Enfold 4.2: Focus on Audio and 5 new Demos for creatives, as well as first steps in theme optimization

Since our last release only featured 2 new demos due to all the backend work, we decided to help our creative community with this release and a slew of new demos concepts

With that in mind we decided to cater for a few niche categories which were not really well supported by Enfold till now. Namely everything related to audio. And although we supported the WordPress audio player from the first release, it was more of an afterthought. We now added a dedicated audio player element with more options like autoplay so you can build Dj, Band, Nightclub and other sites that are focused on audio.

Also new are the demo for freelancers, which uses a fullscreen split design, the demo for visual artists, which might help everyone who frequently draws and the gaming demo, for everyone who builds gaming related apps. As always each of these demos looks vastly different from anything we have done before, just to give you a glimpse of the possibilities of the theme :)


What else is new, what else is next?

Since we announced that we are going to improve Enfolds performance this was also something we started to look into. We were already able to remove an entire stylesheet with more than 1000 lines of CSS and also removed a lot of the backend generated CSS. The idea for future releases is to streamline CSS and JS and then make it possible for users to remove resources based on the elements that are used. This should also allow us to implement stuff like Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), something which is currently not really possible.

Unfortunately this is no small undertaking since it will require a lot of core code changes. Since we want to keep everything running smoothly and since we do not want to break backwards compatibility we will carefully weave those changes into the next few releases, so stay tuned ;)


Change log

  • added: 5 new demos for creatives
  • added: new template builder element: audio playlist
  • added: new google fonts
  • added: option to select color for section scroll down arrow
  • added: new styling and color options for the toggle shortcode
  • added: new wordpress filter to modify or remove main menu
  • improved: better handling/loading times of deactivated lightbox script
  • improved: default mediaelement audio player styling is now more modern, cleaner and requires much less css
  • improved: several css files were trimed and others removed (1000 lines of css removed)
  • improved: performance of blog element and reduced database queries
  • improved: advanced options for link overlay display
  • improved: testimonials shortcode delimiter logic
  • improved: Plugin WP SEO integration with builder inserted images has been improved
  • improved: Horizontal gallery now shows navigation arrows on mobile devices
  • improved: Horizontal gallery allows to enter element ID now
  • improved: handling of special characters like line breaks in shortcodes
  • improved: tab section height handling when inner elements change their height
  • improved: scroll down arrow alignment
  • improved: several RTL css styles
  • improved: breadcrumb navigation in ssl environments
  • improved: removed an old filter from woocommerce
  • improved: google maps API key handling within the theme and the theme framework
  • improved: inclusion of layerslider plugin, so it does no longer show the update notice all the time
  • fixed: an issue with the toggle shortcode not animating when showing its content
  • fixed: issue with section overlays when a down arrow is used
  • fixed: an issue with tabsection names that did not contain any non special chars
  • fixed: an issue with the hamburger menu when empty links with subitems were used.
  • fixed: Horizontal gallery now works with custom links
  • fixed: Horizontal gallery now works with titles and captions in the lightbox
  • fixed: Horizontal gallery now no longer breaks if the number of the initial image is larger than the gallery image count
  • fixed: an issue with duplicate ids after a grid row element
  • fixed: a bug with tab section alignment on RTL setups
  • fixed: an issue with the Woocommerce checkout options on smaller screens
  • fixed: an issue with hotspot descriptions
  • fixed: an issue with demo import causing php notices
  • fixed: a few smaller issues with the new mobile menu
  • fixed: an issue with the post delimiter on custom made blog entries
  • fixed: an issue with the secondary menu items not visible if the main menu is displayed as burger icon
  • fixed: an issue with the shortcode wand and image with hotspot shortcode when not used as a template builder element
  • fixed: an issue with product search in woocommerce
  • fixed: an issue with mobile submenu cloning when the main menu is set to display in a sidebar
  • fixed: an issue with copy/pasted shortcodes
  • fixed: an issue with Zen Menu and Themify_Conditional_Menus
  • fixed: an issue with importing demo data in php 7
  • fixed: an issue with WPML and double language flags in the new mobile menu
  • fixed: an issue with diagonal bordered sections and scroll down arrows
  • fixed: an issue with burger menu social items on tablet screens
  • fixed: an display issue with icon elements following a delimiter
  • fixed: a bug with the caption shortcode within the textblock eelment
  • updated: layerslider plugin
  • updated: several translation files