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  • #1132495

    I want to reduce page load time on our website. I use WP Super Cache and plan to install WP-Optimize. I previously installed ShortPixel with Lozzy compression and optimized all the pictures (but not all the thumbnails). Appreciate all advice on how to improve the page speed.

    I did a test on Google Page Speed Insights on two of our pages, see results in links
    Our frontpage
    The frontpage result went down to 28 (from 64) when I added the Leverage browser caching code from your pagespeed insights article. I cleared cache and tried to run the speed test several times, but it was still at 28. Should I remove the code from .htaccess again or ask my webhost about this?
    Our most visited page

    Do you have any advice on improving the “Eliminate render-blocking resources”, like using a plugin? I already have enabled “Merge and compress all theme CSS files” in the theme settings. I see that Autooptimize it a popular optimization plugin related to CSS. Do you recommend me to install that one, would it help out on this problem?

    It seems like image optimization is the second factor that slows down my page. Consider to switch to Smush for image optimization since it is can optimize and unlimited number of images for free. Do you think that can be a good idea, I see that you previously recommended this plugin?


    Hey guttogjente,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The “Reduce server response times (TTFB)” is almost 3 seconds when we checked, 2.85s to be exact. Is the site on a shared hosting? You can only increase that criteria by improving your server. And most of the render-blocking resources are not even from the theme.


    Did you enable the file compression?

    Best regards,


    Thanks for helping me :-) We are on a litespeed webserver from PRO ISP. What did you mean by “Did you enable the file compression?”



    It’s a theme feature, go to Enfold->Performance and enable file compression there.

    Best regards,


    Yes, that is enabled.



    Please see the full run-down of what is being loaded on your site and for how long. You will see that there is a waiting time for the server to respond for more than 2 seconds (indicated in yellow). That is something which you will have to bring up with your hosting provider, it’s not something we can help you out with.

    Best regards,

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