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  • in reply to: Google Maps API Error message #1172692

    Hi Ismael,

    I had tested it in several browsers and pc, but I no longer see the error message in the browser here.
    Could you see it in the console like in the screenshot?

    Thanks Sven

    Hallo tjg,


    Das ist die beste Vorbereitung, die man sich dazu vorstellen kann. Mein aufrichtiger Dank gebührt dir!

    Ich habe es noch etwas angepasst. Diese Cookieinfo / Popup sollte m.E. noch mehr fokussiert werden. Meine Default Einstellung ist: alle Cookies aus praktischen Gründen an. Weil sonst die ganze Optik der Website flöten geht: andere Schriften, keine Map, keine Videos …

    Zur Beachtung bei der Übersetzung via Po edit: nicht die WordPress Sprachdateien sondern die enfold Sprachdateien. /// theme /// enfold /// lang


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    Das mit den Cookies ist völlig aus dem Ruder gelaufen. Erst gab es nur eine Leiste, die kein Mensch braucht und sowieso jeder nur wegklickt. Und nun das … Was für ein irrsinns Aufwand! Theme Programmierung, Texte schreiben, editieren, Übersetzung anpassen. Für eine Cookie Information.



    es sind zwei Monate vergangen… Und das Cookie Modal Popup ist eine wilde Mischung aus deutsch und englisch.

    Wann fixt ihr das?

    in reply to: Contact form issue #1142595

    Hi Nikko,

    SOLVED! Found the problem. Thanks for your help, cooperation and good hints. Testet the WP Mail SMTP, but don´t wanted to use other smtp clients like gmail etc.

    1) Installed Easy WP SMTP. Test mail works. There are log files in the free version too. And a easy setup for SMTP configuration settings.
    2) Then I got the credentials for the hosting. Checked all preferences there
    3) And there is no info@(! Only a catch all info@(all-domains)
    4) I create a new mailaddress, insert it in Easy WP SMTP and yeah it works.


    in reply to: Google Maps API Error message #1142143

    Ok & Roger

    Google Maps API warnings are hard to ignore. Often the map and API doesn´t work because of some new google bulls***

    Thanks Sven

    in reply to: Contact form issue #1141871


    tested it. Doesn´t work actually.

    Error in the code?
    Do I have to install the mail in the hosting backend?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Contact form issue #1141394

    Hi Nikko,


    To the following recommended code snippet. I do not really understand, why the code is necessary.
    1) The mailaddress is identical to the domain.
    2) The contact form works in this website and other websites since a long time … What happened?
    3) Does enfold contact form issues increase … If – do you have an update?
    4) If I use the code – do I have to replace this line or more?
    $from = "info@<domain>";


    //have the visitor address in the Reply-To: header instead of the From: header
    add_filter('avf_form_from', 'enfold_contact_form_change_from', 10, 3);
    function enfold_contact_form_change_from($from, $new_post, $form_params) {
            global $enfold_visitor_from;
            $enfold_visitor_from = $from;
            $from = "info@<domain>";
            return $from;
    add_filter( 'avf_form_mail_header', 'enfold_contact_form_add_replyto', 10, 3 );
    function enfold_contact_form_add_replyto( $header, $p1, $p2 ) {
            global $enfold_visitor_from;
            $header .= 'Reply-To: ' . $enfold_visitor_from . "\r\n";
            return $header;
    in reply to: Contact form issue #1141339

    Thanks Nikko for your fast response. Questions to that

    Your testing
    After the client told me, that the form doesn´t work, I tested the contact form extensive with the same result: no mails were send. It was hard to change the content of this site, because there were always issues of store and updating the site from the backend… After your testing it seems that it works.
    What did you fix on the website? (Why is the frontend in your screenshot in english? Do you change the preferences for the test…)

    Your link
    Don´t know what you mean with this thread. Mike´s solution fixed a issue with reply to mails …


    I would highly recommend you to delete the screenshot / or the part in the screenshot with the key.

    in reply to: Contact form issue #1141253


    this is the 2. client, that has issues with your contact form. In the first case they get no mails but testmails via contact form were successful. In this case nothing happened incl. there is no success message in the frontend after sending = maybe there is a problem in general with the avia contact form.

    Until now I have no answer – please check the backend – It is urgent! Need your support.


    in reply to: Contact form issue #1140240

    So again,

    next website with a contact form issue. This is not an individual case. Please check the contact site and preferences.
    Two websites with enfold theme and avia contact form issues. That’s no coincidence.

    In tests I didn´t get a success message in the frontend too.

    Please solve this problem.

    in reply to: Contact form issue #1138819

    ok & thanks

    in reply to: Contact form issue #1138724

    Hi Nikko,

    thanks. So the conclusion for you is, that the enfold contact form in this website works regular. And the test with contact form7 is superfluous.
    What do you think about the mail in the spam folder? Does it come from your mailadress or … ?

    Best regards Sven

    in reply to: Contact form issue #1137987

    Hi Nikko,

    did you expect more than a single mailadress? Yes that is the correct mail.
    Why? Normally your enfold form is perfect.


    in reply to: Contact form issue #1137810

    But that does not explain, that I as a admin receive all the mails…

    I mean, that I get copy of all mails as an admin and they don´t receive the mails.

    in reply to: Contact form issue #1137808

    Hi Nikko,

    thanks. Maybe. But at first I have to exclude that is there is an error of the website itself. Backend preference: This is the knowledge and expectations that i have too. But that does not explain, that I as a admin receive all the mails. Please have a look in the backend.


    in reply to: Contact form issue #1137080

    Changed the admin mail. Does not have an effect to the mail issue.

    Is it correct, that there is only one place in the backend to control the mailaddress: in enfold contact form element?

    in reply to: Revolution slider Upgrade 6 #1119874

    I wrote to themepunch.

    Here are some important information to the enfold team and enfold customers.

    ME –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
    UPGRADE 6.XX: 

    All new, looks good & clean. But: 

    1) the existing sliders don´t work anymore. 

    2) It is not possible to use the existing buying licence. 

    3) It is a deep intervention in the database. You can´t restore the 5.X version without loosing all images that are in your database. We had to install the website again from an backup.

    THEMEPUNCH ––––––––––––––––––––
    1) That is generally untrue. Some older sliders can in some cases break or look different than before. Even after testing hundreds of old 5.x modules before release, there are some constellations that cause trouble. 
We are offering 99% fallback from a historically grown plugin, and are not in a sandbox that is encapsulated from external function calls or styling.
    2) Of course ifs possible to use your existing license! Where are you having trouble here?
    3) There is no “deep intervention” in the database. Our plugin only touches its own data.

    ME –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
    1) Here is an an excerpt of many more customers and issues:

    2) Doesn´t work. We insert the correct purchase code, that we always used. No connection. Why?? Do we have to buy the plugin again? For renew the support, we have to pay again.
    3) Of course! Never had this before. Downgrade to 5.XX loses all images. We had to restore the website from backup.

    THEMEPUNCH ––––––––––––––––––––
    thanks for the feedback!

    1) The Enfold Avia Page builder takes its information directly from the database which is a tough nut. We have informed the author that the field structure is different 1-2 weeks ago. Hope they can update soon or use the provided functions like the other theme authors. You could use the normal shortcode alternatively, skipping the broken Avia block, which we did for users on several occasions in support.

    2) You can use your existing license to update. In case you run into trouble there please let us know via (Email address hidden if logged out) and we will check that. It does not matter if you still have a valid support contract or not.

    3) Please never, never downgrade any plugin! Contacting support or following the troubleshooting FAQs will bring back image URLs for the slider. The images themselves are never(!) touched or even moved or deleted from the media library! In some rare occasions (for example in case your domain changed in the past) the URLs saved in the slider and only in the slider may be pointing to the wrong path. But totally fixable.

    I hope this could help explain a little. We would love to see you in our support (see mail address above) and clean things up. Hope downgrading did not cause too much damage though.

    Cheers from your Team @ ThemePunch

    in reply to: Revolution slider #1119860


    in reply to: New revslider 6 breaks enfold #1119604

    Your php works for the slider. But causes an boxed website.

    in reply to: New revslider 6 breaks enfold #1119595

    Hello Enfold Team,

    1) Please fix these revslider issues in an update as soon as possible. Nothing of any hints in different threads really work!
    2) Please make a extra thread with the summary of what really worked until the update.

    In our case
    All is updated incl. the theme and revslider to 6.0.5.
    We have two sliders via the enfold backend option “plugin ergänzung” revolutions slider
    This generates this shortcode [av_revolutionslider id='27']

    Embedding according to revslider

    For the pages and posts editor insert the Shortcode:
    [rev_slider alias="home"][/rev_slider]
    To Use it as Modal on pages and posts editor insert the Shortcode:
    [rev_slider usage="modal"  alias="home"][/rev_slider]
    Advanced Module Embedding
    For the theme html use:
    <?php add_revslider('home'); ?>
    To add the slider only to the homepage, use:
    <?php add_revslider('home','homepage'); ?>
    To add the slider only to single Pages, use:
    <?php add_revslider('home','2,10'); ?>


    in reply to: Revolution slider #1119594

    Hello Enfold Team,

    1) Please fix these revslider issues in an update as soon as possible. Nothing of any hints in different threads really work!
    2) Please make a extra thread with the summary of what really worked until the update.

    In our case
    All is updated incl. the theme and revslider to 6.0.5.
    We have two sliders via the enfold backend option “plugin ergänzung” revolutions slider
    This generates this shortcode [av_revolutionslider id='27']

    Embedding according to revslider

    For the pages and posts editor insert the Shortcode:
    [rev_slider alias="home"][/rev_slider]
    To Use it as Modal on pages and posts editor insert the Shortcode:
    [rev_slider usage="modal"  alias="home"][/rev_slider]
    Advanced Module Embedding
    For the theme html use:
    <?php add_revslider('home'); ?>
    To add the slider only to the homepage, use:
    <?php add_revslider('home','homepage'); ?>
    To add the slider only to single Pages, use:
    <?php add_revslider('home','2,10'); ?>


    in reply to: UPDATE ENFOLD 4.5 #1116673

    Thanks! The renaming causes no issues with datas?

    in reply to: UPDATE ENFOLD 4.5 #1112851

    The issue is solved, but it was not the perfect way. Maybe you offer best practice for updating to 4.5 as I mentioned at the very beginning.


    in reply to: UPDATE ENFOLD 4.5 #1111044

    Hi Rikard,

    today i needed all the information again – there is still this epic topic to enfold update with a lot of threads and mistakes …
    Updating to Enfold 4.5 and validating Personal Token
    It would be really good, when you have one topic to that with only necessary infos.

    Last time I´ve tried the FTP variant = ok. Today the “Update Theme and Plugins from Zip File” variant.
    Issues: after upload and activation of the theme all widgets were lost. I had to copy & paste it from an older version.

    BG Sven

    in reply to: Header, Footer Background Image #1085328

    Hi Rikard,

    it was not late. You don´t need an example in this case. Please look at the preferences in the enfold backend in any website. In color sections you have a workaround “preference to parallax” but not in the footer and header you don´t have it to achieve 100% width of an image.

    The question is: why?
    The solution is: please integrate the possibility to have an background image in ALL sections without coding.


    in reply to: SMART SLIDER 3 #1085325


    thanks. Understand all. But every avia element in the backend represent a shortcode of the theme. It´s up to you to integrate plugins there. Yes, I know, that there´s no direct possibility to edit slides of slider revolution. But this element allows you to redirect straight to the slide.

    I think you understand what I mean. You integrate the shortcode of slider revolution in avia. Point.

    Best regards Sven

    in reply to: ENFOLD 4.5.X & WordPress 5.X | Feedback #1084506

    Hi Ismael,

    thanks. Now you have it … but your guess is wrong. This is a existing css file in a existing child theme folder since the beginning of the website (launch). Nothing is moved. What is the reason for the deactivation of the code: An update of enfold, wordpress or the compression settings? My guess is, that has to do with an update of enfold.

    We need a solution. How can we solve this issue… deactivate compression… or deactivate and activate again … or?
    Is the code (please look in the thread above) of the child theme incuding correct?
    What´s about the child theme… Is it dead?

    Three years ago the child theme was recommended and state of the art. The styles were safe and doesn´t affected in case of updates. Now wordpress recommend the customizer and there the addional code field. You recommend the quick css field. In my opinion these fields are no option in case of a little bit more code.

    Best regards Sven

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by AWZ.
    in reply to: SMART SLIDER 3 #1084492

    Hi Victoria,

    Not integrated??? Of course is this plugin integrated in the avia backend. If you work in page / posts there is

    • a slider revolution symbol to choose from above.
    • you can work with this element – no indirection with shortcode
    • and edit sliders directly from there

    Slider Revolution Integration in Enfold
    I wish exactly the same integration for Smart Slider 3 and maybe others. Thanks!

    Best regards Sven

    in reply to: ENFOLD 4.5.X & WordPress 5.X | Feedback #1083035


    There are “300” code lines with no effect.

    If you test CSS code inside the child CSS doc = nothing happened. If you test the same code in the customizer, there is an effect.


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