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  • in reply to: How to make images on mobile full width #1426924

    Hi Rikard,

    I was able to do this by following these instructions ( and then hiding the color section on desktop.

    Thank you for your help. Please close the ticket.


    in reply to: gravity forms conditional logic conflict with theme #1426855


    The popup appears after a scroll depth of 25% or if you click on “mailing list” from the menu. The form that should appear in the popup is the same one that is shown at the very bottom of the page under “join our mailing list.”

    in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426711


    This works great now — so cool!!!

    Guenni007, thank you for the tip. I like it a lot and will try that out.

    Enfold team, you can close this ticket.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    in reply to: gravity forms conditional logic conflict with theme #1426669

    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you. You are also helping me with the shrinking sidebar on this site.

    I added the login credentials to the private content.


    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by nTECHgrate.
    in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426668

    I added it back so you can see it. I also changed the image url to https but I get the same thing.

    in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426663


    Thank you, sir. This is so close. Your update does remove the the original logo now, which is great, but it no longer loads the secondary one.

    video here


    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by nTECHgrate.
    in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426621

    Ok team, we are so close.

    3) The code that Ismael last provided adds the new logo but does not remove the previous one – see screenshot here.

    4) When clicking on the burger to use the menu, the menu items are not on the screen – you have to scroll down to see them. Furthermore, if you scroll down/up far enough, the web page starts to move in the background, which triggers the normal menu to reappear, making it very confusing to get out of – see a video of this here:

    Thank you again for all your help with this. This seems like a really cool feature that Enfold could add in a future release.

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by nTECHgrate.
    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by nTECHgrate.
    in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426620


    Thank you for the tip. That is a great tool to add to the toolbox.


    in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426576

    Gentlemen – wow!

    Thank you so much. This is looking great! Two follow-ups if you have it in you:

    1) I would really like to replace the logo image when it scales down as well. Any thoughts on this? And if not, what about removing it all together?
    2) The burger is not centered when it shrinks. Can you please help with that?

    2.5) If you want to send me your address, I will send you a nice bottle of Bourbon (or whatever tickles your fancy).

    I can not thank you enough. This is going to be soooo Cool!


    in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426562

    Thank you Guenni007,

    I know just enough about this to break things (which is how I learn best).

    When I try to use your code, I receive the following error message:

    Your PHP code changes were not applied due to an error on line 55 of file wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php. Please fix and try saving again.
    syntax error, unexpected ‘$’, expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)

    in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426541

    Thank you for the quick reply. This PHP code works to display the burger on scroll, but the sidebar doesn’t shrink (it’s set at 300px currently, and on scroll, I would like to reduce it by x% (same functionality as your top shrinking menu option)). It would be really cool to switch the logo image as well!!!

    Check out this website as an example:

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by nTECHgrate.
    in reply to: Team Member Font Size #1425247

    This worked.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #1425033

    Looks great! I love it.

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #1425032

    I love the Enfold theme and use nothing else. Here is one of my more recent sites:

    in reply to: Partner/Logo Element Scroll on Mobile #1419624

    Ok, never mind. As soon as I adjusted the number of columns from 3 to 2 on the mobile option, the logos started to scroll.

    Thanks for your help.

    Please close the ticket.


    in reply to: Partner/Logo Element Scroll on Mobile #1419595


    Thank you for the quick reply. I tried this already, and unfortunately, it doesn’t work. The partner/logo element does not scroll on mobile devices. I was able to find other tickets about this and found a thread that puts two logos in a row instead of just one, but they are static:

    /* partner element styling on mobile */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .avia-content-slider-odd .slide-entry {
    margin-left: 0;
    width: 50% !important;
    float: left;
    clear: none !important;

    While this is better than the default single large image on mobile, it takes up too much real estate on a phone and is not what I’m looking for. Do you have any idea how to display two logos in a single row and make them scroll?

    Thanks again


    in reply to: remove header boarder #1413882

    Hi Rikard,

    It was only happening when you scrolled down the page. I have redesigned the page so there is no scroll now, so please feel free to close the ticket.

    Thank you.


    in reply to: CLS Issue #1413053


    I was able to cut my negative CLS score in half by removing the values I set in Image -> Advanced -> Position -> Location, and instead using a white space element. (just an FYI)

    Regarding the fade animation settings, I was trying to remove that to test your theory, but no animation value is set. Any idea where that is coming from?

    Image Settings Screenshot


    in reply to: Page position linking, not working #1413019

    Ok, well thanks for taking a look. I guess just close the ticket and I’ll try to collect more data.

    in reply to: Page position linking, not working #1413015


    I just went back and tested it in three different browsers, all of which I cleared the cache on first. It works fine in Chrome but not in Safari or Firefox. Which browsers did you use?


    in reply to: Image placement issues #1413008

    You can close this ticket.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Multiple images in light box #1413007

    You can close this ticket.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Masonry gallery alignment issue #1412921

    OK, Just kidding. I was able to find it using the browser inspect function and updated the code you provided. It would still be good to know if this is on the roadmap for a future fix.

    Thanks again!

    You guys are amazing.

    in reply to: Masonry gallery alignment issue #1412920

    Hey Mike,

    Thank you for your continued support with this. I do not know how to obtain the item number, so I would greatly appreciate instructions on how to get this info. I have a couple pages that I need to fix this on, and this will be an ongoing issue for this client:

    Do you all consider this a bug? If so, is it on the roadmap to be fixed? I’m concerned that in future updates, this will break…


    in reply to: Masonry gallery alignment issue #1411739

    That did it! Thanks, Mike.

    in reply to: Multiple images in light box #1410517

    That did it!!!!

    Thank you so much for your help.


    in reply to: Multiple images in light box #1410495

    Thank you for your help and continued patience. I performed the steps mentioned above, and it worked for all the individual images on the page. However, the masonry gallery on the page still remains in its own lightbox.

    in reply to: Multiple images in light box #1410096


    I am still a bit foggy about what I am supposed to do here. Can you please confirm:

    1. add the following code to the custom PHP file within my child theme:
    function handle_lightbox_groups_in_gallery(){
    $(window).on(‘load’,function() {
    $(‘.group-1 .lightbox-added’).attr(‘data-group’, ‘1’);
    $(‘.group-2 .lightbox-added’).attr(‘data-group’, ‘2’);
    $(‘.group-3 .lightbox-added’).attr(‘data-group’, ‘3’);
    $(‘.group-4 .lightbox-added’).attr(‘data-group’, ‘4’);
    $(‘.group-5 .lightbox-added’).attr(‘data-group’, ‘5’);
    $(‘.group-6 .lightbox-added’).attr(‘data-group’, ‘6’);
    $(‘.group-7 .lightbox-added’).attr(‘data-group’, ‘7’);
    $(‘.group-8 .lightbox-added’).attr(‘data-group’, ‘8’);
    // …

    var groups = {};
    $(‘.lightbox-added’).each(function() {
    var id = parseInt($(this).attr(‘data-group’), 10);
    if(!groups[id]) {
    groups[id] = [];
    groups[id].push( this );

    $.each(groups, function() {
    type: ‘image’,
    mainClass: ‘avia-popup mfp-zoom-in mfp-image-loaded’,
    closeOnContentClick: false,
    closeBtnInside: false,
    gallery: { enabled:true }
    add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘handle_lightbox_groups_in_gallery’);

    2. add ____ to the custom CSS field on each image on a given page


    in reply to: Multiple images in light box #1409911

    Thank you for the reply, but I am still a novice at this, so please forgive me for not quite understanding. Do I add the above to my PHP file for my child theme and then attach a custom CSS class to each image?

    in reply to: Adjust mobile menu slide out on desktop #1409696

    This is perfect!!!

    Thank you.


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