Forum Replies Created
September 9, 2022 at 9:29 pm in reply to: How to unable nofollow on internal search AND how to integrate PRG-Patterns #1364474
Thank you very much anyway!
I‘ll try to figure it out. In case of success I‘ll let you know.
All the best,
ChrisSeptember 9, 2022 at 8:30 pm in reply to: How to unable nofollow on internal search AND how to integrate PRG-Patterns #1364471That looks pretty nice. Thank you very much for closing that circle for me!
Do you know possibly a solution to get this function fired on pre-defined css classes or other existing Enfold anchors of any kind?September 9, 2022 at 7:38 pm in reply to: How to unable nofollow on internal search AND how to integrate PRG-Patterns #1364467Did you already implemented it successfully? If yes, I‘m curious on your steps 🤗
September 9, 2022 at 7:11 pm in reply to: How to unable nofollow on internal search AND how to integrate PRG-Patterns #1364464Nice – your edit solves the intent of your question.
My request isn’t a pure SEO driven question. It has a fine technical aspect that effects seo positivly as well as other nice effects. The question ist not to fire a button to get that funktion, it is about the linked URL. Simple logic: if Google locates an URL it will be crawled anyway which surely doesn’t mea that this URL will get indexed. I’m sure you see the nice trick behind it.September 9, 2022 at 12:15 pm in reply to: How to unable nofollow on internal search AND how to integrate PRG-Patterns #1364417Dear Guenni007,
thx for your reply.
This is the Code I mentioned in the desc. for the search links:<a aria-label="Suche" href="?s=" rel="nofollow" data-avia-search-tooltip=" <form role="search" action="" id="searchform" method="get" class=""> <div> <input type="submit" value="" id="searchsubmit" class="button avia-font-entypo-fontello" /> <input type="text" id="s" name="s" value="" placeholder='Suche' /> </div> </form> " aria-hidden="false" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello" style="height: 90px; line-height: 90px;"><span class="avia_hidden_link_text">Suche</span></a>
You’ll see in the first line the nofollow attr. – this should be gone.
The second part regarding the PRG patterns, if I understood your explanation right, can be done by a script loaded in the footer combined with a class? That would be really exciting …
Looking forward for your reply.
All the best,
ChrisMarch 16, 2021 at 11:51 pm in reply to: Enfold / WooCommerce – How to place the brand name in front of the product title #1288630May I push this once so maybe anyone already solved this issue and would share the solution with me and others?
Temporally I solved it by importing with WP All Import Pro and added the brand in front of the product name. It would be really nice to have the other way in mind.March 15, 2021 at 3:55 pm in reply to: Enfold / WooCommerce – How to place the brand name in front of the product title #1288326Hey Rikard,
first of all, thank you for your help.
I realized that I didn’t descripted my task pretty well. So I try to make it better, so that you and your mates here at Kriesi can assist me maybe.
What I want rto do is a basic SEO move in the onlineshop optimization (btw. … I write concepts for advanced seo for arround 21 years now – so if you guys need any hint regarding seo, feel free to contact me).This is, what I want to create (Web-Development isn’t my disciplin):
1. I would like to have the Brandname which is associated to the product to be placed in front of the product title in any place the product title is mentioned.
2. Data fields seperated offers a view more options doing nice stuff with them, but here I would like to place it like this:
Regular Product title h1 in single product page: [h1]product-name[/h1]
The target: [h1]brand-name produkt-name[/h1]
A different place would be the category view, with the same target as well as the cart and so on.Could you please assist me with a function tweak or any other working solution?
Thanks in advance for your help and time.
Stay healthy,
ChrisHey Jordan,
thanks a lot.
You may close this thread as solved.
All the best and stay healthy,
ChrisHey Victoria,
Thanks a lot for your help.
As soon as the felt pressure is big enough, I’ll consult one the named freeelancers to do that job.So far stay healthy and please keep up doing this great job.
All the best,
ChrisHey Mike,
sorry. I solved this meanwhile and didn’t posted this here yet.Solution:
In the “Slider Settings” for each slider is a switch under “MISC” -> “Enhanced Lazy Loading” (you HAVE to switch on “Show Advanced Setting” in this tab) which the admin should use in cases “Lazy Loading” is activated. And this was the issue … error with lazy loading #facepalmThanks a lot for your reply anyway.
All the best,
ChrisHey Victoria,
for me this solution didn’t work. Could you please have a look? (Data in the private content)
Thanks a lot.
All the best,
ChrisHi Victoria,
that worked perfectly. Thanks a lot.
Is there any possiblity in your point of view to integrate the dark header as a selsction in the theme? Maybe as individual work as I descripted above… ?
All the best,
ChrisHey Ismael,
Thanks a lot for your instant help. For a pitty that didn’t worked … I’ve put Login credentials in the privat content, so you could habe a look, if you want.
I wish you to have a nice day and I’m looking forward to your answer.
All the best,
ChrisHey Victoria, thanks again and I did so. I uploaded a clean verion and deleted the line of code that deactivates the LayerSlider in the functions.php. Now I can choose to let it appear, but nothing happens. Is it possible that because I first uploaded the clean Enfold folder and deleted that line afterwards, the effect is that the LayerSlider doesn’t appear?
Hey Victoria,
I usede the option of completly deleting it. I did so caued by an exploit regarding Layer-Slider. In the meantime it has been removed and the new version of Layer-Slider looks clear of the entry point.
You’ll find the needed data in the secret area. Thanks a lot in advance.
All the best
ChrisHey Peter,
aktuell habe ich die Herausforderung zu meistern, dass ich den Layer Slider wieder in Enfold integrieren muss, obwohl die Seite diesen zu Beginn nicht benötigt hat und ich ihn deshalb damals komplett entfernt habe. Gibt es dafür eine Lösung? Ich konnte nichts finden, suche vielleicht aber auch falsch .. ;)Besten Dank im Voraus und Gruß
ChrisOctober 17, 2019 at 5:08 pm in reply to: Eine individuelle CSS Klasse für einzelne Tabellenzellen definieren #1148987Hi Victoria,
thanks a lot for your hint. That, of course, is an option … I didn’t thought about that solution.
For everyone who comes after me and tries the same: with the solution it’s possible to integrate symbols as well as the background color in the cells. It now looks like this:
Happy designing ;)
ChrisOctober 17, 2019 at 9:34 am in reply to: Eine individuelle CSS Klasse für einzelne Tabellenzellen definieren #1148839Hey Victoria,
thanks for your reply. Attached you’ll find both, the html screenshot and the table in the frontend.
Screenshot of the html:
Screenshot of the table in the frontend:
Thanks and all the best,
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by
October 15, 2019 at 5:04 pm in reply to: Eine individuelle CSS Klasse für einzelne Tabellenzellen definieren #1148139Kleiner Push an der Stelle ;)
I integrated the Avia Layout Architect for the Objects to Style them. I think it’s unpossible to integrate it in the Toolset Options Views, Layouts nore Templates. I’ll keep you informed about the development.
This code integrated it for me (functions.php in Theme-Child):
function add_builder_to_posttype($metabox) { foreach($metabox as &$meta) { if($meta['id'] == 'avia_builder' || $meta['id'] == 'layout') { $meta['page'][] = 'forellensee'; /*instead add the name of the custom post type here*/ } } return $metabox; }
add_filter(‘avf_builder_boxes’, ‘avia_register_meta_boxes’, 10, 1); //Add meta boxes to custom post types function avia_register_meta_boxes($boxes) { if(!empty($boxes)) { foreach($boxes as $key => $box) { $boxes[$key][‘page’][] = ‘forellensee’; $boxes[$key][‘page’][] = ‘guide_guide’; } } return $boxes; }
Thanks Victoria,
you where right offcourse. I switched it and now the error disappeared.
But how can I get the Avia Layout Architect to build the frontend layouts fro toolset? I don’t get it …Please help me if possible.
All the best,
ChrisOne question at all: is it now possible to integrate Toolset into Enfold? Using the Avia Layout Architect to build the layouts, Views and so on …? <3
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
Hey @Ismael,
I’m now working on that again and try to find a solution. But if I integrate your posted function to function.php I get this error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare add_builder_to_posttype() (previously declared in /wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php:153) in /wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php on line 206
Your login credentials still work. Could you please have a look what changed in the theme with the last updates that causes the code not to work properly?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Hey i-Visio,
I’m still working on it, so I can’t tell you how to fix that.
But with WooCommerce you have different options to solve that. Did you tried this:üe it helps.
ChrisJune 18, 2018 at 10:34 am in reply to: Changing "Colours" to "Colors" (soungds easy, but isn't for any reason) #974140Hey Mike,
thanks a lot for your help.
All the best,
ChrisJune 17, 2018 at 8:22 am in reply to: Changing "Colours" to "Colors" (soungds easy, but isn't for any reason) #973828Hey Mike,
thx for your reply. I put all needed data in the private section.
Looking forward for your help.
All the best,
ChrisMay 24, 2018 at 5:12 pm in reply to: Default Lightbox must be activated for this feature to work #961711Thanks for your help @mischa13 – this worked for me too. I copied all contents from the updated header.php (parent theme) to the child theme and filled in the codes, I previously integrated. Now everything works fine! Thanks a lot!
May 24, 2018 at 4:07 pm in reply to: Default Lightbox must be activated for this feature to work #961617Hey @yigit, do you have a solution for this issue?
May 24, 2018 at 3:31 pm in reply to: Default Lightbox must be activated for this feature to work #961580Same same … but that is one more update ago.
This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by