Forum Replies Created
1) Afaik there’s no easy way to change the tab position. You would need to reorder $avia_elements array.
2) Yes you can get the option value by the id. I.e. the message setting has the id “cookielaw_message” and you can get it with
$message = avia_get_option('cookielaw_message');
If you want to echo it on the front end use`
$message = avia_get_option('cookielaw_message'); echo $message;
Best regards,
Does the theme remove woocommerce hooks?
No the theme does not remove any hooks as long as you’re using the default wordpress editor. If you switch to the advanced layout builder the advanced layout builder templates are used which do not use/support woocommerce hooks out of the box.
Thus – if you want to use WooCommerce hooks – switch to the default editor. Then the default WooCommerce templates will be used and you can also use the woocommerce_after_single_product action.
Best regards,
You can also add this code to your child theme functions.php:
/* Following code changes "You are here:" in front of breadcrumbs */ add_filter('avia_breadcrumbs_args', 'avia_change_you_are_here_breadcrumb', 10, 1); function avia_change_you_are_here_breadcrumb($args){ $args['before'] = ""; return $args; }
Please add the footer_section id to the second “Farb Sektion”
Best regards,
PeterHey FullPixel,
You can use this code to add a new tab + options (I extracted the code from a plugin I created):
add_filter('avf_option_page_init', 'add_option_tab', 10, 1); //Adds option page to Enfold theme option panel add_filter('avf_option_page_data_init','add_option_to_settings_page', 10, 1); //Adds options to the "Custom Post Types" option page function add_option_tab($avia_pages) { $avia_pages[] = array( 'slug' => 'eucookielawsettings', 'parent'=>'avia', 'icon'=>"hammer_screwdriver.png", 'title'=>__('EU Cookie Law','avia-eu-cookie-law')); return $avia_pages; } /* * Adds options to the "Custom Post Types" option page */ function add_option_to_settings_page($avia_elements) { $avia_elements[] = array( "slug" => "eucookielawsettings", "name" => __("Cookie Duration",'avia-eu-cookie-law'), "desc" => __("Select how many days to hide the cookie law banner (after it's been displayed to the user).",'avia-eu-cookie-law'), "id" => "cookielaw_cookie_duration", "type" => "select", "std" => 7, "subtype" => array( __('1 Day','avia-eu-cookie-law') => 1, __('3 Days','avia-eu-cookie-law') => 3, __('5 Days','avia-eu-cookie-law') => 5, __('7 Days','avia-eu-cookie-law') => 7, __('14 Days','avia-eu-cookie-law') => 14, __('28 Days','avia-eu-cookie-law') => 28, __('1 Year','avia-eu-cookie-law') => 365 )); $avia_elements[] = array( "slug" => "eucookielawsettings", "name" => __("Privacy/Cookies Page",'avia-eu-cookie-law'), "desc" => __("Please select the page (Privacy & Cookies Policy) that you would like your banner to click through to.",'avia-eu-cookie-law'), "id" => "cookielaw_information_page", "type" => "select", "subtype" => 'page'); $avia_elements[] = array( "slug" => "eucookielawsettings", "name" => __("Cookie Banner Message",'avia-eu-cookie-law'), "desc" => __("Please enter the message that you would like to dispay to your visitors. Make sure to add the [cookiepageurl] placeholder so that your page is linked up.",'avia-eu-cookie-law'), "id" => "cookielaw_message", "type" => "textarea", "std" => " <h4>Cookies Policy</h4> \n". 'Our Website uses cookies to improve your experience. Please visit our <a href="[cookiepageurl]">Cookie Policy</a> page for more information about cookies and how we use them. ' ); return $avia_elements; }
Best regards,
PeterHey clcintx,
Which blog type do you use? If you’re using the blog grid layout you can i.e. use this code to change the sort order:
add_filter('avia_post_slide_query', 'avia_post_slider_custom_query', 10, 2); function avia_post_slider_custom_query( $query, $params ) { $query['orderby'] = 'date'; $query['order'] = 'ASC'; return $query; }
Best regards,
This has not happened to other installations with the same server provider
I’d recommend to ask the server administrator/host if the server settings (php, mysql htaccess) are different compared to the other installations. Maybe they can also review the php error log to find the culprit (max execution time limits, etc.)
Best regards,
PeterHey Jan,
I’d recommend to create a child theme. Then create a font folder inside the child theme folder – i.e. the directory structure would then be wp-content/themes/enfold-child/css/
Then follow the instructions here:
Extrahieren Sie aus dem ZIP-Archiv des Webfont-Pakets die Datei demo.css und das Verzeichnis Fonts
2. Finden Sie in Ihrem WordPress-Installationsverzeichnis den css-Ordner für Ihr derzeit verwendetes Thema
Beispiel: wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/css/
3. Laden Sie die Datei demo.css und das Verzeichnis Fonts aus Schritt 1 in diesen Ordner hoch
4. Melden Sie sich in Ihrem WordPress Dashboard als Admin an
5. Klicken Sie im Bereich Design auf die Option EditorThen add this code to the child theme functions.php:
function avia_enqueue_child_styles() { // enqueue child styles wp_enqueue_style('avia-child-theme-font', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/css/demo.css'); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'avia_enqueue_child_styles');
to load the font files in the head section of your child theme.
Best regards,
It’s not possible to exclude certain pages/posts from the page by default. If you want to enhance the search algorithm (and exclude certain entries) you can install a plugin like Relevanssi ( ). Then add this code to your child theme:
add_filter('avf_ajax_search_function', 'avia_init_relevanssi', 10, 4); function avia_init_relevanssi($function_name, $search_query, $search_parameters, $defaults) { $function_name = 'avia_relevanssi_search'; return $function_name; } function avia_relevanssi_search($search_query, $search_parameters, $defaults) { global $query; $tempquery = $query; if(empty($tempquery)) $tempquery = new WP_Query(); $tempquery->query_vars = $search_parameters; relevanssi_do_query($tempquery); $posts = $tempquery->posts; return $posts; }
to use Relavanssi for the ajax search too.
Best regards,
PeterHey mbauercag,
Please try following:
1) Add a custom id to the footer section (i.e. footer_section – screenshot: )
2) Then add this css code to the quick css field:
#footer_section + div { display: none; }
(you need to replace footer_section with your custom id)
Strange because the code worked in my console. Maybe it’s a client side limitation (i.e. browser doesn’t support custom form fonts, etc.)? You can try this fiddle to check it:
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 22, 2018 at 2:31 pm in reply to: Problem Updating Enfold: "Download failed. Problem downloading theme" #1013064Hi,
We’ll release an update with the new envato api asap. We’re currently working on it and we’ll test it next week. Hopefully the stable envato api update is ready at the end of next week.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 22, 2018 at 2:27 pm in reply to: Tab Section Inner Content Height – Not Showing all Content #1013061Hi!
The name/title effect conflicts with the default hover effect/overlay. I fixed it by deactivating the hover effect on this page – I replaced
if(! $('body').hasClass('page-id-4408')) avia_hover_effect(container);
in enfold/js/avia.js.
PeterSeptember 22, 2018 at 2:04 pm in reply to: Pinterest Button Not Displaying correctly in social share buttons #1013059Hi,
I looked into it and something (a plugin or custom code) replaces the default pinterest sharing link and icon (which comes with Enfold) with a pinterest bin button. The pin button uses a background image for the icon whereas Enfold uses an icon font (and not a background image) to embed the social share icons. Also the pin button styling is not optimized for the Enfold sharing bar.Please remove the pin button code to solve the styling issue. The share bar will then look like:
If you want to keep the pin button you need to customize the code. Please hire a developer for this task because it’s beyond the scope of our support forum.
Best regards,
i see that it works in source code – the code replaces the image title with the alt attribut. – But on Lightbox there will be shown original image title instead. Don’t know why?
As far as I know the lightbox script pulls the title from the link (a href element) if a title attribute is set. The code can be found in enfold\js\avia-snippet-lightbox.js around line 43+
var title = item.el.attr('title'); if(!title) title = item.el.find('img').attr('title');
Thus you can either remove the title attribute from the lightbox link or (probably the better solution) you simply add the image title/alt attribute as link title. You can use a code like
$('img.av-horizontal-gallery-img').each(function(){ var lin = $(this).attr('alt'); $(this).attr('title',lin); $(this).next('.av-horizontal-gallery-link').attr('title',lin); });
Best regards,
1: Where does this “trashed” URL comes from?
The reason why Google indexes this page is your sitemap which is generated by the Yoast SEO plugin. You can view all sitemaps here: view-source: , the page sitemap: also contains the url to masken-shop__trashed/kopfschmuck/2: why isnt it “noindex”?
I can’t tell you why it’s not set to noindex but it’s a Yoast configuration issue or a Yoast bug.
You’re using Yoast version 8.1 at the moment – please update to the latest version 8.2.1 so you can be sure it’s not a known bug which is already fixed.3: How do i prevent that from beeing indexed?
You can use the Yoast settings on the editor page to set the robots meta to noindex (screenshot: ).Best regards,
Personally I could not reproduce the slow loading times on the “test” page but if you think the directory creation slows down your website you can overwrite the instagram widget code with a custom instagram class in your child theme. Copy this code:
class avia_instagram_widget { public function __construct() { return; } public function __destruct() { return; } }
to the child theme functions.php and then Enfold will not load the instagram widget code again.
Best regards,
PeterHey Stefan,
Please try this css code:.wpcf7 input, .wpcf7 textarea { font-family: 'Montserrat', 'HelveticaNeue', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important; }
Best regards,
PeterHey Sascha,
Ja, Enfold gibt es nur für WordPress. Wir planen derzeit auch nicht andere CMS zu unterstützen.
Liebe Grüße,
PeterSeptember 22, 2018 at 10:39 am in reply to: Possible conflict between Product slider and Revision function #1013024Hi,
We’re not aware of incompatibility issues regarding Yoast SEO and Enfold but it seems to be a problem with WooCommerce, Yoast and Enfold used together. Yoast uses the_content filter on revisions which doesn’t make much sense with WooCommerce shortcodes. The WooCommerce class is not fully loaded and this triggers the redirect. To fix the issue add this code to your child theme functions.php:add_filter('the_content', 'avia_restore_revision_yoast_fix_strip_shortcodes', 1, 1); function avia_restore_revision_yoast_fix_strip_shortcodes($content) { if(is_admin() && class_exists('WPSEO_Link_Watcher') && !empty($_REQUEST['revision'])) $content = strip_shortcodes( $content ); return $content; }
Best regards,
1) If you want to add Google analytics code to the head section please add this code to the child theme:function avia_move_google_analytics_to_head() { remove_action('wp_footer', 'avia_print_tracking_code', 100); add_action('wp_head', 'avia_print_tracking_code', 1); } add_action( 'init', 'avia_move_google_analytics_to_head' );
and insert your tracking code in the theme options panel (Enfold > Theme Options > Google Services).
2) You can use ftp to upload the html file. You can add it to the main wordpress folder (where the wp-content, wp-admin folder, etc. are located).
Personally I’d recommend to use a plugin like Yoast Seo ( ) to validate the property ( ).
Best regards,
Enfold does not use a special template for shop or product pages – thus you can use the woocommerce_after_single_product action to add custom code to your product page without customizing the theme. You can use the action like:
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product', 'avia_add_custom_code_after_single_product',10); function avia_add_custom_code_after_single_product() { echo 'Some code which is hooked on the woocommerce_after_single_product action!'; }
The sample code would add the sentence “Some code which is hooked on the woocommerce_after_single_product action!” to your product page. Note that the hooks won’t work on pages which use the advanced layout builder. You could use the filter like:
function avia_single_product_page_mod($content) { if (is_product()) { /* Insert your code here */ } return $content; } add_filter('avia_builder_precompile', 'avia_single_product_page_mod', 10, 1 );
and below “Insert your code here” you can add your code.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 21, 2018 at 4:11 pm in reply to: enfold theme testinstallation für unsere Kunden als DEMO #1012820Hi,
Leider können wir keine kostenlosen Lizenzen anieten. Wenn der Kunde Enfold sehen möchte, so kann er sich die Demoseiten hier ansehen:
Liebe Grüße,
I fixed it. I had to add the widget code to the functions.php – the update overwrited the functions.php and I had to modify it again. I used the code from here: regards,
PeterHey lordgara3,
From a technical point of view there’re several ways to solve this issue however most of them require code customization and are beyond the scope of our support forum. The easiest solution (which does not require customization) would be to use a plugin like to duplicate your portfolio page. Then rename the page title to your portfolio category and adjust the settings of the portfolio grid element (i.e. just select one category for the grid). Afterwards save this page and insert the url of the page in the link settings field of your portfolio entry. You can then repeat this process for each portfolio category.
Best regards,
Great, glad I could help yxou :)Best regards,
Ja ich habe in die child theme functions.php (Link im Private Content) folgenden Code hinzugefügt:
add_action('ava_after_body_opening_tag','avia_add_header_phone_number', 10, 1); function avia_add_header_phone_number() { $style = 'style="position:absolute;right:10%;top:30px;z-index:9999;font-size:10px;"'; echo ' <div class="av_phone_header" '.$style.'><a href="tel:+49123457908766" style="color:#333;">Tel: +49 (0) 23457908766</a> | '; echo '<a href="mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) " style="color:#333;">E-Mail: (Email address hidden if logged out) </a></div> '; }
Ersetze dort die Nummern ( 49123457908766 bzw +49 (0) 23457908766) und die E-Mailadresse (Email address hidden if logged out) .
Natürlich kannst Du auch den Farbwert anpassen (#333) und durch abändern der Werte right:10% sowie top:30px die Position verändern.
1) The po file is the readable version of the translation but wordpress can’t interpret it. You can use a plugin like loco ( ) or a desktop software like Poedit ( ) to edit the po file. Then click save and the plugin/Poedit should generate two files. One file is the (readable) version with the file extension .po, the other file is a compiled version of the translation with the extension .mo. You need to upload both files to the wp-content/themes/enfold/lang/ folder – i.e. for German upload the files de_DE.po and Both files are important because you can’t edit the mo directly but you need the po file to make changes to your translations. However wordpress requires the mo file to embed the translated text strings into your website.2) You can add custom code to the plugin code I posted above – just add it to the very bottom.
If I would like to make some changes in different areas – I would have to correctly indicate the right section of code. Am I right?
Yes Enfold offers many actions and filters (see and ) which can be used to modify or extend the theme code. The filters are documented here: – if you search for them (in the forum) you’ll find sample code snippets for most of them.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 21, 2018 at 11:16 am in reply to: Problem Updating Enfold: "Download failed. Problem downloading theme" #1012714Hi,
Can you create me an admin account please – I’ll debug the code and check why the new updated file doesn’t work for you.
Best regards,
DudeSeptember 21, 2018 at 11:15 am in reply to: How can I alphabetize my entire list of sub-categories? #1012713Hey Kathy,
You can try to install a plugin like: to change the category order manually via drag’n’drop on the wordpress admin page.
Best regards,
Peter -