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  • #1143666

    Dear Support

    – added: rel=”noreferrer noopener” for and cross domain links to ALB elements, menus and other links

    Excuse me: To menues? Really? Can you explain, what is the sense to add this to internal links like menus?

    Definitely do not use the rel=”noreferrer” attribute on internal links, it can mess up with your Google analytics reports.

    First: i See Version in my Backend.
    Themeforest show log for 4.6.3
    Your page show only log for 4.6.2

    noreferrer to internal links like menues? Oh my good. It’s a rule for external links.
    Now I have to extend my ENFOLD_SEO_Plugin by 1.7 again to exclude such rules more again.
    Sad, for another users

    Noreferrer Explained
    Noreferrer Explained #2

    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Hokuspokus.

    Hey S.,

    We apologize for misunderstanding, there’s a typographical error and it does not include internal links.
    It’s supposed to be (screenshot in private content).

    added: rel="noreferrer noopener" for <a target="_blank"> and cross domain links to ALB elements, menus and other links

    Thanks for noticing it, we will be updating our documentation. :)

    Best regards,


    Dear Support,

    Please read the following statement from persons, which have discussed about noreferrer (there many resources about noreferrer and the effect in Analytics.


    When to use rel=”noreferrer”?
    Use the rel=”noreferrer” attribute on outgoing links when you don’t want other sites to know that you are linking to them. Can’t think of any valid reason why you might want to do this, but that’s the case.

    Definitely do not use the rel=”noreferrer” attribute on internal links, it can mess up with your Google analytics reports.

    rel=”noreferrer” and SEO
    Adding the noreferrer tag to your links does not directly impact SEO. You can safely use it without worrying about anything.

    But it does have an indirect effect in your link building and promotion efforts and the reason is the following:

    One of the ways to get the attention of other webmasters is to link to their sites. All webmasters check their Google analytics on a daily basis and especially the ‘Referral traffic’.

    When they see traffic from a website, they will most probably check it out and share the page in social media, follow the author or even decide to return the favor by linking back.

    This is good for SEO and in fact, it is something that Google recommends as a valid way to get links from other websites (see below the relevant quote from a Google document).

    Google Advice on how to attract new links
    Google Advice on how to attract new links
    When you have the noreferrer tag attached to your links, nothing from the above will happen because traffic from your website will not show as ‘Referral’ in Google analytics and so the other webmasters will not know that you have linked to them.

    You might be thinking, ‘Why even talk about this, I will not add it to my links and that’s the end of the story’.

    The reason that this issue has become popular is because WordPress ads the ‘noreferrer’ tag by default to all outgoing links that are set to open in a ‘new tab.’

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Hokuspokus.

    It has the effect, this take every user of Enfold the Chance, to give another webmasters a hint, which domain is linking back. And than, this take all chances, to get value link back.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Hokuspokus.

    Hi Hokuspokus,

    I understand your point however this is the direction that WordPress as well as Enfold is taking.
    But there’s also a filter that WordPress made for those people who don’t agree with the direction they take.
    You can use this code and add it to functions.php to remove noreferrer:

    function custom_targeted_link_rel($rel_values) {
    	return 'noopener';
    add_filter('wp_targeted_link_rel', 'custom_targeted_link_rel',999);

    Best regards,

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