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  • #1022691

    After manually updating from 4.4.1 to 4.5 I registered an envato private token, as explained here. I entered the token in enfold, but I got this message:

    Last time we checked the token we were not able to connected to Envato:

    Purchases could not be accessed
    Username could not be accessed (needed for your information only)
    E-Mail could not be accessed (needed for your information only)

    I checked all settings and permissions. I created a new token, but I always get the same error message. My Token permissions:

    This token has access to:

    View and search Envato sites
    View your Envato Account username
    View your email address
    Download your purchased items
    Verify purchases of your items
    List purchases you’ve made

    What else can I do?
    See the login credentials in Private Content.
    Thanks a lot!



    Could you please try deleting all tokens and create a new one try with that one? If that does not help, please keep private token in Enfold theme options and we will look into it

    Best regards,


    now it works. Thanks!


    After two tries I got the oAuth verified. Slow and buggy.

    Permissions for the token should be:
    This token has access to:
    View and search Envato sites
    Download your purchased items
    List purchases you’ve made

    This is directly from their plugin. So I don’t know why you’re telling folk to add the other variables.
    Also, when you go to Enfold Theme Update and click “Check Manually” you get bounced to the dashboard – I am sure this is NOT supposed to work this way.



    clicking the button actually should take you to updates page and when there is an Enfold update, it should appear in updates page and you can simply update it with a single click.

    Best regards,


    Yigit, there is no button. It is the text link “Check Manually”

    Theme Updates
    No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (4.5)
    Check Manually

    When you click Check Manually, you get dumped back to the dashboard updates page.



    Sorry i actually meant “Check manually” text link. It is how it is supposed to work :)



    Okay, just wanted to be sure. Thanks.


    I Think my workaround is the following:

    – I did the update from 4.4.1 to 4.5 manually per FTP
    – I created the token in envato
    – Then I put the Token and clicked “revalidate or remove token”. I guess, here was my fault
    – when you fill in the token, first click on “save all changes”, then you can revalidate

    Hope, that helps.


    netgo2017, where are you seeing “revalidate or remove token”? There is no such action in my WP Admin section for the marketplace plugin or Enfold Theme Update.

    I cannot remove and replace the existing Themeforest Username and API key that was there before.


    I see it now, above the old stuff.

    However, I enter my key and the the wheel above save all changes spins and never stops.
    I get:
    Last time we checked the token we were not able to connected to Envato:

    Purchases could not be accessed
    Username could not be accessed (needed for your information only)
    E-Mail could not be accessed (needed for your information only)

    My purchases show in the Envato plugin area as they should.
    Seems like a buggy connector between Enfold and the Envato token.



    Our devs commented on the issue and i quote

    Envato API: Some user reported, that validating the token only works in incognito mode for them. One reason could be, that Envato stores cookies with login data/connection data in the browser and therefore might block requests.

    When we find out the exact reason, we will comment more on the issue :)

    Best regards,


    Yigit, I just did that and got this:

    We checked the token on 2018/10/19 10:08 and we were able to connect to Envato and could access the following information:

    Your purchases
    Username could not be accessed (needed for your information only)
    E-Mail could not be accessed (needed for your information only)
    Following errors occured:

    username Errorcode 403 returned by Envato: Forbidden:
    – code: not_authenticated
    email Errorcode 403 returned by Envato: Forbidden:
    – code: not_authenticated


    I did have the same problems – my solution was:
    1) delete the token (let it empty)
    2) then save the settings
    3) then fill in the privat token, save settings an then reactivate

    now it works on on my site.

    good luck, Werner


    I was having problems with validating the Envato token but I followed Yigit’s suggestion about trying in ‘incognito mode’ and it worked first time :-)


    Hi Ian,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Same here – worked perfectly in private mode. thx!


    Hi datadirt,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Ditto here! Worked in incognito mode. Thanks!!


    Hi meacoop,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Had the same issue and following these steps worked! Thanks


    Hi samprokop,

    Great, glad you got it working and sorry for the problem.

    Best regards,


    I think you also need to logout of the wordpress user and then re login in order to clear the authentification issue.


    Hi samprokop,

    Thanks for sharing, much appreciated :-)

    Best regards,


    Had the same issue and following these steps. It worked! Thanks a lot


    Hi agentur-sks,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    I´m trying to get the Private Token to work –

    I have tried the following

    1 created a new one – twice
    2 and after that empty – save – paste – save

    But that didn´t work –

    1 empty the private token field and save
    2 paste again and save – when in incognito mode

    But that got worse – got this

    Last time we checked the token we were not able to connect to Envato:

    Purchases could not be accessed
    Your username: [were Ok – but I erased it here]
    Your E-Mail: [were Ok – but I erased it here]
    Following errors occured:

    Purchases: Errorcode 403 returned by Envato: Forbidden:
    – response_code: 403
    – reason: scope-missing
    Purchases: A problem occured accessing your purchases. Unable to check for updates.

    And now what should I do?


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by idespiran.

    Hi Tiina,

    Sorry about the problem, did you read this tutorial? https://kriesi.at/support/topic/updating-to-enfold-4-5-and-validating-personal-token/

    Best regards,


    Yes I did – and read the comments below. Even tried Incognito mode…




    Please create a new ticket and post your private token so we can check if it works.

    Best regards,

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