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  • #597937

    Hi there. I’m at my wit’s end on this and really hope you have a suggestion. I have set up a site using Enfold and WooCommerce and the images in the first column of the product category pages loose quality in some situations in some browsers. See the private content below for a side-by-side comparison of four browsers as well as a link to one of the pages in question.

    One of the odd things I’ve noticed about this is that it seems to vary a bit depending on whether the browser is maximized or if the code explorer is showing even though the images appear to be the same size. I *think* the images are all displaying at exactly the same size but in Chrome (Win), the images in the first column lose quality and in Safari (Mac) the entire row looks off.

    Can you give me any suggestions on what’s going on here?


    Hey Kevin!

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    Please go to WooCommerce > Settings > Catalog and increase Catalog Images size to 325x325px then regenerate them using the plugin Regenerate Plugins. You can also read for more information here

    Best regards,


    What’s the reason for reducing the image size by one pixel? They are currently at 326×326 and the images on the site have been regenerated.




    I checked on Chrome and Safari and your images look the same for me on both browser. Could you fix it? Please don’t forget to clear browser cache + hard refresh a few times. Did you check on different computers?

    Best regards,


    Hi there. I should have posted that I changed the images to 325×325 and regenerated. It solved the quality issue but I don’t understand why. Can you explain what’s going on here?


    Hey Kevin!

    Glad to hear it was fixed!

    Actually when I said to set the image size to 325×325, I just wanted you to check the size set there. I didn’t know it was already set to a value of 326×326 and the 1px shouldn’t make a difference, 325×325 was just standard. Your images just needed to be regenerated which was what the plugin did or you would have had to try re-uploading them manually.

    But I’m glad to hear it worked :)



    Well, I’m not sure that’s true. The images were set to 326×326 and I regenerated the images (using the Force Regenerate Images plugin) which resulted in quality problems in some browsers. Then I changed to 325×325 and regenerated (with the same plugin) which fixed the problem.

    It doesn’t make sense to me unless there’s something related to responsiveness but that’s a just a wild guess. So in the end, I’m happy that it’s working but wondering what the problem could have been. If you guys don’t have an answer, no problem at all. :-)



    Well I’m glad it fixed the issue :)

    Let me know if there is anything else I can assist with.


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