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  • in reply to: WooCommerce and Instagram are colliding #605427

    Click the big product picture. Then notice that you can click left and right and view other images in the lightbox.

    in reply to: Image Quality Issues #600525

    Well, I’m not sure that’s true. The images were set to 326×326 and I regenerated the images (using the Force Regenerate Images plugin) which resulted in quality problems in some browsers. Then I changed to 325×325 and regenerated (with the same plugin) which fixed the problem.

    It doesn’t make sense to me unless there’s something related to responsiveness but that’s a just a wild guess. So in the end, I’m happy that it’s working but wondering what the problem could have been. If you guys don’t have an answer, no problem at all. :-)

    in reply to: Image Quality Issues #600517

    Hi there. I should have posted that I changed the images to 325×325 and regenerated. It solved the quality issue but I don’t understand why. Can you explain what’s going on here?

    in reply to: Image Quality Issues #597966

    What’s the reason for reducing the image size by one pixel? They are currently at 326×326 and the images on the site have been regenerated.


    in reply to: Pricing table header alignment in Internet Explorer #572385

    Beautiful. That worked perfectly! Thanks!

    in reply to: Pricing table header alignment in Internet Explorer #570302

    See the link in the private content. This is what it looks like for me on Windows 10 in IE11. Notice how the bottom so the blue areas don’t line up which causes all of the cells in each column to be out of alignment. In Chrome, the bottoms of those areas line up which makes each row align properly as well.


    in reply to: Social Media Icons: "Display in main header area" #546658

    This sort of worked on desktop monitors in that the social icons move to the right but they are hugging the top of the window. But they it doesn’t look good for mobile devices. I know how to clean it up with CSS but I’m trying to figure out if this is an issue I created or if it’s a bug. This definitely works more elegantly when the menu is set to “logo left, menu right”.


    in reply to: Social Media Icons: "Display in main header area" #546107

    Hi, Elliott. Thanks for looking at this. I was testing the issue and may have caused this confusion. Sorry if I did. The issue is that when the “Header Social Icons” option is set to “Display in main header area” (like I’ve set it to now) the social media icons display in the upper left corner instead of at the right end of the main menu. Please take another look.


    in reply to: Social Media Icons: "Display in main header area" #545552

    Hi, Elliott. Sorry for the slow response. See the login information in the Private Content.

    If you want to see it without the admin bar, feel free to turn off the plugin “Registered Users Only”. And feel free to tinker, this is a copy of the site in question.


    in reply to: Add a blank headline to headline rotator #544252

    Check out the login info in the Private Content. The front page shows the headline rotator. If you edit and save the front page, you’ll see how the first headline “breaks”.

    in reply to: Add a blank headline to headline rotator #544228

    No, I’m not trying to put in a line break. I want the first headline to be blank. Take a look at this demo:

    What I’d like, for example, is for the headline to just say “EVERYTHING UNDER ONE ROOF! WE OFFER GREAT” at first. Then after a beat (the length of one slide) the items like “Marketing”, “User Experience”, etc to start showing up. To accomplish this, the first headline I made is simple ” ” That works the first time I save the page but if I go back to the page and make some other change and save it, the ” ” in the headline is replaced with a simple space character so it no longer works.

    Does that make sense?

    in reply to: Add a blank headline to headline rotator #542815

    Sorry, to be clear, it’s not being stripped out; it’s being replaced by a space character.

    in reply to: Full Width Slider Button Motion #541127

    Beautiful! But now I have yet another CSS thing to research and learn. Lol.

    Seriously, though: Thanks!

    in reply to: Remove lightbox link from featured images on blog posts #532948

    Perfect. Thanks!

    in reply to: Change blog post format icons? #532947

    This worked perfectly. Thanks!

    in reply to: Social Media Icons: "Display in main header area" #532941

    Hi, Elliott. See the screenshot in the Private Content. I currently have the social media icons set to “Display in top bar at the right” even though that’s not where I’d like them to be. Thanks!

    in reply to: Two main menus in the header? #532930

    See the link in Private Content. The lower menu would have many more items, extend across the entire width of the content and have dropdowns.

    Any suggestions?


    in reply to: Blank Page after update (FTP) and error Notices #531821

    Gern geschehen!

    in reply to: Blank Page after update (FTP) and error Notices #531728

    Can you post a link to the site?

    in reply to: When's next version of Enfold? What'll be in it? #531726

    That’s the latest. They’re not likely to say what’s next (and rightfully so).

    in reply to: Change blog post format icons? #530399

    Okay, great. I was thinking more in terms of using Fontello to make an icon font of the logo and replacing the pencil. Is that possible?

    Also, will the code you sent change just the pencil icon or will it replace all icons with the image specified on the second line?


    in reply to: Add body class if there are items in the cart? #523131

    Never mind. I figured it out!

    add_filter(‘body_class’, ‘pwm_woocommerce_cart_status’);
    function pwm_woocommerce_cart_status( $classes ){
    global $woocommerce;

    if( $woocommerce->cart->cart_contents_count > 0 ):
    $classes[] = ‘woocommerce-items-in-cart’;
    return $classes;

    in reply to: Search form in #header_meta #523120

    Ultimately I was able to get this working on my own. I replaced your line of code with…

    add_shortcode('avia_search', 'pwm_append_search_nav'); 
    function pwm_append_search_nav(){
    	return get_search_form( false );	

    …and inserted it into the phone field in Theme Options > Header. Then, I tinkered with the CSS quite a bit until I got it to display correctly. There was too much to put the details here. In the end, though, it’s working. I really appreciate your help.


    in reply to: Search form in #header_meta #522698

    Doing so inserts the search box but breaks the layout. If you search for “leap” you’ll see that the search results preview also totally breaks the layout of the header when it shows.

    in reply to: Search form in #header_meta #522437

    Sadly, this didn’t work. See the website in Private Content. The shortcode doesn’t get processed and just displays as text. I’ve tried it with or without a URL attached to it and it does the same thing either way. Is there something special I have to do to make the wa

    FYI, I’m doing this in a child theme if it matters.

    Any idea why this didn’t work?

    in reply to: Add full width slider before content #522042

    Alright, so I got this working in a sort of unconventional way. I really wish there was a cleaner way to do this so it was more future proof but it’s working and that’s what counts. :-)

    Elliott said: I’m guessing your using do_shortcode() ? It would be best to just edit your pages manually and add the slider in that way.

    The problem with inserting it into the body is that Enfold doesn’t (apparently/frustratingly) have any hooks for inserting stuff before the content on a page. So if I insert it manually, I have to do it (manually) on every page. Even then it won’t display above the title.

    I sort of ended up using do_shortcode(). But I want my client to be able to edit the slider and the full width slider isn’t really available as a shortcode outside the layout builder. So, I created a post type called a “snippet” and built the slider inside one of those. Then I used a shortcode to insert the contents of the snippet on the “ava_after_main_container” action. The slideshow code is preceded by the following code that was breaking the layout:

    </div></div></div><!-- close content main div --></div></div>

    If this wasn’t there, apparently, the slider and the page would display normally. So I ended up doing this:

    add_action( 'ava_after_main_container', 'pwm_after_main_container', 10, 2 );
    function pwm_after_main_container(){
    	if( is_super_admin() && !is_front_page() ):
    		// get the contents of the snippet using my shortcode
    		$output = do_shortcode( "[pwm_snippet snippet_id='299' title_tag='h3' custom_class='']" );
    		// this is the stuff I need to get rid of
    		$stuff = "</div></div></div><!-- close content main div --></div></div>";
    		// $strip out the extra junk
    		$output = str_replace( $stuff, '', $output );
    		// output the results
    		echo $output;

    Like I said, this isn’t a great solution but it seems to be working.

    Please add more hooks inside/outside the opening/closing tags for major sections. :-)


    in reply to: Full Width Easy Slider Caption Title Problem #517730

    I’m not. I’m putting “First Line of Caption Title<br /><br />Second Line of Caption Title” in for the title so it will break. The theme is adding the rest.

    in reply to: Full Width Easy Slider Caption Title Problem #517086

    I should have known better that to trust Chrome’s code explorer. It’s actually slightly different than what I sent originally. This is what’s produced:

    <h2  class='avia-caption-title'  itemprop="name" >Few things are as complex, unknown and time-consuming as buying a car.</p>
    <p>Our firm’s powerful negotiation experts will negotiate the best deal for you!</h2>

    The website’s address is in the private content.

    in reply to: Full width div on boxed layout? #511797

    Thank you!!!! That was exactly what I needed. I hadn’t considered doing it that way but I’m sure it will work. Thanks a ton. You guys rock!

    in reply to: Full width div on boxed layout? #510955

    I’m not expecting you to do the heavy lifting on this. I was hoping more for a pretty light nudge in the right direction. :-)

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