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  • in reply to: Alighnment on Mobile Devices #624207


    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    Login credentials include:

    • the URL to the login screen
    • a valid username (with full administration capabilities)
    • as well as a password for that username 

    Best regards,

    in reply to: functions-enfold.php child theme #624197

    Hey romano2,

    You simply need to copy the whole function to your child themes function.php file and it will automatically overwrite the original function for as long as the child theme is in use. Updating the default theme will not change that :)

    Best regards,


    Would you mind posting us the full error messages, since they usually indicate where the errors are happening. Wp Supercache is actually on the recommended list and we are using it for as well so it should work fine.

    Truth to be told, this sounds more like a multiple plugin conflict then a theme problem but we will probably be able to learn more about it by knowing the full error message. Thanks for your patience. 

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Easy Slider #624187

    Hey marko7,

    Which slider are we talking about? The one on the front page? This one has no scaling set. If you are talking about a different slider please let me know which one :)

    Best regards,

    Hey dennsen,

    glad you solved the issue yourself :)
    If there is anything more we can help with let us know ;)

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Kriesi.
    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio in an accordeon #624183

    Hey xxtita,

    There might be. (Although I am not entirely sure since those elements are not really intended to be nested)
    I guess you were using the shortcode function to add a portfolio in shortcode form inside the toggle, is this correct?

    If so: the problem is that the portfolio thinks it is a fullwidth element and therefore adds various html tags that break the layout. You can fix this by first wrapping the portfolio shortcode inside a column 1/1 shortcode and then put this column element into the toggle. 

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Opening hours (table) #624086

    Hey Andreas,

    I am afraid that creating a highlighted table is not really possible sorry with the theme. You could of course create a simple table with a shortcode but I am not sure if thats what you want.

    I also did a quick google search and found a few business hour plugins like this which might be sufficient for the task…

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Alighnment on Mobile Devices #624085

    Hey OriginsSpeak,

    It seems you have used the image element for those elements, am I correct? If so you can just edit the elements and set the alignement to “center” instead of the default left alignment :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: WPML – Logo Change – Permalinks #624084


    If you go to your admin area and open the “Enfold” panel you will notice that you there is a switch that allows you to change the language you are changing the settings for. Just change to another language and set a new logo, it will only be applied to this language :) 

    Best regards,

    in reply to: h3 Text Hyperlink Styling #624083

    Hey mikeschumann,

    This is a simple design choice. Add this to your custom.css stylesheet in folder /css/ or to the quick-css panel located in your wordpress backend at Enfold->General Styling:

    #top #wrap_all h3{
    color:#333; /*replace with the color of your choice if you want to change the default h3 color*/
    #top #wrap_all h3:hover{
    color:#333; /*replace with the color of your choice if you want to change the default h3 hover color*/

    Hope that is what you are after :)
    Best regards,

    Hey Oby4455,

    Since you are not using a slideshow but only a single image I would recommend to use a “color section” element instead. You can add the background image to the color section as well and make sure that it covers the whole section by default.

    I would also set a minimum height of about 500px for the color section. Then add a textblock element to the color section with the desired text. this should work much better on mobile since it adapts better :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Allow users to click phone number on smartphones #624081


    you need to add the link to the Enfold->header settings were you added your phone number. I already did so, if you want to change anything like adding a country code feel free to do so ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Enfold Multisite #624078

    Hey giorgiosilvia,

    If you are using the theme for a different project that is not related to the first one Themeforest would require you to purchase another license. If the two are related and are on the same domain then another license would not be necessary :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Text formatting issue and logo with mobile version #624077

    Glad to hear that :D
    Closing this then 

    Best regards,

    Hey missouriartscouncil,

    I am actually not 100% sure what you are trying to accomplish. Mind posting us a link to your site so we can get to see what we are dealing with? Screenshots are of course also ok ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Verständnisfrage – Automatische Bildgrößen #624060

    Hey Florian!

    Viele der Elemente im template builder verwenden verschiedene bildgrößen. Wenn du eine oder mehrere der registrierten bildgrößen entfernst werden diese nicht mehr in wordpress erzeugt. Dies führt dazu dass die template builder elemente statt der vordefinierten größe die originalbildgröße verwenden, was sich im normalfall negativ auf die Ladezeiten der seite auswirken wird.

    Optisch wirds dann wohl auch nicht mehr so stimmig sein.

    Die einzige möglichkeit diesen effekt dann zu umgehen wäre das bild schon vorm upload in der gewünschten bildgröße hochzuladen.

    Wenn du die also die arbeit machen willst und jedes bild schon vorab korrekt in einem bildbearbeitungsprogramm zuschneidest dann kannst du auch vordefinierte bildgrößen löschen.


    in reply to: WPML – Logo Change – Permalinks #624043

    Hey medi-paper,

    I would recommend the use of the WPML multi language plugin. It allows you to set up various languages for your site, makes sure the permalinks are google optimized and also allows you to set up different settings (like logos, color schemes etc) for each language :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Problems with IE 8 on Windows XP #624023


    There are several out there :)

    Hope this helps, best regards,

    in reply to: Creating an automatic download of an image? #624022


    Unfortunately thats not as easy as creating a simple link. A browser will usually interpret an image as a resource it wants to display. There are ways to force the browser to download an image but since they include a good amount of coding I would recommend to use a plugin like this one:

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Enfold update #624020

    Hey Mary,

    Did you do any changes to the theme files (eg: changing code in a php, css or javascript file)?
    If you did not change any files you can simply replace the old theme with the new one since everything else (your posts, pages etc) are stored in the databased on your server and not affected by the theme.

    You can read here on the various ways on how to update the theme:

    Hope this helps, if you got any more questions let us know ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Icon list URL truncated #623892

    thanks for the notice. I think I found the issue and we will include a solution with the next theme update ;)

    in reply to: lost nearly all images #623414

    Hey choveto1!

    I dont believe that this has something to do with the theme itself. Your images are linked to:

    (domain contains which does not seem to be accessible. Have you moved your site from a test server to the current domain? This would explain why the images link to a different location.

    Probably the easiest solution to fix this is to make sure that this domain is accessible for public use. If thats not possible feel free to post us your login credentials for your admin area so we can check your wordpress settings page, mayber there are other ways to fix this.


    in reply to: HTTP Error with Media Upload #623359


    Thanks a lot! Got a quick question for you: is this code snippet also necessary if you are updating to wordpress 4.5.1 (which fixes a few image upload errors as well)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: HTTP error when uploading image #622535


    I just read that wordpress 4.5 might be causing this and that wordpress 4.5.1 introduced a fix for media uploads:

    Would you mind trying to update to 4.5.1 and let me know if that works?


    in reply to: HTTP error when uploading image #622355

    Hey MennoPlace,

    Does this also happen when changing to the default WordPress Theme?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #622347

    Hi everyone,

    sites are looking good, keep em coming ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Please contribute and translate Enfold #622344

    Hi nagylzs,

    feel free to post a link to your translation here (you can upload it via dropbox or a simple zip file to a file upload service)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: enflod theam not working #621068

    Account was reset again ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Medical, dentistry Icons #620771


    Those icons cannot be used as iconfont. Those are normal images that can only be used by adding an image element. However there are special icon sets from other sites that you can use. eg for medical icons:

    Just press the “download pack” button and you will receive a zip file that you can upload as if it were a fontello zip file. the theme will fetch all the necessary icon files ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: enflod theam not working #619982


    I have reset the old account, you can now use the purachse code to create a new one here:


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