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Welche Version von Enfold nutzt Du? Weil – ja es war mal so, dass die sections standardmäßig eine 1px top border erhielten; Seit man aber in den Einstellungen der Color-Section die Auswahl bei Layout – Border die Einstellung setzen kann, ist das wohl nicht mehr so.
Die Standardeinstellung ist nämlich die, dass dann die Klasse: avia-no-border-styling gesetzt wird. Diese Klasse sorgt dafür , dass die Regel:.container_wrap { border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1px; }
nicht mehr greift wegen:
#top #wrap_all #main .avia-no-border-styling { border: none; }
Wie gesagt, daher vermute ich Du nutzt eine ältere Version.
Which version of Enfold are you using? Because – yes, it used to be the case that the sections had a 1px top border by default; but since you can set the selection in the settings of the color section under Layout – Border, this is probably no longer the case.
The default setting is that the class: avia-no-border-styling is then set. This class ensures that the rule:.container_wrap { border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1px; }
no longer applies because of:
#top #wrap_all #main .avia-no-border-styling { border: none; }
So I assume you are using an older version.
if you set up a rule on “Advanced Styling” for example for a h1 – the rule is noted as:
#top #wrap_all .all_colors h1 { font-family: 'brush script mt',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
the selector got 2 IDs – so it has a high specifity (
and see how the specifity counts: if there is another rule f.e. in quick css that got a higher specifity – or is set to !important – “Advanced styling rule” is ignored.
f.e. as:#top #wrap_all #main .all_colors h1
For this reason, I add rules to my Quick CSS with at least one ID (#top) that should “win”.
I try to avoid using !important.I hope I understand you correctly. You have inserted a table element (one of these Layout Builder elements). There you are trying to set a link to an external website in edit mode. What exactly did you insert into the table cell?
(Please enter this in a code tag so that we can take a closer look.)like this :
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>
by the way you can upload ttf files to :
test this zip file f.e. – erase all your uploaded Montserrat zip files. it is you page ( and your nick is very informative ) i think you have uploaded only that montserrat font (and gotham-pro) via the fontmanager – but you have uploaded the whole downloaded font zip file.
Inside that zip there are variable font files and in a subfolder the static font files.
your static font folder leads to the result that the Montserrat Font is listed as font-family: staticBy the way :
new Enfold can also handle these variable font files – but I would recommend uploading them separately.For example, put the Montserrat variable files in a folder and name it Montserrat-variable.
Pull out the static folder from the zip file and rename it to Montserrat.For performance reasons, it is now time to consider whether you really need all the fonts. The list is very long, especially for Montserrat. In principle, the variable fonts should be sufficient for all modern browsers.
However, if you only need, for example, light, regualar and bold, it may even be better to upload only the static fonts (woff2, ttf). In addition, Montserrat is a font where the italic variant hardly differs from a normal slanted font.
You could therefore live with the fact that only the normal font styles are uploaded and the italic fonts are converted by browser rendering.Then zip these two folders (please not in Mac Zip format – so without all the invisible files OSX packs in), but without the metadata. Betterzip also has a “zip for PC” option.
Then upload these folders to the font manager.PS: the uploaded Fonts can be found at the bottom of the font dropdown list ;)
sorry one error there is an extra attr for Logo ID: header_replacement_logo_id
so snippet has to be :
function av_change_alt_logo_img($header){ if(is_page(1313)) { $header['header_class'] .= ' av_alternate_logo_active'; $header['header_replacement_logo_id'] = 3951; } return $header; } add_filter('avf_header_setting_filter','av_change_alt_logo_img');
1) give a custom class to the masonry gallery – f.e. : custom-gap and put this to your quick css:
#top #wrap_all .av-masonry.custom-gap .av-masonry-entry .av-inner-masonry { margin-right: 50px; margin-bottom: 50px; }
2) what do you mean by: gap is selected ?
From my point of view the topic can be closed now – thanks again.
or maybe this is nicer to handle:
just change now the wanted value on root setting ;):root { --blog-margin-left-value : 2%; } #top .slide-entry.av_one_third.first { margin-left: 0px ; } #top .slide-entry.av_one_third { margin-left: var(--blog-margin-left-value); width: calc((100% - 2 * var(--blog-margin-left-value)) / 3); }
PS: if you like to have no space use 0px ( not only Zero)
if you like to be more specific – use a custom class on blog posts element:root { --blog-margin-left-value : 5%; } #top .avia-content-slider.custom-class .slide-entry.first { margin-left: 0px ; } #top .avia-content-slider.custom-class .slide-entry.av_one_third { margin-left: var(--blog-margin-left-value); width: calc((100% - 2 * var(--blog-margin-left-value)) / 3); }
it depends on how many columns you have choosen in the blog-post alb element
this is for a 3 column the default setting. Because the first column should have no margin-left – you see how it works ( 100% width – 2 times margin left = 88) so for the columns: 88/3 = 29,3333.slide-entry.av_one_third { margin-left: 6%; width: 29.333333333333332%; }
so if you only like to have 3% then it is:
#top .slide-entry.av_one_third.first { margin-left: 0px ; } #top .slide-entry.av_one_third { margin-left: 3%; width: 31.33333%; }
April 9, 2024 at 6:44 am in reply to: Video fallback image causing enormous performance issues on mobile devices. #1439555this is very unusual for a wordpress media library. Because upload got a default big image limitation to 2540px.
Have you turned of the limitation by:
add_filter( 'big_image_size_threshold', '__return_false' );
but you are right even with the scaled image of 2540px – it will be too big.
Many thanks !!!
So if I want to disregard the slide number – and just want to change all default headings in the Easy-Slider to h1 – then:
i do not need the index in this casefunction my_avf_customize_heading_settings( array $args, $context, array $extra_args = array()){ if( 'avia_slideshow' == $context ){ // get class of slideshow $slider_class = get_class( $extra_args[2] ); if( in_array( $slider_class, [ 'avia_sc_slider' ])){ // current slide in loop $slide = $extra_args [3]; // get shortcode attributes of current slide $attr = $slide['attr']; // only change for first slide and when default if( '' == $attr['heading_tag'] ){ $args['heading'] = 'h1'; } } } return $args; } add_filter( 'avf_customize_heading_settings', 'my_avf_customize_heading_settings', 10, 3 );
yes it is all inside the helper file: class-avia-slideshow
but even if i use that class: avia_slideshow the extra_args [1] will not work herebtw: I think it would generally make more sense if the filter could only ever replace the “default setting”. After all, if you have manually set a different heading tag, you usually want to keep it. Or do you not?
One question about sliders – the context is on all sliders : avia_slideshow
and filter is placed inside class-avia-slideshow.php – the $default_heading is build differently to the other alb to only replace the default setting (h2) only e.g. for easy-slider (avia_sc_slider)?
April 6, 2024 at 1:09 pm in reply to: Small bug: Left Arrow key don’t work in “TXT” mode (Rank Math) #1439315My Arrows key “LEFT” is not working??
you are talking about your keyboard key : return key = Enter key ?
this is keyCode == 13 – maybe that plugin does preventDefault() that key from working.if you do have this very often – and you like to avoid to many DOM Elements – you can have a separator that way by using the pseudocontainer “after” for it.
Best is to do it with a custom class on the sections.
.avia-section { position: relative !important; } .avia-section:after { content: ""; position: absolute !important; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 15px; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #719430 33%, #92bb46 33%, #92bb46 66%, #acd464 66%); background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #719430 33%, #92bb46 33%, #92bb46 66%, #acd464 66%); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; }
you see how the gradient works?
it is the flex_cell setting – because default padding of flex_cell is 30px . You can set it for each flex_cell now or give a custom class to the grid-row – f.e. stepcolor-separator and set in quick css:
#top .stepcolor-separator .flex_cell { padding: 10px }
PS: do not forget to set on advanced tab the mobile behavior : “Cell appear besides each other …”
but the left datepicker changes to rightMost class too from a given screenwidth on ( 2094px ) and then the selector will be active for both datepickers.
I would write to Ninjaforms again with this information. There is definitely a bug in the calculation your flatpickr uptodate? ( For ninjaforms it is called: Advanced Datepicker )
i can find on google some similar messages about calculating the right positioning.on firefox developer edition and OSX Sonoma – the right datepicker is at the right side – as in your screenshot:
it is only if screenwidth is bigger than 1550px
There seems to be a script error when calculating the position – (good position) it is left: Value in px and right: auto – from 1551px it is the other way around. On bigger screens than 1550px there is an additional class added: rightMost ( but i guess that is only for arrow positioning )did you check that : “Display Excerpt?”
but nevertheless – output is strange on having a link inside Caption Text.
see: . where does the dark overlay come from?
Edit: i think there are a lot of conflicts with other alb elements. So – do not use that plugin.
i do not know if there is an easier way – but if you like to install a plugin – you have the oportunity to have external links added to media library: mp3 is not included by default in the supported mime types. – But you can add it by a hook in child-theme functions.php:
add_filter( 'eml_supported_mime_types', function( $list ) { $list['audio/mpeg'] = array( 'label' => 'MP3 Audio', 'ext' => 'mp3' ); return $list; });
after that you can go to the settingspage of that plugin and activate all files that you like to add externally to your media-library.
Now you can add external links to media library via:
but be careful : those files could be erased without your knowledge. Or changed.
PS: on audio Element you can now add them like the selfhosted ones – but on playlist there is no total time for them
it is shown in the control panel – but not in the list:
but i think this is default setting on enfold to change to scroll. (shortcodes.css lines 235 et seq. and 359 et seq.)
but i think she likes to preserve the fixed setting.
It seems to be mainly a problem of iOS devices to support the property background-attachment: fixed in combination with background-size: cover correctly.
There are workarounds for this by assigning a container as child that has the image as background and then setting the entire child container to postion: fixed. The pseudo containers before and after can be used here.
This seems to work on newer iOS (iOS 17.x) – but on older ones it sometimes works – sometimes not.
Do you really think it’s so bad that it scrolls along in the mobile case?
Unfortunately, not all browsers always keep up with innovations. And older operating systems also go their own way.
I would therefore accept the fallback and leave the background on scroll.did you setup an instagram access token key?
here is an instruction (in German Language) to get the access token key – older methodes to share insta images on websites are deprecated.
Nevertheless, I would recommend a plugin, because integrating the key is quite tricky without a plugin.
but i never test this without plugin. Maybe the step:
“Configure your Redirect URI to match your website’s URL” in combination with Enfold Widget will be enough.LIMITATION: relation “AND” does not provide a fallback if empty categories are selected !!!
means in the case of the And combination, if one of the categories contains no posts, nothing is displayed. – which would be my personal preference.
this is due to the fact that some svg code do only have viewBox dimensions and no internal width and height information.
those svgs are handled as if they have width and height : 0x0So on avia-builder.css there is a rule :
/* @since 5.6.9 make sure that svg is visible in backend - needs to add logic for frontend !!! */ #avia_builder img[src*=".svg"], .wp-admin .avia-modal img[src*=".svg"] { width: 1500px; }
that makes all svg visible on backend. For example – very important for image with hotspots. Image ALB Elements etc.
so maybe it would be better to exclude those svg inside avia_textblock and replace that rule above by:
( because on text_block the images do get width and height information by tiny-mce editor.)#avia_builder div:not(.avia_textblock) > img[src*=".svg"], .wp-admin .avia-modal div:not(.avia_textblock) > img[src*=".svg"] { width: 1500px; }
but that had to be done in that original file and should be best implemented to enfold in next version.
PS: ok i see – for partner logo it is : avia_partner_logo – and for content slider it is: avia_content_slider
ok – and i edited that post for content_slider – how to differ with slider_title and slider_entry ?
thats not possible for now?ok – now I understand the negation – if it is not the toggle, the filter is left. I’ve learnt something new.
for : avia_sc_contact , avia_sc_icon_box , avia_sc_iconlist
it will work too.
for the last one i do not know how to differ between small list and big list if needed.but for avia_sc_content_slider and avia_sc_partner_logo – it does not work that way
PS: ok i see – for partner logo it is : avia_partner_logo – and for content slider it is: avia_content_slider
(wrong if ( ! class_exists statement )now with contentslider i got those extra_args : slider_title and slider_entry
how to combine it in this case?i know how to include that extra_args on f.e. timeline:
if( $context == 'avia_sc_timeline' && is_array( $extra_args ) && in_array( 'title', $extra_args ) )
but the combination is hard for me to see how to obtain that.