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the filter is to style the logo a bit.
for me the thin line through your logo looks not good.Some rules exists allready and are only (transforming the logo) to setup a bit different
PS : and now i’m hungry – looks very nice
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
Edit: try first the other solution – seems to be clearer !
so one possibility is to have a fluent nav height.
if you don’t want to shrink font-size you have to allow floating (as you does) – but your container with navigation is set to 50px height.
try this here instead:#header .container { max-width: 100%; padding: 0px; } #header_main_alternate { border: medium none ! important; } .html_header_top.html_header_sticky.html_large.html_bottom_nav_header #main { padding-top: 138px !important; } .html_header_top.html_logo_center .logo { filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 3px #888888); left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, 10px); } .html_header_top.html_logo_center .main_menu ul:first-child { display: inline-table ! important; width: auto ! important; } .html_header_top.html_bottom_nav_header .main_menu > div, .html_header_top.html_bottom_nav_header .main_menu ul:first-child { height: auto ! important; width: 100%; } @media only screen and (max-width: 1120px) { .html_header_top.html_header_sticky.html_large.html_bottom_nav_header #main { padding-top: 186px !important; } }
on transformation the logo for me it looks nice to have the logo a bit shifted down. But it is a matter of opinion.
the padding-top is for having the slider not covered by the navigation.-
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
my advice is to wait as long as possible to install caching tools or minify tools since designing the site is finished.
Because you have to always delete cache to see the influence of changings.maybe the filepermissions are not correct .
The quick css rules are saved in : /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/enfold_child.css
if you are working with child theme – if not it is in enfold.css same folder.These rules are only added at the end of default rules – so please look if the folder dynamic_avia has correct folder-permission and the css are writeable.
(via ftp)first set the rules to important:
.mfp-title { display: none !important; } #top div .avia-gallery img { border-width: 0 !important; }
other rules in your quick css have an effect?
sometimes there are missing closing brackets infront of the rules
may i see your whole quick css entries?it is simple – the code is not in your css to find
and maybe this rule has to set to important:
#top div .avia-gallery img { border-width: 0 !important; }
try to insert this to your quick css in Enfold Options
.mfp-title { display: none; } #top div .avia-gallery img { border-width: 0; }
i would like to help you but for other participants like me – we could not see private content.
But nevertheless an image is not a good help either. So the real link to the concerning site will be more helpful.i do not see a link to the concerning site so in this point i can not help you in detail.
But what behavior should a menu have if the space from left to right is not enough?
To have the menu responsive there are two main solutions.
The one is that some listpoints are floating underneath the others – the other one is to shrink font-size, margins or paddings between list points.Dein punkt.gif taucht auch in den Metatags auf und wird aktiv eingeführ in dem Subheading von “Unsere Schwerpunkte”
Da ist ein Link (unsichtbar gesetzt)Bei dem Background BIld bleibt dir nichts anderes übrig als das Bild von der Kriesi Demo Page zu laden und bei dir hochzuladen. Und dieses zu verlinken.
(Ps Das findet sich unter: sagen wir einmal so – ich nehme an du warst zunächst ohne SSL unterwegs auf deiner Installation – hast das SSL Zertifikat später erworben und nachträglich installiert.
Selbiges habe ich jetzt auch schon 2mal hinter mir. Es ist leider nicht damit getan, dass du nur im Backend unter Einstellungen / Allgemein die links anpasst.
WordPress-Adresse (URL)
Website-Adresse (URL)
wenn man es so aufsetzt ja , wenn man erst ohne SSL unterwegs war und dann umstellt muss man alle Links anpassen.Das eine Bild ist trivial, da hast du extern verlinkt, zu dem Bild auf einer http Seite – klar oder, dass dieses nicht SSL sein kann.
aber auch einige Links intern wurden nicht umgestellt:
meist sind das per css eingefügte images oder mit absolutem Pfad verlinkte.
Durchforste also mal das Quick css nach gesetzten Links zu Bildern, und die avia-text-blöcke nach Verknüpfungen.PPS: wenn alles nicht hilft gibt es ein Plugin (entwickelt damals noch von Frank Bültge) welches in der Datenbank via WordPress Backend Suchen und ersetzen kann.
Aber vorsicht damit !!! Bitte überlegen was man da macht.
mit dem Tool müsstest du in allen Datenbanktabellen zB suchen nach:
und das ersetzen durch:
vorsicht mit voreiligen Schlüssen zB nur nach http zu suchen und das durch https ersetzen. Hier sind dann auch alle Links betroffen die zB in Plugins oder youtube oder vimeo etc. Betroffen – habe diese dann kein Pendent geht es schief.
in die wp-config.php von WordPress könntest Du sicherheitshalber auch folgendes einfügen:
define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', '' );
if you like to enque your own file :
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_change_printcss', 20 ); function wp_change_printcss() { wp_dequeue_style( 'avia-print' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'avia-print-child', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/css/print.css' ); }
put in you own rules to print.css and upload it to your Child-Theme/css folder
so if you like to make it perfect – you have to style your print output by editing your own print-style
you can do it i think if you put in quick css :@media print { put in your printlayout rules here }
there are some plugins which do that job of creating a pdf file of your screen output. But this is often not for interest of your sitevisitors.
Mostly they like to have the Headings and the main-content – so it is a good advise to set all other infos (top header, navigation, sidebar infos etc to display: none. than reduce font-size to normal print size (headings (h1 maximum 20px ). and the p-tag to 12px. etc pp.some webdesigners additionaly creates there own class for print-output to influence the output in detail.
f.e. .noprint {display: none !important} and than give to all your not wanted to print out (even in main-content) this class.f.e:
this should be printed. this should be printed. this should be printed. this should be printed. this should be printed. this should be printed. this should be printed. this should be printed. <span class="noprint"> this shouldn't be printed this shouldn't be printed this shouldn't be printed this shouldn't be printed this shouldn't be printed </span> this should be printed. this should be printed. this should be printed. this should be printed. this should be printed.
or to change to serif font for all text. etc. pp
@media print { * {font-family: "times new roman",times,serif;text-align: justify;} .noprint {display: none !important} }
it might be much easier to give some advice with the link to your site.
hi rikard – i think he liked to colorize the background and the font-color –
so mcraig77 try this ( btw. if a rule does not work allways try to put in !important after the rule).main_menu #menu-item-1107 .avia-menu-text { background-color: red !important; color: #000 !important } .main_menu #menu-item-1107 a:hover .avia-menu-text { background-color: blue !important; color: #fff !important }
PS the span has that class avia-menu-text (span should work too)
if you like to have round corners with border: (btw. you see you can manage each corner separately ! top-left top-right bottom-right bottom-left)
.main_menu #menu-item-1107 .avia-menu-text { border: 2px solid #fff !important; border-radius: 15px 10px 5px 0 !important; }
if you do not do it with .main-menu the responsive menu does the same – and this could look ugly.
do you have newest WordPress? since 4.7.1 they have changed mime check for uploads. So for me the worst thing is that svgs can’t be uploaded.
Maybe ico is influenced too from that new mime check.Edit: no – i checked this – on my installation with newest wordpress it works.
How do you create your ico File?-
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
CSS means cascading style sheets – so you have to “fall down” the cascade to your desired rule to influence
if you see your source code there is on top the class .responsive than #top etc. pp.responsive #top #wrap_all #entreprise .container { }
the next is ( the class responsive exists even from beginning – it is not added in case of responsiveness)
you have to work with media querries to solve your problem f.e. (if you set it to phones only you need here 768px)@media only screen and (min-width: 990px) { .responsive #top #wrap_all #entreprise .container { ………… } }
PS on top you are talking about padding and in your code there is margin. What would you like to influnce here?
Because container had padding left right (0 50px)
the following content in it has padding bottom top (padding-bottom, padding-top – each 50px).if you want to remove both there are two rules needed:
@media only screen and (min-width: 990px) { .responsive #top #wrap_all #entreprise .container { max-width: 100% !important; padding: 0px !important; } .responsive #top #wrap_all #entreprise .content { padding-bottom: 0px !important; padding-top: 0px !important; } }
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
January 31, 2017 at 6:57 pm in reply to: please help in german ! Anker / Sprungmarken bei Textlinks #740823sorry ich war doch glatt der Überzeugung, dass für die Ankernavigation die entsprechende ID vorhanden sein sollte.
naja – hier hört dann meine Fähigkeit auf – viel Erfolgby the way – on one installation i have wordfence too and after a scan they told me that some files are not original and are changed.
They do not see that i have installed a german version of WordPress – so every translated wordpress file (f.e. wp-config-sample.php) is set to suspicious.January 30, 2017 at 5:24 pm in reply to: please help in german ! Anker / Sprungmarken bei Textlinks #740304ich sehe auf der gesamten Seite keine ID Kinderanzahl
ausserdem immer bedenken: Ankerbezeichnungen sind casesensitive – also auch auf Groß/Kleinschreibung achten.January 27, 2017 at 10:41 am in reply to: Post Slider Element for Events – display Event Date instead of Post Date? #739302Well first of all you can set these post date information to display none. If you must use the enfold layout for that and you want the event date on that place you have to code it for yourself – i use eventsmanger and there are a lot of shortcodes for the events – and a lot of php analogons for example of event date and time. I think events Calendar got this too.
the php you have to change is the postslider.phpBut isn’t there a good shortcode for an event listing that fits your style. Or does Events Calendar have some Event Templates you can use here on enfold?
I thing there is a photo view which is nearby the enfold listing
January 27, 2017 at 10:16 am in reply to: How to force layer slider to appear only as landscape on mobile view #739294if you turn your phone from portrait to landscape – the layerslider stays landscape (it is only adapted to smaller screenwidth) isn’t it?
All my advanced layersliders behave like that!by the way – i do not see the link because i’m a participant too. But learning from other sites is allways a nice and easy way to learn.
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
i do not know what your request is in fact.
if you have digits or letters – than you have an ordered list (
if you have bullits, circles, squares etc. – than you have an unordered list (<ul>
here is a link :
if you want an unordered list you can style the hierarchical differences by can see here the handling:
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
i do not see your site – is there a link for us?
please tell me your header start hight and the wanted end height
another example Header start is 200px and the shrinked Header should end at 50px
in words: after 150px scrolling ( =200px/1,33) the endheight of 50px ( =200/4) is first divisor is 1,33
second divisor is 4if(st < el_height/1.33) . . . else { newH = el_height/4; . . .
the point is that it is not as simple as that.
You must understand the code to get the values you need:
you have to change two values
one for the scrolling distance
an one for the amount of shrinking
(only on that special case of 2 (50% shrink amount) the scroll distance and the scroll amount factors are identical =2))these are the values for the example : Starting at 220px shrinking to 95px
because 220/1.76 = 125 =( 220-95) (that is the scroll distance when shrinking ends)
and 220/2,31 = 95,23 ( good factor nearby 95 – to stay 2digits after komma)In words: After scrolling down 125px the end Header height is reached 95px (for that example)
if(shrinking && !isMobile) { if(st < el_height/1.76) { newH = el_height - st; if(st <= 0){ newH = el_height; } av_change_class(header, 'remove', 'header-scrolled'); //header.removeClass('header-scrolled'); } else { newH = el_height/2.31; //header.addClass('header-scrolled'); av_change_class(header, 'add', 'header-scrolled'); }
try this in quick css:
#top .aviaccordion-preview-title { padding: 5%; vertical-align: bottom; }
maybe an !important notice is required:
#top .aviaccordion-preview-title { padding: 5% !important; vertical-align: bottom !important; }
these are the default values
Add those lines please to quick css of enfold options dialog. The style.css in the child-theme folder might work to – but it is quicker to insert it in
Dashboard – Enfold Child – General Styling – Quick CSS ( scroll down to see the input fields)try:
#top .fullsize .template-blog .post .entry-content-wrapper > * { max-width: 800px; }
there are two rules to set up these values (here are the standard settings):
#top .fullsize .template-blog .post .entry-content-wrapper { max-width: 800px !important; } #top .fullsize .template-blog .post .entry-content-wrapper > * { max-width: 600px; }
try to play first with the 600px value and have a look what happens. The surrounding container .fullsize .template-blog .post .entry-content-wrapper is limited too – so if you want more than 800px width you have to increase this value too!
This reply was modified 8 years ago by