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You can wrap the shortcode into an ahref element like:
<a href=""> [av_font_icon color="" icon="185" size="12px"] </a>
Tbh I don’t want to “bloat” this shortcode – if we start to add a link field we also need to add a “target” field (same window/new window), a styling field, etc. – eventually all these fields will be irritating for the user and they’re actually unnecessary because you can use the visual editor and the link icon to turn any content (even shortcodes) into links without coding.
Yes, you need to update wp-contentthemesenfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-template-builderassetsfontsentypo-fontello-charmap.php too. Some icons are (like the search icon, social icons, etc.) are also used by the theme – the config array can be found in functions.php:
$avia_config['font_icons'] = array(
'search' => '🔍', //36
'standard' => '✎', //6
'link' => '🔗', //40
'image' => '📷', //46
'audio' => '♪', //51
'quote' => '❞', //33
'gallery' => '🌄', //145
'video' => '🎬', //146
'info' => 'ℹ', //120
'next' => '', //190
'prev' => '', //187
'behance' => '', //246
'dribbble' => '', //223
'facebook' => '', //212
'flickr' => '', //206
'gplus' => '', //215
'linkedin' => '', //221
'pinterest' => '', //217
'skype' => '', //238
'tumblr' => '', //219
'twitter' => '', //210
'vimeo' => '', //208
'rss' => '', //98
'mail' => '✉', //5
'cart' => '',
'reload' => '🔄',
'details' => '📄',
'clipboard' => '📋'
Personally I’d recommend the Types plugin (link) which allows you to add post types without coding.
Best regards,
PeterMaybe. Please try to flush the permalink rules. Go to Settings > Permalinks and hit the “save” button on the option page. Then reload the permalinks settings page. This will force WP to rewrite the htacess file and to rewrite the rules in the database.
No, but you can use plugins like: WP MIGRATE DB to migrate the db from one server to another. The plugin can also replace the urls for you (old server domain vs new server domain)
This is a bug and we’ll fix it in the next update. For now you can fix it by modifying wp-contentthemesenfoldframeworkphpclass-framework-widgets.php. open up the file and replace:
if( $slides != "" && !empty( $slides[0]['slideshow_image'] ) )
$image = avia_image_by_id($slides[0]['slideshow_image'], 'widget', 'image');
$time_format = apply_filters( 'avia_widget_time', get_option('date_format')." - ".get_option('time_format'), 'avia_get_post_list' );with
if( $slides != "" && !empty( $slides[0]['slideshow_image'] ) )
$image = avia_image_by_id($slides[0]['slideshow_image'], 'widget', 'image');
if(!$image && current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails' ))
$image = get_the_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID(), $image_size );
$time_format = apply_filters( 'avia_widget_time', get_option('date_format')." - ".get_option('time_format'), 'avia_get_post_list' );Hey!
1) Yes, you can display the category description & image.
2) No, only LayerSlider is supported
Best regards,
Enfold will display the language switcher as soon as two or more languages are set up. Afaik no switcher will be displayed if a page isn’t translated (because it doesn’t make much sense and can irritate the user). You can set up WPML based on the official documentation:
The theme doesn’t require any special configuration. Only one additional step is required – you need to configure the theme options (Enfold menu item on the admin page) for each language – i.e. you can set a different logo, etc. Just select the current language from the language dropdown in the admin panel; the theme name will change – eg to Enfold (DE) if you selected German – and you can configure & save the options for the German website. Then select another language and configure the options for this language, etc.
If you want to change the query parameters (eg sort by date, title, etc.) you can use filters:
If you want to use a custom order you can try: (for more information have a look at: )
Very strange – I’m not sure why this happens. However we’ve a plan B. Download the shortcode file (which will be included in the next update) here: and place it into the wp-contentthemesenfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-shortcodes folder. Afterwards you can use the “magic wand icon” (visual mode) to insert the icon into the text.
Actually we’re still waiting for Kriesi’s feedback. I sent him some mails and asked him to look into it and comment on the editor issues but I haven’t heard from him yet. Kriesi had to take care of some things in the background (server change, fixing code errors in the forum because of a php upgrade, etc.) but I really hope he’ll look into it in the next few days.
Personally I didn’t debug the errors yet because I think Kriesi can fix bugs in the core code more efficient than we can (it’s his code and he created the template builder framework) and I’d probably need to spent some days to understand all of his core/framework code before I can even start to work on bug fixes.
1) No, just write 📞 and the character will be displayed. There’s no need to specify the font family because the icons are not “standard” characters but they’re part of the private use area:
That said we’ll include a “font” shortcode in the next version (I already created it and sent the patch to Kriesi) and then you don’t need to take care of the unicode anymore.
2) The shortcode will support a line-height/color option too. Personally I’d wrap the icon into a span – then you can use the style attribute like:
<span style="color: #333; line-height: 20px; font-size: 20px;">📞</span>
Great :)
Best regards,
Re 2) – the reason is that you didn’t set portfolio thumbnails. The navigation won’t work if the portfolio items don’t have featured images ( ).
Re 3) To display all categories doesn’t make sense if you’re using pagination (like here: http://www(dot)gt-motors(dot)fr/vehicules-sur-mesure/ ) because the filter won’t show any items if the filter criteria isn’t fulfilled. So if eg page 1 just shows cars from BMW and Jaguar and the filter navigation contains links for Fiat, Ferrari, BMW and Jaguar and the user clicks on “Ferrari” he’ll just see an empty page. This is imo more irritating than just showing all valid filter criterias. This is not a bug but an intended behavior because the isotope script ( ) just rearranges/sorts all existing entries on the current page and it won’t load any content from other pages – thus if the user clicks on the filter links on page 1 it just sorts/filter all items on page 1 without loading items from page 2,3, 4, 5, etc.
Please create me a wordpress admin account and send me the login data and more details about the issue to: (Email address hidden if logged out) – I’ll look into it.
Please have a look at this thread.
Best regards,
We’ll add some filters to the menu function in the next update – a filter will enable you to show the current page in the sidebar menu.
Ah, ok – didn’t understand it properly the first time. In this case revert the change and replace:
$output = "<div class='sort_width_container' ><div id='js_sort_items' >";
$display_cats = is_array($params['categories']) ? $params['categories'] : explode(',',$params['categories']);
$output = "<div class='sort_width_container' ><div id='js_sort_items' >";and
if(in_array($category->term_id, $current_page_cats, true))
if(in_array($category->term_id, $display_cats, true))
I’ll mark this thread for Kriesi because imo it makes more sense to show just the selected cats in the filter bar.
Open up wp-contentthemesenfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-shortcodesportfolio.php and replace:
if(in_array($category->term_id, $current_page_cats, true))
if(in_array($category->term_id, $current_page_cats, true) && !(in_array($category->category_parent, $current_page_cats, true)))
this is not possible at the moment. You’d need to change the slider name directly in the database (wp_layerslider table) but I’m not sure if this will break something.
Ok, I’ll close this thread now.
Best regards,
I think the url changed to
Best regards,
Great, I’ll ask Kriesi to add this fix to the next update. I even found a better (more efficient) solution – in avia.js replace:
if(!link.css('display') || link.css('display') == 'inline') { link.css({display:'inline-block'}); }
if(!link.css('display') || link.css('display') == 'inline') { link.css({display:'block'}); }
var link = $(this),
current = link.find('img:first'),
url = link.attr('href'),
span_class = "overlay-type-video",
opa = 0.7;with
var link = $(this),
current = link.find('img:first'),
url = link.attr('href'),
span_class = "overlay-type-video",
opa = 0.7;
if(current.hasClass('alignleft')) link.addClass('alignleft').css({float:'left', margin:0, padding:0});
if(current.hasClass('alignright')) link.addClass('alignright').css({float:'right', margin:0, padding:0});
if(current.hasClass('aligncenter')) link.addClass('aligncenter').css({float:'none','text-align':'center', margin:0, padding:0});The changes I posted before are not required.Imo this solution is a bit better because it takes advantage of the default wp classes.
Best regards,
Try following – in enfold/avia.js replace:
var link = $(this),
current = link.find('img:first'),
url = link.attr('href'),
span_class = "overlay-type-video",
opa = 0.7;with:
var link = $(this),
current = link.find('img:first'),
url = link.attr('href'),
span_class = "overlay-type-video",
floatdirection = 'none',
textalign = '',
opa = 0.7;
if(current.hasClass('alignleft')) floatdirection = 'left';
if(current.hasClass('alignright')) floatdirection = 'right';
if(current.hasClass('aligncenter')) textalign = 'center';and:
if(!link.css('display') || link.css('display') == 'inline') { link.css({display:'inline-block'}); }
if(!link.css('display') || link.css('display') == 'inline')
link.css({display:'block', float:floatdirection});
if(textalign != '') link.css({'text-align':textalign});Hi!
Bitte richte mir einen Admin Account ein und sende die Daten zu: (Email address hidden if logged out) – ich sehe mir das Problem an.
Actually you can’t re-size the portfolio grid – this will probably break the layout. However maybe we can center the images (white space/padding on the left/right). Can you post a link to your portfolio page please?
This sounds like Enfold doesn’t save the page content – this is not the standard behavior. Try following:
1) Deactivate all plugins and check if you can save the pages afterwards. If yes, it’s probably a plugin conflict.
2) Try to increase the allocated php memory to 128M:
3) If 1+2) don’t help try to re-upload/re-install all WordPress and theme files. Sometimes one or more files are corrupt and you can fix this by overwriting them with the proper files.
I didn’t test the plugin but it should work. In the worst case use ftp to delete the plugin files (eg if you get a fatal php error, etc.).
Best regards,
Insert following code into the quick css field:
body {
font: 14px/1.65em "HelveticaNeue", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
}Replace 14px to change the font-size and 1.65em to change the line height.
Best regards,