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natürlich nicht – sorry – ich habe den Titel des js genommen – Asche auf mein Haupt
Edit : es funktioniert ! – aber kommt nicht zu dem günschten Erfolg.
Kann ich Einfluss nehmen an welcher Stelle das Script mit in das Merging genommen wird?
PS: wenn ich das gemergete File nehme und mal durch einen beautifier laufen lasse sehe ich , dass das Script so eingefügt wurde:
})(jQuery);; // vorheriges Script Ende - hier sind zwei Semicolon ? kann das Einfluss haben ? var tag = document.createElement('script'); // mein Script
PS : ich arbeit jetzt mal selbst dran – vielleicht ist es nicht gut wenn wir gleichzeitig als Admin drin sind und dran arbeiten.
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
September 7, 2018 at 9:35 am in reply to: Modal window with privacy and cookie info on mobile #1006983Grüße aus Bonn nach Euskirchen!
Wenn ich für die mobile Version sachen verändern möchte nehme ich mir die Developer Tools die es in den Browsern so gibt.
Der Firefox zB hat “Bildschirm Größen Testen” oder alt cmd M – da kann man dann ein Handy auswählen, muss dann jedoch einmal den Inhalt refreshen. Dann kann man mittels “Element untersuchen” die Eigenschaften für das jeweilige Devise sehen.Man sieht dann zB was Enfold alles für Klassen an html anfügt für das jeweilige Device (hier mal iphone) bzw sogar Browserverwendung zB:
html avia_mobile avia-safari avia-safari-602
habe die anderen Klassen weggelassen die mit dem Device nichts zu tun haben.
Eine Klasse setzt Enfold immer bei Verwenugng von Mobilen Endgeräten: avia_mobilesodass man im Prinzip garnicht über das media-Query der Weite gehen muss – sondern mittels der html klasse ganz vorne gezielt Änderungen an Mobilen Endgeräten setzen kann . z.B:
.avia_mobile .avia_cookie_text { color:#000!important; } .avia_mobile .avia-cookie-consent { background-color: #ff892e !important; }
das heißt hier wird wirklich nur für mobile Endgeräte die Schriftfarbe geändert, nicht wenn Du das Browserfenster schmal ziehst.
___________ english Version: ________
Greetings from Bonn to Euskirchen!
If I want to change things for the mobile version I use the developer tools which are available in the browsers.
The Firefox e.g. has “screen size test” or alt cmd M – there you can select a mobile phone, but you have to refresh the content once. Then you can use “Examine element” to see the properties for the respective foreign currency.You can see for example what Enfold adds to html for each device (here iphone) or even for browser use:
html avia_mobile avia-safari avia-safari-602
have omitted the other classes that have nothing to do with the device.
One class always sets Enfold when using mobile devices: avia_mobileso that in principle you don’t have to go beyond the media query of the distance – but can use the html class right at the front to make targeted changes to mobile devices . e.g:
.avia_mobile .avia_cookie_text { color:#000!important; } .avia_mobile .avia-cookie-consent { background-color: #ff892e !important; }
this means that the font color is really only changed for mobile devices, not if you narrow the browser window.
September 7, 2018 at 9:24 am in reply to: Modal window with privacy and cookie info on mobile #1006967did you write in any private area how the colors should be on mobile devices- i can not see your aim to obtain?
Danke fürs schnelle Feedback.
Leider wird das script auch so nicht eingebunden in das Merging ?
ich habe ja hier auf der Seite ein kleines Workround wie ich es geschaft habe mit den Enfoldmitteln (Setup) den Fullwidth-Slider so hinzubiegen.
Eigentlich geht es ganz gut in den meisten Browsern auch ohne Flackern.
ich denke wenn die wirklich als Background-Images auftauchen wäre es leichter das zu etablieren.
deshalb mein Code der das img findet und oben dann als background einfügt – das ursprüngliche img wird dann auf visibility hidden gesetzt.– aber danke – kann soweit geschlossen werden
i don’t know if these values correlates a bit with f.e. photoshop jpeg Quality.
If so it might be in the most cases a good value of 35% – 45%
i hope that the original uploaded image is untouched.
You see here a post of mine to the same issue. – without a page to have an input what to do – It’s hard to give advice then
this seems to be very detailed:
You have to decide from case to case which settings to make. These css rules were made for his example page mentioned.
Here, for example:, it’s a bit different – (but for the Responsive case css settings would have to be made).
That was a quick change of this new page.
For example, if you could live with changing wallpapers, then there are small plugins that do just that. One random image will be shown per page.So your page to see would be nice. If you can not make the link public – you have to wait here for mods to come.
it works – but – one e-mail has passed – and i don’t know how?
No more e-mails from ru or cn came in now. None, except one. And I’m really surprised. There is probably still one who can crack it.
Can be closed. thanks
September 5, 2018 at 3:17 pm in reply to: Image Links on iPad and iPhone don't work 100% of the time #1006172by the way the class on html for mobile devices is : avia_mobile
(avia-compat.js – line 11)so :
.avia_mobile .avia-image-overlay-wrap a.avia_image .image-overlay { display: none !important; }
or – because on mobile devices – Enfold adds a class to html ( avia_mobile ) you can do it without checking the width:
(avia-compat.js line 11).avia_mobile .avia-image-overlay-wrap a.avia_image .image-overlay { display: none !important; }
if you merge css and js or have other caching plugins – refresh all caches etc.
Edit: no- sorry – i do not see that it is the easy slider –
i got a tutorial to do that with fullwidth slider here:
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
What do you mean by “in the comments section”
On Enfold Options – Blog Layout – Share links at the bottom of your blog post
you have the possibility to set sharebuttons under each post/portfolio.So this is not the place you want to show them?
Wie gesagt – selbst wenn das Merging von js und css an ist, ist dieses extern eingebundene Script nicht bei den gemergeten Files dabei.
Deshalb wollt ich testen, ob man dieses Script einfach mit einbindet in das Merging. deshalb mein Versuch über das andere Filter es einzubinden.aber sei bitte vorsichtig, das ist meine große Testseite wo ich allen möglichen Code ausprobiere.
meine functions.php des child-themes hat alleine schon 1200 zeilen !
ich habe nochmal ein Duplicator Backup gemacht – also keine Angst. Es ist alles irgendwie gesichertthanks Dude – but this file is not compressed / merged by default.
what about the trial to force include this file – i tried this:
add_filter('avf_force_include_asset', 'avia_force_include_files', 10, 1); function avia_force_include_files($force_included) { $force_include_js = array('youtube-singleplay'); $force_included['js'] = array_merge($force_included['js'], $force_include_js); return $force_included; }
but it does not include that little external script (enqueued via child-theme functions.php)
do i have to give in this line the path to the script:
$force_include_js = array('youtube-singleplay');
by the way you can see script in action here ( but with bwp minify):
Password is : Enfold
start one video and than the next without stopping the first.
because i don’t want to style every test-page DSGVO konform (GDPR)PS on this here: you inserted a wrong link too.
Can you please tell us what you are doing / inserting on the text-input fieldsBut
please use the code tag here on board.
1) click the code button above
2) paste in your code
3) click again (now you see button has changed to closing tag) /code_______ now______on your code there was one missing – that it is a manually set code. See if i create a Button with your link:
[av_button label='Download e-Brochure' link='manually,' link_target='_blank' size='medium' position='left' label_display='' icon_select='yes' icon='ue8ad' font='entypo-fontello' id='' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-jlngc6oc' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='']
link=’manually,http:// …
But both should work ! – did you work only with debug mode ?
the link is totaly abstruse: nested and an anchor in a href attribut etc. pp:September 4, 2018 at 11:38 am in reply to: Custom Fontello Font not displaying correctly on mobile #1005453i would not do it this way. – just for one or two social buttons. Big advantage – you can have here colored icons.
take one part of the code you posted above – but the second code should embed the colored png f.e.
everything was good described here:
see here:
The documentation has this too : Using images or non-Fontello icons
only the image has gone : so for exsample take this here:
or for smaller icons it is better to have something like this:
you can see the example here ( top left) : my observation now is that these files enqueued by child-theme functions.php or some plugins are not included in merging process.
The Script files goes to a footer merged file and this is behind my script. Don’t know why this is important for the script to work.
My trial to include these scripts of the functions.php of my child-theme via :add_filter('avf_merge_assets', function() { return array('css' => 'all', 'js' => 'all'); });
does not work – they were not included.
Edit: bwp-minify does include those files and the script works in this constallation. ( Enfold disable merging via Enfold Options)and how to apply this filter on my specific js file – with an absolute path to it or is it enough to have the js name.
i enqueued it only on few pages via:function youtube_single_js_script() { if ( is_page( array( 31239, 31341, 31464, 31484, 31824, 32089, 32257 ))) { wp_enqueue_script( 'Youtube-Single', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/youtube-singleplay.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true ); } } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'youtube_single_js_script' );
are the scripts we load via Child-Theme functions.php even included in merging? If then it has more to do with the fact that the merged files are now below this embedded script.
Aber selbst dann Günter – parallax bedeutet doch für mich, dass zB Caption und Hintergrund unterschiedliches Scrollverhalten haben sollten.
So wie halt in einer Color-Section auch. Beim Fullscreen bleibt das Caption einfach äquidistant zum Hintergrund und beide scrollen gleich weg.get rid of the u !
.header_mail .avia-menu-text:before { font-family: 'entypo-fontello'; content: " \e805"; color:#877a65; font-size:18px; }
and maybe it is important to position it a bit in relation to the text:
.header_mail .avia-menu-text:before { font-family: 'entypo-fontello'; content: " \e805"; color:#877a65; font-size:18px; position:relative; top: 4px; padding-right: 5px }
play a bit with top and padding
by the way on this sample it is like on my setup:
this here should be the expected parallax behavior, except for the fact that only one caption container for three slides can be seen here. So I wonder, how did you create this example? On your own demo page it is like in my example that the scrolling behavior of captions and background is the same. Since the parallax goes on the unordered list, and both background and captions are in it.
Hm – to be absolutely shure – i deleted my edited alb elements to have all original Slider files to work ( 3sliders 1 helper)
than i updated again – by delete enfold folder and upload a newly downloaded to my Fullscreenslider – my captions stay in the li
on this test page to show how to style the full-screen slider not to have these dimensions the captions goes on parallax case outside the li-containers:
this is what i mentioned above that the parallax goes to ul and captions are outside.
But how (that is my question mark in the image) does this work only with one caption for all 3 li’s ?
on switching to a different slide no change on the captions ( even if the captions are the same – there must be a different div for it.???
thanks for that detailed answer.
oha – much to learn. But you should never give up – not even at an advanced age.
I think the idea of creating a new alb element for that seems to be a good idea. But these are more academic projects than practical necessities.
On practice it is much easier to replace in Enfold Shortcode (debug mode enabled) the image urls.
So when i got time i will try to get familiar more with the youtube api and do the custom alb.
Thanks againBy the way: there is actually no longer a contribution to featured Requests ?
it would be nice to have for the img alb an input field for external images.
On Textblock element – insert media there was the “insert from url” inputfield !
so i got this code for now:
(just for that test page-id: 33150)function youtube_fix(){ if (is_page(33150)){ ?> <script> (function($){ $('a.avia_image[href*=""]').each(function() { regex = /(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com\/(?:[^\/\n\s]+\/\S+\/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)\/|\S*?[?&]v=)|youtu\.be\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})/; var ID = $(this).attr("href").match(regex)[1]; $(this).find('img').attr("src", ''+ ID +'/maxresdefault.jpg'); }); $('body').on('DOMNodeInserted', function(){ $('iframe.mfp-iframe[src*=""]').each(function() { var _src = $(this).attr("src") $(this).attr("src", _src + '&cc_load_policy=1&enablejsapi=1&ecver=2&playsinline=1&rel=0&showinfo=0&color=white&iv_load_policy=3') }); }) })(jQuery); </script> <?php } } add_action('wp_footer', 'youtube_fix');
but if there was no maxresdefault.jpg it should show the originally used image – how can i insert here an if else ??
see now test-page – the one on the left got a maxres Thumbnail – the right one not –
the 0.jpg always exists – but has black bars top/bottom – maybe you followed the fix of ismaels link – i can see the fallbackimage now.
and by the way you did not mention that it is a cdn video. Sometimes this will be a source of troubles too.The extended layer slider is embedded in the Enfold theme.
It is therefore included for you, so to speak, in the price. If you want to get a newer layer slider before the next Enfold update, you only need to invest the 19 Euro and buy the plugin as a standalone plugin. I don’t mind receiving the update a little bit later.
What would be nice if the update display no longer showed the small red dot. You always feel compelled to do something.without a link i’m out here.
It could be all (including line-height) SorryAnd i think there will be no good way with a shrinking header
last speculation: { overflow: visible !important; } .bildlink a { line-height: 10px !important; overflow: visible !important; text-align: center !important; } img { display: block; width: auto !important; height: 50%; position: relative; margin: 0 auto; } .bildlink .avia-menu-text { line-height: 20px; vertical-align: top; }
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by