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  • It has the effect, this take every user of Enfold the Chance, to give another webmasters a hint, which domain is linking back. And than, this take all chances, to get value link back.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Hokuspokus.

    Dear Support,

    Please read the following statement from persons, which have discussed about noreferrer (there many resources about noreferrer and the effect in Analytics.


    When to use rel=”noreferrer”?
    Use the rel=”noreferrer” attribute on outgoing links when you don’t want other sites to know that you are linking to them. Can’t think of any valid reason why you might want to do this, but that’s the case.

    Definitely do not use the rel=”noreferrer” attribute on internal links, it can mess up with your Google analytics reports.

    rel=”noreferrer” and SEO
    Adding the noreferrer tag to your links does not directly impact SEO. You can safely use it without worrying about anything.

    But it does have an indirect effect in your link building and promotion efforts and the reason is the following:

    One of the ways to get the attention of other webmasters is to link to their sites. All webmasters check their Google analytics on a daily basis and especially the ‘Referral traffic’.

    When they see traffic from a website, they will most probably check it out and share the page in social media, follow the author or even decide to return the favor by linking back.

    This is good for SEO and in fact, it is something that Google recommends as a valid way to get links from other websites (see below the relevant quote from a Google document).

    Google Advice on how to attract new links
    Google Advice on how to attract new links
    When you have the noreferrer tag attached to your links, nothing from the above will happen because traffic from your website will not show as ‘Referral’ in Google analytics and so the other webmasters will not know that you have linked to them.

    You might be thinking, ‘Why even talk about this, I will not add it to my links and that’s the end of the story’.

    The reason that this issue has become popular is because WordPress ads the ‘noreferrer’ tag by default to all outgoing links that are set to open in a ‘new tab.’

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Hokuspokus.
    in reply to: Enfold 4.6.X #1142836

    Dear Ismael,

    the download isn’t active. When is date to the official release of the next version?

    For the spam-Robots: We have all files attached here.
    We really took the trouble to present here everything neatly for you to improve Enfold. I’m sorry for Kriesi, that once again you are not interested in improving Christian Budschedl’s product.
    We have told you, only one visit of a page is there, without loading any scripts and fill out automatically the contact forms. Without any acceptance of checkbox.

    in reply to: Enfold 4.6.X #1140412

    Dear Ismael,

    i can’t find such option in 4.6.2 Can you deliver a screenshot, please?

    But, for the robots is it not important. If we go into log files, they load nothing as humans or loading scripts like google bots. I’m not sure, is all right implemented here, before “send” button can be activated.
    They come, post and are away. Two lines of log files.
    Here are some informations for you (and if we read whole enfold thread, another Enfold Users are also affected.)



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Hokuspokus.
    in reply to: Enfold 4.6.X #1139855

    Dear Kriesi Team,

    When comes the new update, which includes, if user had accepted cookies, the page reload? The Contact from can´t be used.


    in reply to: Enfold 4.6.X #1139336

    Dear Ismael,

    thx for Reply.
    I try to use V3 + V2 Fallback + Checkbox to privacy.
    And the robots can beat all protections.. For me as “woman without programming knowledge” A loop is missing

    checkbox activate 
    than mail can send

    Same with captcha. Protection is turned on for my understanding. But spammy mails can be send. And it seems, that isn’t manual.
    Comes from different IPs, sometimes with doublefire

    Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 02:14:05 +0000
    Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 02:14:53 +0000

    This is shown at the last E-Mail line:
    By submitting this form you agree to the terms in the privacy policy: false

    If would be humans, e-mail sending isn’t possible without activated privacy checkbox.

    The Typo:Line 30894 in two the files, mentioned above. In Line 30891 is it o.k. for my understanding.



    in reply to: 4.6 Update doesn't recognize old Custom CSS Class #1138348

    That’s what happened to me.
    3 Rules like upperclassBottom.

    In 4.5.7: Everything was fine.
    Since 4.6.X: I have to rewrite it.

    I entered all Uppercase rules with “Search and Replace” Plugin and replaced all rules with lowercase with one step. After that and with modified Custom CSS: Everything is fine.Hope, this will help


    Do you have seen this solution? Do you have hide the contact form labels (labels are into the input fields?)

    in reply to: Cookie Consent Message Bar – link to page – Enfold 4.6.1 #1138306

    Ah ok.

    The “Hide form labels” in the forms is the issue in my eyes. When form labels are should into the text area, the checkbox text is also hidden. Bug? Feature?

    How can we disable this, without go from page to page? CSS? Search and repalce in DB?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Hokuspokus.
    in reply to: Cookie Consent Message Bar – link to page – Enfold 4.6.1 #1138305

    @Mike, please post the solution: Same error here.
    And the contact form can be sended without accepted privacy.

    Same problem.

    + Contact form can be used without accepting Privacy. Endless spam. This was not possible in 4.5.7 if i remember.
    “By submitting this form you agree to the terms in the privacy policy: false “

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Hokuspokus.
    in reply to: 4.6 Update doesn't recognize old Custom CSS Class #1138297

    Hey. It’s seems, the custom CSS is case-sensitive. A Dev at clients page has used three rules with one uppercase. In 4.6.X, this has not accepted this. After search and replace all CSS rules to lowercase, all was fine. Hope, this is helpful for somone.

    in reply to: Logo Slow to Load #1138292

    I have similar problem. The last element with time gap is the logo, if i take a look into Dev-Tools and Speed check.

    Any Ideas to support?

    ok, i have found with external Dev the issue.

    Classes are now case sensitive.

    For instance: Just only my 10 purchase codes,

    I paid a lot of euros to Kriesi. Clients spend same money to Kriesi. Now is the time to continue with the lawyers.

    And that doesn’t even include my other customers who can’t update either. Let’s see what they say about this game, what they play there.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Hokuspokus.

    Dear Ismael,

    what do you mean? Please see images. All CSS Clases are automatically in the Dev tab.
    I have no idea, what you mean.

    has got the class of the cookie consent bar also a change of the class? Colors are also different.

    Please check with login


    Dear Support,

    i have created a Dummy installation.

    Credentials below.

    Please take a look

    Dear Victoria,

    thx for reply.

    I have all done of Günnis Hints. The design is not there with custom classes. Like the other person in this thread. They tell again, that is nothing work.

    And the “cryptic” Change log for normal persons without any idea, what Enfold tell to us with phrases like

    removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_css use theme option or filter avf_alb_get_extended_settings instead
    removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_tab_toogle_id (theme option “ID attribute input field” used instead)


    but might be removed in a future release.

    isn’t cool.

    A Video of changes and a better description, what is changed and what is the effect would be very nice.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Hokuspokus.

    Excuse me any Idea?
    I have support contract.

    I have rolled out a backup to 4.5.7
    I see, other people have same issue with custom css.

    What is meant by the new option in layout builder?

    Please Reply

    in reply to: 4.6 Update doesn't recognize old Custom CSS Class #1135453

    same issue. Custom CSS isn’t working

    Oh, now. The Button Option is it. I have not set the check box to modal, but above is an another option for “learn More” and than, there is also an Modal option and a link option. I have never clicked on “lean more”. I had the understanding, if we define in WordPress the default Privacy, the link is behind.
    it seems, many other people have now double privacy stuff. One time in modal and one time in privacy page.

    Ok. But where we can edit the modal information?

    What is the statement for the second text from me?


    Dear Basilis,

    if you think about: Is it good on many enfolds, that they have on all pages, where the cookie notice is active, to have 300 words duplicate content?
    Think about, is this, what you expect from a clean Theme? What do you think, if you have a marketing page with images and 300 words… and now, you add your 310 words on top. What do you think about this? What should think the google crawler, if he see, the same content on all pages and many enfold domains.

    It is a great pity that Enfold continues to pursue an inactive instead of a proactive strategy. Instead of proactively addressing the issue, it is being passed on to the customers.

    There doesn’t seem to be any interest in slim code or the topic seems unsolvable. There is also obviously no interest in avoiding duplicate content.

    For me it’s quite simple: I put my developer in it, he writes me a few lines of code in my existing EnfoldPlugin (which fixtures countless other things of you).

    For all other Enfold users who don’t have this knowledge and have to live with it: I’m sorry for you.

    Dear Ismael.

    What further level of detail do you expect than this real deep level of detail?
    Don’t you have any interest or time to devote to your product Enfold in order to make it better and also to save your users problems?

    You know very well that according to the GDPR guidelines we are not allowed to turn off the cookie note.

    And at many enfolds, the normal cookie note is just as long: Diese Seite verwendet Cookies. Indem Sie die Website weiter nutzen, stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu. ”

    That’s all.

    So once again: Why are differently 310 worded contents played in on our pages without our knowledge and without our consent, which are divergent to our GDPR-Privacy-Pages? Which are proofed by lawyers and are individualized.

    Please Fix it, urgently in the next Update of Enfold. Such content has no place there.
    I don’t think it’s very polite, either, that Enfold here represents something we can’t and don’t want to see, but what bots (and lawyers) see when they analyze the source code. For example, whether Google Fonts are loaded or Analytics is set correctly. It’s an imposition. In many areas of law, page loading times and for the SEO sector.

    PS: Is it also possible, to flatten the code?

    In W3C-Check, many extra,(for my understanding) unneeded elements are loaded.
    This should improve the page speed and reduce the code to content ratio.

    The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.
    <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’

    The type attribute for the style element is not needed and should be omitted.
    <style type=’text/css’>

    The navigation role is unnecessary for element nav.
    The main role is unnecessary for element main.

    I have used this snippet in the functions.php and it seems, the page is working perfect.

    I have seen a statement inside enfold:
    <!– To speed up the rendering and to display the site as fast as possible to the user we include some styles and scripts for above the fold content inline –>

    Is it true since http/2 (h2) is on most good hosting services turned ON? Tricks like inlining or spriting make HTTP / 2 obsolete.Typically, browsers open six parallel connections, allowing a maximum of six resources to be transferred simultaneously. All other requests must wait for a free connection: This bottleneck is called Head of Line Blocking.

    With HTTP / 2, this limitation no longer exists. All resources are loaded via a single connection and the browser can set any number of requests in parallel.

    Please check it again, is your statement true.

    For example, the slider writes a 4KB – 3200 signs inline code into source code. (<script >var mejsL10n ..-..
    The speed up rendering rule writes 3 KB with 2600 Words inline. <script type=”text/javascript”>’use strict’;var avia_is_mobile=!1;if(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera



    in reply to: Can't change visibility setting on page #1120779

    Dear Nikko,

    i mean this: I can’t change the status. I can click and click… Nothing is happen- If i turn Layout Builder off, this section will work.

    View post on

    in reply to: Can't change visibility setting on page #1120440

    PS: This happen only, if page builder is active, If i go to standard editor, all is fine. It#s only happen, if avia layout editor is turned ON

    in reply to: Can't change visibility setting on page #1120422

    Dear Support,

    i have the same problem with many enfolds..
    After selected PW-Protection, the link to deactivate it isn’t possible. Also draft or something else isn’t changeable. Only at “pages” -> quick-edit i can modify it.

    Please try to detect, what is happen.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Hokuspokus.
    in reply to: Labels -Contact Form #1108280

    Dear Vinay,

    this isn’t center rather the answer of math formula is center. It seems it’s a difficult problem.

    View post on


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Hokuspokus.
    in reply to: Labels -Contact Form #1107133

    Dear Victoria,

    does what you and I have sent as a screenshot look particularly beautiful, professional or corporate identity, e.g. if you have arranged everything “center” in the mobile view?

    What is your impression? Does the design appeal to you in general? What is your impression when you look at the contact form from your screenshot? Does it look clearly structured and uniform to you and you think,”Wow, what a nice contact form”?

    I generally only talk about one thing: about the contact form and its contents. I would like to have a general center or left-aligned contact form: It makes no sense to me, even from the optics, that specific fields are centered and others just left-aligned. This looks untidy for me. And I’m convinced that other people see it that way too.

    And i Hope, you see also, that the Date Input is center, my labels are also center and the budget is left as example.

    I hope you can take this into account for an update to have a more clean design for your user.



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