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  • in reply to: Enfold creating problem for thrive Apprentice #1343678

    Hello Yigit!

    You are a ROCK STAR!! That worked!
    Thank you so very much for taking the time to help me. I really appreciate it.

    Have a very super afternoon!!

    in reply to: Enfold creating problem for thrive Apprentice #1343440

    Hi Rikard

    Thrive Apprentice is not a downloadable plugin that I can send you. When one purchases it, you have to install the Thrive Product Manager and from there you select the items you have purchased the license for, and the installation works from this Thrive Product Manager. Once the various plugins are installed via the Thrive Product Manager, they appear in the Plugins directory,

    I can send the Thrive Product Manager Plugin zip file (but this is already on my website).

    in reply to: Enfold creating problem for thrive Apprentice #1343249

    Hello Rikard

    I have updated the theme to the current version, but the problem persists.

    If I deactivate Enfold, the lessons get marked as completed and automatically the next lesson gets loaded onto the screen. As soon as I re-activate Enfold, none of the lessons show that they have been completed and one is unable to mark a lesson completed nor does a new lesson load automatically. It appears that Enfold is blocking this ability in Thrive Apprentice.

    Please could you look as to why this is happening?

    Thank you

    in reply to: Thrive Architect not loading in Enfold #1246034

    Hi Nikko!

    You are the HERO!!

    Thank you so much for all your work in solving this issue!

    Keep super!

    in reply to: Thrive Architect not loading in Enfold #1244305

    Hello Nikko

    I have created a staging site as you requested.

    The details are noted in the Private content.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Thrive Architect not loading in Enfold #1242578

    Hello Rikard

    Thank you so much for replying.

    The error is reproduced on the backend only when I need to edit any content with Thrive Architect. Thrive Architect is a drop and drag editor and part of Thrive Themes. I have been using it as it is part of Thrive Apprentice, a course creation WP program (also part of Thrive Themes). I use their Thrive Leads for email sign-ups. These have always worked with Enfold for many years and then suddenly since about July this year, the Thrive Architect, the editor, is no longer working if I update the plugins.

    If I change the theme to WP Twenty Seven, everything works fine, so the compatibility issue lies in Enfold. I use Enfold to build all my pages and posts. However, my course creation platform, Thrive Apprentice, requires Thrive Architect editor to edit and add text content. It always used to work before July this year, but now if I update the plugin, Thrive Architect does not load (only get the continued loading dots).

    As I said, the Thrive Architect editor has always worked with Enfold (which was one of the reasons for purchasing their course creator, Thrive Apprentice) but now the editor cannot load (no error message, simply a continued “loading” indication).

    I have been unable to update my Thrive plugins because then this issue happens, so I have rolled back my plugin updates to the versions where Thrive Architect still works with Enfold which is in July 2020.

    Please can you help? I cannot change my entire website to a different theme and I also cannot move all my courses to a different membership course platform. As you can see – this is quite a problem that I am sitting with.

    I have tested all other plugins and this problem only shows up when I use my Enfold theme.
    (Login info included to assist)

    Thank you so much.

    Works when disabling Fast Velocity Minify.

    Is there a way around this at all?

    Thanks a million!

    Hi Rikard
    Information as requested

    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Accordion Feature #874647

    Just updated to Version 4.2 and accordion feature has stopped working. Url shows ……#toggle-id-1-closed on each item in accordion (…#toggle-id-2-closed).
    All toggles show closed and will not open when clicking on it.

    Can you help? this is evident on my PC as well as an alternate PC and in Chrome and IExplorer.


    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #797713

    Hello all

    Well – blow me away with a feather – I found it!

    On the last update of Enfold/Wordpress etc in the Enfold Theme Options it appears an extra security measure must have been added because the “Lock advanced layout builder” was checked AS WELL AS the “Lock advanced layout builder for admins as well?”

    The second option [Lock advanced layout builder for admins as well] must remain UNchecked as this will lock the elements for all administrators to prevent accidental changing of a page layout. In order to change a page layout later using Avia Layout Builder, you will need to uncheck this option.

    I hope this helps you guys out there.

    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #797503
    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #797496

    Hi @mensmaximus, thank you for your assistance. I have no where stated or jumped to the conclusion that this is not an Enfold theme issue (Otherwise I would not be on this forum..). I have no idea what the issue is. Considering that I have done nothing to the server for 3 months, and changed no configuration/core files in this time either, I would only assume that the problem is happening post-wp update, this is most likely then an issue with the theme and not the server.

    I will wait to see if the guys here at Enfold are able to assist me any further with the issue (Considering it’s a paid service to receive their support it seems a waste not to use it), and failing their advice/insight I will simply switch to another theme that I have a spare license for and I can get the same results with, scrap this theme for this website and leave the other websites that the builder is working on to use the Enfold theme.

    Excuse my tone if this comes off as passive aggressive.

    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #797481

    Well, when I say nothing, I specifically mean “Nothing of the avia editor”.

    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #797478

    The file I am getting that information from is literally called ‘Error log’ in my cpanel.
    Not a memory issue: “define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);”
    Not a vars issue: “max_input_vars = 5000”

    As I said, nothing has been changed on this site with exception of adding some content every now and then. The WordPress update happened last month and I think the enfold update, and now nothing works. The servers settings are fine, I am running the same settings and configurations for other websites using the same theme and not having any issue.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by PeterSocialiq.
    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #797460

    No 500’s, 400’s, 401’s,403’s (Or anything else showing up in the error log for this site) in the last month with exception of a few images etc. that we changed).
    There is one 404 not related to the builder that has come through this morning.

    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #797451

    @mensmaximus, literally everything else works. it’s just the layout builder that simply doesn’t display at all. No elements, no buttons to transition into the editor, nada.

    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #797450

    @mensmaximus, PHP memory limit is set at 128 or 256 due to a store on the site requiring a ton of memory.

    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #797448

    Hi again, so last week I went through everything.
    The issues you are showing (@Victoria), are not showing up in my browser upon inspection with exception of the maps api from google.
    I thought it possible that somewhere something went iffy, so I re-installed everything, wordpress, enfold, all my files, plugins (One by one) etc.
    The problem persists. I removed the SSL certificate entirely, that didn’t work, then I disabled all of my security, that also hasn’t shown results.

    PHP is set up at the right version, server is running fine, everything is just hunky dorey except this bleddy layout builder.
    Is there perhaps another thread somewhere that you guys know of I can go to help for? Anyone else had this issue before?

    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #792492

    The Avia Layout Builder was working perfectly before with my SSL enabled as it is now. I have made no changes.

    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #792491

    What problem are you picking up? My SSL appears to be working fine on my side. See report:

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by PeterSocialiq.
    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #792215

    Hello Rikard

    I have overwritten Enfold theme files via FTP and then i have also deactivated all plugins.
    I still sit with the same problem – no Avia Layout Builder Toolbar/Dashboard on Pages and Portfolio items – so i am unable to add to current pages or create new ones with Avia

    Please assist.

    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #791830

    amended login details…..

    in reply to: Avia layout builder not working #791801

    In the Pages section of the Enfold theme, when editing or creating a new Page the Avia Layout Builder Toolbar/Dashboard has disappeared. I don’t know why or how to rectify this.

    The only custom code added to Functions.php was to increase the amount of product variations allowed in Woocommerce (this was a fix provided by the Kriesi site which we have used successfully from the beginning)

    the error need not be reproduced – it is always there. The Avia Layout Builder was only used in the Pages and Portfolio sections of the Enfold theme but the Dashboard/Toolbar is no longer there so now I am unable to ADD new sections to these pages. I can only partly amend/update content that is already there.

    I do not use the Avia Layout builder in Posts created.

    Yeah, as a last resort I will do that. I am sure the support staff here can provide me with a simple solution however, they are pretty great at what they do :P

    Tried it, I can’t get it to work the way I want to. I’ve tried a ton of plugins, including using several in unison to get the desired result. Still won’t work.

    As I said, I am not the most tech savvy person :P

    in reply to: Avia Layout Builder Not loading #780617

    Hey, having the same issue here. Done all of the above, resources on the server are fine. Not entirely sure what is going on, need help. Layerslider is also showing issues. Not sure if it has to do with the new update or not, but things are just not loading correctly.

    Thanks in advance

    in reply to: Site not responsive on mobile #696419

    Hey Rikard, thanks for the assistance :)

    I backed up the site and did a restore, it seems to have fixed the issue. Not entirely sure what was happening, but so far so good.

    Really weird issue, but if it pops up again I will see if there is a more detailed solution and post it in the forums for anyone experiencing similar issues in the future.

    Have an awesome day further! Hope the weather that side is better than it is here :P

    in reply to: Site not responsive on mobile #695934

    Man this is beyond strange. Cache is cleared, but a few people are still experiencing the issue, I will look around and see if I can’t find anyone else having an issue. Is it possible it is restricted to some sort of geo-location thingy? Seems only South africans are having the issue :/ Possibly something to do with an ISP blocking something or other?

    in reply to: Site not responsive on mobile #695019

    Thanks a ton! Have an awesome day further :)

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