Forum Replies Created
Hi Mike!!
I appreciate this but I think I’m good just being able to remove a single page/category from being highlighted on the menu for all posts.
Maybe we can try it down the road but it won’t move the needle as far as increasing pageviews (all a publisher wants) ;) and rankings!
If you ever want to create multipage sliders to help more publishers use Enfold, count on me to help out!! (If you want to see a few samples, check out They do a fab job of increasing engagement (and you always click to see more photos – and it’s all a single post with a variable after the page slug so it only counts as a single page for Google, you can add more Adsense ads and there’s lot of interaction with the visitor)
Best regards,
March 5, 2019 at 12:17 am in reply to: Matching Local Fonts to Proper Font Weight Displayed #1074554Hi Rikard!
Yes, it is a direct copy. The only difference is the staging has the local fonts and less content (I have used it to update plugins, wordpress and the enfold theme there first to make sure it all went well but that’s it)
Would you like me to give you access to staging?
Best regards,
Nevermind, guys. I found the solution:
replace background with:
background-color: rgba(128, 183, 179, 0.6) !important;
and it worked like a charm!!! :)
Thank you, Victoria!
One more quick question: for some reason, changing the background color of the arrow does not have any effect on the actual rider arrow and it’s very visible if the photo is dark but you cannot see the arrow if it’s dark. Do we need to add a z-index css to the CSS code?
#top .avia-smallarrow-slider .avia-slideshow-arrows a {
background: #CC000000 !important;
color: #fff;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
font-size: 50px;
font-weight: bolder;
}Hi Mike,
The Pages always show properly on the menus. It’s the blog categories that do not. I did make a change: I removed the page on the Enfold settings where it says: Blog Page as every post was showing the same blog category (The whole website is a blog, so there really is no blog page – unless you think as the home as one and not even)
This eliminated Ideas para Bodas from always being highlighted/underlined on the Menu whenever you were on a blog post (which was odd).
The only thing left seems to be being able to highlight the proper menu top page when the post belongs to one of those categories. But it may be something Enfold does not have.
At least I found the way of removing the same Menu Item to always being underlined pointing to the wrong category!Best,
One more testing update:
– Disabled the Calendar plugin, installed a different one, set it up and enabled and the same jQuery issue appears.
Let me know how I can help.
Thank you!
Hi guys,
I just disabled the Cookie consent and the SSL error goes away. By the same token, I checked the same event pages on the Staging site and this error does not appear.
Do you think there was a problem with the Enfold version update from Envato? I can always SFTP a copy. I really need to address the SSL issue fast. (But if I disable the GDPR you won’t be able to see what it happening)
The jQuery issue does happen on both instances: Live and Staging. And this is a new one. Would you like me to give you the credentials for Staging?
Let me know,
Best regards,
Thank you, Ismael!! It worked like a charm!
Hi Basilis,
Is this ticket about something similar to mine? (I don’t think it’s exactly the same but kinda looks like mine:
February 25, 2019 at 5:05 am in reply to: Enfold Replaces Single-Event.php and removes JSON markup #1071131Thank you, Ismael!! I hope they do!
Hi Basilis,
Nope. It’s still not working and now the home page is totally off, especially the image sizes. Thank goodness this is a staging site. (Yes, cleared the cache – a couple of times)
Just in case you fix it, remember you have to tell me what to manually apply to the Live site.
Best regards,
February 21, 2019 at 6:58 am in reply to: Enfold Replaces Single-Event.php and removes JSON markup #1069798Hi Ismael!
Don’t worry about the rest. I talked to my client and they are ok with the warnings. Meanwhile, I would love to add the fix you gave me to the child theme. Do I have to create folders inside of the child theme’s folder or can the single-event.php be dropped directly on the child theme folder? Or are you planning on adding the modification on the next build of Enfold?
The error did clear.
Best regards,
February 20, 2019 at 2:46 am in reply to: Enfold Replaces Single-Event.php and removes JSON markup #1069239Hi Ismael!
The error is gone! I still have a 4 warnings related to the Offer (this one is not being picked up – it’s the currency field that is populated and I think it’s taking the Price or Cost of the event as an offer and thinking it has a start and an end date) If I add it manually, the priceCurrency warning clears:
Do you know how I could add it?
and the Performer, I really have no clue. I don’t even think their plugin offers such a field!
Quick question. To add it to the Child theme, Should I create all of the subfolders? Or just drop it together at the same folder level than the stylesheet and functions.php for the child theme?
Thank you so much!!
Sure, Ismael! Here you go!
Hi Ismael,
I just went I did toggle it off, cleared the browser’s cache and still, they don’t show. It makes sense, doesn’t it? Now there’s no CSS for the arrows.
PS: Would you like me to send you the login credentials?
Hi Victoria!!
Absolutely!! Adding all the credentials in the Private section.
If there is anything else you need, just let me know. (Also, I have a couple of additional ticket for this site, feel free to check them out here as well)
Thank you!!!
Hi Rikard!
The pull down option the widget has. I didn’t even know it was there until I went to look. Pretty cool. It would be great if it would cache the images from Instagram on the server but at least with the Pull from Instagram it works!
Let me know when the Caching Instagram images work again. I’d love to give it a try! :)
Best regards,
February 15, 2019 at 12:05 am in reply to: Enfold Replaces Single-Event.php and removes JSON markup #1067230I forgot to add this issue as well. The pagination does not match and is overriden as well, so it creates broken canonical links and 404 pages.
Events Archive | Page 2 of 8 | Conversion Sciences Should be: guys,
Just chiming in with similar behavior where the Yoast plugin is the one blocking the content. I had to ditch their Local SEO plugin because the categories were showing up empty and they did admit to a bug on their code. This has been almost a year ago and they still have not fixed it.
I have created my very own local markup via GTM and dropped their plugin. My suggestion here is to also add a ticket to Yoast as they just updated their code for the 404 pages.
Hope this helps.
Hi guys,
I switched the options to Cache on Server and the message went away but nothing was cached. So, I switched back to pull from IG and the images are back!
The only thing that does not seem to work is the Caching on the Server. Ia there some step I may be missing? That’s a seriously cool feature!
Thank you!
Hi Ismael,
I added this code on my staging site and now the arrows have completely disappeared on the mobile page.
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
#top .avia-smallarrow-slider .avia-slideshow-arrows {
width: 505px;
height: 50px;
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 420px;
}Here’s the screenshot on mobile:
This code used to work nicely on desktop and mobile. Something must have changed and it doesn’t work anymore. What should change here?
Thank you!
Hi guys,
I am experiencing the same problem (never seen this happen before)
The Instagram is on the sidebar and I’m running Enfold 5.2 and I don’t want to add one more plugin to the mix.
Thank you!!
Hi Nikko!!
It worked!!! Woohoo!! Maybe Envato fixed the issue… :)
Thank you!!!!
Same here – but I don’t know if it is because I have already updated the Kinsta Staging area and the token worked there. Should I update via SFTP?
Hi Victoria!!
I was able to solve the underline/bottom-border issue (not working when CSS compression enabled) by moving the CSS code to the child theme’s stylesheet (from the Quick CSS). So that’s taken care of.
And the remaining CSS issue I noticed on mobile is on this post (on the slider >> missing right arrow and wrong position):
See how the slider on mobile is showing only the left arrow (and way lower than it should be) and no arrow to the right? But if you look at the same post on desktop, it shows properly.
Am I missing more CSS or will this also get fixed if I move it to the Child theme’s Stylesheet? Is there a limit to how much CSS goes into the Quick CSS section?
Thank you so much!!
Hi guys,
I fixed part of the problem.
I moved this CSS:
/*underline links body*/
.entry-content p a {
color: #000 !important;
border-bottom: 3px solid #fff200;
.entry-content p a:hover {
color: #80b7b3 !important;
text-decoration: none !important;
border-bottom: none !important;
}from the Quick CSS area to the CSS Stylesheet for the child theme. Re-enabled CSS compression and it works on desktop and mobile.
Should I move all of my Quick CSS to the Child theme’s stylesheet? Would that fix the slider arrows on mobile piece?
This is the Slider arrows CSS:
/*slider arrows css */
#top .avia-smallarrow-slider .avia-slideshow-arrows {
width: 505px;
height: 50px;
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 420px;
#top .avia-smallarrow-slider .avia-slideshow-arrows a {
background: transparent !important;
color: #fff;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
font-size: 50px;
font-weight: bolder;
#top .avia-smallarrow-slider .avia-slideshow-arrows a:before {
background: transparent !important;
line-height: 50px;
}Is it possible that we need a bit more CSS that applies to the responsive rendering of the arrows?
Thank you so much in advance!
It works!!!! Woohoo!! This is fabulous!!
Thank you!!
Hi Rikard!!!
This is awesome!! I went to the staging site and added the code to the child’s theme functions php and I can see the shortcode!
I will test to see if it works! I’ll keep you posted!
Certainly!! Feel free to close it! And I hope it will be useful for others too!!
Best regards,
Hi Mike!!
I tried your code and it works to perfection!!! Only applies to the text!! Thank you!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!