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  • in reply to: Code removed in textblocks #1466751

    I would recommend using html entities. Unfortunately, even there it is sometimes the case that a new call of the editor mode / visual mode leaves them effective or not, but they are no longer visible in the backend. One example is the so-called softhyphen – a conditional hyphen.

    Günter has created a plugin with which it was possible to set the characters larger / smaller as well as in the layout elements, without them being evaluated as tag beginnings. Since I didn’t want to put 3 # characters before and after the abbreviation, I shortened it to one # character and extended the list that could be used with the plugin.

    So if i would like to have an invisible Space at the beginning of one line i inserted instead: #nbsp#

    See the plugin here:
    Download it here: specialcharacter Plugin

    just put it into your plugins folder via ftp

    in reply to: Responsiveness und “&-Zeichen” #1466749

    Des Weiteren, wird das &-Zeichen bei uns falsch formatiert. die Schriftart wie auch die Farbe weichen von der ursprünglichen Schrift-Formatierung ab.

    The ampersand (&-Zeichen) has its own css rules. If you like to get rid of those special settings:

    #top .special_amp {
        font-size: inherit;
        color: inherit;
        line-height: 1;
        font-style: normal;
        font-family: inherit;
        font-weight: inherit;
    in reply to: closed topic #1466748

    ok – can be closed!

    Das denke ich kannst du mit css und dem geeigneten Selektor am besten.
    Habe leider keine Beispielseite, wo ich den selektor dir nennen könnte. Hast du auf der Jordan Seite ein Beispiel?

    #top.single ~ p {
      display: none;

    if it is always the last paragraph this might help!

    Die Methode über eigene Sprachfiles ( de_DE_formal.po/ und de_DE.po/ ist prinzipiell sauberer.
    Dazu müsstest du die po files bearbeiten und eine Kopie (vorzugsweise in den Ordner “lang”) im child-theme folder platzieren.
    Dem Thema muss man dann noch sagen wo die Files liegen:

    function overwrite_language_file_child_theme() {
        $lang = get_stylesheet_directory().'/lang';
        return $lang;
    add_filter('ava_theme_textdomain_path', 'overwrite_language_file_child_theme');

    Bearbeiten kannst du die Files mittels poedit – Du musst dort die englische Phrase finden, und die neue deutsche Übersetzung dann einfügen. ( es kann mehrere Stellen geben wo das auftritt.) Poedit speichert dann beide Versionen (po/mo) ab. Diese in den Lang Ordner hochladen.

    Deutsch ist nochmal ein Sonderfall, weil es meherer Sprachfiles auch schon wegen Du/Sie gibt.


    The method using your own language files ( de_DE_formal.po/ and de_DE.po/ is generally cleaner.
    To do this, you would have to edit the po files and place a copy (preferably in the ‘lang’ folder) in the child-theme folder.
    You then have to tell the theme where the files are located:

    see codesnippet above

    You can edit the files using poedit – you must find the English phrase there and then insert the new German translation. (There may be several places where this occurs.) Poedit then saves both versions (po/mo). Upload them to the Lang folder.

    German is another special case, because there are already several language files because of different salutations: Du / Sie.

    You can manage it by having your own translation files in your child themes folder. But it’s too much fiddling for just one phrase.


    function my_text_strings( $translated_text, $text, $domain ){
      switch ( $translated_text ){
        case 'here is the exact existing phrase'   :  $translated_text = __( 'Here is the new phrase', $domain ); break;
      return $translated_text;
    add_filter('gettext', 'my_text_strings', 20, 3);


    function my_text_strings( $translated_text, $text, $domain ){
      switch ( $translated_text ){
        case 'Dieser Beitrag ist passwortgeschützt. Bitte gib das Passwort ein, um Zugang zu den Kommentaren zu erhalten.'   :  $translated_text = __( 'Here is the new phrase', $domain ); break;
      return $translated_text;
    add_filter('gettext', 'my_text_strings', 20, 3);

    Sollte das so nicht gehen, nimm die englische Original Phrase links und rechts deine Deutsche Phrase.
    ( ‘This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments.’)

    I can’t find the passage either in one of the Enfold files or in the Lang files of the translation for the various languages.
    The maximum you can always find is “password protected” – so it seems to be a WordPress setting.

    Hooray – there are WordPress filters that do that: try in your child-theme functions.php:

    function change_protected_title_prefix() {
        return 'VIP membership required: %s';
    add_filter('protected_title_format', 'change_protected_title_prefix');

    if it is the german version you had to translate it by yourself
    if you do not like the double dot – get rid of it

    PS: if you like to use quotes inside that phrase you had to use entities f.e.:

    function change_protected_title_prefix() {
        return 'VIP’s only: %s';
    add_filter('protected_title_format', 'change_protected_title_prefix');

    by the way: if the post is private – and you do list them

    function change_private_title_prefix() {
        return 'Admins only: %s';
    add_filter('private_title_format', 'change_private_title_prefix');

    Normally, the word “Protected:” (Geschützt:) is placed in front of the title of the post, and the date of creation is displayed below it.
    So have you already made any changes there?

    in reply to: Limit lines or words in excerpts #1466622

    try your css solution only and put this to child-theme functions.php:

    function shift_read_more_link_to_footer(){
    	$('.avia-content-slider .read-more-link').each(function() {
    add_action('wp_footer', 'shift_read_more_link_to_footer');

    hm ?

    just to be sure; you have already entered the class without the dot in the custom class input field?


    We know the stumbling blocks, and if we ask about them, you should at least make the effort to look for them. Thank you


    I removed it for you and activated the script and it now works. But since the color section is at the very top when you page loads you will only see a white area until you scroll. This solution is meant for sections that are lower that you can scroll into.

    there is in the snippet an offset called: range
    But as Mike allready mentioned – tries to show it like in your example. If you like to have that section on top : just write it in your quest.
    And on that page on scroll the video is slowly disappearing there.

    I’ll leave the page online, maybe you can make friends with the solution after all ;)

    in reply to: Limit lines or words in excerpts #1466388


    sometimes css might help – your idea is nice – but there are some “new” properties missing:

    try in quick css:

    .avia-content-slider .slide-entry-excerpt{
    	display: -webkit-box;
    	max-width: 100%;
    	margin: 0 auto;
    	-webkit-line-clamp: 4;
    	-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
    	overflow: hidden;
    	text-overflow: ellipsis;

    Disadvantage – if you use that only – the read-more link is gone too.
    But the combination of both – ( because i put out the read-more link to the footer ) will bring good results.

    Unfortunately -webkit-box-orient is deprecated. But still works

    in reply to: Limit lines or words in excerpts #1466386

    i do not know if there is a possibility to make it by lines ; that would be a great solution – because trim by word might be end in different column heights.
    Try this in your child-theme functions.php:

    function custom_excerpt_setting(){
    // trim excerpt by words
        function trimByWord(sentence,wordcount = 50) {
            var result = sentence;
            var resultArray = result.split(" ");
            if(resultArray.length > wordcount){
            resultArray = resultArray.slice(0, wordcount);
            result = resultArray.join(" ") + "...";
            return result;
            $('.avia-content-slider .read-more-link').each(function() {
            $('.avia-content-slider .slide-entry-excerpt').each(function() {
                 $(this).text(function(index, currentText) {
                    return trimByWord(currentText);
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_excerpt_setting');

    or @beyond-flora : did you hook into that post of goldengate? I do not see private content fields (as Participant)

    I am a participant like you and just a helpful person. – If the link is not allowed to be made public, then you’ll just have to wait for a helping mod.

    I just didn’t pay attention to the age of the original topic. I think it would be better to open a new topic in such a case.

    this is not the url? then tell me the right one:

    Here’s the page I am working on….

    or @beyond-flora : did you hook into that post of goldengate? I do not see private content fields (as Participant)

    i do not see your page becaue:

    just to be sure;
    you have already entered the class without the dot in the custom class input field?

    But maybe there is a way to have that with advanced layerslider too! …

    yes – afaik – enfold got no option to have fixed background videos for color-sections.

    but we can set it with quick css to fixed when reaching the top.
    see following example page :

    but as you can see – your example page from ny goes on mobile view to scroll the video bg !
    on desktop view – first is to place it absolute – reaching the top will go to fixed positioning.

    so we can misuse the overlay option of enfold on that – to have all DOM elements we need. Because if you use it – enfold will generate an av-section-color-overlay container.
    The settings there are not for us important – just the fact that a container is created in the right position.


    for even more usability it might be nice to have an observer if the section is in viewport or not – my script now only is working with scroll top value and a given range to top ( here in my example 400px)

    if that is o.k. for you just scroll to the end of the page to see code-snippet.

    Trick is to use a huge inset shadow with rgba values – and the scroll amount will influnce the a-value of that color.

    in reply to: Mask / Cut-outs for images #1465984

    or you can use a hidden clip-path on that page to have a similar result – this is than manually done by quick css:

    See f.e.:

    The text can only be wrapped if the image and text are in the same container.

    here you see how to use shape-outside:

    in reply to: Mask / Cut-outs for images #1465983

    first – there is an enfold option to use some predefined forms on image element : Advanced Tab – Mask Overlay:

    if you look what enfold does in your DOM :

    so there is a mask-image definition and a svg file is used on that.
    you see the path of those predefined svg files – so it might be possible to have custom mask-images too. Maybe there is a way via filter (f.e. avf_mask_overlay_images) to define custom images – similar to custom dividers.
    I check that – or maybe a mod/dev can tell us how to have custom mask-images.

    in reply to: Add clickable logo/image to sub menu #1465956

    you can see it here

    with my custom-class on that menu-item : only-subnav
    i used the footermenu for the first submenu on that page. So i had to set it for footer-menu to display none in this case

    #top #sub_menu1 .only-subnav {
      padding: 0 !important;
      float: left;
      top: 7px;
    #sub_menu1 .only-subnav a {
      background-color: transparent !important;
    #top #sub_menu1 .only-subnav img {
      margin: 0 !important;
      height: 40px
    #top .sub_menu_socket .only-subnav {
      display: none;

    I have not yet fully styled this for the Responsive case – because I only want to set this temporarily.

    in reply to: Add clickable logo/image to sub menu #1465827

    btw – you had to decide what you do in responsive case- because you haven’t any navigation now.

    in reply to: Add clickable logo/image to sub menu #1465824

    As far i can see this is a submenu based on the existing main-menu :

    just go to your Dashboard – Appearance – Menus place your custom link ( or if it is an existing link (f.e. home) ) to that menu – and put the image link to the label:

    Give a custom class to that menu-item ( it is easier to select ) or do set the menu-item-id to display non on main menu.
    Thats all.

    PS : as you can see – i use that to have a logo inside my hamburger menu.

    this could be placed via that custom-class – or menu-item-id. to the left side of your sub-menu

    f.e. for the portfolio item :

    #sub_menu1 #menu-item-64 {
      float: left;
    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Import just one single page from a demo #1465554

    After inserting the enfold shortcode and saving it, some settings must be made manually: Activating the sidebar and options (which sidebar should be displayed; etc.)

    in reply to: iconbox background color #1465551

    did you insert your custom class to the css above instead of .custom-class ? ;)

    and next hint: the custom class input field has to be filled with no dots before the classes ;)

    in reply to: Unload unused CSS/JS automatically #1465548

    if you do not use google maps – do not enter the google maps api key in enfold options.
    i guess that will be enough.

    if not you can try this in your child-theme functions.php:

    function ava_disable_gmap() {
      add_filter('avf_load_google_map_api', function($load_google_map_api) {
        $load_google_map_api = false;
        return $load_google_map_api;
      add_filter('avia_google_maps_widget_load_api', function($load_google_map_api) {
        $load_google_map_api = false;
        return $load_google_map_api;
    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'ava_disable_gmap');
    in reply to: iconbox background color #1465543

    i guess you are using the icon above the title option!
    if your custom class is on iconbox Element itself – it will be on the parent element of the content – so:

    #top .custom-class .iconbox_content {
      background-color: #efefef;
    in reply to: change the timing of the shrinking header #1465538

    Unfortunately my change still suffers from the fact that the change does not work on resize – maybe one of the mods has an idea how to update the trigger_distance on resize.

    Edit: – i added to that debouncedresize function on the bottom ( lines 165ff) – that var again:

    win.on( 'debouncedresize',  function()
    	el_height = $( elements ).attr( 'style',"" ).first().height();
    	trigger_distance = $('.trigger').length ? $('.trigger').offset().top - $('.trigger').height() + el_height - 50  : 0 ;

    here is my whole avia-snippet-sticky-header.js :

    in reply to: change the timing of the shrinking header #1465537

    the timing depends on the scroll speed. Therefore, this cannot be changed. However, you could either set a fixed size after which the shrink process should only start, or – even more flexibly – provide an element with a trigger that only then starts the shrink event.

    set a class to trigger that color-section ( use it only once on the page )
    i use now trigger – here as custom class.

    and added a variable to that list ( just under topbar_height ) – and changed calculation:

    topbar_height	= header_meta.length ? header_meta.outerHeight() : 0,
    trigger_distance = $('.trigger').length ? $('.trigger').offset().top - $('.trigger').height() + el_height - 50  : 0 ,
    set_height = function()
    	var st = win.scrollTop() - trigger_distance,
    		st_real = st; newH = 0

    i do not know why i had to insert a correction distance (50px) ( alot depends on if your header_meta scrolls away or not etc. )

    you know how to have a child theme avia-snippet-sticky-header.js ?

    see example page – and scroll to that colored section on bottom:

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