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  • in reply to: Layout of search results on Ajax Search #1048621

    look here – maybe this is a solution for you: and the following answer.

    on newest Enfold 4.5.2. it is now on line 33

    in reply to: Animated changing color background on image #1048541

    sorry – i’m Participant as you are – so i can not see Private Message Area.

    in reply to: Animated changing color background on image #1048493

    you see how it works : the keyframe is the base for the animation.
    you have start point and some interstage points and the end point. If you like you can do more here – or set an 80% style etc. pp.
    on the animation then you take this custom defined keyframe for it.

    in reply to: Animated changing color background on image #1048492

    this seems to be only a png file:
    you can do it with pseudo content.
    insert an image from alb elements and give it a custom class ( i took : animated-button )

    then we create the before content:

    .animated-button .avia_image::before {
        content: "";
        background-color: rgba(255,255,255,1);
        border-radius: 50%;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        display: block;
        position: absolute;
        animation: pulse 3s ease-in-out 0s infinite

    to have not the overlay effect on enfold images and to see the scale effect :

    .animated-button .image-overlay {
        display: none !important;
    .animated-button .avia_image {
        overflow: visible !important;

    now the animation keyframe for it:

    @keyframes pulse {
      0% {
          transform: scale(1.05);
          opacity: 1
      50% {
          transform: scale(1.25);
          opacity: 0.3
      100% {
          transform: scale(1.05);
          opacity: 1

    see result :
    you can change it to your needs?
    In my case it is a dark background image so – it is a white pulsating thing.

    in reply to: Animated changing color background on image #1048489

    maybe this effect of enfold standard behavior of a standalone icon (right side of the example ) could be an alternative:
    but this is only on hovering the “button” – you can have a link on the icon and an optional Caption.
    The animation effect is called: sonarEffect

    in reply to: Add own script.js file to avia-footer-scripts.js #1048488

    i would load my custom script via the enqueue a script file:

    the custom.min.js file has to be in the child-themes/js Folder

    Each goes to child-theme functions.php

    function custom_js_script() {
        wp_enqueue_script( 'Custom-JS', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/custom.min.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_js_script' );

    after that you can try to force to include it by the filter : avf_force_include_asset
    this filter isn’t listet in the hooks and filter list here:
    but it is present in : asset-manager.class.php

    add_filter('avf_force_include_asset', 'avia_force_include_files', 10, 1);
    function avia_force_include_files($force_included) {
    	$force_include_js = array('Custom-JS');
    	$force_included['js'] = array_merge($force_included['js'], $force_include_js);
      return $force_included;
    in reply to: Layout break – Icon Grid Flip Box #1048357

    ich schreib das mal gerade auf deutsch:

    du kannst zB für diesen link die word-wrap Eigenschaft setzen, oder wenn es nicht so häufig vorkommt softhyphens setzen:
    click to enlarge:

    so kannst du “Sollbruchstellen” im Text anlegen. Der Link bleibt ja davon unberührt.

    das ­ ist dann das Zeichen was du brauchst

    in reply to: Layout break – Icon Grid Flip Box #1048341

    Update to newest Enfold – the gridbox bug with firefox is fixed there
    see here concerning topic:

    to your second link – i can’t find the page you are having that problem.
    to have not that problem you can make a link with a button f.e. and a keyword and not the url.
    or try to have a wordbreak definition for that long url

    is the contact form on a page which you use as footer?

    If not: Can you make a screenshot of the ALB layout you use?

    so no chance to get it over the content this way. You had to set up the contact form on that page itself

    in reply to: Layer Slider overlay #1047867

    yes, that’s right – but that’s the behavior of the standard level – and I think she/he knows that.
    But – I don’t know if the above is a new feature – it was definitely missing on earlier versions. Now this “background” described above is not reloaded every time a slide changes. These “static” layers are not animated between slide changes (only at the starting point of the slider).
    This was also new for me. And used in the kitchen slider.

    in reply to: Special Header #1047202

    Yes indeed the font-size option is only available when selecting the modern style.
    On default it is set to default size- but you can select different sizes here.

    in reply to: Little line underneath menu items #1047197

    you got this in your source code – mayby in your quick css:
    because of the merged file i could not locate it where you got it.

    .av_minimal_header .avia-menu-fx {
        display: none;

    so get rid of that rule – and the underline on hover will work as you like

    in reply to: Wie funktioniert der Support? #1047194

    ja – genau so ist es. Hier wird dir auf jedenfall geholfen. Wobei ich mir nicht im klaren bin, wie das mit dem Support Stop funktionieren soll ;)
    Da du ja hier keine Seriennummern bei der Registrierung angiebst, endet der Support demnach nicht nach 6Monaten – auch die Downloads kannst du jederzeit bei Envato wiederholen.
    hier ist eine sehr schöne Dokumentation:
    Dort kann man zunächst schauen ob es nicht schon triviale Lösungen für dein Problem geben sollte.

    in reply to: Layer Slider overlay #1046850

    this image you see as background – is not a “slide background image” on top of the slide input.

    • This is an image layer on the bottom of the first slide !
    • On Transitions you can choose on opening transition on “other settings” : Keep this layer visible: Forever (the layer will never animate out).
    • From now on you have on each new slide “Static Layers from other slides”

    Thats the trick !

    PS: this is a fullwidth slider you have linked to !

    in reply to: Font in Enfold Agency logo #1046836

    By the way – this font from parytype looks a bit like PtSans / Opensans or Lato – these fonts are designed too by Paratype – might be a good alternative.
    Especially the Lato with bold and a light font !

    in reply to: Font in Enfold Agency logo #1046829

    to identify a font you can use different services on the web. On that example it might be good to have more contrast on it:


    on the bold part above there are a lot of results because this seems to be a standard font style:
    the most famous seems to be from FontFont : FF Mark Pro Medium

    but the results for the thin font gets one match with the bold type :
    Stem from Paratype.
    Stem Medium and Stem Extra Light.

    You may open a new thread with the hint ( link ) to this started topic here.. Here really one of the moderators with admin access has to look into your developer installation.
    You have also installed Uber-Menu and this shortcodefix is still haunting you. So everything else than Enfold Standard installation. I would only recommend you to update to the latest Enfold 4.5.1 version.

    Actually, I always get my help through to the solution. But in this case someone has to log in to really create order.

    in reply to: Wie funktioniert der Support? #1046402

    Well i’m German too – but i think you will get help sooner if you post your questions in english – not all of the mods can understand german language.
    if you find it difficult to post your questions in English, you can use this service here:
    The translations are definitely better than Google’s and you can make changes or improvements in your text afterwards.

    so sorry now – here stops my support.
    i see there is on phone-info field always that shortcode inserted thing. Maybe this is from the do_php_shortcode_fix in your functions.php.
    i guess you have to wait here for mods to login to your developement site to see what is the thing. On my test page it works this way – so there must be some inconsitencies. Sorry – i have to do my work now.

    first of all : on your code here there is the closing a – tag missing:

    please post your whole child-theme functions.php again

    i can see here that there was an entry on phone-info field:

    please – always think on caching and merged files of enfold ( Enfold / Performance tab ) – sometimes you see the changings not directly

    And you are still on enfold 4.4.1 i don’t know when it starts to name the top-menu avia2-menu but on your code there is no avia2-menu

    so try to change the code above from
    $('#header_meta #menu-item-search').prependTo('#avia2-menu');
    $('#header_meta #menu-item-search').prependTo('#header_meta .sub_menu');

    and see what happens

    can you post your functions.php again here as a copy ?

    PS to style the small “good” one use this in quick css:

    #header_meta #menu-item-search + a {
        font-size: 20px !important;
        position: relative;
        top: -10px;
        left: 8px;
    #header_meta .avia-arrow-wrap {
        right: 20px !important;

    i can see your dev page – and that is definitly from the shortcode. Maybe it is an caching problem.
    Look to the phone info input field and to your functions.php

    you see here the difference of both methods


    functions.php as top-menu list point:

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Guenni007.

    you only have to use one of the methods. if you use the code above get rid of the shortcode function and remove from phonenumber input field the [search]

    add_filter( 'avf_execute_avia_meta_header', '__return_true', 10, 1);
    add_filter( 'avia_meta_header', 'avia_append_search_nav_mod');
    function avia_append_search_nav_mod(){
              global $avia_config;
              $form =  htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()) ;
              $items .= '<li id="menu-item-search" class="noMobile menu-item menu-item-search-dropdown menu-item-avia-special">
                            <a href="?s=" data-avia-search-tooltip="'.$form.'" '.av_icon_string('search').'>
                              <span class="avia_hidden_link_text">'.__('Search','avia_framework').'</span>
    					<li class="phone-info">
    					   <a href="tel:+6123278777">07 3237 8777</a>
        echo $items;
    function custom_shift(){
    	$('#header_meta .phone-info').prependTo('#avia2-menu');
    	$('#header_meta #menu-item-search').prependTo('#avia2-menu');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_shift');

    And it is hard to say from a screenshot where it could come from. A life link – which you do not have now – will be more informative.

    PS : for me it looks like the small one is from the code above and the other one from the shortcode.
    You have to style the little one via css.
    The code from me above with the phone number inserted this way is for having your search icon infront of the phonenumber. Then the phonenumber is part of the top menu. And you have to leave the phone info field empty on Enfold.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: I'd like to add an extra class to the site logo #1046228

    Oh yes – i didn’t read that: “I found how to replace the logo link in another topic”
    so you can do it in that combination Yigit does.

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