Forum Replies Created
Hey crevlon!
Du kannst den Border mit folgenden CSS Code hinzufügen
.avia-section { border-top: 5px solid; border-bottom: 5px solid; border-left: 5px solid; border-right: 5px solid; }
5px gibt die Breite des Borders an und man kann jeden x-beliebigen (positiven) Wert stattd 5px verwenden. Eine Auflistung aller unterstützen Attribute findest du hier:
PeterHey crevlon!
Könntest du bitte einen Link (bzw Links) zu den Seiten posten, wo diese Überschriften zu sehen sind? Ich werde mir den CSS Code ansehen und dir dann die benötigten CSS Änderungen übermitteln.
Best regards,
I didn’t receive a mail. Please send me the login data again.
PeterHi gharry79!
1) Die Thumbnails werden beschnitten, damit die Höhe der Bilder einheitlich ist. Würde zB das Bildverhältnis zweier Thumbnails unterschiedlich sein
so entsteht ein Raster mit unterschiedlich hohen Elementen, welches dann nicht schön aussieht.2) Die Thumbnails sind unscharf, weil du eine kleine Thumbnailgröße ausgewählt hast (80x80px). Wähle bei der “Preview Image Size” eine andere Thumbnailgröße und die Bilder sollten scharf werden
I found the problem. I just had to change the permalink to /%category%/%postname%/, then I saved the settings and changed it back to /%postname%/ – now all links work and only the French flag returns a 404 error because you didn’t set a frontpage yet ( )
PeterSeptember 23, 2013 at 11:19 am in reply to: Blog (original: en) does not show in second (de) and third (fr) language #165096Hey!
I fixed it on your server. I’m not sure why the blog page doesn’t work in your case (I can’t reproduce the issue on my test servers) but I found a simple fix.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 22, 2013 at 9:29 am in reply to: Blog (original: en) does not show in second (de) and third (fr) language #164761Hello!
Please create me a wordpress admin account and send me the login data to: (Email address hidden if logged out) – I’ll look into it.
PeterSeptember 22, 2013 at 9:29 am in reply to: Blog Posts "Excerpt with Read More Link" replaces post title #164760Hey!
Please create me a wordpress admin account and send me the login data to: (Email address hidden if logged out) – I’ll look into it. I can reproduce the issue and imo it’s a problem with the php code which generates the title.
Best regards,
PeterHi DavyE!
Actually you can change the order with a filter – i.e. add following code to the bottom of functions.php:
function custom_post_grid_query( $query, $params ) { $query['orderby'] = 'rand'; return $query; } add_filter( 'avia_post_grid_query', 'custom_post_grid_query', 10, 2);
and all portfolio grids will use a random order for the entries. However the tricky part is to change the order of some grids only. I recommend to change the order based on the current page id – in your case the code would look like
function custom_post_grid_query( $query, $params ) { if(is_page(array(42,50,45))) $query['orderby'] = 'rand'; return $query; } add_filter( 'avia_post_grid_query', 'custom_post_grid_query', 10, 2);
and instead of 42, 50, 45 insert the page ids of those pages which should display the portfolio grid(s) in a random order. You can separate the ids with a comma.
Yes, open up enfold/js/avia.js and delete following code
// decreases header size when user scrolls down avia_header_size();
PeterSeptember 21, 2013 at 9:50 am in reply to: WooCommerce Layered Navigation / Avia Integration #164373Hey!
The shop page (like all other woocommerce pages like the cart page, the single product page and the product archive pages) are not compatible with the layout builder. The reason is that many WooCommerce shop extensions rely on the default shop templates and the advanced layout templates may break the default html structure of the shop templates. If you notice styling problems, etc. with your advanced layout on the shop page please switch to the default editor and use some standard content (and shortcodes) instead.
PeterSeptember 21, 2013 at 9:42 am in reply to: Blog Posts "Excerpt with Read More Link" replaces post title #164372Hey!
I can’t see the two columns on your website anymore. Please create a demo page which demonstrates the issue and post a link to the page. Ismaels answer helps us to find the issue though – if he couldn’t reproduce the issue it’s either a problem on your end (browser plugin, wordpress plugin conflict which just affects logged in users) or it’s a browser/os specific issue and only a few users (who use the same browser/os) will notice it.
Yes, I’d recommend to edit the file with a proper text editor and to use ftp to download/upload the file (it can be found in the wp-content/themes/enfold/ directory). You can also try an advanced theme editor plugin like:
Best regards,
You can use the wp_nav_menu_items filter to add list items to the menu. I.e. Kriesi uses this filter to add the search icon to the main menu. The code looks like
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'append_google_search_nav', 10, 2 ); function append_google_search_nav( $items, $args ) { if ((is_object($args) && $args->theme_location == 'avia') || (is_string($args) && $args = "fallback_menu")) { global $avia_config; ob_start(); get_search_form(); $form = htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()) ; $items .= '<li id="menu-item-search" class="noMobile menu-item menu-item-search-dropdown"><a href="?s=" data-avia-search-tooltip="'.$form.'">'.$avia_config['font_icons']['search'].'</a></li>'; } return $items; }
– instead of
global $avia_config; ob_start(); get_search_form(); $form = htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()) ; $items .= '<li id="menu-item-search" class="noMobile menu-item menu-item-search-dropdown"><a href="?s=" data-avia-search-tooltip="'.$form.'">'.$avia_config['font_icons']['search'].'</a></li>';
insert your search form code – i.e.
$items .= '<li id="menu-item-google-search">YOUR SEARCH FORM CODE</li>';
and add the code to the bottom of functions.php.
Please create me a wordpress admin account and send me the login data to: (Email address hidden if logged out) – I need to check the configuration first hand. It seems like all css class which are responsible for the animations are missing.
You can set a custom logo on the option page (Enfold > General Settings).
Ja, aber ich hatte einen Tippfehler im Code (display. none obwohl es display: none sein sollte). Nein, ein paar Zeilen von CSS Code verlangsamen die Seite nicht. Aber große Stylesheets mit 200 & mehr Zeilen benötigen natürlich etwas Ladezeit und verlangsamen die Ladezeit etwas.
Ich kann diesen Fehler nicht reproduzieren, aber ich werde Kriesi fragen, ob er eine bessere Lösung/workaround für sticky posts hat.
Best regards,
PeterNach etwas Recherche scheint dies ein Bug von WP zu sein ( ) – anscheinend werden die “Sticky” Posts teilweise ignoriert. Ich habe den Code ganz am Ende des Threads getestet und eine leicht modifizierte Version funktioniert für mich:
add_filter('the_posts', 'bump_sticky_posts_to_top'); function bump_sticky_posts_to_top($posts) { foreach($posts as $i => $post) { if(is_sticky($post->ID)) { $stickies[] = $post; unset($posts[$i]); } } if(!empty($stickies)) return array_merge($stickies, $posts); return $posts; }
einfach statt dem Code den ich oben gepostet habe in functions.php einfügen.
September 20, 2013 at 4:43 pm in reply to: Floating Widget (using q2w3 widget) is not working in Chrome #164106Hi!
I guess something overwrites the css code – try following code instead
.widget, div.avia-button-wrap, div .avia-button { -webkit-backface-visibility: visible !important; }
PeterHi agarkitekter!
Sure, in enfold/js/shortcodes.js comment out/delete following line
target_wrap.avia_keyboard_controls({27:'.avia_close', 37:'.ajax_previous', 39:'.ajax_next'});
Best regards,
1) You need to translate the menus too (Appearance > Menus). If you use a custom menu widget you need to use the widget logic plugin to translate it – see:
3) Because the widget will just show posts from the current selected language. You can translate the widgets though (see 1) ).
You can remove this flags easily – open up header.php an delete
/* * Hook that can be used for plugins and theme extensions (currently: the wpml language selector) */ do_action('avia_meta_header');
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 20, 2013 at 12:33 pm in reply to: Accordion and tabs not showing in ajax portfolio #164016Hi!
You can send me the login data to: (Email address hidden if logged out) and I’ll look into it. I can’t give you my IP though because it’s not static and can change from any moment…
Yes, wp-options and the templates are saved as post meta data.
Btw – you can also save existing advanced layout templates if you don’t want to use the WPML duplicate feature:
No, this is not easily possible. Enfold supports a 1210px layout and a 1030px layout. The css grid framework is optimized for these container widths and if you change the width of the container you also need to change the width values of the entire css grid. Kriesi suggests ( ) to hire a freelancer for the job.
PeterHey PhilCarabet!
Go to Portfolio Items > Portfolio Categories and edit the existing categories or add new categories to the list. Then assign your portfolio entries to your categories.
PeterSeptember 20, 2013 at 10:11 am in reply to: Floating Widget (using q2w3 widget) is not working in Chrome #163981Hello unitedwc!
Try to add following code to the quick css field
.widget{ -webkit-backface-visibility: visible; }
Best regards,
Peter -