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  • #22223

    Enfold introduces a new template builder and many new text strings. If you want to translate Enfold (or if you’ve already started to translate it) please share your work with the other users. It’s a win-win situation for everyone because
    1) we’ll include your translation in the next theme update and you don’t need to take care of it when you update the theme folder
    2) other users can suggest improvements and check your translation (spelling errors, typos, etc.)
    3) Other users can work on unfinished translations if you don’t want to translate all strings
    4) other users don’t need to translate the same text strings over and over again

    I uploaded the latest version of enfold.pot here:

    Please use Poedit: or to translate it and save it with the right language identification code (i.e. German users must use de_DE and Poedit will generate a de_DE.po and file. A list of all languages can be found here: ). You need to upload the mo & po files into the wp-content/themes/enfold/lang/ folder.

    You can use or any other hoster to upload the po & mo files. Then post a link to these files in this thread.

    I don’t expect “perfect translation files” which translate 100% of all text strings, etc – please share your files even if they just translate parts of the theme because other users can use these “unfinished” files as a starting point for their translations and can submit the finished version, etc.

    Edit: If you would like to receive beta versions for translating in advance, please share your email in private content field and let us know that you would like to receive beta versions. Thanks!

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Yigit.

    Ok, I started to work on the German translation. Link: – if anyone wants to help me please use this file as a starting point, translate some of the remaining text string and post a link to your version. I’ll then merge the files and post a link which contains all translated text strings.

    Update : 06.05.2013 – translated more strings (~40%)


    Started the Dutch translation, just under 10% so still a long way to go ;-)


    Hi, I have buy the Enfold theme this day, nice theme !!

    Now I want to translate in french, I have the fr_FR.po translate file from Choices with a lot off translations.

    I have a bug to translate the word “All” in the filter for Portfolio galleries.

    In french .po the word are present… but the translation does’nt work.

    For now I’ve changed the file “portfolio.php” in Avia_shortcodes :

    $output .= ““.__(‘All’,’avia_builder’).”“;


    $output .= ““.__(‘MY_WORD’,’avia_builder’).”“;





    Yes, we’ll fix this in the next version.

    Best regards,



    I’m working on the Brazilian portuguese, should be done in 4 weeks





    Great thank you :)

    Best regards,



    Hello Dude,

    I need to translate the theme onto Russian, but only the front part for website visitors, keeping the back part original. Is it indicated in PO file such difference ? (I may provide you then the _RU version with the front part translated.)


    I started to translate into Russian theme. I bring changes to the file “default.po” updated on the server, but the update does not take effect. Tried to replace the file “default.po” on “ru_RU.po” – did not work. I translate only visible to the user part of the site, I do not need a translation of the admin panel. Help and describe which file you need to make changes. What files to delete or keep. And what can I do

    Thank you.


    You need to generate a .mo file (compiled version of the po file). Open up ru_RU.po with Poedit and then save it. Poedit will create two files – ru_RU.po and Upload/Place both files into the enfold/lang directory and the translation should work. We’ll improve the compatibility with the Codestyling plugin with the next update – then you don’t need to use Poedit, etc. but you can use Codestyling to translate the theme on the wordpress admin page.


    Thank you for help.


    Halfway with the dutch translation, damn this is soul-destroying :). I hope I’m doing this correctly, 620 more strings to go. Will continue tomorrow and share a link when its done.


    First set of translation to Brazilian portuguese 12% done

    Files available at

    I’m already using on my blog


    Here is a dutch translation roughly 66%. avia_framework is translated for 100%. LayerSlider is translated for about 33% however those translations are not showing up. I think it has to do with some errors im having with codestyling localization. I don’t have too many experience translating with this plugin

    error 1:

    error 2:

    Dutch pomo files:


    The sad thing is that you can’t translate LayerSlider with the theme po/mo file because it’s limited to the theme texdomain – you just need to translate the avia_framework strings. If you want to translate the LayerSlider plugin too use this po file as the starting point: (rename it, translate it to your language) and then place the mo/po files into the enfoldconfig-layersliderLayerSliderlanguages folder.


    ah ok, in that case the translation should be complete. I might update the dutch pomo files later this week since I’m going to work a lot with the theme from now on.



    Great – thank you for the dutch language files :)

    Best regards,



    Hi! I’d like to translate the Enfold file into Spanish, but when I download de enfold.pot from mediafire it’s only 729 bytes (already tried it a couple of times). It seems too small a file. Can I use the enfold.pot found in the the last update of the theme?




    Yes, thanks for the hint. I re-uploaded the file.

    Best regards,




    is there a way to manually set with .po and .mo files will be used without switching WordPress backend to different language?

    I am creating Croatian translation for Enfold but I don’t want WordPress in Croatian. I will contribute my .po and .mo files when I am finished translating.





    I think it is doable using qtranslate. You will have a croatian frontend then maintain the english dashboard. You can specify a default language in the qtranslate panel.




    I start translating the file into Japanese little by little.



    Great. Thanks!





    Is there any Italian here?





    Ohh, I have translated the files to Russian. Twice. First time the theme pot, and once again the LayerSlider pot too, because I didn’t see this message before beginning. I have killed 3 working days on it, really.

    You guys can download translated files from this link: download RUS po-mo files (100%, for both of pot).

    Also I have already placed the layerslider and ru_RU.po into enfoldconfig-layersliderLayerSliderlanguages folder. But unfortunately, the translation of LayerSlider interface doesn’t appear for my customer. Something needs be allow there, please, check this.



    I translate the theme in French but I have some problem of non-active translations in Archive tag page:

    – Title header page “Tag Archive for:”

    – In blog-categories minor-meta the “In” and “By” words

    This translations are present in PO/mo files.

    Note, in this Archive Tag page the Widget WP Posts recent or Enfold Lasted News no display correctly the entries. The links go to 404 Error page. This Widget is correct in Blog page or Post page.





    1) Try to change the file names to and LayerSlider-ru_RU.po

    2) If it doesn’t work try Kriesi’s suggestion: – by going this way you can l install LayerSlider as “plugin” and WP should load the right textdomain files.


    @Dude, I have already try both of your kind recommendations, but unsuccessful.

    Also when I have tried to activate the LayerSlider as plugin, I have got the following: “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare layerslider_load_lang() (previously declared in /home/info/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/layerslider.php:101) in /home/info/public_html/wp-content/plugins/LayerSlider/layerslider.php on line 102” May you kindly advise me some correct modification of config-file? My customer would like to use the translated LayerSlider with page builder and with shortcode too, if it is possible with powerful Enfold theme.


    Hi @Jean,

    have you finished the french translation and is it possible to get your po, mo files ?




    @fotomaster – Try to deactivate the Enfold theme (switch to another theme), then activate the layerSlider plugin and then activate Enfold again – this should do the trick.



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