Enfold 4.6 Release and Late Birthday Sale
We have been notified by our users that we nearly missed another Enfold Birthday…
While working on the next version of Enfold we nearly missed another of it’s birthdays. Shame on us!! Enfold turned 6 this year, which is quite amazing! As always we want to celebrate this with a short birthday sale and a new release :) We slashed the price by more than 33% for a limited time so grab a copy here before its to late.
In order to make the sale happen we have released this version as a major maintenance release with a ton of smaller features, improvements and bugfixes. New demos will be added shortly in a subsequent release but we didn’t want to wait any longer :)
So whats new with this one?
Quite a lot actually, the list is quite long :)
Features added:
- added: GDPR / DSGVO: Cookie Settings allow forced OPT-IN
- extended theme option settings in privacy tab
- cookie consent message bar can now be hidden but modal popup and all function can be used
- user can opt out / user must opt in
- new button action “Do not accept and hide notification”
- Alert message text if user clicks “Do not accept and hide notification” button
- Show modal popup on pageload immediately when needed
- Show an icon to reopen closed message bar
- Add action buttons “Accept”, “Discard” and “Link” to modal popup (hides default close lightbox button)
- Additional custom cookies (e.g. set by plugins) can be added to be monitored for removing
- Default modal privacy popup extendend to reflect new situation
- Switching to “User must opt in” resets all settings to only allow essential cookies and user has to accept or refuse this again and can opt in for other services
- If user refuses Google reCaptcha in contact forms a filterable message is shown instead of submit button
- A custom lightbox can be used (js wrapper function needed – avia_cookie_consent_modal_callback)
- extended theme option settings in privacy tab
- added shortcodes for privacy:
- av_privacy_allow_cookies (toggle)
- av_privacy_accept_essential_cookies (toggle)
- av_privacy_google_recaptcha (toggle)
- av_privacy_custom_cookie (toggle)
- av_privacy_accept_button
- av_privacy_do_not_accept_button
- av_privacy_modal_popup_button
- av_privacy_cookie_info
- added filters for privacy:
- ‘avf_privacy_cookie_infos’ – filter to change info text for cookies
- ‘avf_admin_keep_cookies’ – filter the cookies that are kept for admins
- ‘avf_contact_form_recaptcha_disabled_msg’ – filter to change message text that a contact form cannot be submitted because sevice disabled
- ‘avf_privacy_additional_frontend_data’ – filter frontend messages
- ‘avf_privacy_custom_cookies_array’ – filter theme options custom cookie array
- added filter: avf_alb_tinymce_ignore_indent_fix – allows to supress fix for individual pages
- added filter: avf_avia_backend_truncate_string – modify string before it is truncated e.g. for excerpt
- added: backwards comp. for revslider < 6.0 (removed when adding fixes for > 6.0
- added: theme option “ID attribute input field” (Layout Builder tab)
- added: theme option “Customize heading tags” (Layout Builder tab)
- added: Developer tab to modal popup of alb elements
- added: id attribute to most alb elements – value is sanitized
- added: Custom CSS input value is now sanitized
- added: WhatsApp share button and social icon
- added: HTML title and alt attribute to transparent logo
- added: HTML title attribute to logo
- added: change default heading tags, and add a custom heading class (value is sanitized) to:
- Contact Form
- Content Slider
- Events Countdown
- Icon Box
- Icon Grid
- Icon List
- Partner/Logo Element
- Magazine
- Easy Slider
- Accordion Slider
- Featured Image Slider
- added: User editable aria-label attribute to:
- Color Section
- Tab Section
- Grid Row
- Contact Form
- added: filters:
- ‘avf_the_content’ – filter for content replacement by 3rd party plugins (toolset)
- ‘avf_disable_recaptchaV3_for_post’ – filter to supress loading of API for special posts/pages
- ‘avf_google_recaptcha_badge_content’ – filter to change default Google display text instead of badge icon
- ‘avf_load_google_recaptcha_api_prohibited’ – filter allows to supress loading of script (on desired pages)
- ‘avf_recaptcha_show_extended_error_messages’ – filter to allow other logged in users roles to see error messages (default is admin)
- ‘avf_recaptcha_transient_expiration’ – filter to change transient expiration time (default 30 min.)
- ‘avf_form_autoresponder_email_from_prefix’ – filter to change from prefix text – default get_bloginfo(‘name’);
- ‘avf_copyright_info’ – filter to change theme options copyright text in footer
- ‘avf_colorpicker_colors’ – filter to change default color picker palette colors
- ‘avf_logo_title’ – filter to change saved image title when used as logo
- ‘avf_hide_transparency_logo_meta’ – filter to hide title and alt attribute
- ‘avf_alb_get_developer_settings’ – filter theme options
- ‘avf_alb_element_heading_tags’ – filter possible tags for element
- ‘avf_alb_exec_sc_only’ – filter to force execution of ALB shortcode
- added: filter for plugins to handle HTML video output
- added: Google Services backend: Feedback if API cannot be loaded (e.g. internet connection problems)
- added: option to allow to filter upcoming events by events category
- added: option to add title attribute to buttons
- added: Enter open/close accordion tabs when focus on title for ADA support
- added: aria-label and role=”search” to ajax search icon and popup
- added: info message that audio player does no longer stop on FF if js compression enabled since WP 5.2
- added: information about sticky fullwidth submenu and burger menu
- added: option to change display name of social link target on social share buttons and aria label
- added: “From” field to ALB contact form options to specify a custom from address
- added: “Reply To” to mails sent to contact form reciepients (Option Your email address)
- added: New instagram icon to icon font
- added: filter avf_customize_heading_settings in helper-social-media.php
- added: filter avf_process_shortcode_in_backend
- added: compatibility for relevanssi search in core (ALB elements, ajax search)
- added: YOAST – evaluate shortcodes on saving post and ajax callback wpseo_filter_shortcodes
- added: PHP version info to Theme Updates info box
- added: Option to disable Google Maps in frontend (replaces filter avf_load_google_map_api_prohibited)
- added: action ava_deactivate_enfold_plugin_addon
- added: filter avf_exclude_taxonomies_magazine
- added: ALB magazine element options to display author, category, tags
- fixed: jQuery migrate notices on theme options page
- fixed: upcoming events – next event not queried correctly
- fixed: bug with custom styling colors in “Accordion” element
- fixed: bug on template-archives page tabs not displayed when “Only needed elements” selected
- fixed: Revolution Slider 6.x deprecated function name getArrSlidersShort ( new: get_sliders_short ) and changed database structure
- fixed: German translation bug
- fixed: IE11 not supporting array.includes() method
- fixed: Gutenberg – H1 and H2 elements displayed in all capitals on backend
- fixed: contact form subject and special characters in site name returned special HTML character
- fixed: numeric captcha input cursor is above equation
- fixed: ALB tinyMCE tab indent/dedent not working for lists in visual mode
- fixed: AudioPlayer does not stop looping playlist since WP 5.2
- fixed: notice undefined property in helper-social-media.php
- fixed: issue with Block editor popups not being visible
- fixed: issue rendering footer shortcodes on bbPress pages
- fixed: WP 5.2 Uncaught error: Class ‘ShortcodeHelper’ not found in template-builder.class.php
- fixed: problem with Envato API error message
- fixed: issue with Image effect in Masonry element
- fixed: issue with Tab Section element on Safari
Language Updates
- updated: Italian translation
- updated: language file de_DE_formal
- improved: filter avf_logo
- improved: Compatibility with Polylang and Cookie Consent Message translations
- improved: added option to disable ssl in file merging check when creating compressed file
- improved: Contact form hidden labels now only hidden with CSS for screen readers and accessibility tree
- improved: allow to zoom screen on mobile devices
- improved: replace deprecated jQuery methods bind, unbind, live with on, off
- improved: Switch Instagram links to HTTPS
- improved: ADA Compliance for Scroll to top button
- improved: Google reCAPTCHA implementation
- added key verification in backend for version 2 and version 3
- added several backend options( e.g. to hide google badge and show message text only, ….. )
- added in case V3 verification fails in frontend V2 checkbox is shown to verify human
- added options in ALB and shortcode contact form to select type of human verification
- added a single to use token to contact form to check submit when V2 or V3 is used
- improved: Check if verified keys have been changed without verifying:
- Google Maps
- Mailchimp
- Envato token (theme update tab)
- improved: Compatibility with PHP 7.3 to avoid deprecated notices
- improved: Screen Options code refactored for easier maintainence
- improved: animated numbers show formatted in backend preview (modal popup)
- improved: config files for not used plugins are no longer loaded
Removed Features
- removed: Google Plus options due to shut down
- removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_css use theme option or filter avf_alb_get_extended_settings instead
- removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_tab_toogle_id (theme option “ID attribute input field” used instead)
- deprecated: filter avf_load_google_map_api_prohibited