Forum Replies Created
1) Go to Enfold > Theme Options > Privacy and Cookies and scroll to the “Button Label” field. Replace “Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter der Datenschutzerklärung” with “Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter der
Datenschutzerklärung” – this should fix the issue.2) Yes, each website sets its own cookies and it’s not possible to set a cookie for all translations of the website.
Best regards,
DudeJuly 6, 2018 at 6:27 pm in reply to: Custom Taxonomies under post title on archive-pages, single post #982166Hi,
Thread closed :)
Best regards,
DudeHey Andrew,
Yes you would need to add a third category “Japan 2015”. Then assign all posts which you want to display on this category page to “Japan 2015”.
Best regards,
I tried to log in but the login credentials didn’t work (Error The username or password you entered is incorrect). Can you please check them?
Best regards,
You can try to use the Masonry-element instead. Select “Post Tag” from the “Which Entries?” dropdown, then “Yes, display sort options” to activate the filter feature.
Best regards,
Did you solve all problems or do you still need help?
Best regards,
DudeJuly 5, 2018 at 10:25 pm in reply to: Fatal error: Class 'WbsVendors\Dgm\Shengine\Woocommerce\Model\Item\WpmlAwareItem #981762Hi,
Great :)
Best regards,
Please try following:
1) Connect via ftp to your server
2) Go to wp-content/themes/ and rename enfold to enfold_bak
3) Unzip the theme files you downloaded from themeforest and upload the folder “enfold” via ftp to wp-content/themes/
4) Check if the website works. If yes, you can delete the folder wp-content/themes/enfold_bak, if not delete the folder enfold and rename enfold_bak to enfold.Best regards,
DudeHey jheiduk,
Bitte erstelle uns einen Admin-Account und wir sehen uns die Sache an.
DudeHey Andreas!
Es funktioniert nun wieder. Die LayerSlider Option (LayerSlider WP > Options > Advanced) “Always load all JavaScript files” muss aktiviert sein.
Thanks for providing your code. I’m sure this will help some other users!
Best regards,
Just a side note – I posted a simple version of the shorcode + function here:
Guenni007 thanks for this hint!
Best regards,
The editor is used for all themes. You just need to select the right theme from the dropdown option in the right corner (“Select theme to edit:”). The direct link to the enfold child theme editor is
Best regards,
DudeJuly 5, 2018 at 9:59 pm in reply to: Öffentliche Seiten verstecken… Default-Footer zeigt alle Seiten. #981750Hi,
Dieses Problem sollte mit der nächsten Theme-Aktualisierung behoben werden. Ich habe es jetzt einmal behoben, indem ich in der enfold/functions.php am Ende diesen Code eingebunden habe:
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_404_to_any_url' ); function redirect_404_to_any_url() { if ( is_404() ) : wp_redirect( home_url() ); exit; endif; }
Now I could log in but the account does not have admin rights (so we can’t edit pages, access the theme editor, etc.)
If you just want to change the sort order on pages which are not used as the home/front page or your main blog ( you can try this code:
add_filter('avia_blog_post_query', 'avia_modify_post_grid_query_desc', 10); function avia_modify_post_grid_query_desc( $query ) { if(!empty($query) && !is_home() && !is_front_page() && !is_page('2')) { $query['orderby'] = 'date'; $query['order'] = 'DESC'; } return $query; }
Best regards,
DudeJuly 5, 2018 at 9:31 pm in reply to: Rearrange Single Product Item page with hooks: Help or Docs? #981743Hey Bearcat,
We use the default woocommerce templates (can be found in wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/single-product/) and modify them a bit with filters and actions (the theme code can be found in wp-content\themes\enfold\config-woocommerce\config.php – especially starting with line 236). You can use remove_filter or remove_action to deactivate our code and then add your custom filter/action code. You can also overwrite the default woocommerce templates with a child theme:
Best regards,
DudeJuly 5, 2018 at 9:24 pm in reply to: img src removed each time I switch from visual to text editor #981742Hi,
I tried to reproduce the issue and switched the editors several times, then saved the page and check the revision comparison ( ) but could not find any removed src attributes.
I suspect your browser or a browser extension might cause this issue. If not please try to deactivate all wordpress plugins and check if the problem still exists.
Best regards,
DudeHey swotes,
Der Effekt tritt auf, wenn die Seite geladen und angezeigt wird, bevor die webfont-Datei (Open Sans im gegenständlichen Fall) vollständig vom Browser heruntergeladen wurde. Dies führt dann dazu, dass die Schrift nachträglich vom Browser ausgetauscht wird und dieser “Sprung” sichtbar wird. Man kann diesen Effekt in Enfold verhindern, indem unter “Enfold > Theme Optionen” die Option “Seite vorladen” (Checkbox “Zeige einen Preloader beim Öffnen einer Seite an.”) aktiviert wird. Alternativ kann man – wie Du bereits erkannt hast – statt einer webfont-Schrift eine Standardschriftart einbinden. Diese Lösung macht die Website performater (da die Dateigröße kleiner wird) und die Website lädt etwas schneller.
I checked the wp-config.php file and your configuration. You can find the theme editor here: (My-Sites in the admin bar > Network Admin > Themes and then click on “Editor”).
Best regards,
Best regards,
Please check if the “Maps JavaScript API” is enabled and not restricted. If you have trouble translating addresses into geographical locations, please verify that the Google Maps Geocoding API is enabled in the Google Maps API Manager. This tutorial video (starting at 0:37) demonstrates how to activate the apis:
Best regards,
Please check if the “Maps JavaScript API” is enabled and not restricted. If you have trouble translating addresses into geographical locations, please verify that the Google Maps Geocoding API is enabled in the Google Maps API Manager. This tutorial video (starting at 0:37) demonstrates how to activate the apis:
Best regards,
I’ll close this thread for now. We’ll announce updates for the maps element here or here
Best regards,
Yes you can replace 5000 in the code with any other value. 5000 equals 5000 milliseconds or 5 seconds. 10 minutes are 600 seconds or 600000 milliseconds. If you replace 5000 with 600000 it should do the trick.
Best regards,
This requires some work and testing. I’d recommend to use the search form code in enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\search\search.php (line 776+) as a starting point. Note that the “avia_search_element” class of the wrapper div is important because the ajax function is bound to it (enfold\js\avia.js on line 35).
Best regards,
I still can’t connect to your server. The domain resolves to and then I get a timeout error.
Best regards,
DudeJuly 3, 2018 at 6:55 pm in reply to: Problems with Google Maps: "Google Maps API warning: RetiredVersion" #980687Hi,
As far as I know you can activate several APIs for one key. If you have trouble translating addresses into geographical locations, please verify that the Google Maps Geocoding API is enabled in the Google Maps API Manager.
Best regards,
DudeJuly 3, 2018 at 6:50 pm in reply to: How can I make the global consent messages in multiple languages? #980684Hi,
Yes you can simply insert the css code
html:lang(en) .Dutch, html:lang(de) .Dutch { display: none !important; } html:lang(nl) .English, html:lang(de) .English { display: none !important; } html:lang(en) .German, html:lang(nl) .German { display: none !important; }
into the quick css field.Don’t forget to customize the code for your language(s) (replace nl, en and de with your language shortcodes, etc.)
Best regards,
It seems like you already solved the issue – the basket icon displays the number of items in the cart and uses the cart widget popup?
Best regards,
Dude -