Forum Replies Created
August 14, 2018 at 10:02 am in reply to: Wie kann ich Bilder so einfügen, dass es sich jedem Gerät anpasst? #997016
Ich denke dieses Problem könnte auf zwei Wege gelöst werden:
1) Entweder ihr verwendet das Bild für eine Farbsektion wie ich es hier zum Test angelegt habe: – das Bild müsste dann mit der Farbe der Spalte rechts, etc. in Einklang gebracht werden.
2) Ihr verwendet beim Bild die Anzeigeoptionen: um für jede Bildschirmgröße ein optimales Foto zu setzen, daher einmal eher Hochformat damit der Abstand nach unten nicht entsteht, wenn der Text bei kleineren Bildschirmen rechts länger wird oder eher Breitformat für größere Bildschirme. Vermutlich ist diese Lösung besser/einfacher, da das Bild nicht viel angepasst werden muss.
Do you use the latest version of Enfold (version 4.4.x)? If not please upgrade your website.
Best regards,
Please don’t forget to clear your browser cache if you don’t notice any changes!
Best regards,
I configured the font files in your child theme style.css. I had to use this code:
@font-face { font-family: 'Brotherhood-Script'; src:url('') format('woff'), url('') format('woff2'), url('') format('ttf'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } #top #wrap_all h1, #top #wrap_all h2, #top #wrap_all h3, #top #wrap_all h4, #top #wrap_all h5, #top #wrap_all h6 { font-family: 'Brotherhood-Script'; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; }
Best regards,
I fixed it by adding this code to your child theme functions.php:
It adds a new option to your blog element which enables you to select the post type (screenshot: ). If you just select “Posts” the products will be excluded from the query and won’t show up on your blog page.
Best regards,
You can use the Performance setting (Enfold > Theme Options > Performance) to compress and minify javascript and css files. In addition you can install a cache plugin like to cache the html output.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 13, 2018 at 3:59 pm in reply to: Beim Aktualisieren von Enfold ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Download fehlgeschlage #996740Hi,
Könnten wir bitte WP admin Zugangsdaten und FTP Zugang bekommen, sodass wir uns das im Backend anschauen können. Diese können im Private Content untergebracht werden.
No, the settings in the database won’t be affected if you reinstall Enfold. I’d recommend to make a backup of the database though – just to be on the safe side.
You can replace 800 (the first occurence of this value) with a lower value – this may reduce or remove this effect.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 13, 2018 at 3:11 pm in reply to: Do not see the Footer with the Privacy and Cookies activate #996722Hi,
You could add a “close” button to the cookie bar – the user will then be able to close the bar and to click on the socket links – or you could use this css code:
#top #wrap_all #socket { padding-bottom: 92px; }
to add a padding to the socket. The cookie bar won’t cover the links if the user scrolls to the very bottom.
Best regards,
I checked our code again and read, upload_files, edit_published_pages, edit_pages, edit_published_posts, edit_posts, edit_files should cover all necessary capabilities.
Did you try to create another user with admin rights and to remove the capabilities one by one with the “User Role Editor” plugin? By going this way you should be able to locate the required capabilities.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 13, 2018 at 2:40 pm in reply to: Do not see the Footer with the Privacy and Cookies activate #996703Hey keep12,
In this case I’d recommend to set a rgba background color for the cookie consent bar. RGBA will make the bar semi-transparent and your website visitors will notice the links in the footer.
Insert this css code into the quick css field or child theme style.css file to make the the cookie notice bar semi-transparent:
#top #wrap_all .avia-cookie-consent { background-color: rgba(29, 106, 179, 0.5); }
You can replace 0.5 with a value between 0 and 1 to change the opacity.
Best regards,
I get following error in the console:
You have exceeded your request quota for this API. See
Please check if you’ve set up a billing account or if a self-imposed daily limit has been exceeded. Please also read the google maps article here:
You also need to update Enfold to the latest version 4.4.X. According to the version number (3.8) you’re using an old Enfold version which is not compatible with the latest google maps api.
Best regards,
To be honest I didn’t stumble over this javascript error before and I think one or more theme files are damaged/corrupt. Please try to re-install Enfold via ftp. Go to wp-content/themes/ and rename the enfold folder to i.e. enfold_bak. Then upload the unzipped theme folder into the wp-content/themes/ folder, the theme path should then be wp-content/themes/enfold/. If this doesn’t solve the issue we need to debug the code step by step.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 13, 2018 at 2:20 pm in reply to: How to replace normal contact form with the cognito form with auto-fille fields #996690Hey Olga,
The Enfold contact form does not support such a feature out of the box but you can try the (free) plugin Contact form 7:
This tutorial should help you:
Best regards,
DudeHey Toni Martin,
I need to the check the editor page to investigate the issue. Please create me an admin account and I’ll look into it.
Best regards,
Great, glad it works now :)
Best regards,
PeterHi tondagjpme!
The browser console shows me following error:
[AVIA-MAP-ERROR] Latitude or Longitude missing
which indicates the coordinates of the marker is missing (address you want to display on the map).
Please check if the address data is correct. If this doesn’t solve the issue please create me an admin account and I’ll look into it.
The tabs do not support portfolio grids out of the box. However I could fix the alignment by adding this code to the theme functions.php:
function avia_custom_head_javascript() { ?> <script> setTimeout(function(){ setInterval(function() { jQuery('.tab_content .isotope').isotope({ layoutMode : 'fitRows', itemSelector : '.flex_column' }); }, 800); }, 800); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_head', 'avia_custom_head_javascript');
Best regards,
DudeAugust 13, 2018 at 10:23 am in reply to: Fatal error: Could not extract a stage height from the CSS. Traced height: Opx. #996605Hey tonyiatridis,
I tried to log in but I got the error: “ERROR: Invalid username. Lost your password?”.
Please try to switch to the default wordpress theme (TwentySeventeen) and check if this error still pops up – if yes it’s probably a plugin issue.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 13, 2018 at 8:58 am in reply to: Beim Aktualisieren von Enfold ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Download fehlgeschlage #996577Hi,
@KlausW, Günter meint damit, dass der API Key nur bei einer Enfold-Installation aktiv sein soll (siehe wo steht “Multiple API keys can be generated so it is recommended to use one per application.”) und darüber hinaus natürlich auch nicht mehr Enfold Installation aktiviert sein dürfen, als Lizenzen gekauft wurden. Also ist es zB nicht möglich mit einer Lizenz zwei Webseiten zu aktualisieren.LG,
DudeHey entrepreneur41,
You can try this css code as a starting point – add it to the quick css field or child theme style.css:
#top #wrap_all .avia-cookiemessage-bottom { bottom: 25%; } #top #wrap_all .avia-cookie-consent { width: 30%; }
You need to set the cookie message position to “bottom”, otherwise the code won’t work. Replace 25% with another value to change the position of the cookie message and 30% to change the width of the cookie bar.
Best regards,
Glad we could help you :)
Best regards,
Sehr gut – schön dass es jetzt funktioniert :)
Best regards,
DudeHey frasche,
Man kann mehrere API Keys generieren. Um Probleme mit Updates zu verhindern, empfiehlt Envato für jede Website/Applikation einen eigenen API-Key zu generieren – siehe
To generate an API key, select Settings from the account dropdown, then navigate to the API Keys tab. Multiple API keys can be generated so it is recommended to use one per application.
Ich würde daher für jede Enfold-Website einen separaten API-Key eintragen.
DudeHey frawer,
Yes, you could use the “Debug Mode” to copy/paste the Advanced Editor code to posts or vice versa.
1) Activate the debug mode:
2) You should now see a new field under the Advanced Layout Builder with the live output of the elements as you add them using the drag and drop interface. Just be careful of editing things in that field as there are no checks or automatic corrections for missing punctuation or code.
3) Copy the entire code from this debug field (i.e. to the clipboard) and paste it into the post editor. Of course you can also copy shortcodes from the post editor to the debug field.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 13, 2018 at 8:37 am in reply to: Wie kann ich Bilder so einfügen, dass es sich jedem Gerät anpasst? #996565Hey genussmahl,
Hast Du schon ein Plugin wie: probiert, welches zu den Bildern das srcset-Attribut hinzufügt? Dabei werden je nach Bildschirmgröße unterschiedliche Bilddateien geladen. Mehr dazu:
Möglicherweise musst Du noch neue Thumbnailgrößen mit hinzufügen, damit die Thumbnails deinen Bedürfnissen entsprechen.
Best regards,
I can’t reproduce it on my PCs. I tried IE, Firefox and Chrome and Yoast works just fine for me. I didn’t get any javascript errors in the console, etc.
I suspect a browser plugin/extension or a firewall breaks Yoast on your PC. Please try to view the website with another browser and another PC. I’d recommend to ask your friend to check the website too.
I’ll leave this thread open for the other support members – maybe they can reproduce the issue.
Best regards,
DudeAugust 12, 2018 at 3:07 pm in reply to: How to use the image copyright info within a Enfold Gallery #996445Hi!
Yes, it’s only useful if you already use the copyright fields…
PeterAugust 12, 2018 at 8:39 am in reply to: How to use the image copyright info within a Enfold Gallery #996417Hey Roger,
The gallery element does not display the copyright information by default. However you could i.e. add the copyright information to the caption/popup tooltip by replacing line 320 in enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\gallery\gallery.php
$caption = trim($attachment->post_excerpt) ? wptexturize($attachment->post_excerpt) : "";
$caption = trim($attachment->post_excerpt) ? wptexturize($attachment->post_excerpt) : ""; $copyright_text = get_post_meta($attachment_id, '_avia_attachment_copyright', true ); if($copyright_text) $caption .= ' ' . $copyright_text;
Best regards,
Dude -