Forum Replies Created
September 23, 2018 at 6:36 pm in reply to: What to scripts to 'exclude from autoptimize' plugin. #1013381
Glad I could help you! I’ll close the thread.
Yes the 4.4.1 update was released some time ago and does not contain the fix.Cheers!
Glad I could help you :)
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 23, 2018 at 5:17 pm in reply to: Accessing an Enfold page from HTML site, WP Enfold is located in a subdirectory. #1013362Hi,
The page came up but was broken.
I cannot login either, the login page comes up but when you select the login button:
It tries to go to my local server login.Please try to use a script like: to replace all occurrences of your dev server url ( http://com.sfrc.mamp:8888/ ) with your live server url.
So basically I’d recommend to replace all occurrences in the database of:
Best regards,
You need to edit the style.css of your child theme. Try to switch to the parent theme. Then change the name of the child theme in the style.css and then switch back to the child theme.
You can also use a script like to replace all occurrences of the typo with the correct child theme name.
Best regards,
I fixed it. There was a blank space before the footer section id (the option field value was _footer_section [_ stands for the blank space] and not footer_section) and thus the css code didn’t fire.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 23, 2018 at 5:01 pm in reply to: In which php file must I place my Advanced Custom Fileds code? #1013354Hi,
Please use this code in portfolio.php:
if(!empty($excerpt)) { $markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_content','echo'=>false, 'id'=>$the_id, 'custom_markup'=>$custom_markup)); $output .= " <div class='entry-content-wrapper'>"; $output .= " <div class='grid-entry-excerpt entry-content' $markup>".$excerpt."</div> "; $output .= "</div> "; //MY CODE $idh = get_field( "idh", $the_id ); $convenzione = get_field( "convenzione", $the_id ); $data_di_inizio = get_field( "data_di_inizio", $the_id ); $durata = get_field( "durata", $the_id ); $persone = get_field( "persone", $the_id ); $bambini = get_field( "bambini", $the_id ); $lingua = get_field( "lingua", $the_id ); $output .= $idh; $output .= $convenzione; $output .= $data_di_inizio; $output .= $durata; $output .= $persone; $output .= $bambini; $output .= $lingua; //END MY CODE }
and in loop-portfolio-single.php use
the_content(__('Read more','avia_framework').'<span class="more-link-arrow"></span>'); //MY CODE $post_id = get_the_ID(); $idh = get_field( "idh", $post_id ); $convenzione = get_field( "convenzione", $post_id ); $data_di_inizio = get_field( "data_di_inizio", $post_id ); $durata = get_field( "durata", $post_id ); $persone = get_field( "persone", $post_id ); $bambini = get_field( "bambini", $post_id ); $lingua = get_field( "lingua", $post_id ); echo $idh; echo $convenzione; echo $data_di_inizio; echo $durata; echo $persone; echo $bambini; echo $lingua; //END MY CODE
Best regards,
Great, glad you found a working solution :)Best regards,
Mir ist gerade aufgefallen, dass eine Übersetzung möglicherweise nicht notwendig ist, wenn WordPress auf “Formal German” eingestellt ist. Diese Sprachdatei kann unter Einstellungen > Allgemein gewählt werden (Screenshot: ).Sofern dies nicht hilft – und eine Anpassung der “Du”-Sprachdatei notwendig sein sollte – gehe zum Admin-Menü, klicke auf Loco Translate > Themes > Enfold. Dann wähle “German” aus. Klicke dann auf den Button “Sync” und warte bis der Vorgang beendet ist. Dann suche die Textstellen, welche angepasst werden müssen, passe diese an und klicke dann auf “Save”.
PeterHey Jason,
I looked into it and the issue is caused by css code of the plugin. I added this code to the quick css field to fix the issue
body#top, html.responsive{height:auto;}
Best regards,
PeterHey jms6566,
Please try to import the media attachments with this plugin:
You can find the WXR import file in enfold\includes\admin\demo_files\ (the file path is enfold\includes\admin\demo_files\construction.xml ).
Best regards,
The issue is caused by the All In One SEO Pack plugin which triggers an error in our script. I adjusted our script now and replaced line 132 in enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/js/avia-builder.js
setTimeout(function() { window.postboxes.save_order(pagenow); }, 500);
I’ll suggest to include this fix in the theme framework with the next update.
Best regards,
I think I found the bug – please open up enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/logoslider/logoslider.php and replace
wp_enqueue_style( 'avia-module-slideshow-contentpartner' , AviaBuilder::$path['pluginUrlRoot'].'avia-shortcodes/contentslider/contentslider.css' , array('avia-module-slideshow'), false );
wp_enqueue_style( 'avia-module-slideshow-contentpartner' , AviaBuilder::$path['pluginUrlRoot'].'avia-shortcodes/contentslider/contentslider.css' , array('avia-module-slideshow'), false ); wp_enqueue_style( 'avia-module-postslider' , AviaBuilder::$path['pluginUrlRoot'].'avia-shortcodes/postslider/postslider.css' , array('avia-layout'), false );
– this should fix the issue. We’ll include this fix with the next update. I already modified the file on your test server.
Best regards,
DudeSeptember 23, 2018 at 2:17 pm in reply to: Problem Updating Enfold: "Download failed. Problem downloading theme" #1013324Hi,
See my previous post: We’ll release an update with the new envato api asap. We’re currently working on it and we’ll test it next week. Hopefully the stable envato api update is ready at the end of next week.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 23, 2018 at 2:16 pm in reply to: Pinterest Button Not Displaying correctly in social share buttons #1013323Hi,
Great, glad you found the culprit :)
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 23, 2018 at 2:15 pm in reply to: Autocomplete form not working (iHomeFinder), theme conflict #1013322Hi,
I fixed it – I moved the shortcode out of the color section into a text element and activated the media javascript with some code in the child theme functions.php. We deactivated this script by default to increase the loading performance with Enfold 4.4.
Best regards,
PeterHey Chris_85,
Sorry for the problem. There was a recent change with the Envato API, and that is likely why you are having problems. Could you try this solution out posted by Günter please?
We’ll release an update with the new envato api asap. We’re currently working on it and we’ll test it next week. Hopefully the stable envato api update is ready at the end of next week.
Best regards,
1) You need to translate the secondary menu. I created a Dutch translation of the secondard menu – you now just need to add the menu items to it (link in private area).
2) It seems like you solved the problem? If not – you need to set a front page for each language. Go to Enfold > Theme Options and click on flag to change the language to “Dutch”. Then select a page as front page and save the settings. Enfold will save all settings for each language separately – you could also set a different logo, etc. for the Dutch version of your website.
3) Where can I translate my footer into Dutch?
Translate the page which you use for the English website to Dutch. Then go to Enfold > Theme Options and click on flag to change the language to “Dutch”. Click on “Footer”, select the translate page from the dropdown and hit the “Save options” button.Best regards,
PeterHey 360buddy,
Bitte installiere das Plugin Loco translate: – Du kannst damit die Enfold Sprachdateien bearbeiten und diese Texte abändern. Wenn Du diese Texte lieber offline bearbeiten möchtest würde ich: empfehlen.
Günter and I tried to log in (with modified host files) but we can’t reach your website. Please provide a link to a server where we can log in (without modifying our host files).
Best regards,
Please go to Appearance > Editor and make sure the “Enfold Child” theme is selected in the dropdown on the right side (if you’re not using a child theme make sure “Enfold” is selected).
Then click on “functions.php” in file/folder tree on the right side sidebar. The editor will then load this file. Scroll to the very bottom of the file and paste this code:
function avia_move_google_analytics_to_head() { remove_action('wp_footer', 'avia_print_tracking_code', 100); add_action('wp_head', 'avia_print_tracking_code', 1); } add_action( 'init', 'avia_move_google_analytics_to_head' );
into the file. Then click on the save button and wait for the confirmation box. That’s it :)
Best regards,
PeterHey hollybeat66,
Ja das ist möglich – füge bitte diesen Code in die child theme functions.php ein, um die Auswahlschalter standardmäßig zu deaktivieren.
function avia_header_scripts_disable_all_trackings(){ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function aviacustomSetCookie(CookieName,CookieValue) { document.cookie = CookieName+"="+CookieValue+"; path=/"; } function aviacustomGetCookie(CookieName) { var docCookiesStr = CookieName + "="; var docCookiesArr = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0; i < docCookiesArr.length; i++) { var thisCookie = docCookiesArr[i]; if(thisCookie.indexOf(docCookiesStr) > 0) { return true; } } return false; } if (! aviacustomGetCookie('aviaPrivacyOptOutSet')) { aviacustomSetCookie('aviaPrivacyGoogleWebfontsDisabled','1'); aviacustomSetCookie('aviaPrivacyGoogleMapsDisabled','1'); aviacustomSetCookie('aviaPrivacyVideoEmbedsDisabled','1'); aviacustomSetCookie('aviaPrivacyGoogleTrackingDisabled','1'); aviacustomSetCookie('aviaPrivacyOptOutSet','1'); } </script> <?php } add_action('wp_head', 'avia_header_scripts_disable_all_trackings');
Please open up enfold\includes\loop-index.php and delete line 203 – 209:if(!empty($cats)) { $cat_output .= '<span class="blog-categories minor-meta">'; $cat_output .= $cats; $cat_output .= '</span>'; $cats = ""; }
then line 219:
echo '<span class="av-vertical-delimiter"></span>';
and line 245 – 279:
echo "<span class='post-meta-infos'>"; echo "<time class='date-container minor-meta updated' >".get_the_time(get_option('date_format'))."</time>"; echo "<span class='text-sep text-sep-date'>/</span>"; if ( get_comments_number() != "0" || comments_open() ){ echo "<span class='comment-container minor-meta'>"; comments_popup_link( "0 ".__('Comments','avia_framework'), "1 ".__('Comment' ,'avia_framework'), "% ".__('Comments','avia_framework'),'comments-link', "".__('Comments Disabled','avia_framework')); echo "</span>"; echo "<span class='text-sep text-sep-comment'>/</span>"; } if(!empty($cats)) { echo '<span class="blog-categories minor-meta">'.__('in','avia_framework')." "; echo $cats; echo '</span><span class="text-sep text-sep-cat">/</span>'; } echo '<span class="blog-author minor-meta">'.__('by','avia_framework')." "; echo '<span class="entry-author-link" >'; echo '<span class="vcard author"><span class="fn">'; the_author_posts_link(); echo '</span></span>'; echo '</span>'; echo '</span>'; echo '</span>';
You can also copy the loop-index.php file to the child theme folder ( enfold-child\includes\loop-index.php ) to make these changes update safe.
Best regards,
This article shows you how to set homescreen icons for apple and android:
Basically you could use this code to add homescreen icons to the Enfold head section:
function avia_header_scripts_custom_icons(){ ?> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="CHANGE_THIS_TO_IMAGE_FULL_URL.png" /> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="CHANGE_THIS_TO_IMAGE_FULL_URL.png" sizes="192x192"> <?php } add_action('wp_head', 'avia_header_scripts_custom_icons');
You can add the code to the child theme functions.php, then replace CHANGE_THIS_TO_IMAGE_FULL_URL.png with your icon which should be 180×180 and 192×192 pixel.
Best regards,
PeterHey Kathy,
I think this post will help you:
Best regards,
PeterHi KK!
It seems like one or more child theme files conflict with the parent theme.
Please try following:
1) Make a backup of the child theme
2) Then rename (or delete) the php scripts in the child theme folder one by one and check if the website works afterwards. If the website loads properly you’ve found the culprit. Then copy the other scripts back to the child theme folder and check the website again if it still works.
3) Tell us which script conflicts with the parent theme and we’ll review the code of that script.Regards,
If you need help to integrate the pixel code in the code I posted above please provide more details (pixel code or plugin code you’re using to embed the pixel code on woocommerce pages.
Best regards,
You just need to click on the link settings tab (screenshot: )
Best regards,
PeterHey yudkoren,
Please create me an admin account and I’ll look into it.
Best regards,
Please add this code to the quick css field to change the space between the widgets
#top #wrap_all .widget { padding: 10px 0; }
You can replace 10px with any other value to increase/decrease the space.
Best regards,
Peter -