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  • #1199538

    I’have checked the es_ES.po file of the 4.7.4 version, and some text are missing. The .po file has only 3096 translations (also the .pot file). There are many stings no translated, for example the Google Services page in the Enfold theme configuration: strings as “Either enter your Google tracking id (UA-XXXXX-X) or your full Google Analytics tracking Code here.” and others.

    I had a .po file from an older enfold version with 5978 strings that has those strings in it.

    I do not understand what’s happening. Do I miss something?




    please make sure to update language file before translating the strings. It should scan through the theme and add strings that are not included in your current language file :)

    Best regards,


    In this link there’s the full italian translation of version 4.7.4
    4443 items
    If you run into any errors, let me know
    Best regards


    Do we have a Turkish version? I can contribute :)


    Merhabalar @gizmaksanayi :)

    Yes, there is a Turkish version inside enfold/lang folder. You can edit tr_TR.po file using a free software such as – Please click “update” button in PoEdit to make sure all available strings are included.

    Thanks in advance! :)

    Thanks for your contribution! We have included updated files and they will be available in upcoming version :)

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Yigit.

    Started translating Enfold end -> Greek language (el_GR) from scratch (will provide link soon)


    Hi harrysdk,

    Thank you very much for helping out :-)

    We’re looking forward to receiving your translation.

    Best regards,


    found a typo

    How do you wanht to order the images?

    another typo
    Use defaut (defined at Woocommerce -> Settings -> Catalog)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by harrysdk.


    Found another type in English translation:

    The mobile menu is usually displayed on smarthphone screensize only.



    En -> (el_GR)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by harrysdk.

    You can set the width of your layer. You can use pixels, percentage, or the default value ‘auto’. Examples: 100px, 50% or auto.

    ‘msgstr’ is not a valid PHP format string, unlike ‘msgid’. Reason: The character that terminates the directive number 1 is not a valid conversion specifier.

    This “% o” is the issue on 2 source items

    also on
    You can set the height of your layer. You can use pixels, percentage, or the default value ‘auto’. Examples: 100px, 50% or auto

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by harrysdk.


    Found several typos in original English:

    “Some SEO plugins need to process shortcodes when bulding the header” -> should be ‘building’
    “protocoll” -> “protocol”
    “Load google fonts in footer”-> Google
    “Only use if you know what you are doing ;)” -> ;-)
    “The Font heading allows you to use a wide range of fonts for your headings. Uplooad your own fonts, use websave fonts (faster rendering) or Google webkit fonts (more unique).” -> Upload
    “Show Thumnails and display post title by tooltip” -> Thumbnails
    “Show Blog Sidebar on Archiv Pages” -> Archive
    “Disable advance layout builder preview in backend” -> Advanced Layout Builder
    “Hide badge and string completly on every page” -> completely
    “instagram” -> Instagram (several places)
    “Linkedin” -> LinkedIn

    PS Working hard on completing Dutch translation

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by EZWebdesign.


    Some more finding: the phrase “Content / Slideshows / etc” is currently untranslatable. It’s being used in Theme Options, a rough layout preview of the header area.

    Same for the text phrases under ‘A rough preview of the front-end‘ at General Layout and General Styling.

    Same for the color names of the predefined color schemes

    Same for the Unique timestamp strings under ‘Performance’

    Same for “Please keep in mind that Version 3 needs to monitor user behaviour and collects user data. In case the score does not recognize a human Version 2 checkbox will be used additionally for verification. Therefore you must also register V2 keys.”

    “Go Back to Enfold Theme Panel”
    Not all the options under “Select an element to customize” at ‘Advanced lay-out’ are translated, ie: All headings, Slideshow captions etc….

    Could you please make them translatable as well?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by EZWebdesign.



    With Enfold all language files have been synchronised. Only text phrases that occure in this version are present – obsolete have been removed.

    Please recheck your translations and only use the new files when contributing.

    Best regards,


    Hi Gunther,

    Thanks for your reply. I just finished Dutch translation of 4.7.4 up to 100%, You can find the files here:

    Can they still be added/merged to



    Translation en -> gr

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by harrysdk.


    Thanks a lot! Yes, we will include this version in :)

    Thanks for your contribution! Could you please share file as well? :)

    Best regards,



    Thanks @harrysdk! Updated files will be included in upcoming version :)

    Best regards,




    Thanks a lot for contributing translations.

    But you have been working on a source where a lot of strings are missing – and some might have become obsolete.

    We do not sync the language files normally – so before you start to translate always sync them with the source:

    Using Loco translate plugin you can configure the template file for the “Enfold” bundle:
    – Loco Translate -> Themes -> Enfold -> Advanced configuration tab -> “Template file” -> enter lang/enfold.pot

    Important: before doing any sync make sure to “upgrade” file sizes to skip:
    – Loco Translate -> Settings -> Site Options -> Extracting strings -> enter 99999K

    Sync template and language file:
    – Loco Translate -> Themes -> Enfold -> Overview tab -> Edit Template tab -> Sync button -> Save
    – Loco Translate -> Themes -> Enfold -> Overview tab -> “your language” -> Sync button -> Save

    Now your language file is up to date with the source.


    I uploaded the latest sync version for all languages here:

    You can download them, add the missing translations and if you provide the .mo and .po files we will add them to core.

    Best regards,


    Ok i got lost there … I use Poedit to make the translation and even though i can connect to the page and download the mo file, i cannot download the po file .. Can you please create a link so i can download and edit the po file ? ty

    P.S. : this if for the greek translation so it can be complete

    I am using a child theme for enfold. After doing everything stated above and sync, i found only 4 strings that were not translated, and 1 of them is translatable since the 3 others are just links that wouldn’t make sense to translate

    Sorry for this i cannot figure out what is wrong with the .po file, and i cannot download it from the link that you provided

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by harrysdk.

    Hello Enfold Team,
    I have revised the language file for de_DE. ( Corrected a lot of errors, made optimizations.
    The menu of the Layout Builder is now almost completely single-line. There are words from the english language, which don’t need to be translated into german. Sounds partly really stupid :-) I made the mistake with my first translation of the German backend. I have fixed that now.
    I saw that you guys cleaned up the lang file once. I like it :-)
    The status of the translation is now 100%.

    Next month I will prepare the files for “de_DE” and “de_DE_formal”.
    At the moment the de_DE is mixed. I will fix this. Just need some time for it.
    Please include the PO and the MO in the next update of Enfold. That would be great . Thanks

    You can download it here


    Hallo Enfold Team,
    ich habe die Sprachdatei für de_DE ( überarbeitet. Einen Haufen Fehler korrigiert, Optimierungen vorgenommen.
    Das Menu des Layout Builders ist jetzt fast komplett einzeilig. Es gibt Wörter aus dem englischen, die man nicht ins deutsche übesetzen muss. Klingt teilweise echt bescheuert :-) Den Fehler hatte ich bei meiner ersten Übersetzung des deutschen Backends gemacht. Das habe ich nun behoben.
    Ich habe gesehen, dass ihr die Sprachdatei mal aufgeräumt habt. Finde ich gut :-)
    Der Stand der Übersetzung liegt nun bei 100%.

    Nächsten Monat werde ich die Files aufbereiten für „Du” und „Formal” Ansprache.
    Im Moment ist die de_DE gemischt. Ich werde dies beheben. Brauch nur etwas Zeit dafür.
    Bitte übernehmt die PO und die MO in das nächste Update von Enfold. Das wäre klasse . Danke

    Ihr könnt es hier downloaden



    I just installed 4.7.5, anxious to see all my translations from 4.7.4, but I don’t see them at all. Did something went wrong?



    Good morning, everybody,
    This is the .zip archive containing the .po and .mo files translated into Italian for the current version 4.7.5 of Enfold Theme. The translation does not include strings for Revolution Slider!

    The translation is for Enfold version 4.7.5 and consists of 4483 strings translated with some correct terminology and words.
    Feel free to download it here

    Note: The translation has been first synchronized with the source files
    If you find any errors, please contact me.

    Best regards


    Hi @Gunter, @Yigit,

    Can anyone please respond to my previous message please? I put a lot of translation work in 4.7.4, not seeing the results in 4.7.5. What went wrong?

    Thanks in advance!



    Hi Roger,


    I integrated your files on April 29, but we recieved translations from another user later ( which was added by Yigit and overwrote your changes.

    Hard to find a solution for this.

    I created an outsourced copy of the language files here:

    In future I will create a new directory after each merging new language files and will add the changes to a changelog.txt.

    Hope this will help to avoid this.

    Best regards,


    Hi @Günter, @Yigit,

    Thanks for your reply! I understand what went wrong. Don’t you look at the number of translated strings, or the percentage of completion? I translated (and improved!) hundreds of untranslated Dutch strings to a full 100%, which costed me hours of work. Now most of them are untranslated again :-(. Probably this other user translated just a few strings, obvious not all the strings I translated?!

    Can you please take my language files for now and merge them in!



    @EZWebdesign, can you please post the latest .po and .mo files again? For some of my clients the dutch language is very important.




    The revised German translation I made was not included in the update, Why?


    @ifranl: sure, you can download them here:

    Hope this helps!

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