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  • in reply to: Icons Missing #169098

    Hey Nick!

    The update is already available and if you have entered your username and api key in your backend at enfold->updates it will show up automatically within the next 12 hours.

    If you want to manually trigger the theme check process simply go to your dashboard->updates page


    PS: The topic had two main problems. icons not appearing (easily fixed by deleting your browser cache) and the problem with the av_font_icon shortcode. (fixed with version 2.3.1) so I am closing it for now. If you experience any problems that are not fixed by one of these solutions please create your own thread with link to your installation ;)

    in reply to: Icon font doesn't show on startpage #168912


    Please do a cache refresh for your browser. The font files of the previous Enfold versions use a different character set than the latest one. If your browser fetches the old file from your browser cache you will encounter the problems described above.

    If, after cache refreshing and reloading, you still have any icon issues let us know here:



    Thanks for posting that :)


    in reply to: Icons Missing #168908


    Yes I can confirm the last issue with the av_font_icon shortcode and was able to fix it. Update is on its way ;)
    I also changed the font files url string so it triggers a proper cache refresh. That way the manual refresh should no longer be necessary

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Icons Missing #168756

    Hey Pedro!

    Which files does your child theme overwrite? if you add your own header or searchform for example you need to make sure that you also add the changes we added to those files. the child theme should by default only contain a functions.php file and a css file. If you use it that way everthing works fine.

    To all the others: Please clear your browser cache. This is in 99.99% of cases a simply caching issue since we created new font files that need to replace your old ones :)


    in reply to: Preformatted Text in Layout Builder #168649


    No it wasnt yet. I am not 100% comfortable with the changes yet and also found a bug that I wasnt able to fix by now. But we are getting there and one of the next releases will definitely get the update ;)




    At the moment I am not really satisfied with any of the javascript solutions for several reasons but this is still something I want to improve so while you are of course welcome to add this feature yourself I will hopefully find a fix that I like in the near future :)


    in reply to: Parallax images on iPhone still not fixed (everything updated) #168031


    Yes at the moment its behaving as intended, meaning it falls back to a standard non fixed image. The problem is, that in order to make parallax backgrounds happening on iOS one would need two include two additional javascript libraries. This is a lot of extra load for this simple effect and I am currently hesitating to add it on mobile devices, which are also usually running on slower connections.

    But I am watching out for solutions that require less resources. If I find any be sure that I will add the fix :)


    in reply to: Sticky Post #167940


    Habs mir nun genauer angesehen und leider ist das WordPress der limiterende faktor und mir fällt nicht wirklich ne bessere lösung als die von Peter ein. WordPress ordnet stickys nur dann korrekt ein wenn im blog element keine kategorien gewählt sind (sprich: zeig alle kategorien)

    Sobald man diesen Filter setzt gehts nicht mehr korrekt und ich seh auch keine gute möglichkeit da drum herum zu arbeiten :/
    Sorry dass ich da ned wirklich helfen kann, glaub da müssen wir einfach warten bis der Fehler in WordPress behoben wird…


    in reply to: Slider post issue #167936


    I was able to improve the script to also work with portfolio tags. will be included in the next update ;)



    I am sorry for the confustion but what there was another problem with background images on iOS devices that was fixed. parallax on iOS is still something I am investigating and there only seem to be javascript solutions that work. Will probably add one of those solutions in the future

    Best regards,

    add this to your custom.css stylesheet in folder /css/ or to the quick-css panel located in your wordpress backend at Enfold->Styling:

    html {
    min-width: 910px;

    this should fix the problem. I will add a similar fix to the next theme update. Please be aware that the only thing that actually will cause problems is a fixed header, so if you really want to use the non responsive version of the theme then you should also go with a non-fixed header


    in reply to: slider on homepage broken in iphone on rotate #167897


    I am not able to reproduce the issue. It seems to take a moment to adapt to the new screensize but it always does for me, usually right before the new slide fades/scrolls in. is this happening on our theme demo as well for you or only on your installation? And are we talking about the layerslider I guess?


    I will release an update that removes some css rules that might cause the problem with the next version. please let us know if the update helps (should be available early next week)


    in reply to: Text is blurry on iOS 7 #167608

    Great, thx ;)

    in reply to: Text is blurry on iOS 7 #167582

    Hey David!

    Cant reproduce it right now since I am still using an old iphone 4 and want to keep that in ios 6 for testing purpose.
    I am changing some css rules with the next upgrade at the beginning of the next week that hopefully will fix the issue :)

    Once you have upgraded I would be glad to get a notice if it worked or not :)


    in reply to: Menu Error #167581


    Found the problem, next version will include the bugfix ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Video is playing, but i hear only the audio? #167559

    Going to answer in english so the rest of the staff understands this as well. The current Video shortcode automatically embeds all versions you upload. so if, for example, you upload a example.mp4 file and also an example.ogv and example.webm file you only need to select one of those for the video element. (doesnt matter which one)
    The other versions are added automatically to the frontend html output :)

    Only thing you need to make sure is that (appart from the file extension) the files got the same name so the system can find them :)

    In short: the fallback is added automatically by the system.

    in reply to: Sticky Post #164476

    Hey! Werd mir das ganze anschaun und bescheid geben sobald ich ne lösung hab :)


    in reply to: Retina Images and Fonts in Portfolio Grid – Theme Enfold #164125

    Hi, great thanks.

    Will mark the rest of the team so they know what css rules are the cause for blurry fonts and close this thread for now :)


    in reply to: Retina Images and Fonts in Portfolio Grid – Theme Enfold #164085

    Well thats not entirely true :)
    As it seems only retina macbooks are affected, since I couldn’t reproduce the issue on any of my 4 mac devices (imac, mba, iphone, ipad) And since the market and visitor statistics for high resolution desktop devices are still very small I need to make sure that if I make that update other users are not affected :)

    Also there is still a good number of users running older chrome and safari versions, (dont aks me why one would disable auto updating, but just checked my site statistics)

    But as I said: will check back multiple versions and see if we can safely remove at least some of those “fixes” that are causing trouble now :)

    in reply to: Retina Images and Fonts in Portfolio Grid – Theme Enfold #164079

    The problem with removing these line of codes is that it might cause problems on older versions of chrome and safari, so at this point I cant really just remove it. By the way: which line exactly was the one causing trouble?

    Will do a few tests with the latest chrome and safari versions and if everything works fine will eventually remove it :)


    in reply to: Retina Images and Fonts in Portfolio Grid – Theme Enfold #164007

    Since I dont own a retina macbook either its hard for me to help with this issue as well, but lets try a new approach. In general we use CSS3 transitions for elements like the overlay, and often times we need to apply a special fix to prevent flickering. I think that fix could eb the cause of this issue.

    So please try the following: open up shortcode.css in folder css and remove, one by one, all occurences of

    	-webkit-perspective: 1000;


    	-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

    And let us know if it helps


    in reply to: No Accent In Titles in Enfold #163216

    Actually seems that the font and the character is the correct one, it just gets cut off at the top and therefore looks like a diaeresis.
    Will add a small padding to thenext update to fix that. meanwhile you can add the following to your custom.css stylesheet in folder /css/ or to the quick-css panel located in your wordpress backend at Enfold->Styling:

    .iconbox .iconbox_content .iconbox_content_title {
    padding-top: 2px;

    Best regards,

    in reply to: enfold.css file #163145

    Hi, as an aditional note:
    You can use a tool like for that :)
    Best regards,

    in reply to: To update versio do I need go version to vesion #163123

    Hey! YOu can simply update to the latest version, no need for a step by step update :)

    in reply to: Theme Update and Child Theme pt. 2 #163122

    Hey! The check in your backend is not instantaneous. WordPress checks every 12 hours, or if you visit the theme update site at dashboard->updates

    in reply to: Sidebar wird in Blog nicht angezeigt #162912

    Was auch sein könnte: hast du irgendwelche browser plugins laufen die das aus irgendeinem grund blocken könnten? (Spontan fallen mir add block scripts ein, obwohl ich ned wüsste wie die ein widget mit ner werbung verwechseln können)


    Hey! I am still not sure what the problem is. Images look good and are not distorted or disproportional big (which was the problem in the other thread I participated about iOS and bg image)

    How would you expect those images to display?


    in reply to: smooth scrolling on iOS #162855


    I am aware of that especially on large pages its a little choppy. this is because scrolling uses a default javascript animation. I will see if its possible to improve the script to use css3 transformations on mobile devices, which should work better.

    But cant make any promises here :)

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