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Glad we could help and thanks for using Enfold :)
Best regards,
NikkoHi Justin,
I think this part of the code is wrong
.avia-caption-content p {font-size:24px!important;} font-size:30px!important;}
you have 1 opening bracket and 2 closing, it should be:
.avia-caption-content p { font-size:24px!important; font-size:30px!important; }
As for the rendering issue, I don’t think robots.txt has something to do with since it in only allow/disallow crawlers. Can you give us a link to the page as well as temporary admin access? so we can check this further.
Best regards,
NikkoHey Munford,
Can you try to add this css code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):
.mfp-img { -webkit-animation: none !important; animation: none !important; }
Let us know if this helps.
Best regards,
NikkoFebruary 2, 2017 at 10:34 pm in reply to: Sorting by custom_value_num is working only in current page. #742054Hey salesmusat,
Can you give us temporary admin access? so we can check it further. Also ftp access? so we can try to tweak the code. Just place the details in the Private Content so only moderators can view it.
Best regards,
NikkoFebruary 2, 2017 at 10:24 pm in reply to: Hyperlinks to section id specific colour sections giving me and others an error #742047Hi James,
Glad you sorted it out :)
Best regards,
NikkoFebruary 2, 2017 at 10:24 pm in reply to: Video in EasySlider: how to remove black space on top and bottom of the video #742046Hi,
It’s working now. I have found out that there are 2 things preventing it to work. First, this part of the css code in Quick CSS isn’t closed:
@media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
I closed it by adding the missing } and placed the code I gave on top of
@media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
Also I disabled this plugin: Better WordPress Minify since when it is enabled it doesn’t show the latest change even when the cache is flushed. Hope this helps.
Best regards,
NikkoFebruary 2, 2017 at 10:15 pm in reply to: Add to cart button must show only when select a variation #742041Hi Michael,
Can you give us a link to your product page with a variation? so we can check this further.
Best regards,
Sorry for delayed response I tried to replicate the ones on the link you have given, however I couldn’t get the same results. Can we ask for a temporary admin access? so we can take a look at the settings.
Best regards,
I just checked it and it seems you have already done this.
Best regards,
NikkoHey Stéfano,
Enfold table isn’t supporting html codes inside the table cell heading that’s why it seems like it’s a bug. Please remove the html codes added on the table cell heading or you might want to use code block instead.
Best regards,
Try adding this css code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):
.av-masonry .av-masonry-image-container { background-size: auto auto !important; }
Let us know if this helps :)
Best regards,
NikkoFebruary 2, 2017 at 11:17 am in reply to: Extreme Ladezeiten und der Avia Layout Editor bleibt öfters mal weiß #741707Hi,
I tried checking it with both chrome and firefox. I tried several times with chrome and Avia Layout Builder loads fine everytime and I tried with firefox, first 2 tries it wasn’t showing but the next few tries it works every time. It’s a weird issue but probably a server resource issue. Try increasing the memory limit: try using 128M, you might need to ask your webhost regarding the limit you have on your site.
Best regards,
NikkoFebruary 2, 2017 at 11:04 am in reply to: Enfold glitch, logo displaying incorrectly when setting custom pixel size #741705Hi,
Sorry for the delayed response, I have tried re-uploading the logo with all plugins deactivated and also the css code given by Vinay removed, and it worked fine the logo uses the uploaded image (in private content), however after refreshing the page the glitch shows up and the url for the image isn’t using the uploaded image but an optimized image (see private content, you can copy the link and paste it in url so you can view how it looks), you can verify this by using a web inspector. I’m just not sure why it automatically optimizes the image even with plugins disabled. I have added back Vinay’s code since it was necessary to fix the image dimension when the optimized image is used.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
Glad that you fixed it.
Best regards,
Sorry for the late response, I also tried in an android phone but I don’t see any issue, I clicked on the menu (hamburger button), clicked on Reservations which points to #reservation then clicked the menu again, but it’s working fine.
Best regards,
Sorry for the delayed response, I’m not an expert with SEO but as far as I know rel=”nofollow” is used on links or anchor tags but not on iframes (youtube video uses iframe). Try to checkout this thread:
Best regards,
Sorry for the delayed response. In the iframe used can you put height and width, for example it would look like this:
<iframe scrolling="yes" src="" height="400" width="500"></iframe>
Just change the height and width. Hope this helps.
Best regards,
NikkoHey Aline,
It’s not linked or isn’t working because the custom link there has an empty url, you can try adding a url there.
Best regards,
NikkoHi Aline,
I see, layerslider doesn’t style the links when you add the
<a href="#">Link</a>
then add the styles, that’s why it appears that it’s not working on the frontend. I have modified it by removing the html and then put the link in the Link tab. As for the italic part, I have added this in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):#top #main .ls-inner a:hover { color: #222; }
Hope this sorted out the issue. :)
NikkoFebruary 1, 2017 at 9:33 am in reply to: URGENT – front page listed wrong on admin, redirect on google #741098Hi,
Glad we could help :)
NikkoHey gorehalling,
Can you give us a link to the page? so we can have a closer look.
Best regards,
NikkoHey BPC,
It seems the first link you gave isn’t existing anymore, it gives me this:
Niets Gevonden Sorry, de post waarnaar u opzoek bent is niet beschikbaar. Misschien wilt u gebruik maken van de zoekfunctie?
Best regards,
Glad that you managed to fix it. You’re doing great with css :)
NikkoHey BPC,
You can change it in Settings > Permalinks > Portfolio Entry Settings
Best regards,
Glad it’s fixed :)
Best regards,
NikkoHey Tom,
The height is based on the height of the logo, currently it’s 90px, can you let us know what is the desired height for the header?
Best regards,
Thanks I can see the screenshot better now, If I’m not mistaken the screenshot is the 2nd slide of the slider in the homepage, and is The Slider in layerslider wp, however when I checked it there’s no text below the logo in the left side, only on the right side which is Interdisciplinary with some text below it, but I don’t see any link, even checking the content in the layerslider.
Best regards,
NikkoJanuary 31, 2017 at 11:41 pm in reply to: URGENT – front page listed wrong on admin, redirect on google #740921Hi,
I have changed the setting in Settings > Reading > Front page displays > from A static page to Your Latest Posts (which is the default). When using Enfold it will not mark it as frontpage or homepage since we don’t set a frontpage in Settings > Reading but we use the Enfold Theme Options. The right page seems to be showing up on my end which is cjff-2017.
Glad we could help :)
NikkoJanuary 31, 2017 at 11:17 pm in reply to: How to make the background photo smaller for mobile devices in color section #740917Hey,
I do see this css code which is working:
@media only screen and (max-width:480px) { .avia-section { background-size: 400px !important; }}
You would notice the background image smaller on mobile device (portrait mode), the background image wouldn’t cover the whole section because the background image size is made smaller. The background image with 2 guys is already small when I check.
Nikko -
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by