Tagged: Italian language, translation
May 31, 2020 at 10:43 am #1218157
@EZWebdesign, thanks!
FransJune 13, 2020 at 5:17 pm #1222381Hi Günter,
are we supposed to use the github repository to provide corrected or new translations as pull request, or is this just a “read-only” copy to facilitate the access to current and historic translation files?
From my understanding using git for real version control would solve most of the problems with duplicate submissions that overwrite eachother – though not everybody is used to using git.
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
June 13, 2020 at 5:28 pm #1222382Another idea to make enfold translations easier: I’m not exactly sure how https://translate.wordpress.org works, but it looks like you can also somehow add non-core themes and plugins. The page would allow theme users to provide translations even without installing Poedit or similar software.
June 15, 2020 at 5:28 pm #1222769Hi,
Thanks for your feedback.
As you mentioned – the problem is overwriting other translations.
Up to now the “latest” translation was only available after a theme release – which is not that often.
Now as soon as we get a new translation we merge it and update this repo. So using a copy of this repo you have the “latest” version.
As long as one translator after the other is providing the translations of a language always based on the latest github repo you also can provide a link to the files and we can do the merging – no need for you to work with github.
We will try this for a while and see how it works.
Best regards,
GünterJune 24, 2020 at 12:07 pm #1225148Hi,
could you change the breadcrumbs title in spanish (in english it’s You are here:) from :
Tú estás aquí
To :
Usted está aquíIt will change the unformal “you” to polite “you”.
Thanks a lot.
Olivier.June 28, 2020 at 10:28 am #1226189Hi,
I just put new Dutch translations for Enfold 4.7.5 in this location: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rfQWLMDjUnY9mnJj7Wk5Vl5WLtnR7m4h
RogerJune 29, 2020 at 1:15 pm #1226408Hey,
@minestelecom Thanks for your suggestion. We have updated the string and it will be available in upcoming version.
@ezwebdesign Thank you Roger! I have uploaded Dutch languages files :)Best regards,
YigitJuly 7, 2020 at 5:15 pm #1228632Hi,
The German formal language file has many spelling mistakes and is most incomplete.
Since this language file is used the most, I completely translated all Strings of the German formal language file and corrected hundreds of spelling mistakes.The following work was carried out:
– Missing strings have been translated
– Wrong strings have been corrected
– Each existing formal string have been compared with the German informal strings so that they are identical in their description
– All informal sentences have been corrected
– Complex explanations have been simplified and better described so that even ordinary people can understand it
– Wrong Google translations were corrected
– Spelling patterns have been introduced for better readability
– All strings were not only translated but also testedDownload Link is attached.
– Mario
July 8, 2020 at 3:18 pm #1228890Here some spelling mistakes in the English language:
Find: occured
Replace: occurred
Find: Click the button to generate and download a file which contains the Layout Builder saved templates. You can use this file to import the templates on another sever.
Replace: Click the button to generate and download a file which contains the Layout Builder saved templates. You can use this file to import the templates on another server.
Find: Either by solving a simply mathematical question or by Google reCaptcha, that needs to be
Replace: Either by solving a simple mathematical question or by Google reCaptcha, that needs to be
Find: Enter one or more reply to Email addresses (seperated by comma) for the autoresponder mail. Leave blank if not needed.
Replace: Enter one or more reply to Email addresses (separated by comma) for the autoresponder mail. Leave blank if not needed.
Find: For large numbers higher values allow to slow down the animation from 0 to the given value. For smaller numbers minimum speed depends on the refresh cicle of the client screen.
Replace: For large numbers higher values allow to slow down the animation from 0 to the given value. For smaller numbers minimum speed depends on the refresh cycle of the client screen.
Find: Either by solving a simply mathematical question or by Google reCaptcha, that needs to be
Replace: Either by solving a simple mathematical question or by Google reCaptcha, that needs to be
Find: Hightlight this column by making it slightly bigger
Replace: Highlight this column by making it slightly bigger
Find: Hover Toggle Appearence
Replace: Hover Toggle Appearance
Find: If you ever edit the restrictions of your personal token please re-vailidate it again to test if it works properly
Replace: If you ever edit the restrictions of your personal token please re-validate it again to test if it works properly
Find: If you want to change the default behaviour you can display a selectbox by adding to functions.php:
Replace: If you want to change the default behavior you can display a select box by adding to functions.php:
Find: On some server configurations you might be recieving error messages like “Remove query strings from static resources”.
Replace: On some server configurations you might be receiving error messages like “Remove query strings from static resources”.
Find: Selected speed in miliseconds for transition effect.
Replace: Selected speed in milliseconds for transition effect.Here are a few strings that are not shown translated
– This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.
– (Entire Modal Window Custom Content under Cookies )
– Page
– Alright! All Options saved, no problems whatsoever.-
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
July 8, 2020 at 5:39 pm #1228909Hi,
Thank you for sharing the german translation files. Added them to core.
Will check the other reply. Thank you.
Best regards,
GünterJuly 9, 2020 at 5:17 pm #1229219Hi,
Please use the files from https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-language-files as base to add translations. They are synchronised with the latest unreleased version of Enfold and contain the latest contributions.
Thank you.
Best regards,
GünterJuly 23, 2020 at 10:12 am #1232543Hello, Günter
what did you sync up?
The Italian language is the same as version 4.7.4!!!Nothing is synchronized and nothing is updated in this release 4.7.6!!!
I spent a lot of time correcting and updating this file, why isn’t my translation added to the core?
I sent an email to Yigit with the zip file of the Italian language updated to version on July 4th.I don’t want to waste any more time for nothing. I will do the translations for myself with good peace of mind for everyone.
LuigiJuly 23, 2020 at 2:23 pm #1232603Hi Luigi,
My apologies, clearly I have overlooked your email.
I would not email the beta version to you in the first place if this was intentional. As I wrote you in the first email (quoted below), we have made this recent changes for better management of language files. I think I was expecting language files to be submitted on GitHub or in this thread, otherwise I would surely pay more attention. Now I see you have emailed them back to me in about an hour :)
Thank you so much for that!I have made a pull request on GitHub with the files you sent me.
If you would not like me to email you future beta versions, that is fine and understandable. If you would like me to continue, please post language files on GitHub or in this thread, so we can avoid having such accidents in future :)
For better management, we have decided to move language files to GitHub – https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-language-files. We will be uploading updated language files there.
If you do not mind, please make pull requests on GitHub (instructions can be found in readme file). Otherwise, posting on Enfold translation thread is still fine :)Best regards,
YigitJuly 24, 2020 at 12:18 pm #1232953Hi Yigit,
Maybe we didn’t understand each other.
Here the Italian Language for Enfold Version 4.7.6Other, I’ve found an mistakes on register-admin-options.php
Search in: includes/admin/register-admin-options.php on line 1283
$recaptcha_v3 = sprintf( __( 'Please keep in mind that Version 3 needs to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">monitor user behaviour and collects user data</a>. In case the score does not recognize a human Version 2 checkbox will be used additionally for verification. Therefore you must also register V2 keys.', ''), $recaptcha_v3 );
Replace with:
$recaptcha_v3 = sprintf( __( 'Please keep in mind that Version 3 needs to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">monitor user behaviour and collects user data</a>. In case the score does not recognize a human Version 2 checkbox will be used additionally for verification. Therefore you must also register V2 keys.', 'avia_framework'), $recaptcha_v3 );
LuigiJuly 24, 2020 at 12:54 pm #1232973Hi Luigi,
We will update the file in next version.
Thanks for your contribution. I submitted them on GitHub. Also, language files you submitted for are included in Enfold :)
Best regards,
YigitJuly 28, 2020 at 9:27 am #1233704Hello Yigit,
attached the Italian language updated to Enfold version (4527 strings)
And below the suggestion just to few small errors in the code.enfold > framework > php > auto-update > auto-updates.php
line 432
added: avia_framework
$output .= sprintf( __( "Once you have entered and verified your Envato Personal Token Key WordPress will check for updates every 12 Hours and notify you here, if one is available <br/><br/> Your current %s Version Number is <strong>%s</strong>", 'avia_framework' ), $parent_string, $version );
line 456
added: avia_framework
$output .= sprintf( __( "A new Version (%s) of your %s is available! You are using Version %s. <br/>See what's new in <a href='https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/enfold-changelog/' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>change log</a>. Do you want to update?<br/><br/>", 'avia_framework' ), $new, $parent_string, $version );
enfold > includes > admin > register-admin-options.php
line 1283
added: avia_framework
$recaptcha_v3 = sprintf( __( 'Please keep in mind that Version 3 needs to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">monitor user behaviour and collects user data</a>. In case the score does not recognize a human Version 2 checkbox will be used additionally for verification. Therefore you must also register V2 keys.', 'avia_framework'), $recaptcha_v3 );
LuigiJuly 28, 2020 at 11:39 am #1233731Hi Luigi,
Thanks a lot for your help!
I submitted language files on GitHub and made a pull request with the changes in auto-updates.php file. register-admin-options.php was already updated.
Thank you! :)
Best regards,
YigitJuly 29, 2020 at 12:43 pm #1233937Unfortunately the regular German translation (de_DE) has quite a few flaws, inconsistencies and is incomplete, and I’m sorry I don’t really have the time to contribute at the moment.
However, there is one translation error that stands out, and that I keep correcting on our server since a couple of theme upgrades:
# @ avia_framework #: comments.php:179 msgid "Leave a Reply" msgstr "Hinterlasse ein Kommentar"
should be
# @ avia_framework #: comments.php:179 msgid "Leave a Reply" msgstr "Hinterlasse einen Kommentar"
It would be great, if you could fix that in the next release. :-)
This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by
July 29, 2020 at 1:08 pm #1233941Hi @rsplaul,
Thanks for sharing! “Leave a reply” string will be updated in upcoming version :)
Best regards,
YigitAugust 1, 2020 at 1:03 pm #1234504Hi @Günter, @Yigit,
I just finished updating Dutch language files (up to 100% again) and created a pull request in Github for it.
Hopefully this procedure helps avoiding merge conflicts and loss of translations by others.
Let’s encourage others to always use the latest version in Github when starting translating.Regards,
RogerAugust 3, 2020 at 12:38 pm #1234803August 16, 2020 at 2:11 pm #1238167Hi,
Just downloaded the new version. You added some great new features.
A few remarks:
1. The change log has not yet been updated.
2. Found a typo in the newly added strings: “No omments” should be “No comments”
3. The text “Go Back to Enfold Theme Panel” seems untranslatable. Can you add it to the translations?
4. The new Post types (Post / Product / Portfolio / Page) seem untranslatable too. Can you add them to the translations please?I translated the newly added strings and will make another pull request in Github.
This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by
August 17, 2020 at 1:06 pm #1238475Hi Roger,
1- Change log was updated.
2- Typo was fixed and will be updated in upcoming version.
3- Informed our devs regarding your request.
4- Not sure I understood this one. Could you please elaborate?Thanks!
Best regards,
YigitAugust 17, 2020 at 1:38 pm #1238487Hi @Yigit,
Thanks for your reply, and quick changes :-).
About 4: in you’ve added new ALB element: Post Metadata. There you can select the Post to show metadata OR select a category (page / post / product / portfolio). These 4 items seem untranslatable. See the attached image:
(It’s a minor issue of course)
Regards, and keep up the good work!
RogerAugust 17, 2020 at 2:42 pm #1238502Hi Roger,
Thanks for the screenshot! It is clear now. I have updated the request :)
Best regards,
YigitAugust 17, 2020 at 7:17 pm #1238600Hi Roger,
Thank you for helping to improve Enfold.
I merged your pull into core, fixed the typos 2 + 3 – already in core.
I made a sync including the latest updates and all language files and uploaded it to github https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-language-files.
For your dutch there are now 2 untranslated strings remaining – probably the fixes I made.
Concering the select box: The content is coming from a standard WP function call – should actually be translated by WP (?). But I will check when I have a spare time.
Best regards,
GünterAugust 17, 2020 at 7:24 pm #1238601Hi @Günter,
Thanks for your reply. You’re welcome. I’m glad I can help.
Concerning the select box: I thought so, but as I said: it’s no big deal ;-).
Best regards,
RogerSeptember 14, 2020 at 4:56 pm #1245795Hello @Yigit,
attached the Italian language updated to Enfold version (4585 strings)
LuigiSeptember 14, 2020 at 7:01 pm #1245808Hi,
@BigBatT Thanks for your contribution! I have submitted updated language files on GitHub.I checked the error message but translation of singular and plural strings seem to be correct and saving did not throw any error on my end.
Best regards,
YigitNovember 2, 2020 at 4:21 pm #1257637I just finished updating Dutch language files for (up to 100% again) and created a pull request in Github for it.
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