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  • in reply to: Boxed Layout With Gradient Borders #1010480

    To have on both sides a box-shadow you can add two rules to one:
    this works this way because there is no place on top – bottom – if so you had to have 4 defintions for each side with background-color shadow to those sides which you don’t want to have shadow ( on white background it is than a white shadow.

    body#top {
        box-shadow: 5px 0 10px #666, -5px 0 10px #666;

    first is x value, second y-value, third distance (it makes the blur) fourth is color


    or in your case because body and wrap-all are congruently

    body {
        box-shadow: 5px 0 10px  #666;
    #wrap_all {
        box-shadow: -5px 0  10px  #666;
    in reply to: No Child Theme #1009983

    you can find the child-theme download on the documentation:
    Just upload the unzipped folder as a neighbouring folder to your enfold folder

    that html5 way seems to be at the moment the only way to do it. Advanced Layerslider can use this for selfhosted videos – so this will work on your iphone / ipad ( with IOS newer than 10)
    advantage of that – it will be responsive too – like in the fullwidth slider of Enfold.

    in reply to: Can I have two 1/2 screen areas in a full-widith section? #1009825

    can you make a sketch of what it’s supposed to look like?

    Why don’t you try that with the grid-row element 1/1

    click it to enlarge

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Autoplay Youtube Video in Lightbox #1009814

    if you got your youtube link take the embed variant

    you can add different parameters to the link

    the first parameter after the videoID had to be introduced by a question mark – all following parameters added by an ampersand
    so autoplay should make of the link on top:

    for having the link in lightbox add the link manually to your target( image , text etc.) and add iframe=true
    so first with question mark second parameter added by ampersand :

    in reply to: Color Section Background Image Placement and Positioning #1009811

    and if you are a bit familiar with css – a container can have multiple images with different sizes and repeat options etc. pp:
    The only thing you have to do is to have a custom-class to your f.e color-section.

    see tutorial on w3schools:

    in reply to: Lightbox – Stop from scrolling up upon opening #1009361

    or do you mean the background scroll when a lightbox is opend and you scroll ?

    Try this instead in your functions.php of your child theme:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_lightbox_script');
    function custom_lightbox_script(){
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
        function a() {
          $('body').on('click', '.lightbox-added', function() {
            if($('.mfp-bg').length >= 1) {
              $('html').css("overflow-y", "hidden");
          $('body').on('click', function() {
            setTimeout( function() {
              if($('.mfp-bg').length == 0) { 
                $('html').css("overflow-y", "scroll");

    you can see here normal Enfold Behavior: – klick on the darkend image in the center and then scroll

    you can see here behavior with that code:

    in reply to: Remove header but keep sticky header #1009346

    there is on each page / post the possibility to choose a header-behavior on the right side of your editor:

    Header visibility and transparency
    Several options to change the header transparency and visibility on this page.

    there is one option: header is invisible and appears ones user scroll down etc.
    Try that and have a look if this is near to your wish

    this is a nice – very small self hosted video.
    Use instead the advanced layerslider :
    click to enlarge:

    the code at the bottom ( do not on top a background-image) is the video which you can declare as background-video.
    put in the code:

    <video playsinline autoplay loop muted preload="metadata" style="min-width:100vw; min-height:56vw;" >
    <source src="" type="video/mp4">
    <img src="" title="Your browser does not support the video tag">

    see here ( i will go back to my video as soon as you have seen and prooved it on your iphone) :

    in reply to: FULL WIDTH EASY SLIDER AND IPAD ISSUES #1009238

    That is a youtube video – you can see it in the source code !

    To the Mods : i do not see how this littel plugin do it – maybe you can have a look on it and implement that solution approach
    Perhaps it is the use of the watch instead of the embed Youtube Version!

    in reply to: FULL WIDTH EASY SLIDER AND IPAD ISSUES #1009233

    maybe this is a selfhosted video – there are workaround for that. But a 120MB mp4 is to big for that. – Not only because of traffic but definitly because of performance reasons.
    But consider if it is really necessary to show a video on mobile devices, or if a fallback image would not be enough anyway.
    Most of the CMS and nearly all WordPress Themes got a lot of troubles with youtube background video playing on Mobile – especially on Iphone/Ipads.

    Nevertheless there is one thing i found vor Divi – which we can transfer to Enfold too. Divi has the same troubles to play those youtube videos as background.

    If this corresponds to your ideas, then I can tell you how we can solve this with a small plugin. Check if the test page runs on your mobile phone or Ipad. :


    Offtopic ?:
    And by the way, you’re not the only one asking for help here. Also other participants here have the same desires as you. But difficult topics like yours are not as easy to answer as many other simpler questions.
    For example, I have now searched 8 hours for the solution to your question. May i charge you for that. ;) :lol
    Have you ever been to other support forums? Obviously not, because here you got help often with very complex php and javascript code is quite unusual on the other boards. Many topic creators don’t even have their own support forums, but only use those of the themes resellers.

    And if I didn’t need the solution for my customers as well, I wouldn’t be able to make such an effort for you either.
    How much time do you think a mod can spend on one topic to make such a board fit for all? 5 minutes? !

    try this in quick css:
    The thing is that you have to select the direct neigbour of an element with that ( + )

    .start-image + .image-overlay {
        display: none !important;

    maybe you give to the image a hover effect that not only the pointer hand indicates a link

    .start-image:hover {
    -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 3px #666);
    filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 3px #666)
    in reply to: Responsive view not working on ipad #1008772

    by the way Erin – your individual Links to f.e. about should have the absolute path – because if you are not on the landing page (f.e. on a portfolio page) the #about link has no function (maybe the /#about will work)

    in reply to: How to make same page link work on open burger menu #1008522

    this topic is unsolved till now.
    the link even to a #hash link ( anchor to color-section f.e.) even if you are on the parent page works now (Enfold 4.4.1) on default.
    But the click on the link of the active page does not close the burger menu.

    in reply to: Schatten Sidebar Widget #1008481
    .sidebar .inner_sidebar {
        overflow: visible !important;
        padding: 0 10px 0 5px;

    and i think a lot of trouble comes from your realy small page layout. Why did you change the default 1310px to 1010px ?

    in reply to: Sticky footer for Enfold #1008477

    and you realy like to have the footer sticky – and not the socket ?
    the trouble with this would be to have on main a padding-bottom to see all of the main content and for all screenwidth.

    in reply to: [SOLVED]10 column layout #1008471

    or you take the grid-row and put in 2 1/2 Cells each 1/5 columns.
    If you like to have then the grid-row not full-width there are possibilities to get this via functions.php.
    See here ( for demonstration the 2 cells have a background-color:

    in reply to: Schatten Sidebar Widget #1008468

    wie denn auch , das ist ein Bild oder?
    Du meinst das hier:

    nimm beim Einsetzen einfach das unbeschnittene Image

    in reply to: Enfold Video-Widget is not working #1008464

    But Dude – this is the selfhosted video. No doubt – that works!
    But did you try a vimeo video?

    yes – i tested it – works on that installation ( you know my webers-testseite is a bit full with code – maybe there is somesthing in conflict with it.
    See :

    But: – with iframe for me its better because its with my Borlabs Cookie Plugin DSGVO konform.

    in reply to: Enfold Video-Widget is not working #1008417

    no i’m working on it right now a lot – sorry
    i give you a different page – maybe my webers-testseite is to full with custom code

    in reply to: Enfold Video-Widget is not working #1008403

    i think she is right – did not work on my end too:
    for the moment take the html widget and use the iframe:
    <iframe src="" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

    has on my end the advantage, that i can insert it DSGVO konform:

    PS: wunderschöne Arbeiten – echt Klasse !

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Seperator seems buggy #1008390

    did you read my posting carefully?
    Give to the text-block to which this issue concerns a custom-class! in my case i set it to: hr-inlinetext

    then the rules will work for all text-block elements from enfold with img inside and text floating around and that specific class:
    see what happens

    ( da die Klasse fehlt musste ich jetzt ohne den Code einfügen): Movie
    – wenn du das Bild auf der eingestellten Größe läßt, dann bekommst du bei Screens knapp über den 768px ein extrem schmale Textleiste neben dem Bild.

    in reply to: Align footer columns to bottom #1008368

    don’t know where your “split point” is when layout goes to mobile – but in most default cases it is 768px or 990px so:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px){
    	#footer .container {
    	display: flex;
    	align-items: flex-end;
    	#footer .container .textwidget p:last-child {
    	margin-bottom: 0 !important;
    in reply to: Problem with first picture in galleries and avia colums #1008330

    Also ich sehe das bei Pflanzbehälter nicht so wie in deinem Screenshot. Getestet an Mac OSX HighSierra : Firefox Developer, Chrome, Safari.
    Leere mal sämtliche Browser Cache und falls du das Merging von Enfold nutzt – erneuere bitte auch diese Dateien.
    So I don’t see it like in your screenshot with plant containers. Tested on Mac OSX HighSierra : Firefox Developer, Chrome, Safari.
    Empty all browser caches and if you use Enfold’s merging – please update these files as well.

    in reply to: Seperator seems buggy #1008250

    gib dem Text-Block Element ein benutzerdefinierte Klasse – ich nahm : hr-inlinetext

    .hr-inlinetext img {
        width: calc(50% - 20px);
    .hr-inlinetext .hr {
        display: inline-block;
        width: calc(50% - 20px);
        float: none;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 990px){
    .hr-inlinetext img , 
    .hr-inlinetext .hr { width: 100% }

    die 20px kommen von der Definition der Custom hr : .hr-inner {
    margin-left: 10px;
    margin-right: 10px;

    das sind jeweils 4 lücken a 10px – die müssen in die Werte mit einfließen – sonst kannst du also mit den Prozentwerten die 100% haben – also 40/60 etc.
    mit dem MediaQuery musst du schauen, ob das dein “Sprungpunkt” ist bei dem das Layout wechselt. Bei meiner Testinstallation war es 990px

    in reply to: Seperator seems buggy #1008103

    Nachdem ich dein Video gesehen habe ist klar: du willst das unbedingt so haben, weil du das Bild vom Text umflossen haben möchtest.
    Denn die 100% Weite ist die des gesamten text-blocks und nicht des Textes neben dem Bild.

    Das funktioniert wenn man dem Bild auch relative Weite zuordnet:
    Siehe hier:

    Wenn du interessiert bist poste ich wie es geht.


    After I have seen your video it is clear: you absolutely want it to be like this, because you want the text to flow around the image.
    Because the 100% width is that of the entire text block and not the width of the text itself.

    This works if you also assign relative width to the image:
    See here <a:

    If you’re interested, I’ll post how it goes.

    Translated with

    in reply to: Schatten Sidebar Widget #1007927

    der x-wert verschiebt das ganze ja auch nach rechts.

    Wenn du zB hättest:

    .sidebar .widget {
        padding-left: 5px;
        box-shadow: 0 0 5px 2px #5c5c5d;
        margin-bottom: 20px;

    dann sind zum einen die Widget Bereiche getrennt (margin-bottom) zum Anderen hast du dann einen Umlaufenden Schatten-Wurf.
    bei deinem Padding-left scheint in der Quick css was schief gegangen zu sein.

    PS: manchmal verhindert auch ein overflow:hidden der umgebenden Container den Schattenwurf

    on the copyright input field insert at the end [nolink]
    it has to be square brackets !

    in reply to: Add Sub Menu Indicators to Full Width Submenu #1007371

    yes – the arrow right is very nice Mike posted above in the link mentioned

    if would have done it with that class enfold uses vor all menus having submenus: dropdown_ul_available

    something like this:

    .menu-item.dropdown_ul_available {
        overflow: visible !important;
    .menu-item.dropdown_ul_available:hover:before {
    .dropdown_ul_available::before {
        content: "\e883";
        font-family: entypo-fontello;
        position: absolute;
        bottom: -20px;
        font-size: 24px;
        color: #bebebe;
        left: 50%;
        transform: translateX(-50%);

    but my favorite is the arrrow besides the menu title

    .menu-item-top-level.dropdown_ul_available > a .avia-menu-text:after {
    content: "\e883";
    color: #900;
    position: relative;
    left: 5px;
    vertical-align: middle
    in reply to: Exclude specific script from merging. #1007075

    von Enfold Seite klappt wohl alles soweit –
    ich habe es mal mit 9999 eingebunden und dann steht es definitv am Ende der Komprimierten Files.
    Mein Gedanke war, dass die Reihenfolge in der es aufgerufen wird wichtig ist – denn die gemergeten Files liegen ja dann hinter dem nicht eingebundenem Script. – BWP Minify macht das so. Die komprimierten Files werden vor diesem Script aufgerufen.

    Egal – wenn ich es brauchen sollte, dann nehme ich halt BWP Minify für diese spezielle Seite dann.
    Kann geschlossen werden.

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