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October 2, 2020 at 2:20 pm in reply to: Privacy settings: Google Tag Manager/Analytics active even after opt out? #1250086
hi again @all,
here is my solution finally. it executes the GTM Tag only if needed so you don’t have problems with Facebook Pixel and other stuff.
add to functions.php
// Google Tagmanager einbinden function add_custom_gtm_head() { ?> <!-- Google Tag Manager --><script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start':new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src=''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);})(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-XXXXXXX');</script><!-- End Google Tag Manager --> <?php } function add_custom_gtm_after_body() { ?> <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --><noscript><iframe src=""height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript><!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <?php } if (isset($_COOKIE['aviaPrivacyEssentialCookiesEnabled']) && $_COOKIE['aviaPrivacyEssentialCookiesEnabled'] == true && !isset($_COOKIE['aviaPrivacyGoogleTrackingDisabled'])) { add_action('wp_head', 'add_custom_gtm_head'); add_action('ava_after_main_container', 'add_custom_gtm_after_body'); }
If you use caching please don’t forget to set these cookies-IDs as an exception!
aviaPrivacyGoogleTrackingDisabled aviaPrivacyGoogleMapsDisabled aviaPrivacyGoogleReCaptchaDisabled aviaPrivacyGoogleWebfontsDisabled aviaPrivacyVideoEmbedsDisabled aviaPrivacyMustOptInSetting aviaCookieSilentConsent
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by
hello again :-)
after a long time i found time to take care of this problem.Solution:
Apply the Filter like so:function custom_avf_cookie_consent_for_md5( $cookie_contents, $message, $buttons ) { $cookie_contents = 'YOUR OWN CONTENT HERE'; return $cookie_contents; } add_filter( 'avf_cookie_consent_for_md5', 'custom_avf_cookie_consent_for_md5', 10, 3 );
I changed apply_filters to add_filter
now it works, but the content set to $cookie_contents runs again through md5( $cookie_contents ) in your helper-privacy.php / Line 1682. This causes no real problem, but its quite strange during debugging :-)
if you like you can maybe change on line 1682 from
$cookie_contents = md5( $cookie_contents ) . '||v1.0';
if (empty($cookie_contents)) { $cookie_contents = md5( $cookie_contents ) . '||v1.0'; }
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
January 14, 2020 at 6:57 pm in reply to: Cookie Consent / Value of the Cookie MD5 / Multisite #1173568i will try the next days and give a feedback
January 14, 2020 at 5:30 pm in reply to: Cookie Consent / Value of the Cookie MD5 / Multisite #1173468hi günter, sorry for beeing so late with my response…
i thank you very much for your support and implementing that in 4.7 :-)for now im not sure how to really do it, i tried (very quick) like so:
function custom_avf_cookie_consent_for_md5( $cookie_contents, $message, $buttons ) { $cookie_contents = '14e61ea2d6fd3ee9851c9016aa79ba9b||v1.0'; return $cookie_contents; } apply_filters( 'avf_cookie_consent_for_md5', 'custom_avf_cookie_consent_for_md5', 10, 3 );
but tis is not enough so i have to look what to do exactly
This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by
October 29, 2019 at 1:37 pm in reply to: Privacy settings: Google Tag Manager/Analytics active even after opt out? #1152054hi ismael,
i tried like so but….
still get the cookiesOctober 28, 2019 at 2:13 pm in reply to: Privacy settings: Google Tag Manager/Analytics active even after opt out? #1151754This reply has been marked as private.October 24, 2019 at 2:51 pm in reply to: Privacy settings: Google Tag Manager/Analytics active even after opt out? #1150897hi ismael,
i tried both, for now i have the JS in the themes settings.
i also implemented the change above, but not this part:$match = array(); preg_match( "!UA-[0-9]+-[0-9]+!", $avia_config['analytics_code'], $match ); if( ! empty( $match ) && isset( $match[0] ) ) { $UAID = $match[0]; }
as im not sure where or why 8-)
can you help me what to do? google’s script is still executed
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
October 21, 2019 at 4:50 pm in reply to: Privacy settings: Google Tag Manager/Analytics active even after opt out? #1149909hi folks,
similar problems here, i want to disable tagmanager until “accept all” is clicked by the user.
tag manager is loaded before, so it does not work with the privacy settings.i post more information as private…
renemy problem is solved since i changed the filter
add_filter(‘xxxxxxxxxx’, ‘avia_register_meta_boxes‘, 10, 1);
add_filter(‘xxxxxxxxxx’, ‘my_alb_supported_post_types‘, 10, 1);worx with the latest version.
thanx a lot
renehi guys,
i have some similar problems since enfold 4.5.7. with your fixing script above the responsive purposes are fixed,
some layoutbulider elements (f.e. avia-fullwidth-slider, flex-colum, …) are not inside the wrap_all div.
this occours only in custom post types, which we made able to use layoutbuilder.please find a solution for that, we have to move many enfold versions back to keep alive :-)
April 9, 2019 at 10:34 am in reply to: Fixed issue with shortcodes used outside of template builder pages #1088622hi rikard,
in version 4.5.5 you changed. “fixed: an issue with shortcodes used outside of template builder pages”
as we design our own shortcodes based on avia and load a script via ajax which uses WP functionality, our scripts do not work anymore.
if we try to fix this with a small extension like so:$avia_config[‘template’] = “avia-blank”;
$avia_config[‘conditionals’][‘is_builder_template’] = true;
get_template_part(‘template-builder’);our output gets now visible again, but mostly all JS functionalities are broke. another problem is that we now have the header and breadcrump output, which we dont want. everything worked fine with the version 4.5.3, so we are sure all this is caused by the 4.5.4 update and the “issue with shortcodes used outside of template builder pages”.
so, if possible, is there some possibility to “fix” this for us via something like an avia_config Parameter?
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
many thanx günter :-)
so… i change that from update to update, no problem.
just think about this “swap option” in general, it makes site rendering and some (I NOW USELESS) statistics on google better.cheers
reneFebruary 7, 2019 at 1:02 pm in reply to: Add font-display to entypo-fontello and custom fonts #1064090hi there, i have the same “problem” what he asks for is to set a “font-display: swap;” while loading the Fontello-Fonts locally.
hi günter,
im sorry i cant give you access to our systems….
i tried every possible cache, its not the problem. as i switch in performance settings from “load only used elements” to “alwyas load all elements” it works perfect.
do you have any idea?
i think you did not fixed that in 4.5… error still there
reneMarch 7, 2018 at 5:09 pm in reply to: Enfold 4.2.6 Simple Slider / Autoplay / Self hosted Videos #923139hi yigit,
i fixed it in the shortcode.css until you provide the next update.
as i mentioned in the other thread, i have the problem with autoplay…
it really weird, but now i found out (and fixed my problem) that you emulate a click via jquery in the simple slider
to start (self hosted) video slides. the same “problem” occours with a video section is my solution:
as i hooked some scripts another way in functions.php and/or plugins my jquery was not available when this click is emulated.
i changed my hooks to an other level,
add_action('after_setup_theme', '#mystuff#', 40);
add_action('init', '#mystuff#', 40);
and the autoplay works again.
this might be helpfull for others to recognize their problem if autoplay does not start.
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
hi victoria,
i moved to this thread: you find a demo linkim now not sure if the not working autoplay is a problem with our security settings, so i set up a new page to
to check this.-
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
– i checked the server config –> all ok
– i switched back to enfold 4.2.4
—> autoplay is working
– switched back to 4.2.6
—> autoplay not workingyour turn :)
(o o) ________
(___) )\
|| – – || x-
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
now we are on line 3727:
#top .mejs-container{height: 30px; max-height: 30px}
1. you missed a “;” before “}”
2. this “max-height: 30px” must be deleted– the self hosted video again does not autoplay after i corrected the css to see it.
– when pressing the play button it works (video starts).im checking server configs to be sure the next days, but im pretty sure the error is not caused by that.
anyone with the same problem?
We will report it to our developers, to get it out on an update.
Thank you very much
Best regards,
Basilisyou did not do !
and it seems the slider background video ist again not working in 4.2.6This reply has been marked as private.pleasure :-)
hey victoria,
its 4.2.4
hi again folks,
i found the error within the css:
#top .mejs-container {
height: 30px;
/* max-height: 30px; */
}the max-height must be eliminated and its working.
found in “shortcode.css” on line 4288 (#top .mejs-container{height: 30px; max-height: 30px})this image shows how its been displayed with max-height set:
P.S: will you provide this on the next update please?
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
hi jordan and thanx 4 your quick response…
i will set up the new theme tomorrow on our dev system, can’t leave that live.
if you want to try out meanwhile, set up a simple slider with a local video background (error occoured on chrome and safari).
i will respond with a better analysis the next days.
greez… gotta sleep :-)
reneFebruary 14, 2018 at 4:19 pm in reply to: 4.2.2. Out and Video Bug is Improved But Still There #912332cheers Yigit,
thanx for support…
will you remove the !important in the next version?greez
reneFebruary 14, 2018 at 2:15 am in reply to: 4.2.2. Out and Video Bug is Improved But Still There #912032is there someone who can please try out the “video sidebar widget” with a self hostet video?
in my system it is broken since 4.2.3 update. even with no caching active.i think the error regards to the class mejs-container because the calculated height
ist overwritten by enfolds shortcode.css with height: 30px !important;example:
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
hi guys,
i just found a side effect regarding “the video bug”…
so your fix affects the video widget now (something with height: 30px”please see an example here (sidebar–>right)
exampleJanuary 26, 2018 at 3:00 pm in reply to: 4.2.2. Out and Video Bug is Improved But Still There #903400i solved the Safari / iPad / iPhone – Problem with custom classes + CSS now.
As i have 5 (nearly identical) platforms. the class sets another background image (which in my case is a screenshot of the video starting sequence) so that “nice grey” disappears. You can set this also only for Safari via CSS, but i dont need to:/* Safari Video Background */ .sample_class_1 div .mejs-container { background: #b7211c url(https://sample-url/sample-background-image-1.jpg) no-repeat center center !important; } .sample_class_2 div .mejs-container { background: #7f95a3 url(https://sample-url/sample-background-image-2.jpg) no-repeat center center !important; } .sample_class_3 div .mejs-container { background: #e4a71b url(https://sample-url/sample-background-image-3.jpg) no-repeat center center !important; } .sample_class_4 div .mejs-container { background: #8c682c url(https://sample-url/sample-background-image-4.jpg) no-repeat center center !important; } .sample_class_5 div .mejs-container { background: #4cbffe url(https://sample-url/sample-background-image-5.jpg) no-repeat center center !important; }
for mobile display i just set the mobile image as above within the slider
not perfect, but nicer than before :-)
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by