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  • in reply to: Table fields with URL – broken when re-saving page #119113


    Yes, each time you save the table the // increase , so if save table 20 times will have a lot of /////////

    The single quotes will work if you save the table once and don’t edit it, because after the first save a single slash will be added , and then another , etc.. So save the table but once until the fix.

    That is another example ..

    <a href="\'\'">Example</a>

    It’s probably preg_replace or some other regular expression doing something , but so far I can’t find it, lol.



    in reply to: Icon box woth secondary color #118892


    It is not humanly possible to memorize every customization on every page of all 25+ themes created by Kriesi. Our expertise allows us to hear your issue and based on experience to find a solution.

    There is a setting when you add icon boxes to chose between the two types. On the page you showed one setting is the top box, and another setting is for the bottom box.

    ”Icons” is a deceptive word for what those objects are, and I think the word ‘glyphs’ better describes them. They are actually letters in a font, so normally they use the background color of the surface they are displayed on. You can see this for yourself by selecting a glyph/icon from the url you included, and then pasting it into a text editor.There is a finite number of these glyphs, but more are created by font designers.

    So your question “How do we create those icon boxes with secondary background color?”

    Go to Enfold > Styling … These settings produce this look

    So you can match the colors to see what causes what. Obviously if you leave the color completely out of the setting, the glyph will take a background color of anything below it including an image.

    If you want the direct css to be able to change the colors, here it is ( ) <– css blocks explained in image

    Icon Position Setting : Left (on the above link to image, it is CSS BLOCK 1)

    /*---background,color,border color of the settings:left glyph---*/
    #top .iconbox_icon.heading-color.avia-font-entypo-fontello {
    border-style: solid;

    Icon Position Setting : Top (on the above link to image, it is CSS BLOCK 2)

    /*---background color of the box itself (orange)---*/
    /*---shadow around the box itself (raspberry)---*/
    #top .iconbox_top .iconbox_content {
    box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px 2px rgb(160,49,49);
    /*---background,color,border color of the circle and of the glyph---*/
    #top .main_color.iconbox_top .iconbox_icon {
    border-style: solid;

    *If you want to make every icon box on a page to have its own colors, you will need to use CSS with firebug or Chrome Developer Tools to look at the code ***after*** creating the boxes to get their individual ID numbers and add those to the above css. To learn more about CSS, a highly recomended resource is CSS Beginner Tutorial or 5 Baby Steps to Become a CSS Sorcerer

    I hope this answers your question :)




    This was definately a rough one. I came up with the css that fixes Firefox , but it unfortunately breaks Chrome. So please do this.

    Open up header.php and change line 13 that looks like

    <html <?php language_attributes(); ?> class="<?php echo " html_$style ".$responsive." ".$headerS;?> ">

    to look like

    <html <?php language_attributes(); ?> class="<?php echo avia_get_browser('class', true) ." html_$style ".$responsive." ".$headerS;?> ">

    Save that file, and now add the following CSS to Quick CSS or your /css/custom.css file

    .firefox #top p a, .opera #top p a {
    display:inline !important;
    position:inherit !important;

    Please let us know if this one does the trick.



    in reply to: XING icon #118872


    Yes. I have an idea that you haven’t looked well for the Xing glyph, since I was able to find it. (the one with the outline in center) /


    Just go to that website and this glyph is in Zocial.

    Now you need to pick the size, and select that one glyph and click download button and you got it.

    In the theme the location of current glyph files is in there: /config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/fonts/entypo-fontello-charmap.php

    I would follow these instructions regarding how to add a stand alone glyph as I haven’t deal with fonts much, so reading up as i go.. will ask.. instructions ->.



    in reply to: Icon box woth secondary color #118887


    This produces the background color, please add it to Quick CSS or to /css/custom.css file

    #top .iconbox {
    background: rgba(110, 128, 128, 0.49) !important;

    You can play around with the colors and transparency levels here to find what you like best.



    in reply to: XING icon #118870


    Please open up /includes/admin/register-admin-options.php and find line 803 that looks like

    'Behance' 	=> 'behance',

    and somewhere in that block of social networks, add

    'Xing' 	=> 'xing',


    Please open up /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/team.php and fine line 300, and between lines 300 and 301 (or in that block of social networks) paste the code below.



    In file functions.php at the base of the theme find line 141 and follow the instructions on lines 117-121 about finding the symbol for Xing

    'tumblr' 	=> '',			//219

    and here you will need to go and get a code from the entypo icon fonts. After finding the code to the xing icon that looks same as the codes you see in that block all the way up to line 141 you add

    'xing' 	=> '',			//except instead of 62229 you add the code for xing from entypo icon fonts.


    Please add the following css to Quick CSS or to /css/custom.css

    #top .avia-team-member .xing:hover     { color:#345574; }
    #top .social_bookmarks_xing:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#345574; }

    Thanks. Let us know how it goes.



    in reply to: background shows when clicking on a post. #118312


    What custom style did you put in the footer, because i did a character to character comparison between your code and code in original page and they are identical. Just download a new version of the theme and overwrite the file.



    in reply to: Multiple bugs with plugin, theme the problem? #118366


    IE8/9 – The theme uses a lot of css3, and IE8 always had problems displaying… well everything, but especially its alergic too cool looking css transitions. I think that besides employees forced to use IE8 at the office, the rest of the loyal users expect the web to be a weird , gloomy, and always semi-broken place with lots of error popups. I think its misplaced nostalgia , but I am always worried that if too many websites start optimizing for IE8, that might spook the nostalgic users into downgrading further to IE7 or 6 heaven forbid.


    Wow. Charged you $100 just to blame the theme. Gotta get in on this racket, but can’t, since Kriesi despises greedy charlatans with a support department acting like a robot on a loop – blaming everybody else. Only programmers, an expensive technical staff, can properly support WordPress, an expense that too many companies balk at paying. On that note,.. lets see what we got here…,


    On ie9 some map comes up on your homepage i don’t see with other browsers. … Might be your missing browser. See and you worried about IE optimizations!


    Please look at the top of styles.css. The current version of the theme is 1.41 . If that’s not what your’s show on top of styles.css, then please download the updated version from, make a backup of your site, and using ftp overwrite your current site with the update.


    Look in functions-enfold.php in the root of theme, for line 568 and add // two forward slashes in front of the line just as shown below

    //add_action('admin_menu', 'avia_check_updates', 1, 1);

    Please see if the error went away. By the way, are you even able to login to the admin backend, because this error should be on every page of the backend.? Reread what you wrote. Hmmm.. Renegade javascript for sure.


    Right now you are probably in the top 3 of all wordpress sites i did support for .. yes, for sure … in the total number of .js and .css files attached to your site. It’s amazing there isn’t a single javascript error or even a warning.

    Is cloudflare compressing them correctly? (would you please disable cloudflare while doing this and empty the cache). then please disable every single plugin you have with the exception of that magic multiple listing . All others disabled! logout as admin, Clear the cache,, and browse the site to see if maps/widgets are being displayed correctly now.

    If none of this works you can send me login credentials , but please disable cloudflare, make sure its not doing anything more that what a normal DNS does. My email is usjahm (at) gmail (dot) com.




    Please open up functions_enfold.php and locate lines 256 that looks like

    if(!empty($link)) $title = "<a href='".$link."' rel='bookmark' title='".__('Permanent Link:','avia_framework')." ".esc_attr( $title )."'>".$title."</a>";

    and replace them all with the lines below

    if (!empty($link)) {
    if (is_single()) {
    $tmp_category = get_the_category();
    // var_dump($tmp_category[0]);
    if ($tmp_category[0]) $title = "
    <a href='" . get_category_link($tmp_category[0]->term_id) . "' rel='bookmark' title='" . __('Permanent Link:', 'avia_framework') . " " . $tmp_category[0]->cat_name . "'>
    " . $tmp_category[0]->cat_name . "
    else {
    $title = "<a href='" . $link . "' rel='bookmark' title='" . __('Permanent Link:', 'avia_framework') . " " . esc_attr($title) . "'>
    " . $title . "




    I made a video tutorial about this topic . It will probably take another hour or so for it to be posted on that link. It’s not quite your issue, but I had no problems with a bit of css to stretch lots of things.




    I am not sure what version of the theme is used in the demo. Since its release, Kriesi has made more improvements and upgrades in 3 weeks than most themes get in 2 years. He is back tomorrow so there will be probably another upgrade sometime around the corner.

    I measured your image, and it is centered perfectly on my windows 7 chrome. Sorry I don’t have retina , so perhaps its only on the mac.




    Add this to your custom.css to fix the nice square issue

    #top.single .fullsize .template-blog .blog-meta {
    width: 100%;

    About the blurriness… I am not too good with that. My world is blurry, had laser eye surgery but forgot to take off my contacts. AHem. You can try this code and see if it does anything

    #top .avia_textblock{
    webkit-perspective: none;
    -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
    -webkit-text-stroke: 0.24px

    I am still looking at the other one. Please reply in 7 hours or so if you hear nothing.



    in reply to: Removing featured image / blog grid scaling #118442


    Your current Blog main page, does it contain Blog Posts element (and not the Portfolio Grid element), and inside the Blog Posts element you have selected the Grid Layout option and ‘display blog posts’ option?



    in reply to: Mailchimp – No "successfully subscribed" message #116893


    (Read what Peter wrote above first)

    I did a trace on the message you quoted and its a 1 year old forum post( ) by the developer of the plugin, but since that time there are quite a few other posts, including video tutorials

    But first things first. Remove Jetpack. Also remove all plugins except mailchimp and that lightbox. ALL of them.

    Then you need to upgrade the theme. I can see you are not using the latest framework version and there were lots of changes. when you finish updating, and only have mailchimp and the lightbox on, let me know.



    in reply to: Fixed background image and flexislider bug in chrome #118045


    Oh. Sorry was a bit late and I failed to pay any attention to the parallax effect. Lets try to straighten that out then.

    You see I don’t like that its position is ”fixed” … but what exactly is being fixed but a tiny square image being repeated. But here are a few avenues I would start with in the QA process::

    A) I would see how it will look with one large image of the background fixed (no repeat and also stretch to fit). Somehow I have a feeling that this may do the trick.

    B) Do you have a background color that you are using concurrently with the image, if not see if there are any changes with red or blue.

    C) I would try position left/top

    D) Do horizontal tiling starting from left/center

    But as I said, I think the size of the tile feels wrong for what you are trying to accomplish. Stick it back in and run a few of these tests please and let us know if any difference was observed in the behavior.



    No problem. Enjoy the theme!




    Have you made changes to the code. Because I see html from late 1990s that the sensitive modern browser may not be able to digest so easily

    <font color="white" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #F05A1A"> Välkommen till Suicide Rescue Sverige!</font>

    You made some other changes. Please revert back to how it was when it was working in the beginning and slowly go step by step because I don’t know everything you did and it would be easier starting from beginning and adding the background color then figuring out how to get back from this point.



    in reply to: Problems with Tables #118506


    I see what you mean I think it may be a bug indeed. I played around with it, and I think making this change does the trick

    Please ***make a backup*** and open up /config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/js/avia-table.js and find line 147-150 that looks like

    var template = $scope.find('.avia-template-row .avia-table-cell:eq(1)');
    row.find('.avia-table-cell:not(.avia-table-cell-style.avia-table-cell, .avia-table-cell-delete.avia-table-cell)').html(template.html());

    and change it to look like (from line 162)

    $table.find('.avia-table-row .avia-table-cell:not(.avia-delete-row .avia-table-cell):nth-child('+(index + 1)+')').removeClass(classNames).addClass(newClass);

    then find line 135 which looks like

    var select		= $(this),

    delete it, and paste the block of code below in its place (from lines 155-158)

    var select		= $(this),
    current = select.parents('.avia-table-cell:eq(0)'),
    elements = select.parents('.avia-table-row:eq(0)').find('.avia-table-cell'),
    index = elements.index(current),

    Please let us know how it worked out. It seems to work, but Kriesi will need to do his magic here since this is out of my depth.




    Please open up the file /config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/config/meta.php and look at line 5 which look like

    array( 'title' =>__('Avia Layout Builder','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'avia_builder', 'page'=>array('portfolio','page'), 'context'=>'normal', 'priority'=>'high', 'expandable'=>true ),

    and change it to look like

    array( 'title' =>__('Avia Layout Builder','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'avia_builder', 'page'=>array('portfolio','page','post'), 'context'=>'normal', 'priority'=>'high', 'expandable'=>true ),

    This will add the Advanced Layout Editor for all your posts so now you can control exactly what image you want to show (You can add image 1 as your featured image which will show up on the archive page but then add a slider or a video on the individual blog page).



    in reply to: ENFOLD – Creating Decoration Lines to the Menu #118530


    Nice colors. Looks good.

    1) “there is a faint line that appears at the top of the menu which spans the entire width of the menu” Umm.. I can guess without seeing code, but not sure what else will be affected.

    #top .container_wrap {
    border-top-width: 0px;

    2) Css to change padding between menu items. Change 13 to 10 in the css.

    #top .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {
    padding: 0 13px;

    3) Just recreate the html structure of the orange thing and the line from the top of the menu and add it to wherever you want to. Since we are talking abstract here, not much more I can offer. Show me the page with code and I can give a better answer.




    You always find the not so easy ones, lol.

    Well, its possible of course, but would require the menu to be changed in multiple ways. Right now the css below controls those vertical lines and as you can see its a border.

    I added the very last one border-image, and you can see how it looks so without having to rebuild the menu, I think something like this would be the best solution, so you would need to create an image of a border and then plug it in there. Obviously the image i am using is not going to work out well. You can see for yourself though.

    Don’t mind for now that it affects the sub menus, the css can be targeted better, but first need that border image.

    /*only the vertical line for very first menu item*/
    #top .main_menu ul:first-child>li:first-child a {
    border-left-style: solid;
    border-left-width: 1px;
    border-color: rgb(225, 225, 225);
    #top .main_menu ul:first-child>li a {
    border-right-style: solid;
    border-right-width: 1px;
    border-color: rgb(225, 225, 225);
    -moz-border-image: url( 1 6 56 27 stretch;
    -webkit-border-image: url( 1 6 56 27 stretch;
    -o-border-image: url( 1 6 56 27 stretch;
    border-image: url( 1 6 56 27 stretch;

    Of course if you want to try on for size something easier, like changing ”solid” style to dashed, or dotted. Otherwise border image is the way to go, There are a number of generators that can help you along, once you have your image ready. like this one



    in reply to: Removing featured image / blog grid scaling #118440


    How did you make this? Because this is showing up as a portfolio ( ) not as a blog. Can you explain.

    Also what page is set as a blog in Enfold > Theme Options ?

    On Settings > Reading …. the ”Your latest posts” is set as the top option, correct?


    Please open up functions.php located in the base folder of the theme and find line 79 that looks like this

    $avia_config['imgSize']['portfolio']  = array('width'=>495, 'height'=>400 )

    and change it to look like this

    $avia_config['imgSize']['portfolio']  = array('width'=>248, 'height'=>186, 'crop'=>true );

    As I said something is wrong with the way you are doing this because that page may say its a blog, but it is not, that’s why we are changing the size here for the portfolio. Just remember that changing this doesn’t automatically change the images. For that you will need to install the Simple Image Sizes plugin ( ) and regenerate the current images (or re-upload them). To test , you can just delete one of the big images that you wanted cropped and reupload it again.


    Please look at this video , as to how to add Advanced Layout Editor to Posts. Once you have it there, you can chose whether to display an image or not on your individual posts.



    in reply to: Fixed background image and flexislider bug in chrome #118043


    For the wooden background, don’t attach it as fixed, use scroll. There won’t be any difference to the way it displays on the page, and that blinking white color will go away.



    in reply to: How to Display Controls in Easy Slyder #117333


    Yes, I see what you mean. Looks like a possible bug.

    1. When mouse enters slider and clicks one of circles to change the slider image and mouse then leaves the slider, slider never re-starts again.

    Please hang in there a bit more, I made Kriesi aware of the issue.



    in reply to: Bug on video clip addition #118261

    Glad that Dude showed you the wisdom of the ancients.



    in reply to: Changing seperator in breadcrumbs #118228

    Glad that Ismael gave you the tools to slay the beast.



    in reply to: User navigation for portfolio items (prev / next) #118188

    Glad that Ismael got you back on track!



    in reply to: Gallery images faded until scroll #116622


    Have you also tried the CSS posted above by @meanster99 ?



    in reply to: Spacing between list elements and lines #117866


    Your problem I think is that you have some members of list taking 1 line some 2 and others 3 lines. So you can’t set a standard height. If you can make each list member be of equal length, you can use this

    #top .entry-content div li {
    height: 5em;

    if not, then use a span for each like

    <span style ="line-height: 1em;">
    List Item 1



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