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  • #114977

    What is the status of Enfold being translated to French?




    Looks like we got a french translation by manv83. (33 KB)!XER20TZR!HpD9LggQY1f28qoqpP7W5FzI2c81Qh-G7aHsp5Nafqc




    You are welcome!



    Thanks for providing your translation :)

    Best regards,



    Thank you very much manv83 for your work !! Looks amazing actually !


    Hi – as i wrote ealier i am translating the theme to Danish… I read that another one already did that, but i dont find it here to download, so i must do it myself.

    Anyway – i cant get it to work?

    I took the .po file from the theme, enfold, lang – folder – and i put it there again under the name: da_DK.po / .mo

    But nothing happens on the page

    What do i need to do more?



    In your WordPress installation you should open wp-config.php file and find

    define('WPLANG', '');

    and change it to

    define('WPLANG', 'da_DK');

    If you have more questions, please start a new topic and ask there




    Thank you for the fast reply, but its already set do danish… i run with an danish WP… I looked and it already is set to da_DK in the config


    The translation seems to work for me(search field, post meta text strings, etc. are translated): – maybe try to clear the browser cache if it doesn’t work for you. Please note that not all text strings are translatable with our theme files – i.e. the login form here: is not part of the theme code but it’s a third party widget (plugin code) and you must translate the plugin to translate the login form.


    I created Japanese translations:

    I hope this will help someone!



    @yutakaemura: Domo arigatou gozaimasu. :)





    is there a place to get an overview of what languages are translated? It would be great to have a place to download the different languages. I have a Danish translation here (not 100% finished, but most frontend is done):


    The overview can be found in the first post:

    We’ll include all files in the next update. Eventually I want to set up a glotpress server which allows us to create community driven translation files without merging existing translations, etc.



    I managed to put the translation functioning and edited some expressions with Poedit. But there are still words, such as the months in my calendar of the blog, tht I can´t find to translate because it’s not the source text of the en-BR.po file

    I tried the update, but poedit didn’t find these words. how do I insert these translations that are not in the file?

    Thank you.


    How can I update my version of Enfold with the pt_BR language files…

    Right now I only see and de_DE.po.

    PT_BR is my WP language…but where can I get the pt_BR files for Enfold.

    I saw that they are already included…but I don`t have them in my version.

    Thank you in advance for your help.



    I noticed that Kriesi only added the po file and not the mo file. You can generate the mo file with PoEdit (just open the po file located in the enfold/lang folder and save it) or download both files from here: and upload them into the enfold/lang folder.


    @infoportugal – not all strings are translatable with the theme files. Sometimes you need to translate the wordpress core files (see: ) or you must translate the third party plugin code – each plugin uses its own textdomain files (mo/po files).


    hmm…i downloaded the pt_BR file
    but there is no portuguese translation in any of the strings.

    no problem though as I swiped Andreano’s 12% version.
    if there is a more complete version…please let me know.



    Ok, feel free to extend Andreano’s version and we’ll include it in the next update.



    I have made a front end translation for pt_BR and fr_FR (in the actual / official FR a couple of front end strings are missing e.g. the related post).

    Would be great to have it in the next releases so we don’t have to re-update manually the lang folder ;)

    Best regards from Rio de Janeiro



    Thank you!



    Hi, I find the translation Enfold very poor in French, I offer a more complete (but still partial), look here,…



    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by freepixelweb.

    I have made a front end translation for ro_RO (with diacritics)
    Download here.




    @mmi: Thank you so much for your contribution. This will help a lot of users. :)



    Hi Ismael,
    I am Italian…



    would you consider contributing Italian translation of Enfold? :)


    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Yigit.

    Hi Yigit,

    I can help you with the Italian translation, but I need time because I am quite busy and I want to do a good job!
    In exchange what can you offer me? An internship at Kriesi? Ah ah ah ah! :)
    Just joking, but will be nice to learn new things!!


    you said the english po files are included in the theme. My installation only includes Danish, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Russian and Swedish. I updated to version 2.2
    Can you send me the link to download the english files?

    I tryed to use the “Codestyling Localization” plugin to translate the files myself but got the following error message when adding and trying to edit en_US:

    “Fehler: Die aktuell geladenen Texte gehören nicht zur Texdomain: avia_framework
    Erwarten Sie, dass jeder Text, der nun übersetzt wird, nicht erscheinen wird, solange die Textdomains nicht übereinstimmen.
    Dies ist ein Problem in der Programmierung der Quelldateien, die Sie zu übersetzen versuchen. Kontaktieren Sie den Autor und erklären Sie das Problem.”

    How do I activate the english po files so the current german language in the front end is replaced with english language?

    Thank you so much for your help!!!





    1) You can ignore the warning message. It just tells you that the php files contain text strings of several textdomains and that not all text strings are translatable with the theme language file. However you just need to translate the avia_framework textdomain to translate the entire theme.

    2) You don’t need to create translation files for the English website version because all original text strings are already in English. If you want to use the English version of the theme you must install the English version of wordpress ( ). Maybe you need to remove the DE_de value from the WP_LANG constant in wp-config.php if you used the German version before.

    If you want to switch between the languages (German, English, Danish, etc.) you need to install a translation plugin like WPML.

    : We always appreciate if our users send us the translations files. However we don’t offer any rewards for them but you may profit from the community feedback (suggestion for a better translation of a certain phrase, etc. ).

    Best regards,


    Hi all !

    First post here : support and users’ questions are so great I always find an answer to my problem ! Great work !!

    I’m currently making some custom translations specific to my website and I stumbled upon the same problem as stated in this thread : Since there has been a few updates to Enfold since that time, I was just wondering if this fix was scheduled for a future release.

    If I may add, I’m using the Codestyling Localization plugin as recommended and it appears that the “unlocalized” 2 strings are not in the avia_framework Textdomain like all the other strings, but in the default Textdomain (see screenshot below). Don’t know if that helps…

    Missing strings

    Thanks again for the great support !


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