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  • in reply to: how to use a different editor for comments #1052367

    Looks this way:

    in reply to: how to use a different editor for comments #1052365

    Just in that moment i found a suitable solution for me – this comes to functions.php of child-theme:

    function avia_form_tag_output($output){
          'orderby'    => 'count',
          'order'    => 'DESC',
          'hide_empty' => false,
        $tag_terms=get_terms('avia-question_tag', $args ) ;
        $output='<select name="question-tag" id="question-tag" class="postform">';
        $output.='<option value="">Select question Tags</option>';
        foreach($tag_terms as $tag_term)
          $output.='<option value="'.$tag_term->name.'">'.$tag_term->name.'</option>';
      return $output;
    add_filter( 'comment_form_field_comment', 'comment_editor' );
    function comment_editor() {
      global $post;
      wp_editor( '', 'comment', array(
        'textarea_rows' => 15,
        'teeny' => true,
        'quicktags' => false,
        'media_buttons' => false
      ) );
      $editor = ob_get_contents();
      //make sure comment media is attached to parent post
      $editor = str_replace( 'post_id=0', 'post_id='.get_the_ID(), $editor );
      return $editor;
    // wp_editor doesn't work when clicking reply. Here is the fix.
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', '__THEME_PREFIX__scripts' );
    function __THEME_PREFIX__scripts() {
    add_filter( 'comment_reply_link', '__THEME_PREFIX__comment_reply_link' );
    function __THEME_PREFIX__comment_reply_link($link) {
        return str_replace( 'onclick=', 'data-onclick=', $link );
    add_action( 'wp_head', '__THEME_PREFIX__wp_head' );
    function __THEME_PREFIX__wp_head() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
          var args = $(this).data('onclick');
          args = args.replace(/.*\(|\)/gi, '').replace(/\"|\s+/g, '');
          args = args.split(',');
          tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor', true, 'comment');
          addComment.moveForm.apply( addComment, args );
          tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceAddEditor', true, 'comment');
    in reply to: Mega Menu and Slide Show does not work #1051753

    that code was to solve your problems with mega-div

    in reply to: Mega Menu and Slide Show does not work #1051752

    some visibility and opacity settings are strange . Can you post your quick css to verfiy?
    Because your css is merged it will be a bit more complicate to see for me with developer tools.

    in reply to: Mega Menu and Slide Show does not work #1051731

    Can you first test this in your quick css :

    #header .avia_mega_div {
        overflow: visible !important;

    then we will see what it is with your slider.

    in reply to: Embed website within a iframe #1051481

    have you a life link for us? Its easier to give an advice if we could see what kind of troubles are there.
    What do you mean by iframe – you like to show it on a website or do you like to show the linked Page in a lightbox?
    you can even show the page – as if it was the original url :
    you see on top my website testsite link – but it is shown a different link with all its features ;)

    in reply to: dotted line around tab section titles when clicked #1051301

    Darf ich gerade mal ein wenig deutsch hier einstreuen? Geht mir auch schneller von der Hand.
    Wo hast du den Code eingefügt? Weil ich diesen nicht in dem quick css der angegebenen Seite finde.
    Schreibst Du den Style Code in das style.css deines Child-Themes direkt hinein ?
    Enfold hat hierfür ja das quick css.

    in reply to: dotted line around tab section titles when clicked #1050372

    did you test:

    .av-active-tab-title {
        outline: none !important;
    in reply to: dotted line around tab section titles when clicked #1050259

    maybe this could help you – i recognized it aswell on firefox and on a different alb element with tabs only:

    this was my proposed solution

    .tab.active_tab {
        outline: none !important;

    if you got a link for us – it will be helpfull to give you the right selector. I can not reproduce it on my installation
    or try this as my next guess

    .av-active-tab-title {
        outline: none !important;
    in reply to: CSS + IMAGE OVERLAY + Z-INDEX w/ WORKABLE BUTTON #1050107

    can you try this in quick css:

    #snow::before {
    	z-index: 1 !important
    in reply to: CSS + IMAGE OVERLAY + Z-INDEX w/ WORKABLE BUTTON #1050075

    but think of : i’m participant as you – so i can not see links in private content field.

    in reply to: CSS + IMAGE OVERLAY + Z-INDEX w/ WORKABLE BUTTON #1050048

    sorry – yes please – i can not reproduce the things you have set in your environment.
    maybe you can take a copy of your landingpage and post.
    i will see if it is possible to achieve.

    PS : this code will work if gutenberg is deactivated by (classic plugin) otherwise we had to manage the gutenberg_plugin_active state too.

    I do not need the gutenberg – so on my test installation the “classic editor” plugin is running – so the first part of the rules is not needed:
    This is the part in the class-avia-gutenberg.php:

    		 * Add info about ALB to post title
    		 * @since 4.5.1
    		 * @param array $post_states
    		 * @param WP_Post $post
    		 * @return array
    		public function handler_display_post_states( array $post_states, WP_Post $post )
    			if( $this->has_wp_block_editor )
    				if( $this->need_classic_editor_links() && ! $this->force_classic_editor( $post->post_type ) )
    					if( has_blocks( $post->ID ) )
    						$post_states['wp_editor'] = $this->gutenberg_plugin_active ? __( 'Gutenberg Editor', 'avia_framework' ) : __( 'Block Editor', 'avia_framework' );
    						$post_states['wp_editor'] = __( 'Classic Editor', 'avia_framework' );
    				 * Remove double post status entries - have numeric keys
    				if( $this->classic_editor_plugin_active || $this->gutenberg_plugin_active )
    					foreach($post_states as $key => $value ) 
    						if( is_numeric( $key ) )
    							unset( $post_states[ $key ] );
    			else if( $this->gutenberg_plugin_active )
    				if( ! has_blocks( $post->ID ) )
    					$post_states['wp_editor'] = __( 'Classic Editor', 'avia_framework' );
    			if( '' != Avia_Builder()->get_alb_builder_status( $post->ID ) )
    				$post_states['avia_alb'] = __( 'Advanced Layout Builder', 'avia_framework' );
    			return $post_states;

    so now you are talking about woo ( this function is ruled too – on woocommerce itself ! )

    this is the look for portfolio entries – you can see that only the classic status is hidden:

    with the last code i provided the list view on my test is:

    in reply to: Updating to 4.41 requires server upgrade at GoDaddy. #1050017

    I can’t imagine. Most of the time it is the other way around; that if an older PHP is used by the provider a fee is due. This is because they ensure that security updates are still executed for older versions that are no longer supported.

    maybe try this in your functions.php of your child-them

    function remove_ALB_post_state( $post_states, $post ) {
    	if("! has_blocks( $post->ID )") {
    	if("!= Avia_Builder()->get_alb_builder_status($post->ID)") {
    return $post_states;

    and if you want only get rid of classic :

    function remove_CLASSIC_post_state( $post_states, $post ) {
    	if("! has_blocks( $post->ID )") {
    return $post_states;

    well – this seems to be a part for Günter – because on class-avia-gutenberg.php there are those additional settings. But the “Classic Editior” state comes not from enfold.

    see from line 611 ( public function handler_display_post_states( array $post_states, WP_Post $post ) )

    for example – you can get rid of the ALB info on that list by:

    function remove_ALB_post_state( $post_states, $post ) {
    if("!= Avia_Builder()->get_alb_builder_status($post->ID)") {
    return $post_states;

    Well i think this will only work if you go over the WP filter display_post_states
    this is how f.e. woocommerce does include their “shop” or “cart” status. So it might be possible to get rid of those state info by a new function via add_filter

    add_filter( 'display_post_states', 'modify_post_states', 10, 2 );
    function modify_post_states( $post_states, $post ) {
        if ( … ) {
        return $post_states;

    but as I can influence it now in particular, my programming knowledge is not sufficient for that.

    you can proove that add_filter method by adding this to your child-theme functions.php
    add_filter('display_post_states', '__return_false');
    this will completely remove the post state – but then all quick edit options are gone too!

    in reply to: Menus' custom links not working #1049683

    did you declare the menu on dashboard – appearance – menus on menu-settings as enfold main menu ( enfold-child main menu) ?

    what link do you mean on your page?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: CSS + IMAGE OVERLAY + Z-INDEX w/ WORKABLE BUTTON #1049677

    i see that you are using the boxed-layout – maybe this and your “flakes” come into conflict with it.
    these “flakes” got a z-index of 999999 – sometimes it helps if you give to those pngs an overflow : visible (maybe an important is neccessary)

    Can you please insert the overlay image again – and i will see on your site then the source code what happens?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: CSS + IMAGE OVERLAY + Z-INDEX w/ WORKABLE BUTTON #1049651

    hm – you see on my testsite that i used an own overlay image – i do not know why there should be a difference what image i take.
    See testpage again

    in reply to: TITLE & ALT for span class="logo" image #1049648

    ah by the way you can do it in one line:

    function custom_logo_attriubtes(){
    	$('.logo img').attr({ title:"custom_title", alt:"custom_alt" });
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_logo_attriubtes');
    in reply to: TITLE & ALT for span class="logo" image #1049647

    both has to go to the image!
    there was a filter to change the alt attribut for logo but not the title ( this comes to your child-theme functions.php )

    add_filter('avf_logo_alt', 'avf_change_logo_alt');
    function avf_change_logo_alt($alt) {
       $alt = "New Alternate Text Here";
       return $alt;     

    to influence the title attribut too you can do it with jQuery at oncedelete the other code then ( this comes to your child-theme functions.php ):

    function custom_logo_attriubtes(){
    	$(".logo img").attr("title", "your_custom_title");
    	$(".logo img").attr("alt", "your_custom_alt");
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_logo_attriubtes');
    in reply to: CSS + IMAGE OVERLAY + Z-INDEX w/ WORKABLE BUTTON #1049639

    hm – can not reproduce your problem.
    You can see here that there is a background-image of the color-section with an overlay image ( and even with an opacity of 0.8) the button stayes active.:

    you see the source code has content in av-section-color-overlay-wrap container – but the overlay image concerns to av-section-color-overlay container which is before the container with content.

    Edit : ok – i did not see that you have set it to parallax.
    I will see what happens.

    Edit edit: it is still clickable that button.

    in reply to: Social media icons in widget #1048988

    and you like to have the icons under each other?

    First – you don’t need to have here list tags
    if you take for example a span tag these icons are beside each other.
    I added a class to adress all icons at once:

    <span class="social_bookmark social_bookmarks_twitter av-social-link-twitter social_icon_2"><a target="_blank" href="" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello" title="Twitter"><span class="avia_hidden_link_text">Twitter</span></a></span>
    <span class="social_bookmark social_bookmarks_instagram av-social-link-instagram social_icon_3"><a target="_blank" href="" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello" title="Instagram"><span class="avia_hidden_link_text">Instagram</span></a></span>
    <span class="social_bookmark social_bookmarks_facebook av-social-link-facebook social_icon_1"><a target="_blank" href="" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello" title="Facebook"><span class="avia_hidden_link_text">Facebook</span></a></span>

    then do this to quick css:

    #footer .social_bookmark a {
        width: 40px;
        height: 40px;
        font-size: 30px;
        padding: 5px;
        display: inline-block;
        text-align: center;

    looks this way:

    in reply to: Layout of search results on Ajax Search #1048943

    These things can be achieved with Enfold funds – everything else freelancers must arrange in a paid version for you.
    Excuse me – but even my time for the community is limited.

    in reply to: Add own script.js file to avia-footer-scripts.js #1048800

    hm then Günter has forgotten to fix the bug- he said ( Link ) that he will do that next update

    Sorry i didn’t control that.

    So please Mods tell Günter to set this on a todo list.

    in reply to: Layout of search results on Ajax Search #1048797

    i try to get the excerpt now besides the image

    Edit : here is the edited php file:
    see results here :

    this is the css for quick css:

    .search-result-image {
        display: inline-flex;
    .search-result-image img {
        width: 300px;
    .search-result-image {
        float: left;
        margin-bottom: 20px;
        padding-right: 30px;

    put the edited php file into child-theme/includes folder – that is all

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