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  • I am still one of the lucky ones who was able to buy a “real agency licence” a few years ago. Lifetime updates and an unlimited number of websites. – But that’s just a side note.
    I’m perfectly happy, but I have to be honest and say that I don’t even use the options available in the extended licence. I usually translate myself, thanks to DeepL! Only if you want to use Woocommerc e, the extended licence is probably fully justified.

    – Yes you can have your dashboard totaly on your prefered Language ( that is set by your User settings from WordPress )
    However, you must bear in mind that WPML has separate language sections for the Enfold options. So you may have to transfer the quick css settings from your default language to the translations in order to synchronise them. This is inconvenient, but can also be an advantage. An English menu, for example, can take up less space than a German one. Then it will be necessary to set the Hamburg breakpoint differently, etc. pp

    please remove your css code on that – because to many spans are selected – it is kept too general.
    on opened burger there is a new class on html : av-burger-overlay-active

    /**** color of the bars***/
    html.av-burger-overlay-active #top #wrap_all .av-hamburger-inner, 
    html.av-burger-overlay-active #top #wrap_all .av-hamburger-inner::before, 
    html.av-burger-overlay-active #top #wrap_all .av-hamburger-inner::after {
        background-color: red !important
    /**** background color behind the bars***/
    html.av-burger-overlay-active #top #wrap_all .av-hamburger {
        background-color: lime !important

    and if you like :

    /****  to get rid of those borders left/right  ***/
    #top #wrap_all .av-main-nav > li.av-burger-menu-main a,
    #top #wrap_all .av-main-nav > li.av-burger-menu-main:hover a {
      border: none !important; 
      background-color: transparent !important
    in reply to: Remove featured image expand in posts #1440713

    can you try this in your child-theme functions.php:

    just a moment – i think there will be snippet to have both solutions in one. …

    function custom_post_featured_image_link( $image_link, array $current_post, $size ){
        $image_link = get_the_post_thumbnail( $current_post['the_id'], 'full' ); /**** or medium, square etc. ***/
      echo $image_link; 
    add_filter( 'avf_post_featured_image_link', 'custom_post_featured_image_link', 10, 3 );
    in reply to: Anchor links on other pages #1440712

    on your menu settings – what links do you insert ?
    have you placed Custom Links ? did you place relative or absolute path in the links ?

    in reply to: Line height in LayerSlider 7 text #1440705

    maybe it is the space between the 1 and the em ;)
    and – yes you are right – on orthographic rules there must be a space : but on css rules not.

    Your selectors seem to be strange too:

    html * div .avia-layerslider .ls-wp-container .ls-layer > ,
    body div .avia-layerslider .ls-wp-container .ls-layer > ,
    #ls-global div .avia-layerslider .ls-wp -container .ls-layer > * {
    	line-height: 1em

    what is behind the greater than sign in line 1 and 2 ?

    in reply to: Tip: responsive Mega-Div #1440681

    PS :

    repeat(5, 1fr) – is a short form of 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr
    if you need for one column a bit more place you can do that: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1.3fr 1fr ;)

    i used on that installation the nice snippet from Ismael ( link ) to place the post-thumbnails besides the menu-items.

    function avf_wp_nav_menu_objects($sorted_menu_objects, $args) {
        // check menu name
        if ($args->menu->name != 'hauptmenue') return $sorted_menu_objects;
        foreach ($sorted_menu_objects as $menu_object) {
            if ( in_array($menu_object->object, array('post', 'page', 'portfolio')) ) {
                $menu_object->title = has_post_thumbnail($menu_object->object_id) ? $menu_object->title . get_the_post_thumbnail($menu_object->object_id, 'thumbnail') : $menu_object->title;
        return $sorted_menu_objects;
    add_filter('wp_nav_menu_objects', 'avf_wp_nav_menu_objects', 10, 2);

    a bit of css is needed then for dimension and placement.

    in reply to: Change google maps styling #1440545

    Yes, Ismael, the changes have to be made in avia_google_maps_api.js – but since you’ve set the ternary operator, it shouldn’t bother those who don’t need the filter.
    The change (read comments on snippet) only concerned instructions on how to create a code that could be used for filtering from the json code created by Google from that page:

    open your svg code and have a look if it has width and height information inside on svg tag.
    by the way – you can simplify your svg code on svgomg
    choose on right options : prefer viewbox to width/height
    maybe that will help

    i tested my suggestion on uploading a svg file with width and height information. There must be something different.
    There must be a css rule in your setting that prevents your svg logo from fitting into the surrounding container – in any case, i didn’t have to set any extra css rules to achieve this.

    in reply to: erledigt #1440431

    Can you please leave the topic heading as you have set it. On the one hand, the meaning of the answers will then be clearer, and on the other hand, all other attendees can also learn from the questions of other participants. If a question has been answered for you, simply post it here in a new answer.

    in reply to: Change google maps styling #1440372

    doch ich las es;
    nur wollte ich im Gegenzug wissen wo dein snazzy json her kommt, denn wenn du dem Link zu snazzy folgst, und dort mal ein Styling durchspielst, dann erhält man am schluss auch wie bei Google einen json code, der geschweifte Klammern und Doppelpunkte enthält.
    Daher wollte ich wissen woher dein Snazzy Code kommt.

    Außerdem war mein Kommentar oben ja:

    Changes in avia_google_maps_api.js are the same – and because it is set by a ternary operator there is nothing to stop it being included for the next release – right?

    Es würde auf Grund der Verwendung eines ternären Operators jene die das Filter und diese Einstellungen nutzen auch nicht stören, wenn man es in Enfold aufnehmen würde.

    Da ich auch Borlabs Nutzer bin – wäre das sicherlich eine Bereicherung.

    in reply to: Change google maps styling #1440368

    complete Code to set into child-theme functions.php:
    ( the changings in avia_google_maps_api.js stayes the same)

    add_filter( 'avf_gmap_vars', function($maps) {
    $googleStyles = 
    			"featureType"=> "all",
    			"elementType"=> "geometry",
    			"stylers"=> [
    					"hue"=> "#006cff"
    			"featureType"=> "all",
    			"elementType"=> "geometry.fill",
    			"stylers"=> [
    					"hue"=> "#006cff"
    			"featureType"=> "all",
    			"elementType"=> "labels.text",
    			"stylers"=> [
    					"hue"=> "#006cff"
    			"featureType"=> "all",
    			"elementType"=> "labels.icon",
    			"stylers"=> [
    					"hue"=> "#006cff"
    			"featureType"=> "landscape.man_made",
    			"elementType"=> "geometry",
    			"stylers"=> [
    					"hue"=> "#006cff"
    					"saturation"=> "100"
    			"featureType"=> "poi",
    			"elementType"=> "all",
    			"stylers"=> [
    					"visibility"=> "off"
    			"featureType"=> "road",
    			"elementType"=> "geometry",
    			"stylers"=> [
    					"lightness"=> 50
    					"visibility"=> "simplified"
    			"featureType"=> "road",
    			"elementType"=> "labels",
    			"stylers"=> [
    					"visibility"=> "simplified"
    			"featureType"=> "transit",
    			"elementType"=> "labels.text",
    			"stylers"=> [
    					"visibility"=> "off"
        $maps['av_google_map']['av_gmap_0']['styles'] = json_encode($googleStyles);
        return $maps;
    in reply to: Change google maps styling #1440365

    that it will work – i wrote as comment above:

    //  all curly brackets had to be changed to square brackets
    //  and the ":"     had to be replaced by: "=>"

    so transformed is:

            "featureType"=> "all",
            "elementType"=> "geometry",
            "stylers"=> [
                    "hue"=> "#006cff"
            "featureType"=> "all",
            "elementType"=> "geometry.fill",
            "stylers"=> [
                    "hue"=> "#006cff"
            "featureType"=> "all",
            "elementType"=> "labels.text",
            "stylers"=> [
                    "hue"=> "#006cff"
            "featureType"=> "all",
            "elementType"=> "labels.icon",
            "stylers"=> [
                    "hue"=> "#006cff"
            "featureType"=> "landscape.man_made",
            "elementType"=> "geometry",
            "stylers"=> [
                    "hue"=> "#006cff"
                    "saturation"=> "100"
            "featureType"=> "poi",
            "elementType"=> "all",
            "stylers"=> [
                    "visibility"=> "off"
            "featureType"=> "road",
            "elementType"=> "geometry",
            "stylers"=> [
                    "lightness"=> 50
                    "visibility"=> "simplified"
            "featureType"=> "road",
            "elementType"=> "labels",
            "stylers"=> [
                    "visibility"=> "simplified"
            "featureType"=> "transit",
            "elementType"=> "labels.text",
            "stylers"=> [
                    "visibility"=> "off"

    will result in:

    in reply to: Change google maps styling #1440350

    it works in this manner with google json:

    by the way Patrick : the original snazzy json code ( is similar to google code – so where did you get your snazzy code?

    add_filter( 'avf_gmap_vars', function($maps) {
    $googleStyles = 
    // here is the place to insert the edited google styling json
    //  all curly brackets had to be changed to square brackets
    //  and the ":"     had to be replaced by: "=>"
            // edited google json code comes here from :
    // end of insertion
        $maps['av_google_map']['av_gmap_0']['styles'] = json_encode($googleStyles);
        return $maps;
    in reply to: Change google maps styling #1440347

    the json method is used by google maps api long time ( in the meantime there is a cloud console for that) . – they use a very similar json code like your “snazzy” one for styling.

    is it possible to adapt that for the native google json?

    Edit: it works with the google json aswell. In this case i do not name it snazzy.

    But you had to edit a bit that output code of google json !

    Changes in avia_google_maps_api.js are the same – and because it is set by a ternary operator there is nothing to stop it being included for the next release – right?


    add_filter( 'avf_gmap_vars', function($maps) {
    $googleStyles = 
    // here is the place to insert the edited google styling json
    // all curly brackets had to be changed to square brackets - and the ":"     had to be replaced by: "=>"
        "elementType"=> "geometry",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#ebe3cd"
        "elementType"=> "labels.text.fill",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#523735"
        "elementType"=> "labels.text.stroke",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#f5f1e6"
        "featureType"=> "administrative",
        "elementType"=> "geometry.stroke",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#c9b2a6"
        "featureType"=> "administrative.land_parcel",
        "elementType"=> "geometry.stroke",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#dcd2be"
        "featureType"=> "administrative.land_parcel",
        "elementType"=> "labels.text.fill",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#ae9e90"
        "featureType"=> "landscape.natural",
        "elementType"=> "geometry",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#dfd2ae"
        "featureType"=> "poi",
        "elementType"=> "geometry",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#dfd2ae"
        "featureType"=> "poi",
        "elementType"=> "labels.text.fill",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#93817c"
        "featureType"=> "poi.park",
        "elementType"=> "geometry.fill",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#a5b076"
        "featureType"=> "poi.park",
        "elementType"=> "labels.text.fill",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#447530"
        "featureType"=> "road",
        "elementType"=> "geometry",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#f5f1e6"
        "featureType"=> "road.arterial",
        "elementType"=> "geometry",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#fdfcf8"
        "featureType"=> "road.highway",
        "elementType"=> "geometry",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#f8c967"
        "featureType"=> "road.highway",
        "elementType"=> "geometry.stroke",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#e9bc62"
        "featureType"=> "road.highway.controlled_access",
        "elementType"=> "geometry",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#e98d58"
        "featureType"=> "road.highway.controlled_access",
        "elementType"=> "geometry.stroke",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#db8555"
        "featureType"=> "road.local",
        "elementType"=> "labels.text.fill",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#806b63"
        "featureType"=> "transit.line",
        "elementType"=> "geometry",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#dfd2ae"
        "featureType"=> "transit.line",
        "elementType"=> "labels.text.fill",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#8f7d77"
        "featureType"=> "transit.line",
        "elementType"=> "labels.text.stroke",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#ebe3cd"
        "featureType"=> "transit.station",
        "elementType"=> "geometry",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#dfd2ae"
        "featureType"=> "water",
        "elementType"=> "geometry.fill",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#3300ff"
            "lightness"=> 40
        "featureType"=> "water",
        "elementType"=> "labels.text.fill",
        "stylers"=> [
            "color"=> "#ffffff"
    // end of insertion
        $maps['av_google_map']['av_gmap_0']['styles'] = json_encode($googleStyles);
        return $maps;
    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Guenni007.
    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Guenni007.

    Nun dann teste das doch mal per ftp! Und gib Bescheid.

    Wenn du das Filter (avg_logo) in deiner functions.php schon einmal für einen anderen Einsatz genutzt hast, käme es bei mir zu einer Fehlermeldung:

    Cannot redeclare av_change_logo() …

    Es könnte sein, das dein WordPress mit deiner Fehlermeldung das quittiert.
    Du müsstest in dem Fall diese Sachen zusammen abhandeln durch mehrere if statements.

    Well then test it via ftp! And let us know.

    If you have already used the filter (avg_logo) in your functions.php for another application, I would get an error message: (see above)
    It could be that your WordPress confirms this with your error message.
    In this case, you would have to handle these things together using several if statements.

    Kannst du bitte den korrekten link angeben – nur die ID reicht nicht aus um das Teil schnell zu finden.

    in reply to: Place more than one Icon with Text Item in Top Bar #1440319

    getting the whole phone-info in the center position it is only one additional quick css ( best is then to have no top navigation in addition)

    .phone-info {
      float: left !important;
      position: relative;
      left: 50%;
      transform: translateX(-50%);

    it might be necessary to have on transform a bit different value ( like on my page it is -47%)

    I just wanted to mention that this has happened to me before. You press trash/bin and think the page has been deleted. But the permalink remains blocked until the trash is emptied.

    in reply to: Change google maps styling #1440219

    it is in framework folder – php – class-gmaps.php line: 378 inside public function handler_wp_footer()

    the “marin-real-estate-blog” exists?
    If you have that page deleted – but not emptied the trash (bin) – the permalink is blocked – and a newly added page with the same name will get the permalink with an index.

    in reply to: change style of read more #1440191

    it is still the png as logo. you can just upload that file to media library and insert it to the logo input field.
    Enfold will recognise that you have it centered on top – and will adjust the setting inside the svg ( preserveAspectRatio )

    because you merge the css and js files – refresh that on Performance – Delete Old CSS And JS Files? at the bottom

    in reply to: Place more than one Icon with Text Item in Top Bar #1440137

    on your setting now try this in quick css:

    .phone-info div > span {
      display: inline-block;
      float: none;

    but such a code is hard to edit so i wouldn’t work with enfold-shortcodes here – but pur html will work too.
    f.e in phone-number input field

    <a href="link1"><span class="map">Location</span></a><a href="link2"><span class="contact">Contact</span></a><a href="tel:+490221123456"><span class="tel">Phone</span></a>

    see here on header meta:

    after that the classes will do their job in quick css:

    .responsive #header_meta .phone-info span {
        color: #aaa;
        margin-right: 15px;
    .phone-info span::before {
        font-family: entypo-fontello;
        font-size: 24px;
        padding-right: 5px;
        position: relative;
        top: 2px;
    .phone-info .map::before { content: "\e842"; color: #900}
    .phone-info .contact::before { content: "\e805"; color: #090}
    .phone-info .tel::before { content: "\e854"; color: #009}
    .phone-info .mail::before { content: "\e805"; color: #090}
    in reply to: Favicon on ios #1440135

    On my devices (iphone and ipad) the favicon is not visible. The problem only occurs with enfold, other sites have no problems.

    That is the reason why i ask for a link to a page where it is working for you. ( not your site – but the one – without enfold where you can see on your iPhone what you like to have.) then we can inspect the differences in head section.

    in reply to: Favicon on ios #1440075

    can you link to a page where the icons are shown, so we can have a look to the head section how the icons are linked.
    Next iPhone – what kind of device you are using and what iOS is running? – And you are talking about Safari on iOS?

    in reply to: Favicon on ios #1440052

    I’m not even sure if they were ever in the url line. Apple Touch icons work well anyway. And even on my older iPhone with iOS 16.5, I can only see them when I look at the open tabs.

    If you do a Google search yourself, you’ll see that it seems not to be an Enfold problem, but a general problem.

    have a look at your enfold settings concering “performance”
    do you use f.e. the option: Responsive Images ?
    A slider set up for desktop can have images wider than 1500px – if you do not use the responsive image option these sliders will have on small screens the same image source.

    in reply to: change style of read more #1440037

    by the way – why don’t you use a svg as logo?
    sharpness will be much better:
    – you can download it here:

    Comparison (with screenshot)

    in reply to: change style of read more #1440034

    you had to adjust to the color you like:

    #top .read-more-link .more-link {
      text-transform: uppercase;
      text-decoration: underline;
      color: #a6c626;
    in reply to: Split 1 column into 2 rows #1440001

    The flex-cell itself has an editor option. Click the edit button of that cell on the right. There is a tab with “styling” options. On Cell padding you see the comment:

    Cell Padding
    Set the distance from the cell content to the border here. Theme default is 30px.

    if you set that padding to Zero – you won’t have that white space

    in reply to: Dünne Linie unter Farbsektion generell ausblenden #1439994

    Wenn du trotzdem alle ( auch die manuell gesetzten Einstellungen) überschreiben willst, könntest du in das Quick CSS folgendes setzen:
    If you still want to overwrite all settings (including the manually set ones), you could set the following in the Quick CSS:

    #top #wrap_all #main .container_wrap  {
      border-top-width: 0px;
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