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  • in reply to: Add a widget above header #997942

    and why don’t you want to use the Option on Enfold – Header – Extraelements ?
    Social Media – Secondary Menu – Phone Number

    see here f.e. :

    in reply to: Link button to lightbox youtube video autoplay #997661

    First : take the individual link option not the iframe option!
    all additional links to a video link :
    first one was added via ? all other links will be added via &

    so you got maybe something like this:

    if you link from an image or a text to it – add &iframe=true

    or with watch:

    see here:

    you have this rule in your css:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1367px) {
    	/* start */
    	/* hide the watch video button on anyhting larger than tablet landscape */
        a.avia-slideshow-button.avia-button.avia-color-light.avia-multi-slideshow-button.avia-slideshow-button-2 {
       		display: none !important;	 	
    /* end */
    in reply to: Showing image title in lightbox #997641

    you can take the caption f.e. or the title for this to show in editing ismaels code a bit:

    still brainstorming :lol sorry
    i tested it and now it does not work as usual

    but on your page i see in your source code no title, no alt tags nor captions !

    But why don’t you put these input fields for it – which are made for that:

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Submenus are not visible in small screens #997636

    give to the submenus ( or megamenu) a min-height and an overflow:auto
    something like:

    #top #header  ul:first-child >li > ul ,
    #top #header .avia_mega_div  {
        overflow: auto !important;
        max-height: calc(100vh - 50px);
    in reply to: Using Enfold on a multisite #997578

    this here : – is an Enfold Multisite installation.
    The “motherpage” is Enfold and both subsites are Enfold pages. But i do start it from the beginning to obtain that mutlisite. If it is easy to switch from an existing page i don’t know

    in reply to: Center three columns in color section #995916

    so what do you expect should a code do if the whole width is full with container. ?

    so they are centered – but you don’t see a difference because there’s no distance left to spread. !

    make for all 3 columns : 1/4 th of them – then you will see the result

    in reply to: Center three columns in color section #995910

    if works on my site too:
    so what for is the calltoaction class? maybe it is in conflict with those settings

    and by the way: these aren’t 1/3 columns ? ;)

    so he must have a reason to implement a header.php in the child.
    I use it f.e. to insert some extra div after wrap-all id like: <div class='mega-bg'></div>
    to use it as a global overlay if f.e. mega-menu is active.
    so if you like – you can post here your “old” header.php – but please use the code tag above
    and we may see what has been additional input

    in reply to: Onepager: change h2 title color on focus when scrolling #995894

    I don’t know where your h2-green class is ( maybe on the heading alb element) – then you have to select it via : ( .h2-green h2 )

    i got a bit different way if he likes to reverse the change on scrolling up and down:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'scroll_up_down_change', 9999);
    function scroll_up_down_change() {
        (function($) {
    		var element_to_animate = $('.h2-green h2');
            element_to_animate.waypoint(function(direction) {
               if (direction === 'down') {
    				$(this.element).css('color', 'red');
    				}, {
    				  offset: '30%'
    		element_to_animate.waypoint(function(direction) {
                 if (direction === 'up') {
    				$(this.element).css('color', 'green');
    				}, {
    				  offset: '30%'

    you can see it here on some h3 headings:

    in reply to: Onepager: change h2 title color on focus when scrolling #995858

    maybe we can use the already implemented waypoints script.
    I think he likes to change the color of a h2 when it comes to a specific distance f.e. to top.
    We had those “animations” triggered in this way when it comes to viewport. And i guess this is made by waypoints.
    So perhaps we don’t need any additional script to handle it and use avia_waypoints function

    The better has always been the enemy of the good.

    By default, there is no header.php in the child theme.
    By the way did you have installed a child-theme and work with it?

    you can upload a copy of the original header.php (that one you have downloaded) to your child theme folder via ftp.
    But there must have been a reason that you have a child theme header.php. Of course you have to know these entries in order to have the desired changes in the new header.php as well.

    in reply to: One column with 2 background colors #995569

    well if these are separated widgets your can adress them separatly by their ID or widget-count or widget name etc. – but without a link it is hard to say what it is in your case.

    in reply to: Onepager: change h2 title color on focus when scrolling #995402

    but this will be a function that will depend on scroll and resize. Be carfully with it -because this mostly goes to bad performance.

    $(window).on(‘resize scroll’, function() {
    //Code here

    you can see here a littel code-pen demo:

    you see that there is a function defined isInViewport

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Widget Area for after posts #995380

    hm isn’t the ava_after_content only for the loop – so if you have a blog style or look to a category list then the widget would be there.
    but on a single-post there is no hook ava_after_content

    Please Ismael – correct if i’m wrong

    btw. Rgrant74 – you have to create on appearance widgets the widget on Enfold Child Custom Widget Area – add widget area.
    Your code is only to define the place where it is inserted.

    Maybe you can use a different hook for that – but you have to style that of course for your needs:

    add_action( 'ava_before_footer', 'enfold_widget_before_footer_for_single_post' );
    function enfold_widget_before_footer_for_single_post() {
    	  dynamic_sidebar( 'after-post' );

    and if you only wants it for single posts (not for portfolios):

    add_action( 'ava_before_footer', 'enfold_widget_before_footer_for_single_post' );
    function enfold_widget_before_footer_for_single_post() {
    	  dynamic_sidebar( 'after-post' );

    to have the same dimensions as your content – look to your settings and add it for that widget-area to your quick css:

    .single #main .widget {
        max-width: 1310px;
        margin: 0 auto;
        padding: 0 50px;

    you can use a filter for it – or use a header-widget but
    without seeing your site and logo it is hard to give exact settings for you.

    in reply to: How to set different colors to button on Easy Slyder #995324

    you can choose on caption “attach two buttons”
    the second button has the class: avia-slideshow-button-2
    so if you like to preserve opacity and font-size you can do that:

    .avia-slideshow-button-2 {
        background-color: rgba(250,0,0,0.5) !important;

    on choosing the button-color red f.e. in caption tab – the font-size changes a bit and the opacity is gone

    Sorry but this is more or less for the developers :

    the more I think about the topic I come to the conclusion that Kriesi also confuses the nomenclature here.
    Fullscreen Slider has the class: avia_sc_slider_fullscreen
    the fullwidth Slider has the class: avia_sc_slider_full.
    Although it writes in the code ( dont display if a fullscreen slider ) clear fullscreen slider in functions.php above, the code only checks against avia_sc_slider_full

    and i definitly think that this is something which should be seen by Günter – because i believe it should be implemented too in the next update !
    It makes sense to also hamper sidenavigation on fullscreen sliders on default

    Something to the developers
    Edit: to my opinion on that code: avia_post_nav
    the code is not totaly correct with the brackets too in the if clause

    		//dont display if a fullscreen slider is available since they overlap 
    		if((class_exists('avia_sc_layerslider') && !empty(avia_sc_layerslider::$slide_count)) || 
    			class_exists('avia_sc_slider_full') && !empty(avia_sc_slider_full::$slide_count) ) $settings['is_fullwidth'] = true;

    as far as i understood the code the post-nav should also be displayed if only one slide is present – only if there are more than one slide the post-nav should be hampered.
    But it does not work even with original code on full-width sliders.

    this seems to be the right bracket story including fullscreen-slider check – but it does not work for count too:

    //dont display if a fullscreen slider is available since they overlap 
    	( class_exists('avia_sc_layerslider') 	&& !empty(avia_sc_layerslider::$slide_count) ) || 
    	( class_exists('avia_sc_slider_full') 		&& !empty(avia_sc_slider_full::$slide_count) ) || 
    	( class_exists('avia_sc_slider_fullscreen') && !empty(avia_sc_slider_fullscreen::$slide_count) ) 
    	) $settings['is_fullwidth'] = true;

    So my dear Dev Günter with the same first name – here you have to look over it.
    or does a single (full-width or full-screen) slide has a count too?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.

    I could have sworn that this also applies to full-screen slider.
    To avoid overlapping here, that would also make sense. – but i think we can do it via the filter: avia_post_nav_settings too.

    you can see on enfold-functions.php:

    	function avia_post_nav($same_category = false, $taxonomy = 'category')
    		global $wp_version;
    	        $settings = array();
    	        $settings['same_category'] = $same_category;
    	        $settings['excluded_terms'] = '';
    			$settings['wpversion'] = $wp_version;
    		//dont display if a fullscreen slider is available since they overlap 
    		if((class_exists('avia_sc_layerslider') && !empty(avia_sc_layerslider::$slide_count)) || 
    			class_exists('avia_sc_slider_full') && !empty(avia_sc_slider_full::$slide_count) ) $settings['is_fullwidth'] = true;

    this should be the normal behavior too: //dont display if a fullscreen slider is available since they overlap

    in reply to: w3c validator #995012

    By the way – i guess that role attribut are only warnings – so ignore them – because on wai aria (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) usage is good standard. And for my opinion it is more important to have these roles in a html document than to fullfill w3c validity.

    please read carefully : this code is to have side navigation allthough there is a full-width / full-screen slider.
    On default a fullwidth slider hampers that side navigation. So my thought on your topic is that there could be on your child-theme functions.php this code – and if you want no side-navigation you must erase/delete this entry.

    in reply to: GERMAN: Probleme mit der Textfarbgestaltung #994620

    ich denke hier an Board und auf etlichen anderen Boards ist das Du üblich.

    Also bitte gern geschehen.

    in reply to: GERMAN: Probleme mit der Textfarbgestaltung #994608

    hast du eventuell das Color Scheme im General Styling geändert?
    Das hat einfluss auf alle Farbeinstellungen. Gehe mal zu Main Content Reiter dieses Enfold Dialoges.
    z.B. beinflusst die Farbe : Primary color – Font color for links, dropcaps and other elements die Schriftfarbe von links.
    Rechts daneben ist die Hover Farbe festgelegt: Highlight color – Secondary color for link and button hover, etc

    Da sind jetzt mal die Grundeinstllungen.
    Wenn du zB eine Demo importiert hast könnten auch noch Einstellungen im Advanced Styling sein

    isn’t it this the normal behavior (see line 526 of functions-enfold.php). the fullscreen-slider detection hampers the prev/next navigation.
    As far as i know it is on the contrary; you have to activate it explicitly to suppress the full-slider detection via functions.php of your child-theme.
    this code is to have the prev/next navigation allthough there is a full-slider

    So maybe you check if you got such an entry on your functions.php

    add_filter('avia_post_nav_settings','avia_remove_fullwidth_slider_check', 10, 1);
    function avia_remove_fullwidth_slider_check($settings)
    $settings['is_fullwidth'] = false;
    return $settings;
    in reply to: Alternative to Google Map API Key in Enfold #994268

    but I think this is a storm in a teacup. I really do have several sites running customer sites through a single API key. All pages have however only the embedding of the map, and link only over the info bubble window to the Google route planner.
    I got the first bill now with 0 Euro for the month.
    The link to his location can be found if he should be entered via the Google search. Let the term e.g. in my case – Weber, enter and search for digital services. Then Google may already show you the link to the route planning. Click on it and you will get to a route plan with the destination as above. You can adjust this window to your wishes, i.e. zoom and possibly decentration of your point of view. You will find the link at the top of your browser’s url window. You copy that and put it in:
    <a href=" copied url " target="_blank" rel="noopener">route planner</a>
    You can enter this in the infowindow of your location at Enfold.
    it will look then this way:

    <a href="''/Weber,+digitale+Dienstleistung,+Ludwig-Schopp-Stra%C3%9Fe+27,+53117+B (Email address hidden if logged out) ,7.0581663,14z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x47bee1bd23796923:0x7fcf775f84623228!2m2!1d7.05482!2d50.75646" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Routenplaner</a>

    I think Google just wants to prevent that e.g. producers of apps make money with their service and the services behind it. I find that somehow legitimate. An operator of a normal site with an embedded map will probably not come to the region where he has to transfer money to Google.

    in reply to: Cookie Consent and GA Tracking #993216

    Just please do not make the mistake of making the validity of the law dependent on the place of access to your site. You are obliged to protect the data of citizens from other countries too. The place of jurisdiction depends on your side. In addition, all those who have business relations with the EU area and its citizens must adhere to it.

    And more important – the most cookie consent plugins do not hamper the tracking before opt-in.
    I got Borlabs Cookie – and i think it is one of a few that do exactly this. The whole site is blocked without defined pages like Privacy Policy and Imprint.

    in reply to: How to make color section gradient background. #993120

    there are a lot of good grandient online creators:
    realy madness:

    i generated the code from above ( don’t know if you would recognize the .14% etc ):

    see here your test-page:
    i give to the color-section the class: gradient-section
    and to the button: gradient-button

    here is my quick css code:

    .gradient-section, .gradient-button a {
    background-color: #8E9EAB !important;
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(279deg, #8E9EAB 0%, #8E9EAB 14%, #ffffff 54%, #C9D1D7 85%, #C9D1D7 100%); /* ff3.6+ */
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #8E9EAB), color-stop(14%, #8E9EAB), color-stop(54%, #ffffff), color-stop(85%, #C9D1D7), color-stop(100%, #C9D1D7)); /* safari4+,chrome */
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(279deg, #8E9EAB 0%, #8E9EAB 14%, #ffffff 54%, #C9D1D7 85%, #C9D1D7 100%); /* safari5.1+,chrome10+ */
    background: -o-linear-gradient(279deg, #8E9EAB 0%, #8E9EAB 14%, #ffffff 54%, #C9D1D7 85%, #C9D1D7 100%); /* opera 11.10+ */
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(279deg, #8E9EAB 0%, #8E9EAB 14%, #ffffff 54%, #C9D1D7 85%, #C9D1D7 100%); /* ie10+ */
    background: linear-gradient(171deg, #8E9EAB 0%, #8E9EAB 14%, #ffffff 54%, #C9D1D7 85%, #C9D1D7 100%); /* w3c */
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#8E9EAB', endColorstr='#C9D1D7',GradientType=0 ); /* ie6-9 */ 
    .gradient-button a {
    color: #333 !important;
    box-shadow: 4px 4px 8px #333;
    border: none !important;

    last rule is just to see the button on same gradient clearly. – border: none seems to be important when overlaying with a gradient –
    or take the same color: #8e9eab

    something new to me too:
    the angle is different to the -webkit, moz-, o- etc ? Strange thing

    Note: Multiple browsers implement (with prefix) an older draft of the specification where 0deg points right instead of up. Therefore, the value of the angle should be taken into account when using the standardized linear gradient and the mixed one with prefix.

    most of those entries aren’t needed if you can ignore old ie6-9 ; opera and moz will not be necessary on the new versions

    PPS: a lot of beginners put in that custom-class field the phrase with the dot ( .firstcolorblock) but this is wrong.
    in that field only the class name was inserted. I’m not saying it happened to you, but it’s been here before.

    in reply to: Add social and a button before burger #992945

    i would prefer the last method to make another “social button” and style it a different way.

    did you set the Enfold options to load only used element
    and try to deactivate jQuery-migrate! If you have no films on your page deactivate these setting too (youtube and selfhosted videos) etc.

    Allways empty all cachings. and on Performance checkmark: Delete old CSS and JS files?

    check if your hoster limits your PHP-Memory Limit usage to the installation.
    You can ( if they allow those settings) enlarge it via wp-config.php entries:
    place it f.e. just behind: define('WP_DEBUG', false);

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

    check what your hosting supports for you

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