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  • in reply to: circle on the top-right screen #1016348

    and ps: you can do a gradient background like this:

    #intro {
    background: rgb(102,154,194);
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(45deg,  rgb(100,60,150) 0%, rgb(102,154,194) 50%, rgb(160,200,220) 100%);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg,  rgb(100,60,150) 0%,rgb(102,154,194) 50%,rgb(160,200,220) 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(45deg,  rgb(100,60,150) 0%,rgb(102,154,194) 50%,rgb(160,200,220) 100%);
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#643c96', endColorstr='#a0c8dc',GradientType=1 );

    this definition creates a gradient that is not stepped.
    see here:

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Change Color Palette #1016286

    you can make your own predefined color-scheme by adding some code to your child-theme functions.php:
    All manual – but you got your own style and can transform this to other installations if you like

    add_filter('avf_skin_options', 'my_custom_added_style_function');
    function my_custom_added_style_function($styles = "") {
    	$default_primary 	= "#2d5c88";
    	$default_highlight 	= "#3d71a1";
    	$default_background = "#041424";
    	$special_border 	= "#0A2138";
    	$styles["Custom Style"] = array(		
    							"default_font" => "Open Sans:400,600",
    							"google_webfont" => "Open Sans:400,600",
    							"color_scheme"	=>"Custom Style",
    							// header
    							"colorset-header_color-bg"				=>"#ffffff",
    							"colorset-header_color-bg2"				=>"#f8f8f8",
    							"colorset-header_color-primary"			=>"$default_primary",
    							"colorset-header_color-secondary"		=>"#444444",
    							"colorset-header_color-color"			=>"#333333",
    							"colorset-header_color-border"			=>"#e1e1e1",
    							"colorset-header_color-img"				=>"",
    							"colorset-header_color-customimage"		=>"",
    							"colorset-header_color-pos" 			=> "top center",
    							"colorset-header_color-repeat" 			=> "repeat",
    							"colorset-header_color-attach" 			=> "scroll",
    							'colorset-header_color-heading' 		=> '#000000',
    							'colorset-header_color-meta' 			=> '#808080',
    							// main
    							"colorset-main_color-bg"				=>"#ffffff",
    							"colorset-main_color-bg2"				=>"#fcfcfc",
    							"colorset-main_color-primary"			=>"$default_primary",
    							"colorset-main_color-secondary"			=>"$default_highlight",
    							"colorset-main_color-color"				=>"#666666",
    							"colorset-main_color-border"			=>"#e1e1e1",
    							"colorset-main_color-img"				=>"",
    							"colorset-main_color-customimage"		=>"",
    							"colorset-main_color-pos" 				=> "top center",
    							"colorset-main_color-repeat" 			=> "repeat",
    							"colorset-main_color-attach" 			=> "scroll",
    							'colorset-main_color-heading' 			=> '#222222',
    							'colorset-main_color-meta' 				=> '#919191',
    							// alternate
    							"colorset-alternate_color-bg"			=>"#fcfcfc",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-bg2"			=>"#ffffff",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-primary"		=>"$default_primary",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-secondary"	=>"$default_highlight",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-color"		=>"#666666",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-border"		=>"#e1e1e1",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-img"			=> "",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-customimage"	=>"",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-pos" 			=> "top center",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-repeat" 		=> "repeat",
    							"colorset-alternate_color-attach" 		=> "scroll",
    							'colorset-alternate_color-heading' 		=> '#222222',
    							'colorset-alternate_color-meta' 		=> '#8f8f8f',
    							// Footer
    							"colorset-footer_color-bg"				=>"#222222",
    							"colorset-footer_color-bg2"				=>"#333333",
    							"colorset-footer_color-primary"			=>"#ffffff",
    							"colorset-footer_color-secondary"		=>"#aaaaaa",
    							"colorset-footer_color-color"			=>"#dddddd",
    							"colorset-footer_color-border"			=>"#444444",
    							"colorset-footer_color-img"				=> "",
    							"colorset-footer_color-customimage"		=>"",
    							"colorset-footer_color-pos" 			=> "top center",
    							"colorset-footer_color-repeat" 			=> "repeat",
    							"colorset-footer_color-attach" 			=> "scroll",
    							'colorset-footer_color-heading' 		=> '#919191',
    							'colorset-footer_color-meta' 			=> '#919191',
    							// Socket
    							"colorset-socket_color-bg"				=>"#333333",
    							"colorset-socket_color-bg2"				=>"#555555",
    							"colorset-socket_color-primary"			=>"#ffffff",
    							"colorset-socket_color-secondary"		=>"#aaaaaa",
    							"colorset-socket_color-color"			=>"#eeeeee",
    							"colorset-socket_color-border"			=>"#444444",
    							"colorset-socket_color-img"				=>"",
    							"colorset-socket_color-customimage"		=>"",
    							"colorset-socket_color-pos" 			=> "top center",
    							"colorset-socket_color-repeat" 			=> "repeat",
    							"colorset-socket_color-attach" 			=> "scroll",
    							'colorset-socket_color-heading' 		=> '#ffffff',
    							'colorset-socket_color-meta' 			=> '#999999',
    							//body bg
    							"color-body_style"						=>"stretched",
    							"color-body_color"						=>"#333333", //bg
    							"color-body_fontcolor"					=>"#ffffff", //font
    							"color-body_attach"						=>"scroll",
    							"color-body_repeat"						=>"repeat",
    							"color-body_pos"						=>"top center",
    							"color-body_img"						=> "",
    							"color-body_customimage"				=>"",
    	return $styles;
    in reply to: Change Color Palette #1016276

    what do you mean by color-palette ?
    Do you like to have a different color-picker color-palette ( those colors under the picker field)

    or do you mean a custom style on enfold – general styling – predefined color scheme ?

    in reply to: Widget tags remove h3 #1016082

    what headings – normal h3 headings or those in the widgets should get h6
    as i said :

    you can add to this function more lines like :
    replaceElementTag(‘h3.widgettitle’, ‘<div></div>’);
    in front the selector – on the end the new surrounding tag! separate each line by a semicolon.

    the code above that line is only to transform all classes and attribute existing to the old-tag get transformed to the new one.

    so to replace h3 with h6:
    replaceElementTag('h3', '<h6></h6>');
    replace widget h3 with h6:
    replaceElementTag('h3.widgettitle', '<h6></h6>');
    etc. pp

    you have to look in the source code of your page to be more specific with the selector when you only want to replace some tags.

    Well Enfold does it realy good with their video alb element.
    If there are no bars in the film there will be very small in the embedded one of enfold.

    If you like to insert your films via iframe there might be methods to calculate the correct aspect ratio – with the additional advantage to insert all good youtube parameters which set the advertisements to a minimum ( video on pause and on the end) etc.

    see here a A/B comparison left with recalculation and right the enfold one.

    PS on the right side there is that borlabs cookie plugin working to double opt-in on youtube videos.

    in reply to: Widget tags remove h3 #1016060

    if you don’t want to show widgets on some pages / posts you can install that older but good plugin : restrict widget
    there you got the decision when you like to show the widget or when not.
    It is not so complex like widget logic – but in the most cases this seems to be enough control

    in reply to: Widget tags remove h3 #1016051

    you can add to this function more lines like :
    replaceElementTag('h3.widgettitle', '<div></div>');
    in front the selector – on the end the new surrounding tag! separate each line by a semicolon.

    in reply to: Widget tags remove h3 #1016049

    you can do this to your child-theme functions.php:

    function replace_tags_with_tags(){
      (function($) {       
          function replaceElementTag(targetSelector, newTagString) {
              var newElem = $(newTagString, {html: $(this).html()});
              $.each(this.attributes, function() {
                newElem.attr(, this.value);
          replaceElementTag('h3.widgettitle', '<div></div>');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'replace_tags_with_tags');

    if you like to have p tags then replace div with p
    PS : the color set by enfold via the h-tag is lost : but you can give to the div.widgettitle a color and font-size settings etc.

    Caution: Real satire

    And now I really believed that I would write my website for the visitors of the page. Now I have to realize that I only did it for Google. I had actually assumed that not overloaded texts with interesting contents and appealing and informative graphics would entice the reader to read on. Of course, you have to give him information quickly.

    Some people should consider whether they really need all functions of a plugin or whether they want to evaluate a statistics tool at all. I have some customers who install e.g. Google Analytics and don’t perform any analyses themselves. Only Google receives important information about your page and about the visitors of your page. Do I really have to help a company worth billions to collect data about my potential customers?

    YSlow is always worse because it wants to know if CDN systems are installed. Your website loads quite quickly with a little more than 2sec (average is 6.8sec).
    Yes, it is not unimportant to have a fast loading page. I don’t want to be the servant of performance values whose algorithms are set by companies that don’t have your well-being in mind but their own.

    in reply to: Place caption below the image in Easy Slider #1015928

    can you try to make it dependent on screen width:

    .avia-slideshow-inner ,
    .avia-slideshow li {
        overflow: visible;
    .avia-slideshow {
        margin-bottom: 80px !important;
    .avia-slideshow-inner .avia-caption {
        position: absolute;
        top: 100%;
        left: 50%;
        transform: translateX(-50%);
        width: 100%;
    .avia-slideshow-inner .avia-caption-title {
        color: #000 !important;
        text-align: center;
        font-size: 2.5vw

    see here on bottom:

    the avia-slideshow margin-bottom: 80px. has to be big enough to show even the caption content – if there was something

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Fullscreen Slider #1015845

    no he must have changed the images or upload them again. Now all images are shown on my desktop – that is something what did not work before.
    Maybe a positive feedback would be polite ;)

    in reply to: Adding caption to each slide in horizontal gallery #1015802

    give me please a link to your site – but i’m participant as you so i can not see private area!

    in reply to: Adding caption to each slide in horizontal gallery #1015799

    well you are talking about Caption – the Caption on horizontal Gallery is this field under the image:
    (see the empty field on the left – and what happend then to the frontend.
    click to enlarge:

    or on media library you can see where the caption is.
    If yo like to have a different field – better tell me:

    in reply to: Adding caption to each slide in horizontal gallery #1015761

    by the way – for screens under 768px:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
    	.text-under-image {
    	    position: absolute !important;
    	    background-color: #fff;
    	    bottom: 0;
    	    left: 50%;
    	    transform: translateX(-50%);
    	    padding: 0 30px;
    	    margin: 0 !important;
    	    text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #aaa;
    	    border-radius: 8px 8px 0 0;

    see example page:

    in reply to: Validation of select element in contact form #1015739

    Yes i see now – but I think that makes sense. To have a field that you can leave blank, because this way the 1st option is always included in the e-mail as a selection.

    in reply to: Adding caption to each slide in horizontal gallery #1015735

    if you do not like to have this on all horizontal galleries :
    give a custom class to the horizontal gallery like: subline-gallery

    function horizontal_gallery_subline(){
        $(window).load(function() {
        	$('.subline-gallery').css("overflow", "visible" );	   	
    	   	$('.subline-gallery .av-horizontal-gallery-link').each(function(){
                var linkTitle = $(this).attr('title');          
                $(this).before('<p class="text-under-image">' + linkTitle + '</p>');
                	"text-align": "center",
                	"margin": "0.2em 0",
    add_action('wp_footer', 'horizontal_gallery_subline');
    in reply to: Enlarge icons Fontello #1015732

    it is much more easy to give you an advice if there was a life link to the concerning page.

    in reply to: Adding caption to each slide in horizontal gallery #1015728

    you can try this in your child-theme functions.php:

    function horizontal_gallery_subline(){
        $(window).load(function() {
                var linkTitle = $(this).attr('title');
                $(this).closest('.av-horizontal-gallery').css("overflow", "visible" )           
                $(this).before('<p class="text-under-image">' + linkTitle + '</p>');
                	"text-align": "center",
                	"margin": "0.2em 0",
    add_action('wp_footer', 'horizontal_gallery_subline');

    see here:

    btw: this will work with active image style enlarge too

    in reply to: Close popop/modal using back button without changing url #1015697

    on my desctop ismaels code works :

    can you try if it is on mobile working too?

    in reply to: change title tag for category archive pages #1015678

    lies mal hier – vielleicht hilft das weiter:

    in reply to: change title tag for category archive pages #1015662

    für meine Begriffe ist hier der Plural richtig.
    Aber ich glaube auch, dass dies eher von WordPress selber gesteuert wird – als vom Thema.
    Sorry da musst du wohl auf einen der Coder hier warten.

    in reply to: change title tag for category archive pages #1015652

    can you show me the place where Archiv is shown – i can not see either on en nor on de
    even in source code no “archiv” found
    or do you mean the body class? – it’s a cruel idea to translate the class names

    edit: or is it in the head section the title tags ( and opengraph title tags ) ?
    what do you expect is different on SEO point of view if there is “Allgemein Archiv” instead of “Allgemein Archive” ?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: change title tag for category archive pages #1015647

    no private content for me – i’m participant as you.

    in reply to: change title tag for category archive pages #1015644

    isn’t it on english : archives ? pl.
    what is the plural of Archiv in german ? ;)

    and on singular:
    english: archive
    german: Archiv
    show me a link – maybe you are right .

    but be carefull with German lang files there is a “Du” and a formal “Sie” translation.
    So first have a look what kind of salutation you have choosed in wordpress settings.
    You then have to edit the formal or normal po files

    Guess you choosed the “Sie” formal addressing – because this is not translated in de_DE_formal.po:
    Choose the archive sidebar position here. This setting will be applied to all archive pages

    in reply to: Validation of select element in contact form #1015629

    but i think Ismael that should be implemented as default if this field is a required one.

    in reply to: Icons missing #1015610

    by the way : i can see your icons on my end here
    and on one of the fixed background-images there is a 300x200px image (very blurry on this)

    in reply to: Icons missing #1015609

    First is : what do you prefer for your domain : the www or the non www version?
    try to fix this too.

    I think it will be best to use a search and replace plugin for your database here.
    I use for this:
    actually quite easy to use.
    But it’s better to backup the database first. This tool already offers that.
    so on that

    ( that is the reason why i ask for www or not !!!) normaly i would search and replace for a part of thr url

    search for:
    replace with :

    the more specific the better – so if you prefer www then:

    search for:
    replace with :

    to look for the whole domain with .au is protected (therefor the tool got “replace Domain url” – but this you allready done.
    you can do a dry run or do it directly in all tables and write to database

    in reply to: Fullscreen Slider #1015600

    by the way i see this effect on Mac OSX ( firefox etc) too. Not only on mobile

    following is shown if i want to open the image in the browser:

    öffne die Bilder mal an deinem Desktop und schaue ob Sie da zu öffnen sind. Wenn ja- lade Sie nochmal hoch – eventuell gab es da Fehler bei der Übertragung

    Da muss was mit dem Bild sein: auch hier:
    ist das Bild nicht zu sehen ( auf Parallax gestellt)

    in reply to: Filesize bigger than source of automatically scaled images #1015599

    i have on most my installations now:

    function av_return_100(){ return 65; }
    add_filter('jpeg_quality', 'av_return_100');
    add_filter('wp_editor_set_quality', 'av_return_100'); 

    it seems that the 65 is nearby the Photoshop jpeg 35 til 45 % Quality

    i do have now on the most sites i create this to my child-theme functions.php :

    function av_return_100(){ return 65; }
    add_filter('jpeg_quality', 'av_return_100');
    add_filter('wp_editor_set_quality', 'av_return_100'); 

    it seems that this is more than a good compromise between performance and quality

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