Forum Replies Created
Hi Martin!
No, Enfold does not support such an export feature but you can try Formidable or Gravity Forms instead – both plugin save the data in the database and help you to export the messages.
There’s no general answer to this question and it depends on various things: the template you use, the way how the event data is saved in the database and if the data is compatible with the default wordpress functions, etc.
We can’t help you with such a modification and depending on your php/wordpress coding skills I recommend to contact a freelancer for this task (i.e. here or here ).
Best regards,
PeterHey Antonio!
1) “hijack the threads of other users” means that you posted a new question in a thread although you’re not the thread creator. I normally accept follow up questions based on related issues but in this case (you posted the question here: ) your question was completely unrelated to the topic and this is imo unfair towards the user who created the original thread because everyone has the right to get a short and specific answer to his question and doesn’t want to read bug reports of other users who experience different issues. That’s why I asked to you create a new thread.
2) It seems like you need to flush the permalink rules. Go to Settings > Permalinks and click the save button. WordPress will then flush the rules and rewrite the htaccess file. If this doesn’t work you maybe need to modify the htaccess file manually:
Best regards,
PeterNovember 11, 2013 at 10:54 am in reply to: Gallery is not working when we want to add any images it is not opening. #186790Hi!
I tagged the thread for Kriesi and asked him to look into it.
You can’t wrap a function around a function. If you want to call a function directly just use following code
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_function', 10);
and replace “my_function” with your function name.
Best regards,
If you want to change the link of the featured image open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/loop-index.php and replace
//echo preview image if(strpos($blog_style, 'big') !== false) { if($slider) $slider = '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$slider.'</a>'; if($slider) echo '<div class="big-preview '.$blog_style.'">'.$slider.'</div>'; }
//echo preview image if(strpos($blog_style, 'big') !== false) { if(!empty($url)) $slider = '<a href="'.$url.'">'.$slider.'</a>'; if($slider) $slider = '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$slider.'</a>'; if($slider) echo '<div class="big-preview '.$blog_style.'">'.$slider.'</div>'; }
Another user: reported that 5.3.27 FastCGI may cause the issue and a switch to 5.3.27 CGI (Stable) fixed the problems on his server.
Best regards,
PeterHi totofunk!
Did you save the quick css code for the English version of the website too? Use the language switcher on the admin page and select “English”. The theme option page name should change to “Enfold (EN)”. Then go to Enfold (EN) > Styling and insert your css code. Afterwards save the settings and the styling should work on both pages.
PeterNovember 11, 2013 at 9:47 am in reply to: Bug – Comment count in content element 'Blog Entries' (German 'Blog Einträge') #186770Hi GordonMeiner!
Best regards,
PeterHey Doris!
Bzgl dieses Problems müsst ihr euren Hoster kontaktieren, da ich nicht weiß, wie wir euch da weiterhelfen können. Anscheinend ist der Server nicht immer in der Lage eine Antwort zu senden, wenn eine Anfrage gesendet hat.
Yes, the reason is that the hover effect will be deactivated if the image height is smaller than 100px (there’s simply not enough space to show the icon for smaller images). We’ll remove the hover effect from all logos in the next version. If you need a quickfix open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/logoslider.php and on line 415 search for following code
$output .= "<div {$data} class='avia-logo-element-container {$border} avia-logo-{$type} avia-content-slider avia-smallarrow-slider avia-content-{$type}-active avia-content-slider".avia_partner_logo::$slider." avia-content-slider-{$total} {$class}' >";
and replace it with
$output .= "<div {$data} class='avia-logo-element-container {$border} avia-logo-{$type} avia-content-slider avia-smallarrow-slider avia-content-{$type}-active noHover avia-content-slider".avia_partner_logo::$slider." avia-content-slider-{$total} {$class}' >";
Best regards,
You can’t control the slider size. It will always use the entire container width of the surrounding container. If you put it in a column the slider width will adjust to the column width, if you use it without a column wrapper the slider will stretch over the entire page width. The thumbnail size option helps you to select the right image size for your slider but it won’t set a fixed size. If you’reusing a slider within a column you can choose a smaller thumbnail size, for a fullwidth slider you need to use a bigger thumbnail size, etc.
PeterNovember 11, 2013 at 9:28 am in reply to: Enfold Gallery Pagination needed (still need help) #186760Hey primarythoughts!
As far as I know the NextGen Gallery pagination works with Enfold. You can try to download the latest version of the plugin here: and if it doesn’t work (which can happen because Nextgen 2.0 is still buggy) try to install this plugin instead: which is based on the 1.9.x branch and it should work just fine with Enfold.
PeterNovember 11, 2013 at 9:24 am in reply to: How can I set Enfold to swedish using Code Styling Localization? #186758Hi!
Yes – use Codestyling instead:
Install the plugin, go to Tools > Localization and select “Themes”. Then search for “Enfold” in the list and select “Swedish”. Then click on “Rescan” to fetch all text strings. Afterwards click on “Edit” and translate the required strings from the “avia_framework” textdomain. At least click the “create mo file” button next to the “Textdomain” selection dropdown (top left corner).Cheers!
Please try to insert following code into the quick css field
body #footer .avia_widget_section a img, .body #footer .avia_widget_section a:hover img, body #footer .avia_widget_section a, body #footer .avia_widget_section a:hover{position: relative;}
Best regards,
Personally I couldn’t reproduce the issue: – even with a very long text. I marked the thread for Kriesi – maybe he can reproduce it.
Best regards,
PeterNovember 11, 2013 at 8:48 am in reply to: How can I set Enfold to swedish using Code Styling Localization? #186749Hey!
But the translation seems to work for me – i.e. here the “Search” form shows “Sök” instead of “Search”. Also here: all phrases/words except “If you are not happy with the results below please do another search” are translated and this sentence is probably also missing in the translation files.
Yes – you could use the “Partner/Logo Element” which enables you to add an unlimited number of images to a grid and you can link these images to different websites or pages.
We won’t “fix” this on our end because imo a year selection is simply not necessary and just clutters our minimal calendar design. The calendar title shows the current selected year and month and thus the user knows which day, month and year is selected at the moment and doesn’t need to remember anything.
However if you want to change it open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-form-generator.php and replace
beforeShow: function(input, inst) {
changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, beforeShow: function(input, inst) {
and insert following code into the quick css field to hide the next/prev buttons
PeterNovember 9, 2013 at 10:08 am in reply to: How to reset breadcrumbs path for portfolio items? #186441Hey Vermishelle!
You just need to clear your browser cache and cookies. The server an’t use the breadcrumb session afterwards and will reset the breadcrumb for you.
1) IE8 does not support rounded corners because it doesn’t support css3 code (see “Browser support” section here: ). IE8 users won’t see round icons or borders in general and there’s no fix for it. If they want to see modern, round icons they need to switch to a better browser.
2) You can try to insert following code into the quick css field to fix the issue with the search icon
.main_menu ul:first-child > li > a { padding: 0 8px\9; }
Best regards,
PeterHey warrentkachuk!
This feature would require some custom code and is not supported by Enfold out of the box. You can try this plugin: Magic Zoom – as far as I know it comes with such a feature and the plugin author helps you if it doesn’t work (properly) with our themes.
Please update your theme to Enfold 2.4.1. You’re using 1.8.4 at the moment and we need to make sure that you’re using the latest version of the theme before we start to search for bugs, etc.
Best regards,
1) To fix the logo issue insert following code into the quick css field:
.logo img { height: 55px\9; width: 300px\9; }
2) Yes, unfortunately IE8 does not support stretched background images because it doesn’t support css3 code. Only newer IE versions (IE9,10,11) support them.
Please elaborate because I don’t understand the question “how do I take the auto caps off” – do you want to remove the shortcode from the admin interface?
“Pages” is the name of the post type “pages” and wordpress should translate it by default. If the translation doesn’t work because of whatever reasons the easiest solution is to overwrite it with a filter. Add following code to the bottom of functions.php
add_filter('avf_ajax_search_label_names','avia_change_pt_label_name', 10, 1); function avia_change_pt_label_name($label) { if($label == 'Pages') $label = 'your text'; return $label; }
and instead of “your text” insert your translated text.
PeterHey wasite!
Not sure what causes this error. Please create us an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply.
PeterHey mrkuji!
We didn’t change the captions code and it should work. Maybe you can post a link to the page where it doesn’t work?
Please try following code instead
$prepare_excerpt = !empty($entry->post_excerpt) ? do_shortcode($entry->post_excerpt) : do_shortcode(avia_backend_truncate($entry->post_content, apply_filters( 'avf_postgrid_excerpt_length' , 300) , apply_filters( 'avf_postgrid_excerpt_delimiter' , " "), "…", false, ''));
It should work with custom excerpts too.
Best regards,
Yes please update the theme. You propably also need to delete the dynamic stylesheet because it seems like Enfold can’t regenerate it. Use a ftp client software like filezilla and navigate to wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/ and delete the stylesheet in this folder. Then make sure that the folder permission is set to 777.
Peter -