Enfold Version 3.4 – Newsletter integration, new headers, template builder improvements, new demos and more…
It’s been a while that we had an update this big…
Version 3.4 of our popular Enfold theme comes with a lot of improvements and features in various areas. What we are especially proud of is the Mailchimp Newsletter integration that lets you connect Enfold without any plugins to your Mailchimp Account, so user can subscribe to your Newsletters directly.
When we startet building the feature the plan was to simply include styles for one of the more common Mailchimp plugins, but we soon discovered that all the plugins (although often well coded and with lots of features) lacked the simple user interface our customers are now used to. So we built our own. And if you have ever used our form builder you will notice that the mailchimp builder is pretty similar and equally easy to use…
But there is so much more than just the Newsletter API…
Want some highlights?
We also got 4 new demos. We got a completely new header styling. We got a new blog styling. We got mailchimp and instagram widgets. A new slideshow for feature images. New default stylings. Columns can be animated when they first appear on screen. The option to save single elements as “templates” for later re-use. You can also lock the advanced layout editor globaly now so that layouts can no longer be changed by accident by your customers, and only content changes can be made. New advanced styling options for buttons and overlays. And not to forget updates and bugfixes. Want to know everything in detail?
Here is the changelog with the most important updates:
First lets start with the new demos. We got 4 of them:
We also added:
- added: a new header styling with menu above centered logo (example)
- added: a new Enfold Tab in your backend for entering the mailchimp API key
- added: new Template builder element: Mailchimp Signup Form Generator (looks like the default contact form)
- added: new Template builder element: Featured Image Slider for Posts (example)
- added: a Mailchimp signup widget (example in sidebar)
- added: a Instagram gallery widget (example in sidebar)
- added: columns shortcode now allows various animations when displayed first on the screen (example)
- added: you can now save single elements as template builder “templates” for easier re-use (previously only possible for the
- whole page)
- added: new animations for images
- added: option to lock the advanced layout editor for non-admins to prevent accidental layout changes
- added: new default styling “minimal white” (example)
- added: new default styling “boxed minimal” (example)
- added: new default styling “blue-yellow” (example)
- added: sidebar separator styling
- added: global option for advanced styling tab that lets you configure border radius of buttons (eg: rounded or no border)
- added: global option for advanced styling tab that lets you configure styling of widget titles (example in sidebar)
- added: a few trending google fonts
- added new blog styling: “Elegant” (example)
- added: blog element option that allows you to remove the element on sub pages (/page/2/, /page/3/ etc)
- added: option for the linked image overlay to remove the icon at „advanced styling options“ for a minimal look (example)
- added: option for the linked image overlay to remove the overlay completely
Other improvements:
- improved: styling of the response when a mailchimp or contact form is sent
- improved: contact form generator flexibility
- improved: contact form validation of numbers
- improved: loop-index.php and loop-author.php has a slightly different layout when the new blog style “Elegant” is used
- improved: the description text of the Headline rotator element
- improved: deactivated catalogue items are marked red now in your backend for easier detection
- improved: contact form element in backend
- improved: changed parallax html structure in preparation for future updates and improvements
- improved: the way metaboxes in the backend are stored
- fixed: a bug with advanced layout options and font selection
- fixed: an issue with very long similar labels of contact form elements causing the contact form to send the same value twice
- fixed: a display bug with archive description if no description was added
- fixed: a css class error in template-builder.php
- fixed: a css bug where iOS9 replaced an arrow with an emoji
- fixed: a css bug with lightbox caption size
- fixed: a layout issue with elements inside sections that where set to minimum height
- fixed: a bug with menu items that occurs with right aligned logos
- fixed: a flickering issue with fullwidth buttons on safari
- fixed: a flickering issue with the fullwidth slider in ie11
- fixed: an issue with safari that caused various elements to no longer work when you switch tabs (slider testimonial)
- fixed: a bug that caused the slideshows within the ajax portfolio not to work
- fixed: a bug that set the mega menu position wrong after resizing a browser window
- fixed: a bug that messed up lightbox grouping on pages with ajax elements (eg: masonry)
- fixed: woocommerce styling of “order again” button
- fixed: woocommerce styling of login form
- fixed: a bug with woocommerce cart not displaying correctly on boxed layouts
- fixed: a bug with woocommerce items in cart inheriting a wrong height and line height
- fixed: display bug with recurring events when using a template builder element
- fixed: a display bug with the event map on single pages
- fixed: a bug with the masonry loading duplicate entries when set to random
- fixed: an issue with the accordion slider and default lightbox linking
- fixed: wrong display of mobile data table headings
- fixed: an incompatibility with the plugin “woocommerce tabs manager”
- fixed: a bug that caused animated numbers to animate more than once
- fixed: changed some backend css class names to prevent incompatibilities with other plugins (eg: debug)
- fixed: an issue with the contact form not displaying the success message when a decimal number was entered
- fixed: a nesting error for menu element a tags
- updated: framework to the latest version
- updated: the facebook page widget was replaced with the newer responsive page plugin
- updated: tribe events calendar integration. (updating to the latest events calendar version might be necessary)
- updated: NL translation files

I got a server error after update? Nor backend or front are available????
Hi Jonas!
Please start a thread on our support forum and we will gladly look into it :)
For anyone encountering this problem: We got a quick fix for that problem here:
We already uploaded version 3.4.1 on themeforest and are waiting for approval ;)
“added: you can now save single elements as template builder “templates” for easier re-use (previously only possible for the
whole page)”
that’s simply wonderful
Agreed. This was a much needed feature with huge time saving benefits.
Found the solution.
I have more sites with Enfold themes, which I haven’t yet updated. Is it fixed when update directly from admin?
Hi Jonas!
We will release Enfold 3.4.1 soon which will include few small bug fixes including the one you mentioned in your first post. Please kindly wait for few hours and update other installations when 3.4.1 is out :)
Great job as always! The lock feature is brilliant as the save component to. if I may suggest something the next great thing would be the ability to hide or show column on mobile.
Thank you for your kind words!
Please see – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/hide-menu-itemselements-on-mobile/ :)
If you have any other features in mind that you would like to request, please feel free to post them here – https://kriesi.at/support/enfold-feature-requests/
I requested this a while back. Hope it gets released on the next update :)
I did to a while back. That would an really good feature.
This is becoming a very powerful theme! Great work guys!
again great work and I´m looking forward in testing the new features – waiting till the bugfix for 3.4.1 is through and all my clients will enjoy it as well – thanks to Kriesi team for this update!
should have used this e-Mail adress :-)
Enfold 3.4.1 is now available on ThemeForest :)
Hey guys,
awesome Update as far as i can see…
But the most wanted feature (saving Items in the advance Layoutbuilder) is not working, or am i doing something wrong?
clicking on the littel “save” icon does nothing…
Great update Kriesi!
I would love to see more speed enhancements, instead of new features, in the future.
Do the new layouts not have WooCommerce shop styling?
Will we still have unlimited tech support. It appears that Theme Forest is stating only 6 month tech support with purchase. Can you clarify?
The “logo center, menu above” option doesn’t seem to work. Updated the theme, the menu is centered, the logo is gone completely. The only thing in the source code is the menu (so this is not an issue with CSS). Have disabled plugins and removed custom CSS. This is just a “menu center, no logo” option.
There is no 3.4.1 on TF. I am downloading exactly the same 3.4 file
Your theme looks perfect! And as I can see from the post, your approach to supporting and developing the theme is amazing. Variety of demos makes me want this theme for my blog. I see, some people say about the speed of the theme. In my opinion, it’s already well optimized: content loads fast and styles don’t make the browser freeze.
Awesome work, good improvements of template builder and models, nice ideas!
Unfortunately had to downgrade to 4.3.
I encountered styling bugs that were making menu looking different depending on the language (website with WPML) selected.
Same over here – we rolled back to 4.3.1 – we are using a child theme but that did not prevent us from the changes.
After the update we had
– new / different values in the theme configuration (in backend) concerning the header and sizes.
– fonts and font colors where default again (black and smaller)
– layout issues on the sidebar (big white spaces)
Thank you so much for your continued support Kriesi. This theme is simply awesome – can’t recommend it enough!!
I am using your theme “Incarnation – Church and Community Theme” i want to update this theme can you please mention here tips to update this theme ..?
Awaiting back to hear from you,
There’s definately a lot to learn about this issue. I like all the points you’ve made.