whether to crop or not .. located in Settings > Media. Just remember that changing the settings does not affect the images already there (you will need to regenerate images, located on same page lower).. but it will affect all new uploads. If you run into problems , it may be easier to re-upload the image since if your wordpress doesn’t have enough memory, regenerate will not work.



    in reply to: Spacing between list elements and lines #117864


    Please provide a URL to the location where this event is taking place. Since there are so many ways to customize this theme, there is no sure way for us to know that we are dealing with the same built. Also a number of updates have already been released for the theme, and we can not be sure what version you are using.

    Your best bet is to mask the link using . Please also take a screen capture of the page and point out what you need done using tools available on or other free image hosts.

    *A screenshot by itself though will still not help since we need to look at the source code in order to provide a meaningful solution.




    Please sent me the login info as well. usjahm (at) gmail (dot) com.



    in reply to: Colour & Font Size Changes #117554


    Ok thats good, however that won’t always work. You need to add #top before everything (which is from the body tag) , this way you will get more specificity and override the original code. Sometimes for some real hard cases, you need to add !important; to the end of the statement — color: red !important;

    if your code ignored, do this. Open up chrome developer tools like this ( ) find custom.css file in there step 2, then you add your changed code into the screen in middle, just don’t forget to copy it if you need to refresh ) and enter the css directly, if nothing changes, add #top, take something off, and you will see results live, so this way you don’t have to copy and paste and save every time to see whats working and what isnt. also you can edit the html live too and any of the files, but as soon as you refresh, its all gone.

    also don’t use media=”screen” unless you see something like @media only screen and (max-width:767px) { .. if you see that, you need to grab that since that’s a media query (which is css that works on a specific screen size for mobile/tablets).

    so first try (your code with #top directive)

    #top .avia-icon-list .iconlist_icon {
    color: #fff;

    Then as you get comfortable you will see that css is like a postal address country, state, city, street, house.. further you go in the more specific it becomes. So you can take the less specific stuff off sometimes.

    #top .avia-icon-list .iconlist_icon {
    background-color: #d73119;

    I wish you had a url, where I can look at these disks. when i click url from your name , a website loads, but nothing there.

    Don’t give up on this tool, watch a youtube tutorial for it because its as easy or complex as you want it to be. Its the only one I use and only one many (if not all) use to debug or modify any website.




    There is a reason for that, and it is hidden on purpose. It is hidden as a safety check to prevent recent WordPress users from messing up the output of the layout builder. If you were shown the output of the layout builder in the format that it is saved along with the contents of the text box, its just too easy to mess something up, and save it in the database. At that point it would pretty much destroy your website’s database, making it non recoverable. So to prevent that, this safety measure was installed. It’s an extra step that needs to be done, but compared to the pain and tears of frustration of accidentally sabotaging your own database, Kriesi thinks this safety measure is worth it (as do the rest of us).

    There is a way to unlock it, so if you feel you understand wordpress enough to handle it without causing mass destruction, then add the code below to the very end of your functions.php file, but remember that with great power comes great responsibility! :) I wouldn’t use it unless you can code.

    //set builder mode to debug
    add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
    function builder_set_debug()
    return "debug";



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