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  • #234418

    1. page builder- add the ability to put columns inside a column, or the ability to change element’s width to set 2 elements side by side.
    right now there is no option to do that. it sometimes needed, example: in a 2/3 column, i want to put an image that will slide from the right and i want this image to be on the left side of a text block.

    2. page builder- add the ability to put a color box inside a column. ( example- i want 2/3 column white, and 1/3 column green)



    Just had an interesting idea:

    What about having a little visibility eye <0> on elements. This would be great for people who want to set a notification area or anything else and then turn it off and on – on the fly. You could even have an ability to set it to invisible to all except admins. Also nice to work on a live site in draft then turn on visibility when your done. Now I always make a new page on a live site, then when done create template, add template to live page and move it all tot the right area as the templates are added below existing content. It would be best if admins can view invisible items to somehow on the frontend also show to admins they are invisible, add a little opacity to invis items?

    And ofcourse the important feature request, let a container span multiple rows:
    [a1][a2] | b1* |
    [a3][a4] | b1* |

    * both b1’s = 1 portrait container

    Mobile slideoutmenu positioning
    I found the slide out menu a little bit ugly as it overlays the whole page, so when you press the menu button, the layer slides in and there is a big gap at the top next to close menu button. To solve this I figured out that the open button is actually a toggle and will also close the panel – great! So what I did was move the positioning of the overlay down some pixels with css to just below the header, removed the close (X) display none, and use the menu open button as a toggle! However as it wasn’t meant to be a toggle the icon doesn’t change into an ( X ) when menu is open, not a biggy but would be nice if it could!

    Just my 2 cents :) Keep up the best theme ever!

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by borkent.


    What happened to the accepted request for “collapsible menu in mobile mode”?

    Since I have many sub-pages this is causing quite a big problem. I can of course hide the individual sub-pages with css to make the menu look decent but then those pages wouldn’t be viewable, which I want. I recently bought your theme but now I might have to stop using it just because of this issue.

    It seems like a standard feature to me and I hope this will be implemented in the near future?

    Kind regards,



    … collapsible menu in mobile mode …



    The ability to add color BG to the 7 Columns Layout Elements just as the color section. That would be great.

    That would really be great!

    In Addition:
    Possibility to implement a interactive Google Map in the Background of the Website.
    For your reference please find an example which I found in the web here:

    On top of the Google Maps Background it shoud be possible to use the regular elements from layout builder to enter the Content. More specific:interactive Background = Google Maps, on top = some text incl. contact form, etc.

    The Google Map should be shown full-width like the layer slider or the Color section.


    Would be great to be able to enable and disable sound of section video background on element! Usefull for making awesome pages with multiple video sections, one plays with sound, the rest without.. maybe add some kind of controls aswell?

    And totally out of the mind, have them chained as a playlist, play section vid 1 -> end -> play 2 -> end -> play 3.



    It would be great if an option to have a transparent header was included in the theme options. It is possible to do with CSS of course and there are a few things in the forums on it but it would be very neat to have it in the options.


    It would be great if an option to have a transparent header was included in the theme options. It is possible to do with CSS of course and there are a few things in the forums on it but it would be very neat to have it in the options.

    This is possible in the latest version, I’ve already tried it.


    Hi Kriesi and thanks for the last update that make much more easy the header configuration.

    Enfold is a great theme but something is missing: nested columns for the builder

    The WordPress plugin “Visual Composer Page Builder” do it since a long time and it would be awesome if Enfold could do the same.

    Please look at my screenshots, you will see that it is very hard to do something simple with Avia builder.

    To do that:

    I am forced to do that:

    As far i can see, I am not the only one who need to have nested columns :-)

    Please, please, please change the Avial Builder to be the best WordPress page builder



    Enfold is a great theme but something is missing: nested columns for the builder

    Yeah! That would be great!


    Lots of new things added in with 2.6 and still more to come thanks to so many great suggestions!

    Quick reminder that the topic should only be used for feature request. I clean out off-topic posts regularly so if you have issues or questions make a new post and we can address it there.




    Enfold is a great theme but something is missing: nested columns for the builder

    I have been struggling with this in the past as well. I can imagine this isn’t an easy modification, but it would definitely be great!


    Enfold is a great theme but something is missing: nested columns for the builder

    Vote for it!

    In my case it’s not easy to manage but not insurmountable, but for my customers this is a nightmare


    yeah lets nest


    Enfold is a great theme but something is missing: nested columns for the builder

    vote +1

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by borkent.

    no possibility to somehow convert a. psd in slide automatically, taking all layers


    PLEASE add some social media short codes buttons or pre – styled custom sharing option on blogs and products..

    Strange that they have not been yet implemented :)



    PLEASE add some social media short codes buttons or pre – styled custom sharing option on blogs and products..

    Strange that they have not been yet implemented :)



    Would you consider adding the same “scroll for more” button (now available for fullscreen slider) for fullscreen color sections?!

    I suppose it shouldn’t be much complicated! ;)
    And I have some good ideas that combine fullscreen sliders + full screen color sections + video backgrounds + parallax + transparent menu, all in the same page ;)



    Would be great to be able to enable and disable sound of section video background on element! Usefull for making awesome pages with multiple video sections, one plays with sound, the rest without.. maybe add some kind of controls aswell?



    Please, add a transparency color overlay for fullscreen slider and color sections with image background, so that text or whatever can be read easily.


    1. page builder- add the ability to put columns inside a column, or the ability to change element’s width to set 2 elements side by side.
    right now there is no option to do that. it sometimes needed, example: in a 2/3 column, i want to put an image that will slide from the right and i want this image to be on the left side of a text block.

    2. page builder- add the ability to put a color box inside a column. ( example- i want 2/3 column white, and 1/3 column green)



    PLEASE add some social media short codes buttons or pre – styled custom sharing option on blogs and products.

    I personally agree that it’s strange something so basic as this is not yet implemented in an advanced theme such as Enfold. I dislike the fact that I am to find some third-party plugin just to add some sharing buttons that are quite standard on the web today.


    Would you consider adding the same “scroll for more” button (now available for fullscreen slider) for fullscreen color sections?!



    Only one minor detail: would it be possible to give a parallax effect to Fullwidth Easy Slider (like by Fullscreen Slider)?


    Love the theme.

    Some suggestions:
    – advanced filtering using Category and sub-category (check out minimum professional theme)
    – Be able to add tag line along the header next to the logo (check out “three clicks” theme)



    Please add a mobile image fall back for videos!
    Right now self hosted video on mobile just don’t show.. I’d love to show and image in stead…


    Option to randomize sides in a slider and times in a portfolio grid would be AWESOME!


    +1 on the option to randomise slide order, or at least to start on a random slide.


    There is a possibility that integration with the plugin userpro

Viewing 30 posts - 601 through 630 (of 638 total)
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