Forum Replies Created
Yes, open up wp-contentthemesenfoldincludesloop-portfolio-single.php and delete
$thumb = get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), $avia_config['size']);
if($thumb) echo "<div class='page-thumb'>{$thumb}</div>";Best regards,
For now you can use a plugin like:
Best regards,
May 15, 2013 at 4:41 am in reply to: Just Purchased ThemeForest Need Shop Read Forum But . . . #119215Actually Kriesi just forgot to update the version number in style.css. If the change log (version.txt which lists all changes) mentions the new 1.4 version changes you have the right version. We also integrated an update notification script into Enfold – when we release a new version (i.e. 1.5) the theme will display a yellow notification message at the top of the admin screen.
Please create me a wordpress admin account and send me the login data to: (Email address hidden if logged out) – I’ll look into it.
Best regards,
1) Man muss ein Mega Menu mit 3 Ebenen bauen:
Die erste Ebene ist der “Hauptmenü” Link – in diesem Fall “Pages”. Die zweite Ebene bildet die Spalte und alle Elemente in der dritten Ebene werden Inhalt dieser Spalte verwendet. Wenn man die Checkbox anklickt wird der Text nicht verlinkt.
2) Ich würde empfehlen den Text in ein span Tag zu schreiben und diesem Tag eine Schriftgröße zuzuweisen – zB:
<span style="font-size:10px;">Mein Beschreibungstext...</span>
10px kann durch jeden x-belieben Wert ersetzt werden und “Mein Beschreibungstext…” ersetze durch die Beschreibung.
This is the standard author archive slug and it’s independent from the theme code. Tbh I’m not sure if you can replace the username especially because the username is unique whereas two or more users can have the same author name. That said (after a quick search) I didn’t find a way to replace the username but I found following thread: – maybe it helps you (or your programmer/coder) and you can use it as a starting point.
Update – I also found: which maybe answers your question – but I didn’t test it.
We can’t help you with the Mega-Slider script – I’m sorry. If you really want to implement/use it please hire a freelancer. However we’ll do our best to help with the LayerSlider setup.
Did you try to set the left value manually – i.e. use a negative left value or a very high positive value. The value should position the layers to the left or right of the slider area and they shouldn’t be crowded to the right anymore.
If it still doesn’t work can you post a link to your LayerSlider page please?
Thanks melonmelon for helping us out :)
Best regards,
No, the thumbnail sizes are not limited to certain post types and you can use them with posts, pages, etc.
You can generate a font kit. Go to: and click on “Webfont kit” to download the webfonts. Then place these fonts into the enfold/css folder and insert the content of stylesheet.css into custom.css. Then use
font-family: 'BebasNeueRegular';
to apply the font to any html element of your choice. If you use Layerlider you just need to insert BebasNeueRegular into the font family option field.
I can use the contact form (send messages) but I don’t get any autoresponder mails, etc.). This can be a hoster restriction/limitation – see:
Best regards,
No, that’s not possible at the moment because the content container width (1210px or 1030px – depends on the layout) will limit the map width. Images are set as background images – that’s why an image can also exceed the container width.
Great :)
Go to Appearance > Menus and create your custom menu. You can decide which menu items (pages, categories, etc.) should be part of the menu and which items you want to exclude. You need to assign each menu to a theme location.
Best regards,
1) In header.php delete following code:
'walker' => new avia_responsive_mega_menu()
2) In functions.php delete
require_once( 'includes/helper-responsive-megamenu.php' ); // holds the walker for the responsive mega menu
This will disable the mega menu class.
It seems like the small arrow is missing – following code should add it too:
.current-menu-parent>a>.avia-menu-fx .avia-arrow-wrap {
display: block;
}Best regards,
ich bin mir nicht sicher welches Problem gerade vorliegt? Auf der “mountain splash” Seite scheinen mir die Dropdowns die “normale” Größe zu besitzen. Das MegaMenu an sich zeichnet sich durch seine Größe aus – daher es unterstützt mehrere Spalten und die “obersten” Menüpunkte (Menüpunkte der in der ersten/obersten Stufe) werden als Spaltenüberschriften verwendet. Vgl zB das MegaMenu hier: unter “Pages”.
Yes, in wp-contentthemesenfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-shortcodesgallery.php replace:
'lightbox_size' => 'large',
'lightbox_size' => 'full',
We’ll change this in the next version.
Tbh I guess this is not a bug but a feature. Personally I also feel that it’s better to stop the slideshow if the user wants to navigate with the buttons. If you want to add a “restart/autoplay function” open up wp-content/themes/enfold/js/shortcodes.js and replace:
this._navigate( 'prev' );and A-2
this._navigate( 'next' );and A-3
this._navigate( false, pos );with B-1
this._navigate( 'prev' );
var $sliderobj = this;
setTimeout(function(){ $sliderobj.options.autoplay = true; $sliderobj._startSlideshow(); }, 500);and B-2
this._navigate( 'next' );
var $sliderobj = this;
setTimeout(function(){ $sliderobj.options.autoplay = true; $sliderobj._startSlideshow(); }, 500);and B-3
this._navigate( false, pos );
var $sliderobj = this;
setTimeout(function(){ $sliderobj.options.autoplay = true; $sliderobj._startSlideshow(); }, 500);You can replace 500 with any other value – it’s the delay in ms (500 converts to 0,5s before the slider starts again).
2) There’s no pause/play button atm – but you can add it to the feature request list.
Actually it’s much easier:
1) use following code:
add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'avia_add_heading_font');
function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
$fonts['PT Sans'] = 'PT Sans:400,700,400italic,700italic&subset=cyrillic';
return $fonts;
add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font', 'avia_add_content_font');
function avia_add_content_font($fonts)
$fonts['PT Sans'] = 'PT Sans:400,700,400italic,700italic&subset=cyrillic';
return $fonts;
}2) Go to Enfold > Styling and select the PT Sans font from the dropdowns.
Enfold will automatically load the right stylesheet and change the font family for you.
I’m sorry but it seems like Ismael mixed something up. Enfold doesn’t support Cufon but only google fonts. You can use filters to add them to the font list – see:
Note that you can only use a font from the google font api:
Yes I think that’s possible – however it requires a workaround.
1) Use the “Default Editor” and create your table (shortcode generator). Then save the table and copy the shortcode to a text file.
2) Switch to the advanced editor and insert the table shortcode into the tab element.
I’ll ask Kriesi to add more shortcodes to the visual editor of the template builder – I’m not sure why they’re deactivated atm and maybe it’s a technical limitation.
If you want to use the form with WP-Mail-SMTP you need to replace the standard php mail() function with wp_mail(). Open up wp-contentthemesenfoldframeworkphpclass-form-generator.php and replace:
mail($to, $subject, $message, $header);
mail($from, $this->form_params['autoresponder_subject'], $message, $header);
wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $header);
wp_mail($from, $this->form_params['autoresponder_subject'], $message, $header);
May 13, 2013 at 6:03 am in reply to: Change title for single posts + issues with single posts #118432Hey!
Insert following code into the quick css field:
display: block !important;
a.avia_image.avia-align-center img.avia_image {
margin: auto;
}Best regards,
Ok, but where is your site name? Is it the headline of the front page? Maybe you can post a link to your website – then we can investigate the html code and give you proper instructions.
Insert following code into the quick css field:
.image-overlay {
display: none !important;
}Best regards,
Did you solve the issue? I can’t see any dark backgrounds on this page. If the problem still exists please try to clear your browser cache.
Please post a link – I need to investigate the html code to find the missing classes.
I tagged this thread for Kriesi – maybe we can implement a re-size script for a smooth transition.
Best regards,