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by the way – it is a very pitty that burger-menu does not have all the options off the main-menu (classes set in menu options)
allthough i set up the clone option of title menuit is not as simple as it seems to be – i’m missing this header option too. Logo inbetween the middle of the menu.
and there is a bit more todo than simple css – especially if you like to have a shrinking header.September 24, 2017 at 4:15 pm in reply to: How to override Enfold admin options in Child Theme? #856074for new elements – do i have the opportunity to have influence on what position the tab is placed ?
This code f.e. is placed at the end of that tab – but i like to have it under fav-icon input fieldadd_filter('avf_option_page_data_init', 'custom_option_apple_icon', 10, 1); function custom_option_apple_icon($avia_elements){ $new_elements[] = array( "slug" => "avia", "name" => __("Apple Icon", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("Upload an Apple Icon to use", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "avia_appleicon", "type" => "upload", "label" => __("Use Image as Apple Icon", 'avia_framework')); $avia_elements = array_merge( $avia_elements, $new_elements ); return $avia_elements; }
September 24, 2017 at 4:03 pm in reply to: How to override Enfold admin options in Child Theme? #856067thanks Günter – this goes to my treasure chest :LOL
on that customization.php memory file – i got a lot of commented code concerning to enfold f.e./** quick css im Backend auf breit setzen ************************/ function admin_head_mod() { echo '<style type="text/css"> #avia_quick_css .avia_description {float: none;margin-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 0 !important;width: 98%} #avia_quick_css .avia_control {float: left;max-width: 98% !important;width: 98% !important} .avia_footer_links li {float: left;padding-right: 20px} .avia_footer .avia_footer_save {float: left} </style>'; } add_action('admin_head', 'admin_head_mod'); /**********************/
etc. pp :yoo
delete the browser cache – on ipad/iphone this is a very obstinately thing – i can see the background on ipad and Safari 11/Sierra
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
this is like apple does: but a bit more simpler:
if you see the source code – it is the same transition as apple does – and on scroll there is a class added called active.
On that class the opacity is ruled with a transition effect.Parallax is if scroll position of background-image and foreground is not the same. The effect causes an impression of virtual room.
This is no parallax on apple site. They have to background-images above each other. One is blured the other is sharp.
on Scroll the addClass to the sharp one and change on that way the opacity ! (from 0.9999 to 0.0001) thats all – no parallax effect at the way this shrik_fix.php is the part where the shrink amount is calculated.
On default – enfold got a shrink amount of 2 ( it goes to the half starting header hight)If you got allready now the solution – you can change that too!
i see on your testpage that header size is set to 75px – what if you want to end at 25px
see on pastebin shrink_fix.js the lines 62 and 74 – these two lines are responsible for that shrinking behavior !
on line 74 it is easy to change because this divisor is the relation of starting header height to ending header height : 75/25 = 3 so replace in
line 74 :<strong>newH = el_height/3;</strong>
the line 62 is a bit more tricky here it is the realtion of scroll-amount to starting header height – you have to scroll from 75px to 25px = 50px scroll distance – now 75px/50px = 1.5 – and here we have !!!
replace line 62 :<strong> if(st < el_height/1.5)</strong>
Now you see that half size destination header height is a special case because scroll-distance to reach the endpoint of shrinking is exactly the endpoint height of the header f.e. from 200px starting to 100px ending you must scroll 100px !
alot of people fail here because the do not change both factors or they change it to the same value-
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
sharing on demand – i will wait with the solution description – last few weeks i recognized that a lot of participants have their requests – but no interest of looking what happend in it.
by the way – if you know a way how to select a background-image we can do that with parallax –
Edit : Oh i see that on parallax case the background-image goes to a new container!! then it is easier to do:
But parallax is always a bit buggy. on safarie it is not a smooth scroll
best is chrome and firefox
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
yes – like the sierra site too ! see source code . i tried to reproduce this.
my solution here:
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
apple does it the easy way :lol. they have two images and the sharp one above increases its opacity by scrolling !
September 23, 2017 at 8:56 am in reply to: Jumping to anchors from other pages does't work well #855722i found now a plugin which do the thing ! but it will be nice if it was an integrated behavior of enfold !
Plugin Recommendation: ps2id/
Example Page: look here and press the button on the bottom
Edit: and it works with bwp minify as well without excluding those scripts
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
September 23, 2017 at 1:41 am in reply to: Jumping to anchors from other pages does't work well #855641this is a big problem to where i’m looking a long time.
It is the smoth scroll to different page anchor.
It has to load first – then scroll smoothly to the anchor.
I didn’t found a solution for that.By the way for those anchor links to id’s i created an edited hr.php – and in case of whitespace there is an input field for custom ID:
hr with ID input field : the code is on pastebin: hr.php and put it into a subfolder of child-theme folder called “shorcodes”
To load it put this into functions.php of child-theme:add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1); function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){ $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory(); array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/'); return $paths; }
btw: i would target it as:
and you don’t need an anchor for each language you intended to install.
let the same ID name and just rename the label in the menu“link” and “angezeigter Name” they are per default the same but do not need to.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
here on pastbin:
is a widget_in.php
if you upload it to plugin directory “divs-only” folder than it is a overall divs-only solution and it is much easier to place those things.Means the generated code is without table design !
yes – and i think you can use
as well dashes not :[login_with_ajax]
!the template tag is with underscore :
login_with_ajax( )
September 22, 2017 at 10:36 pm in reply to: How to override Enfold admin options in Child Theme? #855618haha – this is a question of mine so please inform günter – maybe he give us advice.
Thanks Basilisby the way – where did you get the shortcode :lol:
it is
by the way – you can use this in functions.php of your child-theme to enter the code :
function custom_func() { ?> <div class='connexion'><?php echo do_shortcode ('[lwa]'); ?> </div> <?php } add_action('ava_main_header' , 'custom_func');
it is a pitty that it generates a table – not very userfriendly to style !
i hoped that this is only divs – but also with table and tds
function custom_func() { ?> <div class='connexion'><?php echo do_shortcode('[lwa template="divs-only"]'); ?> </div> <?php } add_action('ava_main_header' , 'custom_func');
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
see my edited comment above – proof the quotation marks.
can you show us where do you want to place that code and what do you want to obtain ( i see its the plugin of Marcus Sykes – Login with Ajax) – maybe there is a different option to get what you want – if we know what.
have a look in the surrounding of the line on which part you like to insert that if double or singel quotation marks are necessary.
And ( i think single are ok) have a look if these are real quotation marks ! and not special character marks – because the copy paste result shows me that your quotation marks above (don’t know if this is boardsoft changing) are not normal single quotation marks ! ( Often copying code from board threads these quotation marks are changed because of not to start code. Here on board you can use the code surroundings to avoid that)
<div class='connexion'><?php echo do_shortcode('[login_with_ajax]'); ?> </div>
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
maybe it is more looking cool if you got your logo and nav like on header settings:
header-behavior: Let logo and menu position adapt to browser window. see example page aboveon scrolling the logo does not overlap content on wide screens.
PPS: it works all fine on my end – BUT. maybe a mod nows why on “shock-scrolling” – sudden fast scrolling the effect is not as it wanted ? Does scroll amount counts wrong on this behavior ?
so first of all it is recomended that you are working with a child-theme. LINK
second – remove all your settings concerning to this request1) you uploaded logo is to small – increase the height to f.e. 300px so it has aprox. 650px width.
2) create a js folder in your child-theme folder (by the way it is a fix for shrinking header on ipad etc. (mobile) included)
3) upload the shrink_fix.js to that folder
Content of the shrink_fix.js: pastebin link
some comments are the original one some of them should show you what i changed
4) the line 99 of it is the trick:$(".logo").css("margin-top", "-"+(topbar_height-st_real)+"px" );
– it only works because we set the logo container to overflow: visible ! on quick css
5) to load the new js file goto functions.php of your child-theme :function include_shrink_fix_js_file() { wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-main-child', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/shrink_fix.js', array('jquery', 'avia-default'), 2, true ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'include_shrink_fix_js_file', 100 );
6) The quick css code here (some in a media query to save behavior of the logo on small screens (mobile etc.):
.logo, .logo a { overflow: visible } #header_meta { z-index: 1} @media only screen and (min-width: 769px){ /** only if you want to get rid of border-lines */ #header_meta { border-bottom: 0 !important } #header_main { border-top: 0 none !important } /** play a bit with this entry */ .logo img { max-height: 160% !important} /** these settings aren't necessary - but on my installation it looks better */ .av_header_transparency .av-burger-overlay .avia-menu-text { color: #000 !important } .html_header_transparency .header-scrolled .header_bg { opacity: 0.8 } .av_header_transparency .avia-menu-text { color: #fff } } /** to have small screen behavior as usual */ @media only screen and (max-width: 768px){ .responsive #top #header .social_bookmarks { display: block !important} .logo img { max-height: inherit} }
7) if it is done and something did not look as it should inform me and we will see on your test-installation what to do
now look the example page above – the rest tomorrow!
the difficulty on that is your option to scroll the header_meta. so you have to make changes in avia.js on function avia_header_size().
The top margin is a dynamically calculated size – not a static the margin-top of the .logo img has to be calculated in this way too! It has to increase from negative header_meta hight ( nearly -30px) to zero when header scrolled was added.
without the top position at start ( ) you don’t have to change this.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
September 21, 2017 at 11:58 am in reply to: How to override Enfold admin options in Child Theme? #854766oh thats nice – but Günter please give us advice – i can manage it to enter additional tabs here (by
– but the trick of changing an existing one does not go on my end here.$customsize = array(); for ($x=45; $x<=300; $x++){ $customsize[$x.'px'] = $x; }
in the :
$avia_elements[] = array( "slug" => "header", "name" => __("Header Custom Height", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("Choose a custom height in pixels (wont be reflected in the preview above, only on your actual page)", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "header_custom_size", "type" => "select", "std" => "150", "required" => array('header_size','custom'), "no_first"=>true, "subtype" => $customsize);
see here:
it is glassy header with (two logos separated – not in one png) shrink option
these are the css rules for that page ( get rid of page-id class to set it globaly)
to have normal behavior on smaller screens i put it in a media query@media only screen and (min-width: 768px){ .page-id-29598 #header_meta { z-index: 1 } .page-id-29598 .logo img { top: -20px } .page-id-29598 .logo, .logo a { overflow: visible } #header_meta { border-bottom: 0 } #header_main { border-top: 0 none } }
Ein live Link wäre schön! So mit screenshots das zu beurteilen ist schwer.
Ist das auch noch mit Shrink im Header ?A Link to live page would be helpful – only from screenshot it is nearly impossible to give any advice
so look to the folder svg.
Are there one svg file in it or alot ? Nevertheless you can upload these files to
there is an input field on top “Drag custom SVG icons or SVG font here.”
if you drag&drop the svgs there – look what happens. If there were icons generated – you must activate to download them.
hover the first icon klick and hold pull the mouse over all icons you want. Name that set and press download.
The downloaded zip file is compatible with Enfold- and you will have than a new iconset on all alb elements.yes try it – or what kind of files are in your zip file. if there are one svg or for each icon a single svg – you can upload these svgs by drag & drop to fontello and download the importable zip file from there !
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by