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  • in reply to: Sidebar wird in Blog nicht angezeigt #162931

    Gut, dann schließe ich diesen Thread. Falls irgendwelche weiteren Probleme auftauchen sollten, erstelle bitte einen neuen Thread.

    in reply to: Fehler 404 – Seite nicht gefunden #162888

    1) Der Grund warum die 404 Seite in Deutsch erscheint ist, dass wir Enfold schon übersetzt haben (de_DE.po & mo Dateien im Enfold/lang/ Ordner). Der Originaltext ist natürlich in Englisch.

    2) Kriesi hat hier einfach nur ein großes Bild eingefügt (kein Slider). Möchtest du einen Slider einfügen verwende folgenden php Code im error404.php Template

    do_shortcode("[av_layerslider id='3']");

    und statt 3 füge die ID des gewünschten LayerSlider ein.

    in reply to: Video is playing, but i hear only the audio? #162873

    ich leite diese Frage an Kriesi weiter. Soweit ich das überblicke unterstützt der Layout Builder derzeit nur ein Video File und man kann derzeit nicht mehrere Formte gleichzeitig hochladen.

    in reply to: unwanted free space between images of a gallery #162864

    Tbh there’s no easy way to remove the spaces. The Enfold gallery does not support a masonry layout at the moment (eg like demonstrated here: ) and if the images have different aspect ratios you’ll see white spaces because the grid is not flexible. We’ll consider to add this gallery layout to Enfold in the future but (for now) I’d suggest to crop the thumbnails (then all thumbnails have the same size & aspect ratio) or to use the nextgen Gallery plugin with the pro extension: which supports the masonry layout too.

    in reply to: Contact form not emailing through all fields #162862

    Ok, update – I tested the long labels on my test server and they worked too. Something else must be the problem. Please activate the debug mode ( ) and copy the shortcode content from the debug window. Then post the shortcode content here.

    in reply to: Contact form not emailing through all fields #162844

    Yes, there’s a limit on the form label length because our theme generates the form field name based on the form label text and i.e. the label “Yes, I am happy for AALC to use share my email address among full members of the AALC” will result in the field name “avia_yes_i_am_happy_for_aalc_to_use_share_my_email_address_among_full_members_of_the_aalc_1” which is probably too long. Just for test purposes – try to reduce the label characters of the checkbox and see if this fixes issue 2) – if yes I’ll look into a solution.

    in reply to: Enfold google map widget and Custom-Facebook-Feed clash? #162842

    The plugin outputs an error

    Uncaught ReferenceError: text_limit is not defined cff-scripts.js?ver=3.6.1:43

    You may want to delete following line in wp-content/plugins/custom-facebook-feed/js/cff-scripts.js

    in reply to: Woo Commerce and Enfold #162821

    no, because all of our themes use the default woocommerce templates and we just modify small parts of them with filters and actions (see the code in /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-woocommerce/config.php). The reason is that custom shop templates would make our theme incompatible with many third party WooCommerce shop extensions and we want to ensure that our theme users can use as many third party plugins as possible without modifying a theme file. If you want to create a custom shop template I’d recommend to read the codex articles here: about theming. I’d recommend to avoid changes to the theme files especially because they’re often not upgrade safe and you need to check the template changes before you can upgrade WooCommerce to the latest version…

    in reply to: Menu deaktivieren #162818

    Ich habe das jetzt nicht ausprobiert, aber die get_footer() Funktion sollte auch mit dem “Blank” Template funktionieren. Öffne /wp-content/themes/enfold/template-blank.php und füge ganz am Ende folgende Zeile ein:

    in reply to: enfold.css file #162804
    in reply to: Kommentare bearbeiten #162797

    ändern kann man diesen Text mittels der Übersetzungsdateien im enfold/lang folder. Einfach die de_DE.po mit Poedit oder Codestyling: bearbeiten und “Hinterlassen Sie einen Kommentar” gegen deinen Text ersetzen. Anschließend die po Datei speichern und mit Codestyling die mo Datei generieren oder die Dateien welche Poedit auswirft hochladen.

    Löschen kann man den Text in /wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/comments.php – suche nach:

    		 echo "<h3 class='miniheading'>".__('Leave a Reply','avia_framework')."</h3>";
    		 echo "<span class='minitext'>".__('Want to join the discussion? <br/>Feel free to contribute!','avia_framework')."</span>";

    und lösche diese Zeilen.

    in reply to: How to translate Enfold site with WPML, correctly? #162796

    I strongly recommend to use Please use Codestyling: to translate the theme.
    Install the plugin, go to Tools > Localization and select “Themes”. Then search for “Enfold” in the list and click on “Add new language”. Then select your language from the list and click the “create po-file” button. Click on “Rescan” to fetch all text strings. Then click on “Edit” and translate the required strings from the “avia_framework” textdomain. At least click the “create mo file” button next to the “Textdomain” selection dropdown (top left corner).

    in reply to: Child theme multilingual support #162794

    1) No, you can rename the folder – you just need to make sure the the parent theme information in the style.css file is correct.

    2) The child theme inherits all functions & features from the parent theme. Thus the child theme also supports WPML.

    in reply to: Please contribute and translate Enfold #162789

    Ok, feel free to extend Andreano’s version and we’ll include it in the next update.

    1) The breadcrumb reflects your page hierarchy. If you want to show Home >About Us > Our Community in the breadcrumb you must set the “About Us” page as the parent page of “Our Community”. It’s not possible to build a structure like Home >About Us > Our Community if an “About Us” page doesn’t exist or if the “About Us” page is not the parent page of “Our Community”.

    If you don’t want to show the “Home” link in the breadcrumb add following code to the bottom of functions.php

    add_filter('avia_breadcrumbs_args', 'avia_remove_home_breadcrumb', 10, 1);
    function avia_remove_home_breadcrumb($args){
    $args['show_home'] = false;
    return $args;

    2) Probably I already answered this question with 1) but if you still want to change the color use following css code

    #top #main .breadcrumb a.trail-begin {
    color: #ffffff;
    in reply to: Revision not Works #162264

    I think I found a solution for the revisions issue and we’ll fix this in the next update (Enfold 2.2). For a quick fix add following code to the bottom of functions.php

    add_action('wp_restore_post_revision',  'avia_builder_restore_revision', 10, 2);
            function avia_builder_restore_revision( $post_id, $revision_id )
                //$post     = get_post($post_id);
                $revision = get_post($revision_id);
                $meta_fields = array('_aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData', '_avia_builder_shortcode_tree');
                foreach($meta_fields as $meta_field)
                    $builder_meta_data  = get_metadata( 'post', $revision->ID, $meta_field, true );
                    if (!empty($builder_meta_data))
                        update_post_meta($post_id, $meta_field, $builder_meta_data);
                        delete_post_meta($post_id, $meta_field);
    in reply to: Deeplink into Content slider #162252

    I didn’t test this but you can try following code modification. Open up and replace /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/contentslider.php

    if($navigation == 'dots') $output .= $this->slide_navigation_dots();


    $output .= $this->slide_navigation_dots();


    $html .= "<a href='#{$i}' class='goto-slide {$active}' >{$i}</a>";


    $html .= "<a href='#{$i}' class='goto-slide {$active}' >{$this->config['content'][($i-1)]['attr']['title']}</a>";

    and add following code to the quick css field

    .avia-content-slider .avia-slideshow-dots a {
    height: auto;
    width: auto;
    border-radius: 0;
    background: #000;
    opacity: 1;
    filter: alpha(opacity=100);
    text-indent: 0;
    padding: 5px;
    in reply to: Animation not working #162197

    It seems like your menu name includes Cyrillic characters and this can break our menu script. A quick fix is to rename the menu. Just use latin characters for the menu name and re-save it. Eg call the main menu “Main Menu” and the top menu “Sub Menu” and it should work.

    We’ll change the menu classes & ids in the next version and then you should be able to use Cyrillic, Greek, etc. characters for the menu(s) too without breaking the menu script.

    in reply to: Video is playing, but i hear only the audio? #162193

    Yes maybe – see:

    If the article doesn’t help please post a link to the page where you embedded the video and we’ll investigate the code.

    in reply to: user access management plugin #162187

    I’m not sure if it will do what you want but this plugin: allows you to restrict the access to certain pages/areas by creating groups with custom capabilities. You can assign users to the groups and then add capabilities to the group. The logic is very flexible because you’re not limited to membership levels but you have full control over all capabilities of the group members.

    in reply to: Easy Slider failure ! plz help? #162184

    Glad you found a solution :)

    in reply to: feature question #162181

    1) No, probably not. I’d be surprised if such a plugin exists. I think Kriesi’s inspiration was this script: but he heavily modified the design and code.

    2) You can hire a freelancer to implement such a feature. Kriesi said he’ll write some tutorials about his child theme functions but I can’t promise you that the “cycle nav” will be covered by the tutorial. I doubt that he’ll release it as a free/paid plugin or as a template builder element.

    in reply to: How to add custom font for Chinese version of site only #162174

    Tbh it makes no sense to use a custom font if the file size of the font file is 14mb. It probably takes 1 – 3 minutes for the browser to download the font file and the user won’t notice the font anyway because he probably leaves the webpage before the browser can load the custom font & replace the default font with your 14mb font. In addition it will slow down the website loading time and the user will see an ugly “text flash” when the 14mb font is loaded. Especially users with mobile devices and slow internet connections will leave your website because of the long loading times. If your font file is bigger than 500kb I strongly suggest to stick with the default web safe fonts (see ). I also found this article: – maybe you can use the justfont service instead of font face fonts to embed a custom font.

    in reply to: Blog not showing sidebar and only one post in IE 8 & 9. #162171

    I think that a third party plugin causes this issue because something adds a lot of IE related code to the website. I.e. code like

    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><br />
    <w:worddocument><br />
    <w:view>Normal</w:view><br />
    <w:zoom>0</w:zoom><br />
    <w:trackmoves></w:trackmoves><br />
    <w:trackformatting></w:trackformatting><br />
    <w:punctuationkerning></w:punctuationkerning><br />
    <w:validateagainstschemas></w:validateagainstschemas><br />
    <w:saveifxmlinvalid>false</w:saveifxmlinvalid><br />
    <w:ignoremixedcontent>false</w:ignoremixedcontent><br />
    <w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext>false</w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext><br />
    <w:donotpromoteqf></w:donotpromoteqf><br />
    <w:lidthemeother>EN-US</w:lidthemeother><br />
    <w:lidthemeasian>X-NONE</w:lidthemeasian><br />
    <w:lidthemecomplexscript>X-NONE</w:lidthemecomplexscript><br />
    <w:compatibility><br />
    <w:breakwrappedtables></w:breakwrappedtables><br />

    which uses the conditional tag

    <!--[if gte mso 9]>

    to “hide” the information from other browsers. But obviously IE8 and IE9 are affected and the code seems to break them.

    in reply to: Install not working properly…. #162166

    @JasonAlmeida – the php warning message Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/home/content/04/11791704/tmp/sess_3tlijs48dhbld0jeq6te61nhd7, O_RDWR) failed: tells you that the server can’t create a php session because the access to the temporary file/folder which stores the session data is not possible. Please contact your hoster and ask them to fix the session file permission(s) for you. Our theme uses sessions to generate a proper breadcrumb for portfolio items.

    – did WP3.6.1 solve the issue?

    in reply to: Sidebar wird in Blog nicht angezeigt #162163

    verwendet ihr Windows oder Mac als Betriebssystem? Ich kann den Fehler auf meinen PCs (Win8) mit keinen Browser reproduzieren – zB Chrome:

    Ich habe den Thread einmal für Kriesi markiert, da er sich die Website auch mit MacOSX ansehen kann.

    in reply to: w3 total cache and enfold dont load images #161756

    Glad you found a solution :)

    in reply to: ALT tag for WPML language flags #161755

    yes – thank you for the notice. We are aware of the issue and it will be fixed in the next version.

    in reply to: Fatal errors when working in backend #161604

    Please try following – open up wp-content\themes\enfold\framework\php\auto-updates\class-envato-protected-api.php and replace

    $data = json_decode( $request['body'] );


    if(!is_wp_error($data)) $data = json_decode( $request['body'] );
    in reply to: w3 total cache and enfold dont load images #161593

    Maybe you need to exclude one or more js files from the “minify” cache. Can you post a link to your website please – it helps us to find the js code which causes the error(s).

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