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  • in reply to: How can I add WPML #1410465

    Also ich habe es in einer Testinstallation mittels WPML Menü Sprachumschalter gemacht, und dann nur css angewandt.
    Eventuell hatte ich dadurch etwas andere Selectoren als Du. Lass es doch einfach jetzt so – so sieht es gut aus.

    in reply to: How can I add WPML #1410439

    OK maybe you got an older Version of WPML than mine

    first put this to your quick css:

    .js_active.html_burger_menu #avia-menu > li.av-language-switch-item {
      display: block;
    .language_flag img {
      width: 30px !important;
      top: 6px;
      position: relative;
      outline: 2px solid #B52828;
    .av-burger-overlay-active .language_flag img {
      outline: 2px solid #FFF;
    .av-burger-overlay-active #menu-item-search a {
      color: #FFF !important

    in reply to: How can I add WPML #1410434

    in reply to: How can I add WPML #1410424

    on WPML – Langage – there are options – what happens if you insert it to main-menu:

    in reply to: Force Download #1410418

    Unfortunately, this is not a matter that you can control yourself. Even if the pdf links have this download attribute, the browser settings determine what happens – you can force a download – but the pdf file will open anyway in the browser.

    // with file-extension
    function force_pdf_link_to_download() { 
    <script type="text/javascript">
    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { 
          $('a[href$=".pdf"]').each(function() {
             pdfName = $(this).attr('href').match(/\/([^\/?#]+)[^\/]*$/)[1];
             $(this).attr('download', pdfName ).attr('target', '_blank'); 
    add_action('wp_footer', 'force_pdf_link_to_download');

    it is not possible to add a download attribute to a link with no value – even if you try that –
    texteditor will correct it to: download="" so the script above will insert download="filename.pdf"

    Even an entry in the htaccess file does not have to be followed by the browser:

    <FilesMatch "\.(?i:pdf)$">
    ForceType application/octet-stream
    Header set Content-Disposition attachment

    so what could be reached is that the file downloads on click – but it will open in browser tab too.

    Perhaps a more skilled programmer than me can force this behaviour – but I think it will be futile, especially since it is supposed to be browser independent.

    in reply to: custom header #1410259

    the setting of the header_bg background is a bit strange. I would not do it this way via Enfold Options – but via quick css:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
      #top .container.av-logo-container {
        max-width: 100% !important;
        /***  height: 120px !important;  ***/
    	.header_color .header_bg {
    	  background: #fff url(//;
    	  background-size: contain;
    	  background-repeat: no-repeat;
    	  background-position: center center;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    	.logo img { 
    		opacity: 0; 
    	.logo a { 
    		background-image: url(//; 
    		background-repeat: no-repeat; 
    		background-size: contain; 

    if you like to replace it everywhere you can try this in your child-theme functions.php:

    function wrap_copyright_text_with_sup(){
    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { 
    (function($) {     
         $('body :not(script)').contents().filter(function() {
            return this.nodeType === 3;
            }).replaceWith(function() {
                return this.nodeValue.replace(/[™®©]/g, '<sup>$&</sup>');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'wrap_copyright_text_with_sup');

    after that you can style the sup (superscript) tag:
    this is default:

    sup {
      font-size: 0.75em;
      line-height: 0;
      position: relative;
      vertical-align: baseline;
    in reply to: GIFs in Tabs not animated #1410124

    be carefull to insert a non recalculated image size – only the original gif will have the animation.

    in reply to: Multiple images in light box #1410123

    not a custom php file – put these lines to your child-theme functions.php

    on default installation of a child-theme ( Link ) there will be at the beginning :
    functions.php ; screenshot.png ; style.css

    on a fresh installed child-theme functions.php there are no extra entries – only a leading <?php on top.
    those extra snippets comes to that file – leave the leading line untouched.


    if you like to group some images on a page just give to the image that common group class ( group-1, group-2 etc. )
    Images in text-blocks : put that custom class to the link ( “Link CSS Class”) : group-1 etc. – see screenshot above. (Link )

    see here in action:
    All squared images are in one group – and the Rest is in a different group.

    PS: you can add more lines to that list – but i think 8 groups on a page will be enough.

    in reply to: Remove hover on social media buttons #1410122

    you can remove the titles ( and these are responsible for those browser tooltips ) from those social-bookmark links by this snippet inside your child-theme functions.php:

    function remove_title_attr(){
    (function($) {
      $(window).on('load', function(){
        $('.social_bookmarks a').removeAttr('title');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'remove_title_attr');

    Edit: ah i see – you do not belong to the share buttons on top or in the footer – but to those share buttons under the single posts
    so try Nikkos css.

    in reply to: Text in Logo area #1410093

    kuck mal hier: Link
    und scroll dann mal runter. Mit Inline svg ist sowas möglich

    in reply to: Multiple images in light box #1409917

    Yes – but i tested the last snippet – on image alb – it works – even if the image alb elements are not in the same container.
    There is on avia-snippet-lightbox.js a setting which images are grouped. ( test all squared image are inside a group – and the rest inside another group.
    see code from there:

    groups :	['.avia-slideshow', '.avia-gallery', '.av-horizontal-gallery', '.av-instagram-pics', '.portfolio-preview-image', '.portfolio-preview-content', '.isotope', '.post-entry', '.sidebar', '#main', '.main_menu', '.woocommerce-product-gallery']'

    so if an image is in the same f.e. avia-gallery group it will be forced in a common lightbox.

    the above snippet will group all images that are linked to lightbox – and have a parent class group-1 etc.

    but i thought on former enfold versions this does include even image inside text-block alb elements.
    But i tested that with no success.

    in reply to: Text in Logo area #1409907

    here is an example as svg – if you now decide to have shrink header – you can set the subliner to display: none – or opacity: 0

    Edit: Logo Download removed

    PS if this is done – i will remove your logo from here.

    you see how it is set for better select the single parts:

    the ID: #subliner could be handled separated from the rest, because Enfold put the svg Logo as inline svg code.

    in reply to: Different logo links in different languages #1409876

    I believe that Polylang has a setting for this. That the corresponding English page links to the correct home page.
    But if everything fails, you could redirect using this code snippet within the child-themes function.php:

    function av_change_logo_link_on_different_languages($link){
        $currentlang = get_bloginfo('language');
        if($currentlang == "en-GB"){
            $link = 'https://the-new-path-comes-here';
        return $link; 
    in reply to: Text in Logo area #1409875

    Welcher Schriftzug soll darunter stehen? Eventuell könnte man das ganze dann lieber als svg umsetzen.
    Die Tänzerin zu verktorisieren geht schnell, und die Schrift ist bekannt ( Gill Sans Nova)

    Diesen extra Schriftzug könnte man dann ein/ausblenden nach dem Scrollen – oder gar verschieben etc. pp:
    siehe z.B:

    in reply to: Text in Logo area #1409865

    Muss die Schrift unterhalb deines Logos permanent dort sein? Dann solltest du den weg gehen – einfach die Grafik dahingehend zu bearbeiten und neu hochzuladen.

    in reply to: Text in Logo area #1409864

    Na wie gesagt: Manche sehen es als Sicherheitsrisiko an, php ( js ) via dashboard bearbeiten zu können.
    Daher kann man es abschalten z.B. mit den zwei Zeilen die ich oben ansprach. Dazu müßtest du mal via ftp in deine wp-config.php schauen ob sich diese Einträge dort befinden.

    in reply to: Text in Logo area #1409860

    Gerade mal noch editiert oben – bezüglich des Editors.

    habe jetzt nicht geschaut ob du ein child-theme nutzt oder nicht. ?

    in reply to: Text in Logo area #1409854

    nimm das öffentlich gepostete Login mal lieber schnell raus! Und setze es für die Mods in den Private Content unterhalb des regulären Eingabefeldes.
    Am besten auch das Login Passwort noch ändern.

    so ich hatte mich mal kurz eingeloggt. In der Tat hast du dort keinen Editor. Das kann daran liegen, das aus Sicherheitsgründen – entweder ein Security Plugin das verhindert, oder in der wp-config.php datei im Rootverzeichnis deiner WordPress Installation genau das unterbunden wird.
    Die Zeilen wären dann:

    define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );
    define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true );

    die entweder löschen – oder auf false setzen.

    in reply to: Enlarge icon size on icon circles element #1409791

    try to play a little and start with: height and font-size

    #top .av-icon-circles-container .avia-icon-circles-icon {
      text-align: center;
      font-size: 50px;
      line-height: 0 !important;
      height: 80px;
      width: 80px;
      margin: -33px;
    #top .avia-icon-circles-icon::before {
      position: relative;
      top: 49%;
    .main_color #top .av-icon-circles-container {
      border: 3px solid #608a12;
      transform-origin: center center;

    it might be necessary to move the icon inside the circle ( via pseudo-container : before ) . Since I can’t see your private message, I can’t give you any better advice.

    in reply to: Styling contact form 7 like Enfold #1409789

    by the way you can use the html classes from enfold on columns etc. to have similar look.

    to have those placeholders inside the input fields use the placeholder attribute – like on my screenshot
    [text your-name placeholder "Your name here"]

    in reply to: Post Slider without dates #1409769

    put this to your quick css:

    #top .avia-content-slider .slide-meta-time {
      display: none;

    This could also be used as a snippet – but from a SEO point of view it would probably be better not to replace an existing H2, but to change the build process to H1.

    function replace_tags_with_tags(){
      (function($) {       
          function replaceElementTag(targetSelector, newTagString) {
              var newElem = $(newTagString, {html: $(this).html()});
              $.each(this.attributes, function() {
                newElem.attr(, this.value);
          replaceElementTag('.avia-fullwidth-slider h2.avia-caption-title', '<h1></h1>'); 
    add_action('wp_footer', 'replace_tags_with_tags');

    the change on color of the h1 had to be set in quick css. But with that filter here the option if framed or not is preserved.

    function my_avf_customize_heading_settings( array $args, $context, array $extra_args = array() ){
      if( $context == 'avia_slideshow' ){
        $args['heading'] = 'h1';             
      return $args;
    add_filter( 'avf_customize_heading_settings', 'my_avf_customize_heading_settings', 10, 3 );

    but i do not see how to differ between fullscreen and fullwidth sliders – the filter is inside the helper: class-avia-slideshow.php
    and f.e. no extra_args are set.

    maybe the filter avf_slideshow_title can be used – but i think it is only to change the content of title .

    in reply to: How to change a permalink #1409667

    But isn’t it then a problem of that plugin ( Permalink Manager ) ? What do they say about your troubles ?
    and you are right – I did indeed assume that you were using the Advanced Layout Builder. In this case there is an editor field for permalink

    you can do that by adding the html entities or by adding it by copy and paste.
    But if you are writing in text-block editor and using the standard key ( shift 2 ) from your keyboard – it will insert the english opening and closing double quotes.
    The language than decides how they will look like on frontend – if you choose french as page language they will automatically translated to those Guillements. in German we have those curly brackets ( and the ampersand function only changes the straight double quotes to curly double quoutes by wrapping in a span with class ) etc. pp.
    But now – if your page is set to german and you like to have those guillemets this is an option to do so.

    On mac german keyboard ( QWERTZ)
    « : option q
    » : shift option q

    sorry boardsoft will replace my code snippet i use for the strings:
    the entities are important for the code to work.
    (click to enlarge)

    PS if you use lang setting of ch_X. use that instead

    Yes – there is a definition for those quotes in enfold-functions.php with avia_ampersand function.
    but even if i overwrite that function ( as a pluggable function – it is easy to do ) i can not set for quillemets ( » and. « )

    i think that the lang setting for that page is disturbing the way it might work.

    if you are using the de_X setting for your page try this in your child-theme functions.php:

    for copy and paste the function ( do not copy the leading <?php see pastbin :

    PPS: all credits goes to :

    in reply to: How to change a permalink #1409634

    First the permalink structure had to be set to what you like to have on : dashboard – settings – permalinks ( and for portfolio look to the Portfolio Entry Settings below that fields ) – all portfolios will be in that permalink structure. So first you had to adjust the structure there !

    then the addendum nomenklatur. If there exists allready a:
    you can not rename the
    to it !
    Be aware that for the Database a post do exist – even if it is inside the trash/bin !!
    So if it is that way – you first had to empty the trash !

    in reply to: Multiple images in light box #1409594

    hm – tested it on newest Enfold – seems not to work as expected – and even the known snippet of generating groups – does not work anymore in that manner that even if there are images in text-block element with that group-class are together in one Group.
    Between Image Alb even in different color-sections the snippet works!

    (on using group-1, group-2 etc. )

    function handle_lightbox_groups_in_gallery(){
        $(window).on('load',function() {
            $('.group-1 .lightbox-added').attr('data-group', '1');
            $('.group-2 .lightbox-added').attr('data-group', '2');
            $('.group-3 .lightbox-added').attr('data-group', '3');
            $('.group-4 .lightbox-added').attr('data-group', '4');
            $('.group-5 .lightbox-added').attr('data-group', '5');
            $('.group-6 .lightbox-added').attr('data-group', '6');
            $('.group-7 .lightbox-added').attr('data-group', '7');
            $('.group-8 .lightbox-added').attr('data-group', '8');
            // …
            var groups = {};
            $('.lightbox-added').each(function() {
              var id = parseInt($(this).attr('data-group'), 10);
              if(!groups[id]) {
                groups[id] = [];
              groups[id].push( this );
            $.each(groups, function() {
                  type: 'image',
                  mainClass: 'avia-popup mfp-zoom-in mfp-image-loaded',
                  closeOnContentClick: false,
                  closeBtnInside: false,
                  gallery: { enabled:true }
    add_action('wp_footer', 'handle_lightbox_groups_in_gallery');
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