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  • #1265787

    Dear Support-Team,
    could you please assist me with the above descriped issue?
    I integrated the Layerslider as a color-changer here:

    1. In Firefox the thumbnails appear as usual
    2. In Chrone and MS Edge they doesn’t

    Could you maybe tell me, what I did wrong?
    Logindata in the secret area included.
    Thanks a lot in advance and stay healthy,
    yours Chris


    Hey Chris,
    Sorry for the very late reply and thanks for the links. As I understand your issue, these thumbnails are not showing below the layerslider:
    I tested with Chrome, Firefox, & Edge on Windows 10, but each showed & worked for me.
    Are you still having this issue?

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,
    sorry. I solved this meanwhile and didn’t posted this here yet.

    In the “Slider Settings” for each slider is a switch under “MISC” -> “Enhanced Lazy Loading” (you HAVE to switch on “Show Advanced Setting” in this tab) which the admin should use in cases “Lazy Loading” is activated. And this was the issue … error with lazy loading #facepalm

    Thanks a lot for your reply anyway.

    All the best,



    I’m glad this was resolved. Did you need additional help on this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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