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  • in reply to: Header effect (only when scrolling down) #1409126

    Yes on mobile devices – it is ok – but click on hamburger on desktop browsers! ( screens bigger than 768px)

    in reply to: Header effect (only when scrolling down) #1409121

    your header – there must be some css mismatch.
    Because click on your hamburger!

    in reply to: Header effect (only when scrolling down) #1409120

    Now: see f.e. that page and its curtain effect footer:

    The content of that footer will end on small screens ( all columns are beneath each other ) at a height of 1176px.
    So even if i could set that option when curtain effect footer goes to scroll to 100% ( only 90% option is available ) there will be no space to show all the content on f.e. an iPhone 11 ( screen-height is : 812px) – so if that footer stays on fixed position there will be 364px that could not be seen.
    The only way to see the whole footer content is then to set position to relative and scroll with the content !

    if we are talking about your homepage ( link on your nick) The footer is still fixed on my mobile devices.
    but for mobile devices with less than 736px ( iPhone 6,7,8) it will scroll – because:
    your footer height will be on that screenwidth of 375px : 535px and this is nearby 80% of available screen-height. That is the reason why i give you the snippet to enlarge the allowed footer height to set to 90%.
    In this case your footer will be even fixed on Mobiles with 736px screen
    if you got iPhone 5 it is 568px available – no chance even on 90% to have a fixed footer with curtain effect.

    in reply to: Header effect (only when scrolling down) #1409111

    just to mention for that blurry effect:
    See comment 2 on that for iOS devices like iPhone : Currently only supported with the -webkit- prefix
    so do not forget to add to ismaels code that rule!

    #top #header .header_bg {
      background-color: rgba(20, 21, 23, 0.3);
      -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(8px);
      backdrop-filter: blur(8px);
    #top #header.av_header_transparency .header_bg {
      -webkit-backdrop-filter: none;
      backdrop-filter: none;

    next answer will have some thoughts on your curtain effect …

    in reply to: working solution for different logo on scroll #1409093

    so look again to the example page:

    This is default behavior on transparency pages – showing first the logo (from options : header – transprency options – transparency logo) after shrinking finished the default logo is shown.

    And that is what you like to have on all pages – even those with header option : not transprency.

    in reply to: working solution for different logo on scroll #1409067

    But that’s what it sounds to me when it’s said: different logos on scroll ( means during the scroll ).

    if you want to show logo A only when loading the page – and while scrolling to the end of the shrunk header. After reaching the shrunk height of the header, logo B should be visible.
    This is analogous to the transparency header – but now with the same behavior on all pages.

    It would be best if we could see your logos to get an idea of what we have to work with.

    in reply to: working solution for different logo on scroll #1409050

    Your topic of that is the way i understand – different logo during scrolling – stop scrolling default logo:

    the method used for your aim depends on the logos you like to use.
    E.g. – Logo a and logo b are only colored differently (change of font color – change of branding color etc.). I would try to realize it by an svg logo just switching the fill colors by scroll event.

    F.e. two logo variants are by same dimensions. Insert your logo as usual – and set on quick css the other logo as background-image.
    on my example page these are svg files – but png or jpg is also a possibility.

    .av-contains-svg.invisible  {
      background-image: url(/wp-content/uploads/icon807.svg);
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      background-size: contain;
      background-position: center center;
    .av-contains-svg.invisible svg {
      opacity: 0;
      transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out

    the jQuery function now on child-theme functions.php:

    function invisible_on_scrolling() { 
    <script type="text/javascript">
      let timeout;
      let $targetOnScroll = $('.av-contains-svg');
      $(document).on("scroll", () => {
        timeout = setTimeout(() => $targetOnScroll.removeClass('invisible'), 200);
    add_action('wp_footer', 'invisible_on_scrolling');


    Or: do you like to have different logo during shrink – after shrink finished – default logo
    can you link to my post that you are referring to?

    Thank you – this works wonderfully – however as you already write not for Gridlayout.

    And especially in this context a grid layout would be exactly what is often desired.
    So maybe Günter can find in future releases the option to have :

    ( and on all other elements that have the option to choose Which Entries are displayed? – Select which entries should be displayed by selecting a taxonomy )

    in reply to: How to add a script to my header? #1408891

    A mod would have to give you guidance in this case – because as a participant, as you are, I do not see the private content area.

    Or you post the code and replace only personalized information in this code (IDs or similar) – so it can’t be misused.

    in reply to: How to add a script to my header? #1408879

    i do not know anything about your code provided by your third party service ( even if it is a javascript code – if it is only a style then we had to do it a different way )
    but if it is a script code- then that code replaces the line:
    // replace that line here by your script code – so it is between the script tags

    in reply to: Post Link Format not directly linking #1408878

    sorry for misunderstanding the goal.

    in reply to: Sticky sidebar #1408876
    in reply to: Post Link Format not directly linking #1408875

    yes – if you go to :
    and try to open that post with title: “font usage” the link and the image goes to the external link set in a post with postformat: link.
    If that link is a pdf it will directly open that pdf etc.

    On postslider we got ( line 860) :

    if( $format == 'link' )
    	$current_post = array();
    	$current_post['content'] = $entry->post_content;
    	$current_post['title'] = avia_wp_get_the_title( $entry );
    	if( function_exists( 'avia_link_content_filter' ) )
    		$current_post = avia_link_content_filter( $current_post );
    	$link = $current_post['url'];

    and for each postformat we got this new $link definition.

    maybe that is possible with the widgets too! To have a decision where the link of a list will go to – depending on the source postformat.
    And by the way for the latest post widget we got it as class on the li Element: (post-format-link, etc. …)

    in the lang files of formal : de_DE_formal.po it is correct : “Der letzte Kommentar muss genehmigt werden.”
    ( i.e. when using the formal form of address “SIE” )

    and indeed on the informal de_DE.po it is incorrect: “Das letzte Kommentar muss genehmigt werden.”

    So you can either switch to the formal Version of the lang file ( on dashboard – settings – site language )

    Or you can edit that lang file ( using poedit ) and have your own child-theme langfile for that:
    (edited Versions of both files .po and .mo files to upload in subfolder of your child-theme: lang )

    function overwrite_language_file_child_theme() {
        $lang = get_stylesheet_directory().'/lang';
        return $lang;
    add_filter('ava_theme_textdomain_path', 'overwrite_language_file_child_theme');

    or – quick and relative dirty way:
    ( in child-theme functions.php )

    function my_text_strings( $translated_text, $text, $domain ){
      switch ( $translated_text ){
        case 'The last comment needs to be approved.' : $translated_text = __( 'Der letzte Kommentar muss genehmigt werden.', $domain ); break;
        // case 'Das letzte Kommentar muss genehmigt werden.' : $translated_text = __( 'Der letzte Kommentar muss genehmigt werden.', $domain ); break;
      return $translated_text;
    add_filter('gettext', 'my_text_strings', 20, 3);

    ( if first case does not work uncomment the second case in that code and remove the first case )

    or use a plugin to correct that wrong translation

    you are on Enfold – especially with the translations, something changes quite often. That’s why I can no longer find this string in the lang files of 5.6.2.

    On Swiss wordpress the lang files are pulled from lang folder: de_CH.po (
    if you use the german version – be carefully that there is a formal and an informal lang file ( for “Sie” and “Du” usage )

    by the way: Users ( not logged in users ) see:
    “Dein Kommentar muss noch vom Moderator freigeschaltet werden”
    so i guess what you are seeing is the hint for the mods/admins.

    Ich testete gerade das auf deiner Seite – bitte lösche also diesen Test Kommentar

    in reply to: Post Link Format not directly linking #1408843

    although I think that it is not generally to set, because you often want to add explanatory / introductory words to the external links (videos, audios …). And therefore a call to the post makes sense.

    but wouldn’t only a change in the loop-index.php be necessary?
    Within a blog, the $pf_link is also checked for post-format, so that here directly from the blog the link does not go to the post but to the link.
    so set the link for : ($post_format !== 'standard') to the postformat link ($pf_link) in general ?

    in reply to: How to add a script to my header? #1408840

    I just edited my reply when you inserted your return reply. The snippet above would then be sufficient – and the plugin would thus be superfluous.
    But i do not know anything about your script – so it might be adjusted as said above.

    in reply to: How to add a script to my header? #1408838

    this might help –
    that snippet comes to your child-theme functions.php:

    function your_custom_script(){
    	// replace that line here by your script code
    add_action('wp_head', 'your_custom_script');

    but How it is ultimately set also depends on whether it needs any requirements. E.g. the user script needs jQuery – then this must be loaded first before your user script is inserted.

    Please read this first: But even if it is not set by you in a surrounding container – there will be some automatic parent containers anyway. One of them is main.content. with padding : 0 50px
    as a parent container to your #your-unique-id you can’t influence it for lack of css selectors regarding parent containers. The ID you set goes to the direct parent of the avia_textblock class.
    The auto p function will insert p-tags – these will have top/bottom margin of: 0.85em
    This could be set to 0 by your ID:

    #your-unique-id p {
      margin: 0;

    so – even if you use a placed parent container (f.e a 1/1 column) for that text-block and give a custom ID or Class to that Element then it wouldn’t be of any use to you. ( only color-section is usefull – but as a full width element it will not allow sidebares besides )
    For that post influence it by the postid

     /*** customize to your postid ***/
    #top.postid-43042 .content {
      padding: 0;
    in reply to: Replies created does not work ( on my Profile ) #1408795

    you can close this now – but this was not the first shortcode inside a code tag i posted. So I was quite surprised by this reason.

    i guess he wants to show only posts that are in category a and b – The intersection of the two categories –
    only posts that are inside both categories ( a && b)

    maybe there could be a filter solution in future releases to have a logical relation between the “link” f.e. in:
    av_blog blog_type='taxonomy' link='category,4,7' … this is a multiple selection of two categories but relation is on default an “OR” – maybe a checkbox at that element or as mentioned a filter solution will force an “AND” relation.

    depends on where the text-block is? – because f.e. color-sections got a min-height setting of 100px

    in reply to: social icons in footer widget! #1408693

    have you used this:

    have you added the css in quick css ( otherwise the icons will be : as list under each other )

    #footer .widget ul.social_bookmarks {
        display: inline-flex;
        gap: 0px 10px;
    #footer .widget ul.social_bookmarks li {
        border: none

    but why does it break the board soft ( this code inside codetag) but on my wordpress installation inside child-theme functions.php not ?

    in reply to: Replies created does not work ( on my Profile ) #1408687

    but why does it break the board soft ( this code inside codetag – as you mentioned it ) but on my wordpress installation inside child-theme functions.php not ?

    in reply to: Replies created does not work ( on my Profile ) #1408686

    sorry – double post – see next

    in reply to: Replies created does not work ( on my Profile ) #1408631

    Sorry for late reply – i did it now

    Bei iPad Quer hast du dann die Grid-Zellen nebeneinander?
    Das Problem bei dem Konstrukt ist ja das der Content in der anderen Grid-Zelle die Höhe bestimmen muß – ansonsten würde der in das Overflow geraten, oder abgeschnitten werden.
    Daher funktioniert das nur entweder wenn wir im Responsiven Fall sind ( also jede Grid-Zelle die 100% füllt) oder in seltenen Fällen der Content in der anderen Zelle sehr klein ist, sodaß man die Zelle mit dem Hintergrund bestimmen lassen kann wie hoch die Grid-Row ist.

    Schau dir nochmal die Beispielseite an. Unten ist der o.a. Fall : wenig Content
    bei einer 1/2 Grid-Cell hast du dann auch nur die Halbe Höhe um ein “responsives” Verhalten zu erzwingen.
    Mit fixed geht dies nich ( und schon garnicht mit parallax ) Fixierte Elemente befinden sich quasi nicht im ElternContainer – daher ist die basis eines
    background-attachment : fixed die 100% screenweite.

    Für den Fall Grid-Cells nebeneinander habe ich eine weitere Klasse gesetzt:


    With iPad landscape you have the grid cells next to each other?
    The problem with the construct is that the content in the other grid cell must determine the height – otherwise it would get into the overflow, or be cut off.
    Therefore this only works if we are in the responsive case (i.e. every grid cell fills 100%) or in rare cases the content in the other cell is very small, so you can let the cell with the background determine how high the grid row is.

    Have a look at the example page again. Below is the above case : little content
    with a 1/2 grid-cell you have only half the height to force a “responsive” behavior.
    With fixed this is not possible ( and certainly not with parallax ) Fixed elements are not in the parent container – therefore the base of a
    background-attachment : fixed is the 100% screen width.

    For the case of grid-cells next to each other I set another class:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) {
      #top .flex_cell.responsives-verhalten.nebeneinander  {
        background-attachment: scroll;
        padding: 0 !important
      #top .flex_cell.responsives-verhalten.nebeneinander .flex_cell_inner {
        height: calc(56.25vw / 2) !important;


    Where should the content be shown if another tab is open?
    Besides each other – and you scroll then left/right?


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